Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Medic’s End (Resident Evil)

A Medic’s End (Resident Evil)

A/N: A Medic's End was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Hearing rumors of Umbrella activities in the area, Rebecca Chambers finds herself arriving at Castle Dimitrescu... and falling right into the hands of its inhabitants.

Themes: F/F, Dom/Sub, Mistress/Pet


"She's certainly… enthusiastic, isn't she?"

"Mm, more than that, her blood is simply sublime~"

"No, no. Can't you tell? It's not simply anything… her blood is divine. There's something special about this one, I know it."

Rebecca is in trouble. Or at least, she's pretty sure she's supposed to think she is. Held in the clutches of three honest to god vampires, Dr. Rebecca Chambers knows intellectually that she should be both absolutely horrified and completely terrified. It's just… hard, when she's enjoying herself so very much.

The three brides of Dracula, or whatever the fuck they really were, had set upon her almost immediately after her arrival at the Castle atop the hill. They'd had her in their impossibly strong clutches in an instant, with Rebecca not having so much of a chance to fight back. Not that… not that she really wanted to. Call it what you will, but Rebecca was tired of fighting. And it felt amazing, having them suck her blood, their hands wandering over her body, playing and toying with her figure to their heart's content.

She'd come to this place, originally, because she'd heard rumors that Umbrella Corp had operations in the area. The BSAA's plan had been for Rebecca to go ahead and try to ascertain the truth of these rumors, and then call in the Calvary so to speak. When she'd arrived in the village, they'd been almost too eager to point her in the direction of the Castle. Castle Dimitrescu, they called it, where the Lady Dimitrescu was said to hold court.

That was all they'd been willing to tell her, becoming remarkably tight-lipped after that. There was a fear in their eyes that Rebecca recognized… but now, looking back, she'd also seen a sort of relief and hope in their gazes that she'd failed to recognize at the time. Now though, held in the clutches of these monsters in the shape of women, Rebecca knew what had been going through those villagers' heads.

She was perfect for their purposes. A meal for the monsters up in the Castle that none of them were personally or emotionally attached to. Because of course, for that village to exist in such close proximity to blood suckers like these three beautiful creatures, they had to be engaging in regular ritual sacrifices to appease the monsters.

Rebecca was just the latest of those… and she was more than a little embarrassed by just how much that fact turned her on, truth be told. As another moan escapes her lips, the three vampires pull away and truly look at her. Finally, the eldest looking one speaks.

"She will need to be taken before mother…"

Another shakes her head.

"Not like this though! She must be broken in properly first!"

The third leers, leaning in close and grinning wickedly.

"Something tells me she'd enjoy that~"

F-Fuck, it was just Rebecca's luck, wasn't it? After so long, after fighting off monsters of all shapes and sizes, after dealing with zombies and more… here she was, getting all of her buttons pressed by honest to god vampires. Did Umbrella's depravity know no bounds? Did hers?

"… Well, if we're going to keep this one around on a more permanent basis, I suppose she should know our names. Bella."

The eldest, Bella, introduces herself. Pushing forward, the youngest licks her lips.

"Daniela, d-divine one. Why is your blood soooo good?"

And then finally, the third grabs Rebecca by her short hair, yanking on it hard, clearly a sadistic creature at heart.

"And I, pet, am Cassandra. The real question is, can you learn to serve? Or are you to be little more than a blood bag for mother to drain dry, in the end? Only time will tell…"

Bella inserts herself back into the conversation then.

"We'll train her together. She must be broken… but also whole. I won't have you giving mother damaged goods, Cassandra."

Meanwhile, Daniela is positively muttering to herself.

"The divine one will serve… y-yes, she will serve. Such a good girl, under all that responsibility. So eager to be made into our plaything."

Rebecca squeezes her eyes shut at that, the only thing she can do with how she's held fast by all three creatures. She hates how true Daniela's words are. She hates how right the youngest vampire is.

"Hmph. First, the clothing. She won't need it anymore. Then… we teach her to kneel."

Bella inclines her head to Cassandra's words, and with that, the stripping and training begins as Rebecca Chambers gets in over her head one last time. No one to save her this go around… not that she even truly wants to be saved, in the end…


It's not often that Countess Alcina Dimitrescu, more commonly referred to as Lady Dimitrescu, is taken off guard or surprised. It's also not often that she decides to keep a new discovery from the others in her covenant, including their leader, Mother Miranda. But in this case, Lady Dimitrescu feels almost… justified.

