Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Twin Love (Monster Hunter Rise)

Twin Love (Monster Hunter Rise)

A/N: Twin Love was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A young hunter in Kamura Village earns the attention of the village's two beautiful twin sisters.

Themes: Threesome, Loving Sex, Breeding


Relaxing in the hot springs, Takehiko leans back and lets his eyes drift shut as he exhales a soul-deep sigh. He'd done it… he'd finally beaten the monster Magnamalo with nothing but his skill and his weapon. It was a momentous occasion to be sure, but at the same time, he was tired… and so very glad that he was getting this chance to relax.

Of course, even as he relaxed his body, the young man's mind was still working overtime. Takehiko… he couldn't help but think back to when Elder Fugen handed him his sword. The sword that had been passed down for generations within the village of Kamura. Takehiko… Takehiko was not an idiot.

With shoulder-length green hair, green eyes, and a tall, lanky figure, he was one of the village's hunters. He was a warrior, of sorts, and it was his place to both protect the village and provide for it. But the sword that Elder Fugen had given him… it spoke of something more than what he was already doing. Namely, the sword spoke of him being considered for something greater.

Takehiko was capable of reading between the lines. Elder Fugen giving him the sword meant that the elder thought he had the potential to become the leader of the village, sometime in the future. Not now, certainly not, he wasn't ready yet… but some day down the road, he would be called to service. Takehiko wasn't sure how he felt about that, to be honest. He was-

In the midst of his introspection and inner thoughts, the door that opens out into the hot springs suddenly slides open and his thoughts are interrupted as two familiar women walk out. Hinoa and Minoto, the twin Maidens of Kamura village. The sisters were identical to one another, with straight black hair and beautiful faces. And yet, they were also relatively easy to tell apart.

Hinoa was the Quest Maiden, which meant she was in charge of doling out the village quests to hunters like himself. With a gentle nature and an inerasable smile, she was like a sun that brightened up the whole area with her very presence. Takehiko himself couldn't help but enjoy her presence whenever he could get it, and with that smile always on her face, it was relatively easy to differentiate her from her sister, Minoto.

Now, Takehiko didn't think Minoto was a bad person, necessarily. She just wasn't as… outgoing as her twin sister. With a calm, unwavering demeanor, Minoto held a serenity to her that left her somewhat emotionless, most of the time. Where Hinoa was always smiling, Minoto's identical, pretty face was often blank, as if she'd forgotten that other people used facial expressions to convey how they were feeling to one another without words.

Both Maidens are beautiful, but then of course they are. They're the exact same after all, for all that their personalities differ just a bit. Their outfits are also slightly different, but with the same straight black hair, if you took those outfits off, only their facial expressions would give them away. N-Not that Takehiko should really be thinking too hard about what lays beneath the twin sisters' clothing. That was inappropriate… just as inappropriate, in fact, as he was being for just sitting here in the hot spring after they'd entered.

"A-Ah, apologies! Please, let me just gather my things and I'll be out of your hair in no time…"

As he goes to stand up from the hot spring, not nearly as rested as he'd hoped but also not so ungentlemanly that he wasn't willing to vacate the area for the two beauties, their reactions… surprise him. Truth be told, Hinoa covering her mouth with her hand and giggling wasn't that out of character. But then Minoto responds by holding up a hand palm out and shaking her head at him.

"No, you do not have to do Takehiko. We were hoping to meet you here, in fact."

Wait, what? The green-haired young man blinks at that, his brow furrowing in confusion as he hesitates, half-up out of the water, but not fully as of yet. Bringing her hand down, Hinoa gives him an encouraging smile as she waves her other hand at him.

"Stay, stay! We insist, Takehiko~"

The teasing lilt to the more outgoing twin's voice is enough to make Takehiko blush as he sinks back into the hot spring fully, sitting down once more. He's not entirely sure what's going on here, to be perfectly honest. This sort of behavior… it feels sort of out of left field. Of course, just as he's trying to figure out what's going on, the twins throw him another curveball.

