Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Dance of Spies (RWBY)

A Dance of Spies (RWBY)

A/N: A Dance of Spies was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Winter and Cinder end up clashing heads before RWBY canon over a male mark who has something they both want.

Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Big Dick


Needless to say, this was not Winter Schnee's favorite part of the job. But at the end of the day, she was a professional. Atlesian Specialists were called upon to do all sorts of clandestine work, and sometimes that work was not… clean by any stretch of the imagination. Still, that didn't make Winter happy about this. But nevertheless, she understood her duty.

A supply of experimental weapons from Atlas had been stolen by an unknown group. This in and of itself was not a good thing, and there were other operatives already investigating how the hell the theft had been pulled off in the first place, and who exactly stole from them so brazenly. Winter though, had been brought in when another lead had been found. Namely, there had been a possible leak of information on the supply's whereabouts.

While finding out the who, how, and why were incredibly important to keep such a theft from happening again, discovering the whereabouts of these experimental weapons was paramount above al else. If the weapon supply could be retrieved, well, that was critical to Atlas' continued technological superiority and defense.

That was why Winter was called in. She was, after all, one of the best. More than that though, she was a beautiful woman with a background that gave her plenty of experience in schmoozing in high society. The target, in this case, was a black man named Isaac, his hair styled in a small black afro and his frame large and bulky, broad shouldered with an absurdly muscular chest from the photos Winter had been given of him.

He was handsome, if nothing else. A former huntsman turned mercenary, it was said that Isaac knew something about the supply of experimental weapons, that he could ultimately lead them right to it. However, he was involved, Winter's mission had been made abundantly clear to her. She was to get close to Isaac by any means necessary, including seducing him.

This was not the Atlesian Specialist's favorite part of the job. Not by a long shot. But she would do what needed to be done for Atlas. And to be fair, he was a very handsome man. It could be worse; he could have been ugly…

Regardless, all of that led Winter to where she was now. Sat in an exclusive club in Vale, clad in a revealing blue evening gown, she'd had eyes on Isaac since the dark-skinned mercenary had entered the club some thirty minutes ago. So far, he'd simply sat down at the bar and begun to enjoy himself, getting a drink and sipping from it. It was almost like he was waiting for something.

Winter herself couldn't quite say what SHE was waiting for. Ostensibly, she should have already moved in by this point. Perhaps it was the dirty details of the task she was about to perform, or perhaps it was simply Isaac's good looks that had taken her aback and left her reeling ever so slightly. Either way, she knew she needed to get off her ass soon and step in...

Her time frame was rapidly moved up when someone else beat her to the punch. An absolutely gorgeous raven-haired woman in a blood-red dress walks up to the bar and sits right next to Isaac. He turns to her as she addresses him, and from Winter's vantage point she can see a curious and interested expression on his face. Even better though, she'd been smart enough to bug the bar ahead of time, having scouted out the venue in the days before tonight. As such, she gets to hear their entire conversation.

"Bartender! Another of whatever he's already having for this fine gentleman. Isaac, isn't it?"

"… Mm, that's right. And you are?"

"Cinder. Cinder Fall. I have a proposition for you, Mister Isaac. One I think you'll be VERY interested in hearing."

"Is that so?"

Despite his seeming recalcitrance, Winter has been trained in reading people. Isaac is already more than interested, he's just putting on a front. This Cinder woman, whoever the fuck she is, is already halfway to wrapping the big, handsome black man around her little finger. If she's here for the same reason Winter is… then her mission could be screwed right here and now.

Winter refused to let that happen. Standing up, the white-haired woman quickly makes her way over to the bar. As she does so, her entire demeanor changes, her hands coming up to make a couple of… adjustments to her dress in a way that very nearly exposes her. By the time she reaches the bar, she's swaying a bit, giggling giddily and acting just a little drunk as she pretends to stumble into Isaac on the other side of the big black man, 'catching' herself on the bar.

"Whoops! Hehe, oooh, you're a big guy, aren't you?"

It's a glance at first, and dismissive at that… but then Isaac actually sees her, and more importantly, he sees down her dress which Winter has been very careful to show off 'accidentally', giving him an ample view of her breasts in her disheveled, revealing blue evening gown. His eyes stay on her tits for a moment before sliding back up to her face, now much more interested in her as well. Success… so far.

"That I am, little lady."

She doesn't even have to fully feign the indignation that wells up in her at his words, though she certainly exaggerates her reaction, puffing up her cheeks and flaring her nostrils petulantly.

