Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Aloy’s Bad End (Horizon Zero Dawn)

Aloy’s Bad End (Horizon Zero Dawn)

A/N: Aloy's Bad End was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Aloy reaches for the wrong metal flower out in the wastelands and it all comes crumbling down as she's captured and forced to begin a long march to her eventual enslavement and doom.

Themes: Body Modification, Bad End, Master/Slave


"Oh my, aren't you a beauty!"

The moment he hears the distinctive stumbling shuffling of another capture making her way into his camp, Wren drops what he's doing and walks on out, a big wide grin on his face that only grows wider still when he sees the quality of his latest new bitch.

Nestled in a small out of the way valley among the mountains, there was only ever one type who managed to find his camp… the type that were led there by one of his flower traps. The little metal flowers he scattered across the area were all hijacked and reprogrammed by Wren himself, before being left behind to lure in unsuspecting honeys.

This bitch, with her gorgeous brown locks, was no different… and boy did she look fantastic, all bound up and gagged in his contraption. Her face was covered in a half-mask, a bit in her mouth keeping her from calling out for help while a visor covered her eyes and earpieces covered her ears.

The visor showed her only where she was meant to go to 'get her freedom back', providing a pathway for her to stumble along all the way to his camp. It made her effectively walk her way right into his waiting arms, lest she end up killed by the many dangers in the wilds. It also selectively deleted all potential settlements and friendlies from view, making it so that her only choice was to always follow the route given to her.

Meanwhile, the earpieces were designed to block her hearing and instead provide false sounds to… motivate her to continue on her way. Sounds like large hostile machines and the cries of enemy tribes roaming through the area. It was just another way to drive the captive into a sense of utter terror, usually forcing her to quicken her pace and reach him all the faster.

The antenna unit sticking out of the back of her mechanical bondage searches for other signals and keeps her from getting too close. After all, he wants his captures alive and well for what he intends for them. Wouldn't do to have a bitch maimed or dead before she can return to him as his newest property. But Wren was a smart cookie and had managed to even make it so the antenna also communicated with other animal machines by either scaring them away or giving off a friendly signal.

All of that, combined with leg units that kept her walking at all times, unable to so much as sit down or sleep, as well as the crotch units with two large phalluses thrust up into her lower orifices, acting as anchor points for the whole contraption, kept her coming in his direction. She'd either make it into his waiting arms, or she'd die.

Of course, all of that was critical to making sure his new bitches made their way to his camp. But at the same time, Wren liked to make sure they were prepped for their new lives as his slaves as well. As such, there are also the tubes currently inserted into the new girl's nipples. Filled with his own special serum, they increase the capture's breast size and mammary glands, leaving her with massive tits filled with milk by the time she arrives before him. Wren knows what he likes, after all.

All in all, this new girl… she's a nine out of ten, easily. Compared to most of the used-up hoes he has down in his Hucow farm, this bitch is… deliciously pristine and utterly brand new. Grinning, Wren watches from a few feet away as she stumbles forward, hands still bound behind her back, feet wrapped up in tight metal hooves that forced her to walk here on her toes the entire time.

She can't see or hear him, of course… all she can do is reach her final destination, a large bit of machinery that her visor will have designated as the 'flower removal unit'. It's her only hope of escape, of freedom. If she willingly puts herself in the machine, then she'll be freed of the capture unit… or so she has to hope.

Desperate for escape, most bitches who make it to him eagerly present themselves to the machine. This one is no different, and Wren reaches down to adjust his crotch with a chuckle as she willingly places her neck in the metal noose like the silly, stupid bitch she is. The moment the sensors on the inside of the noose detect her presence, the whole thing tightens up around the metal collar she's wearing, locking her in place most securely.

Only then do the leg units begin to disengage, allowing her to finally bend her knees for the first time since her capture. Much like most of the other girls before her, the dumb brunette bitch takes this to mean it's actually working, that she's actually going to get free if she follows all of the instructions on her visor.

