Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Unintended Results (Helltaker)

Unintended Results (Helltaker)

A/N: Unintended Results was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Set in the Examtaker DLC, Loremaster the Science Demon continues her research into her only successful experiment, Subject Sixty-Seven. But he's a blindspot she's not quite ready for...

Themes: Big Dick, Mind Break, Breeding


"Alright Subject Sixty-Seven! Today we'll be performing some testing of the… s-sexual nature!"

"What?! You-!"

"And of course, there's plenty of Apple Pie in it if you stay nice and calm!"


They make an odd pair, to say the least. Her being Loremaster, the Science Demon. She was actually technically the Fallen Angel Azazel, but nobody called her that if they knew what was good for them. As the Demon Lord of Forbidden Knowledge, Azazel had gone straight off the deep end a while back, conquering all of Hell and even usurping Lucifer's throne.

The former ruler of Hell was now known around town as 'Lucifer, the Maid Demon', or as Loremaster liked to call her, 'Lucy'. And yet, in spite of Loremaster's conquest of hell, she didn't consider herself a demon or a Fallen Angel. Rather, she still believed in her own twisted, corrupted way that she was an undercover Angel dedicated to finding out all the secrets and knowledge of demonkind.

She was so far past the point of no return it wasn't even funny, and yet she refused to consider just how far off the deep end she'd gone in pursuit of her… insatiable curiosity. At this point, she didn't even look like herself anymore. Having lost her arms in Hell's conquest, she has robot limbs to replace them.

Meanwhile, demon horns were usually black, but turned white when a demon got really old. Despite denying her race, Loremaster went out of her way to paint her horns white in order to look more mature. And finally, despite knowing all there is to know about sin, she was still very inexperienced with anything sexual.

Which brings us to HIM. Him, being Subject Sixty-Seven of the Sixth Experimental Batch. Not an auspicious number by any stretch of the imagination, and yet he was the first of Loremaster's crimes against all creation to survive all the trials and win the grand prize… a lifetime supply of Apple Pie. Supposedly, he was created from combining all the worst parts of humans and demons.

That would certainly explain why his default emotion was simmering anger. Although, Loremaster's mention of sexual testing had him feeling… other things for the first time since he'd awoken in his current state. Of course, even those feelings were currently being dimmed by the application of Apple Pie delivered right from the plate in his hands to his mouth.

As it so happened, Loremaster kept her experimental creation controlled by programming him to be completely mollified by Apple Pie. Thanks to Justice, the Apple Pie Demon, Hell hadn't gone without Apple Pie since Loremaster took over. As such, it really was the best form of sustenance to keep her creations from going berserk on her or anyone else.

Regardless, with Sixty-Seven completely enamored with his current plate of Apple Pie, Loremaster, fidgeting and squirming and even sweating a little bit, carefully drops to her knees between the subject's legs. Clicking on a recorder, the Science Demon licks her lips as she carefully reaches up and hooks her thumbs into the waistband of Subject Sixty-Seven's pants.

"R-Right. Experiment Log Number Sixty-Nine Sixty-Nine! C-Certainly an… appropriate number for this log. Today, I will be going where no one has ever gone before! I shall be… assessing my sin against all creation's… sexual c-capabilities!"

Blushing up a storm, Loremaster nevertheless refuses to back down. Yanking the subject's pants down, she yelps as his cock springs up, nearly smacking her in the face. Her eyes go wide behind her red safety goggles as she ogles his shaft, before swallowing thickly, gulping audibly.

"My oh my. T-The subject… the subject is a very fine specimen indeed. His genitals seem to take after his human half, but whatever human was used in his creation was hung like a fucking horse! Scientifically speaking!"

Carefully, the Science Demon reaches out and wraps a gloved hand around the throbbing, pulsating shaft.

"Subject… subject appears to be rock hard. It is unknown whether the subject's arousal is a product of the apple pie used to keep the subject compliant, or if it is because of this researcher's presence!"

"… It was both."

Suddenly taken out of her inner thoughts, Loremaster blinks and looks up.