"I'm not little!"

Grinning wickedly, as if she's stepped right into his verbal trap, Isaac just chuckles in that deep, baritone voice of his.

"Everyone is little to someone like me. The name's Isaac. And you are?"

Blushing at that grin, and not all of it faked, Winter bats her eyelashes and gives Isaac a coy smile.

"Snow. Snow White~"

It was a not-too-common alias of hers, when she had to play a socialite in a foreign kingdom like this. Within Atlas, Winter would never get away with something like this. She was too well known, even as the disgraced and disowned daughter of the SDC. But outside of Atlas, most people couldn't put a face to the name Winter Schnee if they tried. And those few who did know about her only knew about the no-nonsense Atlesian Specialist… which would be a hard image to reconcile with the drunken, flirty socialite she was playing at being right now.

"Well, Snow White… you certainly are a beauty, aren't you?"

Giggling, Winter shrugs her shoulders as if to say, 'what can you do?'. More importantly, the shrug accidentally causes one side of her evening gown to dip a little too low, completely exposing her breast, nipple and all. She catches it and makes a cute little squeaking noise a moment later as she fixes herself up… but as she'd hoped, Isaac had caught sight of her fashion mishap and is leaning in like a tiger over a particularly juicy piece of meat.

"Mister Isaac. If you're quite done with playing with little girls, there was that business I wished to discuss with you. In private, if possible."

Of course, the previously named Cinder Fall wasn't going to let herself be set aside quite so quickly. As easy a choice as Winter was making herself, the other woman was setting herself up as some sort of femme fatale, not hiding for one moment her clandestine nature or her poisonous aptitude. This right here was a dangerous sort of woman, one who didn't care who knew it either.

Isaac looks over at Cinder, and Winter can tell he's torn on choosing between the two of them. She can't risk him choosing Cinder over her, but luckily for Winter, she chose a cover that allowed for a rather… simplistic solution, if nothing else.

Slapping her hand down on one of Isaac's massive biceps, Winter giggles girlishly yet again as she leans around the formidable hunk of a man to look at Cinder.

"Oooh, private 'business' sounds fun! Let's all get somewhere private so we can 'discuss business' together, hehe!"

Needless to say, Winter lays it on more than thick enough to make it clear that her cover 'Snow White', thinks that this business involves nothing more than sexual intercourse. It was the point of this entire escapade, after all, and… in for a penny, in for a pound. Her preference would have been to do this whole thing differently, but this new player, this… Cinder Fall, had changed things dramatically. It seemed she would need to go through with this after all, and if Cinder balked at the idea of a threesome, all the better.

Isaac makes a considering noise in the back of his throat, and then breaks out into another wide, pearly-white grin as he nods his head in agreement.

"Yeah. That sounds like a lot of fun. Up for the challenge, Ms. Fall?"

Her back ramrod straight, her eyes glittering, and her lips thinned, Cinder stares at Winter for a long moment… before letting those same lips curl into the smallest most tantalizing of smirks.

"Oh, very well. I suppose I have time for some play before work."

Oh, she was good. She was very good. Winter wishes she had more time to investigate this new woman, she wishes she had a full-fledged dossier on this bitch, but alas, she's in the unenviable position of being the first Specialist to encounter this newest player. That meant she got to do all the reconnaissance, finding out everything she could about this 'Cinder Fall', and compile it all into a report for the eggheads back in Atlas to pour over when she was done here.

For now, Winter just keeps the vague, vapid smile of 'Snow White' on her face as she curls herself around one of Isaac's arms. Not to be out done, Cinder does the same on his other side, and together, all three of them move upstairs to a private suite.


As soon as they're in the room, Cinder pushes Isaac down onto a couch and goes to put on some music. Winter is unsure what the raven-haired woman is planning for a moment… but it would seem the gorgeous, unknown femme fatale has decided to completely embrace the narrative that Winter has forced upon her, because the next thing Cinder does is move into the center of the room and start swaying her admittedly gorgeous body to the music.

More than that, after a few beats of finding the right rhythm, she begins to strip, her red dress starting to come off. Not to be outdone or forgotten, Winter quickly moves into position behind her, still keeping up her giggling, tipsy persona as she starts to dance as well. The look that the golden eyed woman flashes Winter is one filled with glittering, deadly promise, but for the time being, Cinder doesn't try to stop her from joining in.