And so, she leans in and puts her knees on the seat of the machine where the visor directs her to do so, inadvertently pressing her full, enlarged breasts into the milking aspect of the machine at the same time. A muffled squeal exits her mouth around the bit gagging her as the initial tubes penetrating her nipples disengage, only to be replaced by massive suction cups that begin milking her right on the spot.

More than that, her new position is secured a moment later by MORE restraints as the whole machine locks her down, reaching out to connect to the binders on her shoulders and back to wrap around her and draw her in to it's mechanical embrace. She's completely trapped now, and ready to be moved downstairs to the Farm.

But first… no reason he can't have some fun with the new girl. Her position is perfect for the milking service she's going to spend the rest of her life providing, but it also leaves her hindquarters and backside jutting out, with her in that kneeling position of hers, her back forced to arch and her tits forward, her lower half is forced backwards.

She's got a shapely, toned behind that Wren can't help but admire as he approaches, wolf-whistling yet again in enjoyment of the view. Running his hands over her cheeks, he grins when she tenses up at the first human contact she's likely had in several days. Chuckling darkly, he reaches up and presses a finger to a sensor on her earpieces, causing said earpieces, along with the visor, to all pull away and retract into the main capture unit.

"Hello there, darling."

"Mmmmph! Mmmph!"

"Yes, yes. Such a predicament you've found yourself in. Still, I'm sure you're enjoying finally getting off your feet, so to speak. Bet that feels really good. Almost as good as your first milking will."

He smirks knowingly at that, glancing around her to see that the suction cups are still… revving up, as it were. She's already leaking, already lactating within the milkers, but in a couple more minutes she'll be getting milked for real, and from secondhand experience, Wren was pretty sure that was the closest thing to heaven his Hucows would ever get to experience.

"Such a fine specimen. Such a good girl, coming right to your new Master."


"Oh? 'Please'? Is that what you said? Please… what? Let you free? I think we both know I'm not doing that, darling. Or maybe you're begging me to relieve you in another way… that, I can probably help with, heh."

Before she can 'say' anything else through the bit filling her mouth, Wren reaches down presses his finger into another sensor, this time one situated on her crotch. With a ding and a green light, the whole thing begins to unravel. Now that she's locked in the greater milking machine, the capture unit is all extraneous after all. Even the gag goes away… but more importantly than that as far as she's concerned, the crotch unit pulls away, the two massive metal phalluses plugging up her cunt and ass pulling out of her poor holes and leaving them slightly agape.

The whole contraption flows back into a metal flower, one that he picks up with a grin and sets aside. Then, to his mild surprise…

"T-Thank you…"

The first thing she says once she can talk again… and it's thank you. Needless to say, Wren lets out a bark of laughter at that, causing his newest bitch to blush profusely as he fondles her ass. All she can do is wiggle in his grasp, even as he digs his fingers in, molesting her to his heart's content.

"P-Please… please let me go."

She sounds half-submissive already. But then, Wren was used to that. Very rarely, a bitch was still defiant after spending days finding his camp. VERY rarely. More often than not, even the strongest willed cunt was reduced to nothing more than a whimpering, mewling mess by the journey here. He'd designed the capture unit to break them down, after all.

"That's not happening, babe. You're mine now. My property. And those tits of yours are going to make me some serious money."

As if right on cue, the milkers start chugging away for real, beginning the process of pulling on her nipples, tugging on her tits, and sucking out all of the built-up milk within them for her first ever milking. Whatever she might have been about to say before that started is lost as a surprised squeal followed by a wanton moan leaves her lips. Wren just smiles as her eyes roll back in her head and she begins to orgasm herself stupid just from getting milked by the machine she found herself now imprisoned in.

Snickering, the 'farmer' doesn't waste any time reaching down and pulling his cock out of his pants. Positioning himself behind his newest bitch as she cums buckets, he grabs her shaking hips and steadies them, and a moment later he's inside of her. Her constantly climaxing cunt is absolutely phenomenal around his cock, just like he knew it would be. Massaging his dick with it's rhythmic clenching and squeezing, while gushing lubricant in the form of her pussy juices flows down his shaft, slickening his length and making the act of fucking her all the easier.

