Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Across the Sands (Aladdin/Prince of Persia)

Across the Sands (Aladdin/Prince of Persia)

A/N: Across the Sands was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In order to avoid the annihilation of Agrabah at the hands of the Persian army, the Sultan of Agrabah offers his precious daughter, Princess Jasmine, as a bride to the Prince of the Persia. Jasmine isn't happy... at first.

Themes: Slutty Sex, Fucked Silly, Dom/Sub


"My darling daughter! The Prince is here! Please, won't you meet with him?"

Jasmine wants nothing more than to say no. To mulishly deny her father this after he's denied her so much in turn. It's just not FAIR. After so long, she'd finally convinced her father that she could be his heir. After everything with Jaffar, they'd come out the other side stronger then ever before, and the Sultan had declared that she would be the Sultan after him.

It was everything Jasmine had ever wanted. To rule on her own, to stand on her own two feet as the first female Sultan in Agrabah's history. She was thrilled, to say the least. She was excited for her future for once. But then everything had been dashed upon the rocks when the Persians came.

For all that Jasmine wanted to be Sultan, for all that she wanted to rule the City of Agrabah like her father before her and his father before him… she was no warrior. She was a Princess, raised in a life of luxury and even perhaps excess. And Agrabah… Agrabah was a peaceful city, without a standing army of its own. The Palace Guards were the most Agrabah had in the form of armed forces.

And so, the Persians and their armies had come knocking. In order to avoid the annihilation or complete subjugation of his city at the hands of the Persian Armies, her father had had to do the unthinkable. So soon after they'd done away with Jaffar and his treachery, so soon after the Sultan had declared her his heir and stopped looking for male suitors for her… he'd been forced to offer her up as a bride to one of Persia's three Princes, a man named Dastan.

Was Jasmine happy about this? Of course not! She had no idea what this Prince Dastan fellow even looked like, but she couldn't imagine him being better than Aladdin. Of course, her and the Street Urchin that had helped save her and her father from Jaffar's machinations were currently on the outs. Aladdin might not have come from anything, but even he was still used to his women being a little less… independent.

Jasmine knew what it was. Aladdin felt emasculated, what with her holding all of the power in their relationship. His wishes and the Genie were gone, and it was just the two of them trying to make it work. Things hadn't worked out in the end, though she still considered him a good friend. But now… now Jasmine was the one lacking in power. Now she was the one unsure of what the future would hold.

Unfortunately, her father had raised her better than to curl up and pout and refuse to so much as see her groom-to-be. As the Sultan had explained it, Jasmine had to do this. For her people, for Agrabah, she had to make this ultimate sacrifice.

And so, plastering a fake smile on her face, Jasmine rises from her bed, letting out a low sigh before calling back to her father.

"Very well. Do come in!"

The door opens and her short, stout father bustles in a moment later. The Sultan of Agrabah is no more a warrior than his daughter, and it's not surprising in the end that he's chosen complete capitulation over trying to defend their sovereignty. They'd all be ashes or worse at this point if he'd chosen the latter, so Jasmine couldn't blame him, not truly.

Meanwhile, behind him a man walks into the room that must, for all intents and purposes, be Prince Dastan. Only… Princess Jasmine was not expecting the Persian Princess to be so roguishly handsome. More than that, he was absolutely stunning with his rugged five o'clock shadow and the dancing mirth in his expressive, entrancing eyes as he looks around the room for a moment, smiling easily before finally landing upon her. At which point, his smile widens, and Jasmine feels something within her go tha-thump in response.

"This, my dear, is Prince Dastan, all the way from Persia! Please, do be polite!"

Stepping forward, Jasmine falls upon old instincts, performing a perfect curtsy as she bows her head to the visiting Prince and her future husband.

"It is an honor, your Grace."

Chuckling, Dastan is quick to reach out and snatch one of her hands, not rough about it, but certainly firm in a way that makes Jasmine's heart race even faster as he tugs her in with just a bit of force and plants his lips softly on the back of her hand.