And so, what was one striptease becomes a dual experience of sorts, with Winter caressing and molesting Cinder while undressing herself, forcing the raven-haired woman to reciprocate lest she be the one who was suddenly not putting on a good enough show. Soon after, the two women were effectively naked in each other's arms, all but kissing as they laid their lips along one another's chins and necks.

In the end, they both knew that none of this was for each other. No, it was all a show, all for Isaac, and they treated it as such, moaning and pressing their equally voluptuous bodies against one another. Winter feels lucky, because while most of her toned body is hidden beneath her curves, she's still far fitter and athletic then a socialite such as Snow White should be.

But luckily, Cinder has the exact same body type. Curves for days, breasts and hips and an ass to die for… all hiding a truly deadly physicality and musculature just underneath the surface. They're more alike than Winter wishes, but at least it should allow her to blend in a bit better when compared to Cinder.

Eventually, of mutual unspoken accord, the two of them pull apart… and turn towards Isaac. The former huntsman has been idle and merely raises an eyebrow at them both, quirking the corner of his mouth up in a half-smirk as if to say, 'what will you do next'? They can both see the bulge in his crotch from their efforts so far, and they both know what they're going to do next.

Approaching Isaac together, the two gorgeous women, one white-haired and one dark, drop to their knees in front of him. Sharing a look, the two ultimately work together to get his pants off, opening his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers, and then tugging them down his massive legs until just his boxers remain between them and their… goal.

Dragging the waistband of his boxers down together, Winter… is amazed at the sight of Isaac's cock. She doesn't know how Cinder is reacting to it, the other woman is silent as his member springs out of its confines and stands up straight before them, but Winter… Winter is shocked. Luckily, she's playing a character that allows her to express that shock. 'Snow White' gasps and covers her mouth with one 'dainty' hand as she stares wide-eyed at Isaac's member.

"O-Oh my goodness! You're so big!"

Letting out a warm chuckle, Isaac laces his hands behind his head and through his afro as he leans back all casual and nonchalant.

"Not sure what you expected, sweetheart. Like I said, everyone is little when you're my size."

For a moment, Winter doesn't know how to continue. Cinder's lack of movement certainly seems to imply that the mysterious femme fatale is as stunned as she is. Realizing she has to take advantage of that, and realizing it was what her 'character' would do anyways, Winter dives in first, ultimately wrapping her lips around Isaac's cockhead as she looks up into his eyes, trying to convey a starry, slutty socialite sort of look.

Swirling her tongue over his glans, bobbing her head up and down the first couple of inches of his black cock, Winter is gratified to hear him groan in delight. She's making progress… that is, until Cinder steps in and suddenly grabs ahold of her hair, clawed fingers lacing through white locks as she puts her not-inconsiderable strength behind forcing Winter down Isaac's length.

"You're never going to get anywhere pussyfooting around like that, Snow. Let me help."

The sneer in the other woman's voice cannot be understated, even as Winter rapidly learns a new piece of information about this mysterious woman, Cinder Fall. The bitch is a fucking sadist, and she's been waiting for a chance to get back at Winter since the Atlesian Specialist butted in on her and Isaac in the first place.

"Glughk! Gagkh! Gurghk!"

In no time at all, Winter is choking on Isaac's member, gagging and gurgling away as Cinder rams her down his considerable length. For his part, the retired huntsman doesn't try to stop Cinder from face fucking Winter on his cock. In fact, his groans only grow in volume as he tilts his head back in visible enjoyment.

Still, the lack of oxygen is starting to get to Winter, and she's starting to wonder if she's going to have to expose her true capabilities and strength to avoid being asphyxiated on Isaac's cock. But no, either Cinder doesn't want to kill her, or simply knows she can't get away with doing it in such a grotesque fashion, because after a time, the raven-haired beauty pulls Winter back, leaving her coughing and hacking, spittle and drool flying everywhere as Cinder herself smirks easily.

"Good attempt. But pitiful, all the same."

And then, as if she can do so much better, Cinder focuses her attention on descending Isaac's spit-polished cock herself. She certainly makes a good show of it, her lips spreading wide at first, her tongue lolling out along the underside of his dick. She forces herself inch after inch, and Winter can see her throat convulsing as she tries to continuously swallow to repress her gag reflex.

And yet, even with all her efforts, she only gets a few more inches then Winter herself did before Cinder got so violent and aggressive. Only halfway down his cock at best. Seeing her chance for revenge, even if it did run the risk of exposing her character, Winter can't help herself. She grabs Cinder by the back of the hair in the same way the mysterious woman did to her, enjoying the way Cinder freezes up in her grasp.