Her daughters had not been so foolish as to hide their latest catch from her for long. They'd informed her of their new project over dinner, and of her special attributes, before begging Alcina for leave to 'train her up' and 'make her presentable' before she was brought to the Lady Dimitrescu herself. Never one for denying her precious children much of anything, Alcina had ultimately caved and let them have their time.

Her curiosity was undeniable though, and after a few weeks, she had to admit she was almost… excited when Bella, her eldest, declared that their new house pet was broken in and ready to be presented to the Lady of the Castle. And so, sat upon a small loveseat in her parlor, Lady Dimitrescu waits and watches as the door to the parlor opens up, and her daughters walk in with their latest bit of fun trailing after them.

Crawling along on all fours clad in nothing but a choker and a leash, Dr. Rebecca Chambers is panting like a bitch in heat. She looks up at Lady Dimitrescu, at her new Mistress, and her eyes widen at the sheer size of the woman. A moment later, she averts her gaze of course. It's not polite to stare after all, and if there's one thing, she's been taught by her three trainers, it's to always be polite.

"Mother. This is the one we told you about. She's very interesting, both inside and out. And, with our help… she's become so very obedient. Show her, Pet."

Responding instinctively to her knew title, 'Pet' drops back on her haunches, moaning as she splays her kneeling legs apart and uses her fingers to spread her pussy lips invitingly. At the same time, Rebecca also bares her neck, offering up her lively pulse in the same way she's offering up the rest of her body for her Mistress to do whatever she wants with.

The eyes of the pale, well-dressed giantess sat before her flicker over Rebecca's form, trailing up and down her body for a few moments before finally, she nods approvingly.

"Very good. Though of course, a Pet must always be ready to serve, must she not?"

Uncrossing her legs, the Lady Dimitrescu reaches down and does something with her dress, allowing it to part and open, revealing her thicc pale thighs, which she splays apart to expose her naked, glistening cunt lips. From the moment Rebecca's eyes alight upon that puffy pussy, she wants nothing more than to bury her face in it. And not just because of the 'training' that the Lady's three daughters had subjected her to over the last few weeks. They'd only built on what was already there, after all.

Tugging harshly on her leash, Cassandra hisses down at Rebecca.

"Go to her, swine! You have been given a gift! Pleasure your Mistress, or I'll tan your hide!"

Her hissed threats receive a warning glance from Bella, but Rebecca just shivers and nods, falling forward onto her hands and knees and crawling forward. Honestly, for all that Bella, as the eldest, seemed to consider it her duty to curb her sister's insatiable sadism, Rebecca didn't mind it one bit. Perhaps she would have, if Cassandra had been able to visit the true horrors, she'd wanted to upon Rebecca's body these last few weeks… but no, Bella and even Daniela had curbed their sister's worst impulses.

As such, the Rebecca Chambers that crawls across the parlor over to Lady Dimitrescu is mostly whole… physically, if not mentally. Eyes affixed on the prize before her, she eventually arrives betwixt the pale giantess' spread legs. Without a doubt, Lady Dimitrescu could close her legs on Rebecca's head and pop it like an overripe watermelon, if she so chose.

That doesn't stop the mind broken doctor from leaning in and darting her tongue out across the puffy pale pussy lips in front of her, however. It doesn't stop her from diving in after a moment, going hog wild on the cunt of her Mistress. 'Pet' is all too ready to show that she's worth keeping around. She's ready to prove herself to her Mistress, one way or another.

Of course, at the same time… she can't help but raise her own hips higher into the air, showing off her own shapely backside and glistening cunt to the three sets of eyes she knows are watching. As she does a deep dive of Lady Dimitrescu's pussy folds, driving her nose and tongue alike deeper and deeper into the pale, voluptuous giantess, Rebecca also wiggles her hips back and forth.

In the end, she's pretty sure she knows exactly who takes her up on her offer. Not just because she's getting better at recognizing them by their tongues, but because out of the three sisters, Daniela Dimitrescu is the one most likely to want to go on a tongue dive of Rebecca's own cunt. Bella would hold herself back as the quiet, serious elder sibling, while Cassandra would be more inclined to punish Rebecca.

Only Daniela, with all her talk of Rebecca's fluids, both blood and otherwise as it turned out, being divine, would drop to her knees behind the naked 'Pet' and grab hold of her hips, before leaning in to begin licking at her slit. Moaning into Lady Dimitrescu's cunt, Rebecca can only arch her back as she's eaten out from behind in turn. Meanwhile, the Lady of the Castle and her eldest two daughters speak over Rebecca and Daniela's heads like they aren't even there.