"Oh yeah babe! Welcome to the rest of your life, you silly fucking slut! Bahahaha!"

He pounds her from behind, even as she chokes and gurgles on her own spit, not able to so much as say a word with the amount of sensation going through her. She'll get used to it eventually, enough to be able to communicate while being milked and fucked at the same time. Sometimes, the girls get used to it and are still defiant, still prissy, still bitchy. Those ones, he puts the gag back in.

Most of his Hucows break here though. Several days to get to him, several days trapped in a hellish state of edged pleasure as they stumble their way towards his camp and their supposed 'salvation'. Followed by their first milking and usually a fuck from his dick. Yeah, that was definitely enough to break most bitches, in his experience.

Wren suspected this one wouldn't be an outlier. She was a gorgeous cunt, but she was clearly ready to beg by the time she got here. Not much of a spine to her, this slut. Still, it mattered little. In the end, she was just another Hucow. Just another bitch for his farm.

With a loud groan, Wren proceeds to creampie the bitch, enjoying the way she cries out and cums around his cock from the sensation. Then, pulling out of her, he grabs the machine she's currently locked into by top and begins to wheel it towards the freight elevator. Outwardly, his camp was just that… a simple camp, with a few bits of machinery scattered around here and there.

But that's just the surface, literally. It's down below where the magic really happens, and that's where Wren takes his newest bitch, the machine that she'd willingly put herself in actually quite mobile. He places her at a long line of women trapped in similar machines and lets her look upon her fellow Hucows with horror and fear as he circles around to the front of her and pours himself a cup of milk from the rapidly filling tank on her machine.

Taking a drink, he smacks his lips and grins.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff baby. You be a good girl now and make daddy Wren a lot of delicious milk to sell."

And then he turns and saunters away, ignoring her cries for him to come back, her pleas for him to listen. She sounded like she thought she had something important to do… but then, all of these dumb bitches thought they were doing something important before he got his hands on them. She'd learn soon enough… the past was in the past. She was his Hucow now, and that was that.


As her so-called 'Master' walks away, ignoring her pleas for him to just listen, Aloy slumps forward, whimpering and after a moment, sobbing, letting the tears fall as his cum leaks from her well-fucked cunt. She'd fucked up when she'd reached for that flower, she fully recognized that. But never in a million years could the young woman have known this would be the result of her mistake.

As soon as she'd reached out to the metal flower, it had transformed, quickly wrapping itself around her body, restraining her and sealing itself so that she was stuck with no way out. Shortly after, the visor that had covered her vision had activated, providing her with a route to her 'freedom'. Obviously, Aloy was no idiot. But she'd also had no choice. After several minutes of standing there feeling incredibly stupid and being utterly trapped, the damn contraption's leg units had activated.

Not only did the things not allow her to bend her knees, but they also constantly kept moving. If she didn't keep walking with them, she was in danger of falling over, not an enviable position by any means. Likewise, with the visor blocking her vision, she could either walk in the direction that it was telling her to or try and walk in a completely different direction and probably fall off a cliff or something and die.

With no choice in the matter, Aloy had spent the next several days trekking on her tiptoes to her ultimate destination. Early on, she'd had every intention of turning the tables on whoever had done this to her. But by the time she'd finally reached the machine that was going to 'free' her… Aloy had been too damn exhausted and bedraggled to do anything but go to it and accept the relief it offered.

Now… now she was utterly trapped. And from the look of things, she wasn't the only one. Gazing around her, the brunette sees rows and rows of women just like her, all of them with engorged tits, all of them being milked by the machines. As if on cue, her own machine begins to milk her again, and all Aloy can do is whimper and moan as she starts to orgasm profusely from the sensation.

After days of being edged and denied release, cumming so easily and so frequently is a nice feeling… a mind-breaking one at that. Aloy… Aloy doesn't know how long she'll be able to hold on. She can already feel pieces of her mind floating away. She's drowning in this, all of this overwhelming sensation.

Maybe… maybe it WOULD be better to just let go… to just become that… that man's cow.


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