"Looks like you're struggling too, hehe! Let me help out, friend!"

And then, just as savagely as Cinder treated her, Winter begins to face fuck the bitch on Isaac's cock, slamming her down his length all the way to the base.

"Hulghk! Glughk! Gagkh!"

Needless to say, Winter eventually let's Cinder up for air as well, having no desire to kill the other woman on Isaac's cock either. But far from grateful, Cinder has a decidedly furious glint in her eyes as she comes off of his cock hacking and spitting… and a moment later, Winter finds herself being forced back down his dick as well, choking once more.

This continues for some time, the two taking turns choking the other on Isaac's massive schlong. In the end, the only one who wins… is the man himself, his big black cock getting a nice thick coat of spit polish from both of their mouths and throats as they find themselves with his dick buried to the hilt again and again on each other's behalf.

By the time Isaac finally groans out a warning that he's about to cum, the two women are in quite the state, their makeup and eyeliner run through, drool and slobber dripping from their once-pristine chins, their faces utterly ruined. Pulling themselves back in unison, they both adopt a ready pose as Isaac looms over the two of them, his cock pumping in their hands before finally, with an almighty groan in particular, he cums.

His seed splatters Winter and Cinder's faces, coating them in it, covering their features and their chests. As the sticky mess drips off of them, Winter wipes the cum out of her eyes… and sees that Isaac is still rock hard, even now. She shouldn't be surprised. She's well aware that a huntsman with their aura unlocked can go a lot longer and a lot harder than a normal civilian without aura.

And Isaac is decidedly a huntsman, even if he's set aside that vocation in order to take on mercenary work. Becoming a gun for hire didn't mean he stopped having an aura or all the benefits that came with having it unlocked, after all.

Seeing her opportunity, Winter hops into Isaac's lap, only to have the big black man spin her around and face her away from him due to the mess on her face. A little irritated and a little chagrined, the gorgeous Schnee nevertheless cries out in a completely undignified manner as his large hands close around her waist and he drives her down onto his cock.

Riding him reverse cowgirl is… more than an experience. She's no blushing virgin, of course. She's had more than her fair share of flings, not to mention her seduction training and even a handful of seduction missions where she'd had to go all the way with some truly reprehensible people. But none of them were ever as big as Isaac. His cock fills her in a way no man before him has ever managed, and it takes all of Winter's self-control to maintain her composure as she gasps and her breath hitches while she finds herself bouncing up and down on his lap.

That composure, Cinder Fall seems to take umbrage with when she finally recovers from her own humiliating facial and realizes that Winter has managed to preempt her yet again. Before the Atlesian Specialist can track what's happening, the mysterious raven-haired femme fatale is before her and toying with her clit, grinning wickedly up at her as she toys with her to the point that Winter can't possibly maintain a single ounce of poise or composure.

If it were just Isaac or just Cinder… but it's not. It's both of them at the same time, Isaac's fat cock splitting Winter open every time it thrusts up into her, and Cinder's fingers working away at her sensitive nub. With a squeal, Winter finally loses control and experiences her first explosive, gushing orgasm upon Isaac's massive schlong.

But it's not the last, not by a long shot. As if she's taking out all of her frustration and irritation on Winter for interfering up until this point, Cinder insists on keeping it up, and Isaac is certainly far from done fucking her. His hands come up from her hips to around to her tits after a while, and he gropes and squeezes her pale, cum-covered breasts as he fucks her from below.

Again and again, Winter cums for the two of them as they tag team her. Orgasming over and over, she's left with her eyes rolling around in her skull, her tongue sticking out of her mouth in an objectively humiliating and embarrassing fashion. To be fair, she's not supposed to be anyone worth respecting, not supposed to be anything worth a damn at all. She's just a fucking socialite, or that's the role she's playing… s-so it's okay if she lets herself go a little bit, right?

Eventually, Isaac lets out a hoarse groan and cums inside of her. Winter is on birth control of course, all Atlesian Specialists are, so she doesn't protest the incredibly filling creampie. He pumps his seed up into her womb for what feels like a minute straight, and then lifts her off of his cock and deposits her on the couch. In no position to protest being left behind either, Winter just lays there and rests, recovering her strength and her breath as Cinder takes her turn.