"I'm not used to seeing your sister so… enthusiastic. Is this a problem?"

"No, mother. Daniela is merely… caught up in a religious fervor."

"Hmph, you know how she is. She's convinced this one is special. Which… she's special enough, but not THAT special."

"… I suppose I shall be the judge of that, shan't I?"

That's the only warning Rebecca gets, before the fun abruptly comes to an end. A massive hand comes down atop her head, Lady Dimitrescu's large fingers easily sculpting their way over Rebecca's skull. The pale giantess could just as easily pop her head with a single hand as she could her powerfully built thicc thighs, Rebecca realizes… and that realization causes her to orgasm all over Daniela's face, right before the Lady of the Castle drags her up away from her youngest daughter's kneeling form.

As Daniela moans in exultance and licks up Rebecca's pussy juices, eyes fluttering in ecstasy, Lady Dimitrescu pulls Rebecca up to eye level, which even with her sitting, leaves the smaller human woman dangling off the ground. Giving Rebecca a smile, the monstrous Lady of the Castle bares her teeth… and as she's been trained to do, Rebecca bares her neck in turn, offering Lady Dimitrescu her pulse.

Taking her up on the offer, the Lady of the Castle drinks from her. She could very well choose to drain her dry, and there's nothing whatsoever that Rebecca could do about it. That thought, that realization, only turns the good doctor on even further, as she submits entirely. She's not a doctor anymore, not even a human. She's a 'Pet', a good one too, and she'll live or die at her Mistress' whim.

Finally, Lady Dimitrescu pulls back and daintily wipes her mouth with a small cloth.

"Hm. She IS quite special; I see what you girls were talking about now. She's well worth keeping around."

Still hanging from the voluptuous pale giantess' grasp, Rebecca is in no position to refuse when Lady Dimitrescu puts her back down betwixt those thicc pale thighs and forces her to get back to work. Get back to work she does, even as the monstrous women talk over her, treating her like nothing more than an object, nothing more than the pet she now is.

"Very well, I am pleased with your results, my dear daughters. You may keep this one, since you, mm, went to all the trouble of training her properly. She will serve us all here in the Castle… like the good little pet she is."

"Thank you, Mother."

"Ah, joy. I won't let her training grow lax; I promise mother. Daniela would let this one grow fat and lazy off of your good nature."

"It is no less than one as divine as her deserves! But… I will bow to elder sister's will…"

Rebecca just smiles and continues to eat out the Lady of the Castle, her new Mistress. She feels like… she feels like she's finally right where she belongs.


"What's this about then? Do you know?"

"No… only that Rebecca said it was important I make my way here immediately. You?"

"Same here…"

Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield both have matching frowns and furrowed brows as they approach Castle Dimitrescu at the behest of their missing friend, Dr. Rebecca Chambers. Confused and more than a little worried by this point, the two women just want to know what's going on. After all, it's been months, and Rebecca has only reached out now, after all this time.

Arriving at the castle itself, Jill is ultimately the one who knocks on the large castle doors. Without missing a beat, one creaks open, like something out of a horror movie. Neither Jill nor Claire are in the least bit frightened by this though, their lives have become horror movies, these past several years. Hands going down to the guns holstered at their waists, they both nod… and advance into the castle proper.

There, waiting for them in the foyer is Rebecca Chambers. So caught up in her presence and the mere sight of her, neither woman quite notices the door shutting behind them, seemingly on its own… or the scurrying on the walls or ceiling.

"Jill. Claire. Thank you so much for coming."

Clad in a thick choker and a beautiful if dated dress, Rebecca looks surprisingly well. More than that, she looks happy. Still, both Claire and Jill haven't survived this long by being stupid.

"Rebecca… are you alright?"

"Something's off about this…"

Smile widening, Rebecca spreads her arms wide.

"Come on, both of you are being paranoid! I'm more than alright, I'm happier than I've been in a long time… all thanks to my Mistress. The Lady of the Castle wants to meet you both quite badly. Won't you come with me to dinner?"

It's at that point that Jill and Claire both finally go for their guns… and at that point that the Dimitrescu daughters descend upon them, quick as a flash, to make sure their firearms never make it out of their holsters. Rebecca just keeps smiling, knowing that soon enough Jill and Claire will join her in her service… it's only a matter of time.


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