To her mild shock… Subject Sixty-Seven has already finished his Apple Pie. He's no longer eating and is now looking down at her with… with a strange glint in his eye.

"O-Oh my… more Apple Pie, stat! The subject seems to be breaking free!"

A long pregnant pause follows Loremaster's declaration, as the two stare at each other… and nothing happens. No Apple Pie manages to materialize, no demon walks through the door to provide more. Just… silence.

Hopping to her feet and spinning around, Loremaster scowls as she plants her robotic hands on her hips.

"I SAID more Apple Pie! Lucy! Where the heck are you?!"

No response from her ever-present maid assistant. The only warning Loremaster gets is a low growl from behind her, before Sixty-Seven has one of his massive, clawed hands around her waist and is lifting her into the air. Letting out a yelp, the Science Demon struggles and squirms as she spins back around, only to have her clothing ripping halfway off her body, exposing her chest and her crotch in a case of cosmic happenstance and irony.

Sputtering in embarrassment and no small arousal herself, Loremaster nevertheless lifts her robotic hands into the air, where they begin to disassemble, showing built in weapons.

"Subject Sixty-Seven, you will unhand me this INST-ACK!"

With a triumphant roar, Sixty-Seven does the exact opposite of unhanding his creator. He slams her naked, slightly wet cunt down onto his incredibly large, fully erect cock instead. Loremaster's many backup plans fall to the wayside, failing in their entirety for one simple reason… they all required her to be in a state of coherence and verbal intelligibility.

Never in a million years did the Science Demon think there would ever be a moment where her mental faculties would fail her. Never in a million years had she planned for such a thing! And so, when Subject Sixty-Seven jams her down onto his cock, taking her virginity and splitting her cunt open with his massive bitch breaker of a dick… Loremaster is left at a loss for words.

The Fallen Angel turned Demon Lord turned Ruler of Hell and all-around Mad Scientist gurgles and goes limp as Subject Sixty-Seven lets out a victorious, vicious laugh and grabs her by the waist with both of his claws, beginning to slam her down onto his cock even more violently, even harder.

"Yes! Fuck yeah! Told you I'd get you back for all you put me through, bitch! Now take it! Take my big fat cock you sexy slutty demon!"

If she were in her right mind, certainly Loremaster would have had something to say about his crass language and comments. As it is, the Science Demon is decidedly not in her right mind as her own experiment bounces her limp body up and down on his cock, using her demonic constitution to really let himself go.

The more he bounces her, the more he groans and growls, even as her shapely pale tits jiggle and bounce all over the place as well. Seeing this, Sixty-Seven can't help himself. Leaning forward, he takes one of Loremaster's tits in his hand and brings it up to his mouth, sucking and slurping, before ultimately graduating to biting and gnawing at her mammaries.

In response, the Science Demon squeals and cums herself all over his cock, orgasming explosively and spasming in his grasp. Letting out a roar of laughter, the monstrous experiment just fucks and bites at her tits harder, vastly enjoying fucking her senseless with all his might. This… this is how it should be. No more Apple Pie (okay, a little apple pie) just a fuck ton of demonic fucking.

He was going to knock her up! That was the decision the evil experiment eventually came to. While his initial inclination had been horrific violence and likely death, she'd managed to get him just aroused enough before losing control of him that he decided he would go a… different route. Rather than kill his creator as he'd so dearly wanted to while running those fucking experiments for her, he'd breed her instead! He'd pound her cunt into a convenient cocksleeve shape for his dick, and then he'd creampie her endlessly until she was completely and utterly knocked up with his demonic spawn!

With a savage grin on his face, Subject Sixty-Seven proceeds to do just that, slamming up into Loremaster's helpless, hapless body again and again as she dangles there uselessly in his grip.


Lucifer can hardly contain her glee as she watches her usurper get ravaged like the little virgin bitch she's always been. Loremaster… no, Azazel, was an uppity cunt who should have known better than to fuck with Lucifer. Sure, it'd taken some time, but the CEO of Hell ALWAYS came out on top! D-Damn that Science Bitch, labeling her 'the Maid Demon' and making her work under her all this time. It didn't m-matter how good at it Lucifer was, she was supposed to be on top damn it! On TOP!