Grabbing hold of Isaac by the cock, the raven-haired, golden-eyed femme fatale has a coy smile on her face as she leads him over to the bed. Of course, once again, Isaac has his own intentions in mind. She tries to get on her back and splay her legs for him, but instead ends up on her hands and knees. Winter can't help but feel a surge of vicious satisfaction as Isaac spears into Cinder from behind, not even hesitating to take the gorgeous woman in the doggystyle position.

Truly a humiliating position, a degrading manner in which to be fucked. Rather than face to face, Isaac fucks Cinder like she's a dog, like she's a bitch in heat. And in the end, because of whatever reason she's truly here, the woman takes it. Her cries fill the private suite, especially when Isaac grabs a fistful of her voluminous black locks and yanks them back, forcing her spine to arch while his other hand goes around to grope one of her tits from behind.

He fucks her long and hard, pounding her into the bed, while Winter watches and waits. What she's waiting for, she does not fully know, not at first anyways. But as she lays there on the couch, her hands idly playing with her freshly fucked body, her fingers darting into her creampied quim to bring his seed to her lips subconsciously, Winter… comes up with an idea.

She owes Cinder some payback, after all. And perhaps it's not exactly what the mission entails, but she's in too deep at this point to back out now. Somewhat lost in the lust of the moment, driven to strange new heights of emotions, the normally stoic and collected Atlesian Specialist slowly begins to rise from the couch, swaying and unsteady on her feet as she starts to move towards the bed.

Just in time too. Having driven Cinder to multiple explosive orgasms, Isaac is just creampieing the mysterious femme fatale as he did Winter when the Atlesian Specialist arrives at the bed. Climbing aboard and crawling into position behind Isaac, Winter wraps her arms around his massive torso and rests her chin on his chiseled shoulder as she whispers into his ear her suggestion.

He pauses for a moment, listening to her with a cocking of his head… before letting out a dark chuckle and nodding his agreement. Beaming happily to herself, Winter crawls around the hulking black mercenary and over to where Cinder is still recovering from the explosive end of her vaginal fucking.

"Hope you're still good to go, Cinder, because Isaac isn't done yet, hehe!"

Still playing up her role as the ditzy, tipsy socialite, Winter helps Isaac out by grabbing Cinder by the shoulders and pinning her down. Letting out a dazed grunt, Cinder looks up at Winter with confused and angry golden eyes.

"Snow, wha-?!"

The rest of what she was going to say is cut off by Isaac moving his hands up to Cinder's ass and moving from his knees to a crouching position behind her. His cock, well-lubricated on their combined sexual fluids, slips out of Cinder's snatch and slides up… to between her asscrack. After all, as Winter had whisper to Isaac… there was still one hole left that he had not tried.

His cock slams home into Cinder's back door, stretching her asshole nice and wide as the gorgeous femme fatale's composure cracks for the first time, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping open before she lets out a squealing shriek. But Winter just keeps holding her down, and Isaac keeps fucking her ass. Slowly but surely, the mysterious woman is driven to orgasming, all from an anal plundering that's frankly out of this world.

Winter herself is witnessing it firsthand, seeing Isaac's fat cock disappear in and out of Cinder's spread butt cheeks, but even she's having a hard time wrapping her head around how so large a meat stick can fit into what must be such a tight hole. Eventually, Cinder's shrieks turn into moans, her squeals becoming mewls. Winter looks down and gets to watch the raven-haired beauty's eyes roll back in her head as she orgasms again and again from butt fucking.

After a truly vigorous round of anal sex, with Isaac unloading his seed all over Cinder's backside and back when he's finally finished, the raven-haired woman needs to recover. She didn't get a break between holes like Winter did, after all. As Isaac pulls out, Cinder slumps forward, face down and ass up, barely able to move beyond trembling and quivering before them.

Truly pleased with having made sure Cinder received her comeuppance, Winter… decides she wants a taste of her own medicine so to speak. It wouldn't be fair after all… and even now, Isaac is STILL rock hard, his big fat black cock still ready and waiting to go.

If only her daddy could see her now. Winter bites her lower lip at that thought, somewhat embarrassed to have fallen so deeply into the mind set of the socialite character she's supposed to be playing. Regardless, as Isaac looks at her expectantly, the white-haired woman knows what she has to do. Rolling onto her back, she pulls up her legs and offers her puckered asshole to Isaac's thoroughly messy cock, giving him her back door in the same way she'd suggested Cinder's.