Without missing a beat, as soon as they see that he's sat down and staying put, Hinoa and Minoto… begin stripping down. The moment Takehiko realizes this, his jaw drops, and he averts his gaze, of course. He's no p-pervert, for all that he's a growing young man with a healthy libido. He's certainly fantasized about the twins before… and he's slightly ashamed to admit that he's fantasized about them together, more than once.

It's every man's dream, even if they don't know it. Given the opportunity, any red-blooded straight man would want to have sex with a pair of beautiful twins. Of course, in this case, Takehiko's infatuation started with Hinoa. Once again, he had nothing against Minoto personally, but Hinoa was the sunnier of the two sisters, the more outgoing. She was the one who inspired hope in all who spoke to her.

So yes, Takehiko had had a crush on Hinoa for quite some time… but as he'd gotten older, that crush had become a full blown infatuation and his wet dreams had begun to feature the gorgeous Quest Maiden… and eventually, once he'd gotten old enough to learn what a threesome was and all it entailed, his dreams had grown to feature the Quest Maiden AND Hub Maiden, both sisters together, pleasuring him, servicing him…

As the distinct sound of garments hitting stone reaches Takehiko's burning ears, he still doesn't dare look over. Part of him hopes this is a dream so he can indulge, but when he surreptitiously pinches himself beneath the surface of the hot springs, he definitely feels pain. This is no dream… a hallucination, maybe? Brought on by his exhaustion after defeating the Magnamalo? It was possible…

Or at least, it was possible until the two very naked Maiden sisters suddenly slipped into the hot spring on either side of him, their bodies suddenly pressing against his in a way that Takehiko was sure couldn't possibly be a hallucination.

Glancing first left and then right, Takehiko swallows thickly as he finds himself gazing into identical sets of eyes. Hinoa and Minoto both stare at him, with Hinoa smiling sunnily and Minoto gazing at him quite… intensely for the lack of emotion in her face.

"Relax, Takehiko. We just felt it was high time that someone showed you how thankful we all are for everything you've done for the village~"

As Hinoa explains their presence, she and her sister begin to run their hands up and down his body. They're washing him, he belatedly realizes, and Takehiko's blush only intensifies as he finds himself unable to avoid looking any longer. Needless to say, the twin Maidens… they're beautiful, both of them. Identical in body just as they are in face, the sisters are gorgeous, with sizable chests and curvaceous hips and all around perfect bodies just made for motherhood.

A shiver runs down the young man's spine at that thought, and he responds somewhat demurely as he averts his gaze again, realizing how long he's been staring. Not that Hinoa nor Minoto seem to mind one bit…

"I've… I've just done what anyone else would do. I'm not anything special."

"That is incorrect. You are very special, Takehiko. Your quest completion rate is out of this world, and your defeat of the Magnamalo only proves just how capable you are. You are unique, and it is important that you acknowledge your own importance to the village."

Takehiko gapes as Minoto says all of that. He wouldn't have expected it from the quieter and colder of the two sisters in a million years. A glance at Hinoa shows she's beaming and nodding along with what her sister is saying. Both of them are practically rubbing themselves up against him, squirming and wiggling about as they squish him between them, his hard body more squishing their softer more feminine figures then the other way around though.

"Minoto is right! Hey, Takehiko… why don't you kiss her. I bet she'd like that."

Takehiko's mouth opens and closes at Hinoa's sudden suggestion. And yet, when he looks at Minoto… she's blushing. She's actually blushing. Just like that, her serenity has been slightly fractured. She looks adorable, and reacting mostly on pure instinct, Takehiko reaches out and tucks two fingers under Minoto's chin, lifting her head so they're looking each other in the eye as he leans in and kisses her.

… It's his first kiss, and he suspects it might be Minoto's first kiss as well. In a world as dangerous as theirs', it's admittedly rare that they have time for frivolity and the like. Regardless, he kisses Minoto, and she kisses him back and honestly… it's great. She's great. Her lips are soft and taste sweet and Takehiko might not fully know what he's doing, but he's enjoying himself all the same.