"The honor is mine, Princess Jasmine. You are a beauty unmatched before my eyes."

To her own surprise, Jasmine finds herself blushing as he gives her a devilish grin and a wink. He's like Aladdin… if Aladdin had actually been raised royal and didn't have all of the insecurities that came with growing up on the streets. Jasmine flushes as she realizes that the Prince of Persia's rugged good looks and forward personality are… getting to her already. Is she truly this weak of a woman? Shouldn't she be upset that this is the man ruining her chances of ever being Sultan in her own right?

"Well, I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about! I'll leave you to it!"

Jasmine's eyes barely have time to widen as she realizes her father is making his exit. She opens her mouth to call out to him, but the short and stout Sultan of Agrabah is actually quite fast when he wants to be and is already out the door before she can say a word. The large doors of her quarters close behind him with a sense of finality, and suddenly Jasmine almost feels… trapped in a way, even as she tugs her hand out of Dastan's grasp and steps away from the Prince of Persia.

Without missing a beat, he clasps his hands behind his back.

"I do apologize for the… forcefulness of this entire arrangement, Princess Jasmine. If it were my choice, I would be courting you properly, instead of resulting to heavy-handed tactics such as these. Alas, my father has other ideas. He sees in you an opportunity to not only add the grand city of Agrabah to his empire without a single drop of blood, but also a way to reward me for my service and my victories in his name."

Jasmine bristles a little bit at the idea of being reduced to nothing more than a 'reward'. But then, she'd spent almost her entire life knowing she would probably amount to nothing more than a broodmare at the end of the day. It was only in recent times that she'd allowed herself to hope for more, that she'd thought she might have a chance at ruling in her own right.

As cruel as it was for that to be stolen away from her, Jasmine couldn't help it… she was a young woman with a healthy libido and Prince Dastan was… pushing a lot of her buttons.

"What… a-and what would proper courting look like between us, I wonder?"

Blinking, the Prince of Persia cocks his head as he regards her silently for a moment. Then, he takes a step forward. Instinctively, Jasmine takes a step back, only to be matched step for step until she finds herself suddenly sitting down on the edge of her bed, looking up into suddenly stormy eyes.

"That would… depend entirely on you, Princess. But I can make some assumptions, based off of what I've seen and heard so far."

Panting lightly now, her eyes hooded, Jasmine knows she's flushed and flustered. He's… does he gave any idea what he's doing to her? How he's driving her wild? Jasmine suspects he does…

"D-Do so…"

Smirking, Dastan reaches out and brushes some air back around her ear.

"Well… I've heard you're a very opinionated woman. I have no problem with that, in fact some of the best advice I've ever received has come from women. But now that I'm here in front of you… I can't help but wonder if you're hiding your true nature behind that mask of yours."

Furrowing her brow, Jasmine pouts, unsure of whether to scowl or not as she looks up at him in confusion.

"W-What do you mean, mask?"

"You want people to think you wish to be in charge. You want people to believe you have it in you to rule. But tell me, Princess Jasmine… do you really WANT to rule, do you really WANT all of the responsibility and hardship that comes with such a position?"

Jasmine opens her mouth to exclaim that of course she does, not even stopping to think about it. But before she can say anything, Dastan leans forward and captures her mouth with his. It's a firm, forceful kiss that he lays upon her soft pillowy lips, the words Jasmine was about to throw back at him catching in her throat as she trembles… and then capitulates, melting into the kiss.

She's a smart girl. It only takes her a moment to realize that was a test and she just failed. By the time she does though, the Prince of Persia is already pulling back, a smug knowing smile on his lips as Jasmine goes bright red in embarrassment, humiliation.

"That's the kind of woman you truly are, Princess."

Even as embarrassed as she is, part of her is also… elated? Or at least… a-aroused? Shifting from side to side, feeling somewhat at a loss, Jasmine bites her lower lip.

"A-and… how would you g-go about courting me if that WERE the c-case? If I was that kind of woman?"