With a wicked grin of those pearly whites of his, the black mercenary moves forward, grabs her by her thicc thighs, and spears her ass with his entire fucking dick. Winter's eyes bulge out of her skull and though she does her best to try and avoid squealing like a whore like Cinder did, her best simply isn't good enough, especially not when he immediately begins to give her a thorough butt pounding.

Her voice let out, Winter's eyes go crossed and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth once more as she experiences her first truly pleasurable anal sex. It's never been this good before, but clearly the lovers she's had in the past simply haven't known what the fuck they were doing, because Isaac's lubricated cock feels absolutely amazing slamming up into her bowels again and again.

Her legs knock and kick out, and her breasts bounce and jiggle to the point that he reaches forward, and grabs hold of both of them. Isaac mauls her tits as he gives her the anal pounding of her life, and Winter can do nothing but gurgle hopelessly and helplessly as he plows her into the bed, straight and fast and hard. There's seemingly no end to it, no end to the way he thrusts forward again and again and again.

Winter had hoped that this would be her chance to get something out of him, with Cinder exhausted and down for the count… but she's starting to realize just how outmatched she's been this entire time. Not by the raven-haired femme fatale she thought she was competing with. No, by the target himself, the mark who was built like a fucking Atlesian Battle Tank and had the big fat cock to back up his arrogant swagger and massive muscles.

Eyes rolling back in her head, they don't roll forward again, even as Isaac pulls out of her ass as well and coats her front in his cum just as he coated Cinder's back. Twitching, quivering, and trembling, Winter passes out then and there… a poor showing for an Atlesian Specialist, to be sure.


The next morning, when Winter awakens its to the feel of light across her face as the morning sun hits her through the windows of the private suite. Coming alive with wide eyes, Winter sits up, half ready for a fight, half ready to find herself tied up and about to be tortured and interrogated for information. But… that's not the case.

She hasn't been captured; she hasn't been taken anywhere. It's still the private suite… and to Winter's shock, she finds herself naked and alone in the thoroughly trashed and well used bed. Nose wrinkling at the smell of massive amounts of sex that now fills the room, Winter crawls out of the bed, stumbling as she looks around, trying to figure out what the hell had happened, where the hell they'd gone. The target… that woman Cinder Fall… they had just up and vanished on her.

Feeling decidedly inadequate for one of the first times in her life, Winter Schnee's lips thin out and she clenches her hands into fists as she feels a spike of fury. She'd been played, hadn't she? And now the only source of information on that supply of experimental weapons was in the wind. God DAMNIT!

… Wait. Blinking, Winter realizes that her evening gown is folded up and draped over a nearby chair, when she distinctly remembered letting it drop to the floor the night before and leaving it there as she focused on the mission. Brow furrowed, Winter walks over to it cautiously… and after a moment of inspection, finds the folded note that Isaac had tucked into the dress.

Unfolding it, Winter proceeds to read the damn thing, eyes darting back and forth across the page, before she growls and starts over, reading more slowly in growing disbelief.

To Snow White, aka the Atlesian Specialist Winter Schnee,

It was my pleasure to… entertain you last evening. While your act was amusing, your body was far more real, and I quite enjoyed slaking my considerable lusts on it. Such audacity, such… focus should be rewarded. Unfortunately, I cannot stick around to give you said reward in person. While you might have thought you and Cinder were competing for the same thing last night, the truth is… she could care less about Atlas' stolen weapons.

No, rather, she was here for me. Specifically, to recruit me. And in the end, she made me quite the gorgeous offer, one I found myself unwilling to pass up. I suspect if we meet again, you and I, that it might be on opposite sides. But alas, that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Know this, whatever happens… it's just business.

As for your reward. Well done, Specialist Schnee, on recovering the cache of experimental weapons stolen from your government.



Blinking in confusion, Winter flips the note over… and there, on the back of it, finds coordinates. They must be the coordinates to the missing shipment… or it's a trap and she's going to walk right into it. Because there's no doubt in Winter's head, she IS going to check out these coordinates… and she's going to do it alone too.

While it might be smarter to call in back up at this point, she's not quite ready to let everyone know about her night with the target. She needed… she needed time to assess what had happened the night before. She needed time to process her experiences before she filed a report. And… it would go a long way to glossing over the details of last night if she did manage to singlehandedly bring in the supply of experimental weapons off of Isaac's information.

Letting out an explosive sigh, wincing as she feels her body protest from the nervous shifting from foot to foot that she does, Winter shakes her head… and starts to get dressed. She has a job to do, a mission to complete… and a tall, dark, and handsome man to start forgetting ASAP.


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