Regardless, when Subject Sixty-Seven had passed all of Azazel's stupid trials, Lucifer had known her chance was coming. If the Science Bitch had been smart, she would have just offed Sixty-Seven and taken what she learned from him to make new experiments until she achieved perfection. But no, she was sentimental. And so, she'd left him alive. A wild card, one she already knew she couldn't control or predict, one who had beaten all of her puzzles and traps already.

Oh yes, Lucifer had known it was a long shot, but she'd believed from the beginning that Sixty-Seven was her ticket back on top. A weak spot in Azazel's defenses that the idiotic bitch refused to acknowledge. And now here she was, merely withholding Apple Pie long enough for Azazel's own unique brand of naïve lust to do her in.

Cackling with her hands on her hips, Lucifer the Maid Demon saunters into the laboratory, smirking evilly as she walks over to where her 'mistress' is currently sprawled out, covered and positively stuffed with cum. The so-called Loremaster, the Science Demon, defeated and cum drunk before her.

"Perfect. You did well, Sixty-Seven. You exceeded my wildest expectations! And now that I'm back on top, I assure you, you will be richly rewa-eep!"

In the middle of her monologue, a set of claws larger than her thin waist circles said waist and picks her up, yanking her in close as the crime against all of creation seizes hold of her.

"S-Subject?! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Whatever the fuck I want, bitch."

Much like Loremaster before her, Lucifer's clothing is torn off of her body in short order. Her maid outfit is ripped to shreds, and while Lucifer was fine with that part (though she would have preferred to shred the damnable maid uniform herself) she's not quite so fine with what's obviously about to come next.

"W-Wait! No! You can't just-nnnghhhh!"

Unlike Loremaster, Lucifer is no virgin. She's the fucking CEO of Hell, after all! Or she was, anyways. Still, not even the first Fallen is prepared for the subject's massive bitch breaker to slam into her cunt. Before she can even properly adjust to what's happening, she finds herself face down… in Loremaster's cum-covered tits.

Whimpering, yelping, the former ruler of hell finds herself on top of the current ruler of hell, one of them already fuck-drunk and completely out of it, and the other about to experience the exact same thing. Despite herself, Lucifer's toes curl and her eyes nearly roll back in her head as Subject Sixty-Seven grasps her firmly by the hips and begins to ravish her right atop her successor. Grabbing Loremaster by the ruined tatters of her lab coat, Lucifer gurgles as she finds herself breathing in the heavy scent of musk and seed all over the Science Demon's body.

The cock buried inside of Lucifer's cunt is a real keeper, admittedly. A big fat schlong that stirs up her insides like no one's business, driving her absolutely wild as she shudders and shakes her way through climax after climax atop Loremaster's fucked silly form. The Science Demon seems to be completely insensate, but that doesn't stop Lucifer from sneering down at her, from labeling all of this her damn fault.

"D-Damn it all… this is y-you're fucking fault; you know. You just, oh fucking hell, h-had to go and make a real beast of a creature!"

Loremaster, Azazel, whatever the fuck one wanted to call her, didn't answer of course. She was too out of it, her eyes rolled up behind her red safety goggles and her tongue lolled out of her mouth, which was currently wide open in a big, happy smile. The naïve virgin Fallen had finally gotten what she wanted… even if she hadn't known it was what she was looking for all this time.

Meanwhile, Lucifer just has to hold on and endure, surely. Surely no weeks old creation from this baby newborn demon bitch could possibly break the former CEO of Hell, right? And yet, as he continues to jackhammer into her from behind, muttering something about 'breeding' and 'gonna knock you up' under his breath, Lucifer's eyes continue to go crossed and roll around in her head as her entire body shakes and spasms with each thrust, her arousal going through the roof and orgasm after orgasm hitting her.

… She would last. She had to. This was the only chance to regain her throne. She… she wouldn't let it all fall to the wayside just for some… s-some big fat cock. Right?


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