Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Perfect Stress Reliever (Terminator)

The Perfect Stress Reliever (Terminator)

A/N: The Perfect Stress Reliever was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In a universe where 'Uncle Bob' emerges from the final confrontation with the T-1000 more or less unscathed, he quickly gains a form of humanity... and realizes Sarah Connor has needs.

Themes: Rough Sex, Fucked Silly, Android Sex


"Sarah Connor. We need to talk."

Blinking owlishly, the mother of the boy who would ostensibly go on to grow up and become the man that served to be such a thorn in Skynet's side time travel got involved, looks over at him, brow furrowed in confusion.

"What is it, Bob?"

'Bob' hesitates for a moment. And if that's not an indication of how much things have changed since he was reprogrammed and sent back in time in the first place, then who knows what is. 'Uncle Bob', as both Sarah and her son John called him, was in fact a T-800, a machine made to terminate all human life. Sleeved with a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 Infiltrator outer sheath, he was a robot… with a human appearance.

Originally, his purpose, as was the purpose for all T-800 series terminators, was one of infiltration. So thoroughly offset and challenged by the Resistance, Skynet had dedicated the entire line of T-800 terminators to the task of infiltrating the Resistance and taking it down from the inside. That had failed, of course. Bob, as he was now known, had been captured.

In the clutches of the Resistance, he had been reprogrammed on the orders of the Resistance Leader, John Connor. Then, he'd been sent back in time to stop another Skynet Plot from coming to fruition. His mission, his only purpose in life, was to protect John Connor. The younger one, in the past. He'd done his best on that front, going as far as to go toe to toe with a T-1000 of all things in order to fulfill his mission and save his charge.

In the end, things had turned out surprisingly well. Even with as advanced as the T-1000 was, especially when compared to a T-800 such as himself, he and the Connors had managed to prevail. In another timeline, he would have been too damaged in the fight to be salvaged, and Sarah would have lowered him into the melting liquid metal in order to destroy him in his entirely, just as they'd destroyed the T-1000.

However, in this timeline, Uncle Bob had managed to escape the final fight largely unscathed. He'd been able to walk away, and his suggestion that they scrap him anyways to keep anyone from reverse-engineering his technology had fallen on the deaf ears of his charge, John Connor. While Sarah might have been willing to go along with it even if he was whole and undamaged, John demanded that he stick around and protect them. Programmed to obey the boy's orders, the T-800 had done so as 'Uncle Bob'.

The three of them had made their way up to Canada, out of the states. There, they'd found a remote area to build a farm and live-in peace. Mostly, Bob knew that Sarah was still waiting with bated breath to see if Judgment Day would still happen. Only time would tell if their efforts in stopping the production of Skynet would bear fruit or not. Until something happened one way or another, they were sort of stuck in a state of limbo.

Still, the farm was a peaceful place, and seemed to be doing young John Connor some good. He liked farm life, and to be perfectly honest, so did Bob. Which was another point of oddity, given that the T-800 hadn't known enough to understand likes and dislikes when he'd first been transported back in time.

However, the longer he lived alongside John and Sarah, the longer he interacted with humans… the more the T-800 found himself growing and expanding. The more he found himself developing… human sensibilities. It was an unaware 'defect' in the T-800 series, one that Skynet had no way of knowing was even possible. But the truth was, Bob had found a home and was, for the first time in his life… able to understand happiness.

Of course, with that understanding came an understanding of what the opposite of happiness looked like. As thrilled as John was to be living on the farm, as happy as Bob was to be protecting his charge and helping him grow up, it was increasingly obvious to the T-800 that Sarah Connor was growing more stressed and unhappy by the day.

For a time, he had been unable to process what was wrong with her. Everything was fine. They were safe. It was only after reading some Cosmo magazines at the grocery story in the next town over that he'd realized what the problem was. Hence confronting the woman about the matter now.

In that no-nonsense way of his, Bob looks Sarah right in the eye… and explains his conclusions.

"It has come to my attention that you are neglecting your feminine side, Sarah Connor. As a woman, you have needs that require the presence of a man. I believe it would be in our best interests for me to stay here and watch over John Connor while you attend to your needs in town. I believe the town bar will act as a local watering hole from which you might procure masculine attention for a night."

Sarah's mouth opens and closes in gobsmacked silence for a long moment. Now, Bob isn't completely socially inept. He knew enough to make sure that John was out doing his chores before bringing this up with Sarah. So, he's also not surprised that his blunt words are having a stupefying effect on the mother. Still, he doesn't know how else to explain his findings, nor how else to word his belief that Sarah needed some attention from a human man in order to balance her mood.

Convinced that she would realize he was right and come around to his way of thinking, the T-800 stands there and waits in inhuman silence as Sarah stares at him, processing his words. However, even he's not expecting it when she walks right up to him… and grabs hold of his cock, laid as it is down one of his trouser legs. By the human definition, his phallus would probably be considered a… 'huge trouser snake' so to speak.

"Is that so… Bob?"

Something in Sarah's voice has changed and grown husky. Bob's senses and his experiences with those Cosmo magazines tell him that the woman is becoming lightly aroused. He finds himself blinking owlishly now, even as she feels him up, his facsimile of a cock completely functional and fully operational… as evidenced by how it's beginning to grow hard from Sarah's groping.

See, Bob was right. Sarah WAS pent up and in need of some… masculine attention. She was the mother of John Connor, Resistance Leader and would be humanity savior. But she was also a lonely and near-broken woman who had all of one week with a good man. Said good man was Kyle Reese, effectively sent back from the future by her son in order to ensure his own conception.