He doesn't answer with words, but actions. And suddenly Jasmine finds herself pinned to her own bed, her wrists held above her head as Dastan kisses her again, this time even more forcefully, his tongue pushing past her lips and into her unresistant mouth as Jasmine… as Jasmine simply surrenders. He's hit the nail on the head, reading her in a way that not even Jasmine herself had ever truly acknowledged.

And so, the Princess of Agrabah finds herself squirming beneath her would be husband, but not actually fighting him as he takes significant liberties with her, liberties that probably shouldn't be taken before their wedding day. And yet, she can't find it in herself to care. He's… he's taken control, and Princess Jasmine, always so head strong and independent… submits with ease.

He holds her wrists with one hand, while the other makes short work of her attire. Her top is pulled down, revealing dark caramel breasts capped with hardening nipples. Her pants are likewise pushed down, until her dusky tuft of manicured pubic hair sat right above her puffy wet pussy lips is exposed. Jasmine moans into Dastan's mouth, whimpering as well as he strips her naked, but she still doesn't fight him. Instead, she helps kick off her pants as they get down to her ankles. She arches her back and pushes her tits up into his groping, squeezing hand.

After he strips her down, he reaches down after a few moments… and takes out his cock as well. Jasmine goes still at the sight of it, throbbing and thick and rock hard… and dangerously close to her virgin pussy lips. The Princess hadn't even gone this far with Aladdin before their altogether rocky relationship had crumbled into nothing. And now… and now here she was, about to be taken by a Prince, by exactly the kind of man she always railed again.

Except Prince Dastan was so very different from her other royal and noble suitors from over the years. He was also so very different from Aladdin. Dastan… Dastan with his devilishly good looks and rugged handsomeness was the best of both worlds.

He pauses for only a moment as he presses his cockhead against her slit, as if giving her an opportunity to rebuke him or refuse. Jasmine knows that if she lets this happen there's no going back… but the words don't come to her, and so the Princess is impaled by the Prince, his cock spearing into her hot wet core without any further words between them.

Jasmine cries out, and Dastan covers her mouth with his own again, kissing her heatedly as he gropes and squeezes at her tits, his cock plunging into her depths again and again. Arching her back, the Princess of Agrabah finds herself submitting to his hard cock, to his confident demeanor, to his domineering attitude.

It's like everything about him is designed to grab her interest and hold it as he dominates and conquers her, thrust by thrust. Every time he pushes into her once-virgin cunt, his cock feels like heaven, filling her to the brim and then some before pulling out and leaving her feeling empty and alone. He's soon back inside of her each time though, fucking her faster and harder by the second as Jasmine wraps her arms and legs around his muscular body.


He growls the word after pulling away from her puffy, pillowy lips for air one time. Looking down at her intently, almost glaring at her with the intensity of his gaze, he claims her. And Jasmine, lost in the throes of pleasure as she discovers this whole other side of herself, can only answer in the affirmative.


That seems to be the right answer, because he grins savagely and fucks her harder after that. Jasmine loses track of the number of times she cums around his cock as he plows her into her own bed. She's masturbated before of course, even used toys. She knows what an orgasm feels like… or she thought she did, anyways. The difference between her toys and Prince Dastan's cock is night and day. The difference between a climax delivered by her own fingers or hands, and his cock… is also night and day.

Eyes rolling back in her head, the headstrong and independent Princess realizes finally that if it's a man like this, she doesn't mind submitting one bit. He's right, in the end. She wanted to rule Agrabah because she looked around and saw no man capable of doing it better. Or, in the case of Jaffar, even if they were capable of ruling, they would do a shitty job of it.

Her father was right to bow down to the Persian Armies. And Jasmine herself was right to submit to Prince Dastan and his incredible, delicious cock. Letting out a gurgling moan as he finally cums inside of her, creampieing her without hesitation, warning, or even asking for permission, Jasmine seizes up, experiencing one last mind-blowing orgasm before darkness takes her.

She passes out with a delirious smile on her face… knowing that becoming the submissive, loyal wife of the Prince of Persia was her destiny all along.


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