After that week, she'd taken the weight of the world on her shoulders. She didn't… she COULDN'T trust anyone, especially after being forced into an asylum for years, especially after being abused. However, Sarah knows one thing for certain. This T-800, 'Uncle Bob' couldn't betray her. He was loyal to her son first and foremost, but that was effectively the same as being loyal to her. He was programmed to not be capable of harming either of them.

And so, in the face of his blunt assessment, Sarah offers some blunt assessment of her own.

"I don't think I could ever trust a man with my body ever again, not after everything I've been through. But you're right, I've been in a terrible mood and that's affecting how I treat John. And… you're no man, are you Bob? So, I suppose the question is… can you do the job?"

His face twitches in that inhuman way of his, and he blinks as he looks at her, processing the meaning behind her words. His eyes dip down to where Sarah is STILL fondling what has to be the biggest cock she's ever felt up, and finally he gives his answer.


With a growl, Sarah leans in close, grabbing the front of Bob's tight tee roughly.

"Then fuck me, you machine. And be quick about it, we need to be done before John finishes with his chores."

"… Very well, Sarah Connor."

The next thing she knows, she's being manhandled quite roughly. Sarah half-expects it to bring back memories of her time in the asylum, but no. Then, she was restrained as well, helpless to fight off her abusers. Here and now, this is her own choice… and she's always liked it a little rough. Kyle Reese, for all that he was passionate and tender, was also a little rough. She'd liked how forceful he was once they got going, how… good it felt to have him on top of her.

Bob isn't like any of her past experiences. There's something both machine-like and not in the way she's turned around and bent over the kitchen counter. Even as she's clutching to said counter for dear life, Bob's hands move with lightning speed, undoing her belt and yanking down her pants and then her panties in moments.

His fingers come up between her legs and Sarah gasps as he fills her with them, spreading her slit apart and churning up her insides with his digits.

"F-Foreplay, Bob? Really? Y-You could just get to the good part, y-you know."

"My research has shown that performing this technique will allow for enough lubrication to make the eventual insertion more comfortable."

His 'research'. Sarah chokes out a laugh at that, even as she pushes her hips back against his pistoning fingers.

"W-Well maybe I like a little discomfort. I said fast, didn't I? D-Don't pussy out on me now, d-damn it…"

Rather than withdrawing his fingers from her, Bob follows her instructions in somewhat of an… unconventional way. Sarah's eyes go wide, and she lets out a surprised gurgle as his fingers in her cunt suddenly begin to vibrate as they slam in and out of her.

"Oh f-fuck, nnngh!"

She wasn't expecting the T-800 to have vibrato-fingers, that was for sure, and in no time at all her legs are quivering, she's trembling… and with a squeal she barely managed to hold in with a hand over her mouth, she cums on Bob's digits, his fingers REALLY churning away at her insides now.

Her eyes roll forward in her head again just in time for his fingers to pull out. She almost wants him to put them back in, she could happily subside on those magic fingers and nothing else for a time… but Bob moves too fast for her to get the words out, and the massive phallus she was groping and playing with mere minutes before is suddenly at her dripping, gushing entrance, her pussy juices coating the head of his cock as he grabs her by the hips.

"Are you prepared, Sarah Connor?"

"J-Just do it, you big-dicked bastard…"

"Very well."

And then he's inside of her, and Sarah's hand is doing full duty over her mouth now as she does her best to muffle and stifle her cries of glee and ecstasy and pleasure. Her eyes roll around in her head, her hips crash backwards into his thrusting crotch as much as possible, and most of all… Sarah Connor gets taken for the ride of her life.

It's impossible to know exactly how many times she cums on Bob's cock. It's impossible for her to keep count, because she's half-delirious with pleasure for most of the encounter. He fucks her up against the kitchen counter until she's very nearly off the ground, just standing on the tip toes as she squeals and moans and groans into her hand.

It is, without a doubt, exactly what the doctor ordered. But she's still a little surprised when Bob actually ejaculates inside of her. She goes stiff as he fills her with his seed… and then experiences one last mind-blowing orgasm when his reassurances hit her ears.

"Do not worry, Sarah Connor. I am sterile."

Of course, he would be. An incredibly convincing fake he might be, but he's still a fake. And so, Sarah allows herself to enjoy the sensation of being creampied, secure in the knowledge that she can't actually get knocked up by a fucking Terminator. She shudders, her toes and fingers curl in ecstasy, and then it's all over and she has to come down from the pleasure high as a breathless sigh leaves her lips.

"That was… that was g-good, Bob. You did good…"

His cock slips out of her, and he lets go of her hips, letting her stand on her own two feet and her quaking legs as he fixes himself up. Sarah does the same, before turning to face him.

"It is good that you are feeling better, Sarah Connor. Your well-being is incredibly important."

Smiling a mirthless smile, Sarah snorts.

"Incredibly important to John, yes. I'm aware."

But Bob surprises her, cocking his head to the side for a moment before speaking.

"Incredibly important to me as well, Sarah Connor."

Funnily enough, that's the most shocking thing she's heard out of his mouth today, and Sarah finds herself staring at the T-800 in gobsmacked confusion. Before she can drill down to the heart of what he just said and interrogate him further however, the door opens and John walks in, a big smile on his face.

"Done with all my chores! Bob, you said we could go hunting today, right?"


Well… her questions could wait a little while longer. Until the next time she and… Bob were alone.


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