"My turn!"

Blinking at Hinoa's voice from his other side, he begins to turn, only for her soft palm to come up and caress his chiseled jaw as she turns him the rest of the way to face her in no time at all. This time, it's the woman who initiates the kiss, Hinoa's lips falling upon Takehiko's with an unabashed eagerness that shy Minoto couldn't display.

Hinoa is the one that teaches Takehiko to add tongue to the kissing, and as his tongue wrestles with hers, he has to admit… this is pretty damn amazing. Groaning into her mouth, Takehiko isn't sure what to really do… but luckily, the sisters seem to know what THEY want to do. Reaching down beneath the waves, each of them grabs one of his hands and directs him up to their breasts.

Meanwhile, once he's groping and squeezing and molesting their tits on either side of himself, their own hands disappear beneath the water of the hot spring, taking hold of his cock and balls. One of them is always stroking up and down his hardening shaft, while the other happily massage his balls, working over his nuts.

Meanwhile, above the surface of the water, the two take turns making out with him, each spending a couple of minutes of uninterrupted time kissing him before passing him back to their twin. Moving back and forth between the two sisters… it's like a dream come true. Though even in his wildest dreams, Takehiko had never imagined this happening.

Call it what you will, but he just wasn't creative enough to come up with an elaborate fantasy like this in his dreams. One where he was sandwiched between two beauties, getting to fondle and knead their tits, watching as they moaned into his mouth while playing with his shaft and his nut sack at the same time.

It's phenomenal, and Takehiko isn't sure he ever wants it to stop… but of course, this is just foreplay, and Hinoa and Minoto came here today for a reason that went beyond simple heavy petting.

Pulling back from his lips one final time, Hinoa smiles sunnily.

"You're ready for us, Takehiko."

With the help of the two Maidens, he finds himself lifted up out of the hot spring and sat on it's edge. With this, his rock hard cock is in open air again, water cascading off of it as it springs up and bounces and jiggles a few times before settling at an angle, pointing straight out from him. Kneeling in the hot spring, both Hinoa and Minoto are at eye level with his cock as they share a glance and even a smile (though Minoto's smile is smaller than Hinoa's) before diving in.

Takehiko's eyes widen, and he lets out an involuntary groan as the twin sisters lean forward and each begin to slide their mouths and tongues along a different side of his cock. They work in unison, together, to pleasure him. There's not a hint of competition in them, though if Takehiko had to, he would say Hinoa is the more confident of the two. Minoto is doing her best, but it's almost as if she's following her sister's lead, working off of what Hinoa is doing and copying it so quickly that it almost looks like they're moving as one.

All of the confidence in the sexual act is coming from Hinoa, with Minoto following along. Takehiko is beginning to think he misjudged the latter twin. Rather than cold and indifferent, it's possible Minoto simply doesn't know how to express herself with the same tenacity and strength of will that her more outgoing sister does.

Takehiko knows full well how hard it can be to socialize sometimes. He himself is a bit of a loner, but then to be fair, most hunters are. Regardless, he gives both women a smile when they look up at him and is gratified to see it returned by Hinoa AND Minoto, even as they swirl their tongues along the sides of his cock.

Their hands, meanwhile, are busy… just not with him. Neither makes any attempt at hiding it. One hand apiece are on one of their breasts, while their other hands have disappeared beneath the water of the hot spring. Where said hands have gone is obvious, even to a man like Takehiko. Needless to say, the thought of the two gorgeous sisters fingering themselves down betwixt their legs while sucking him off at the same time… it's a heady one.

He just… he doesn't want to cum too soon. Letting out a shuddering breath, Takehiko calls upon all of the self control he has as he watches them work over his throbbing, pulsating cock. It's hard though… fuck it's hard. Their eyes swap between staring up at him looking for a positive reaction to going crossed as they stare down at his cock. Their tongues work over his shaft, and their lips suck at different parts of his girthy length.

More than once, they even look like they're kissing around his sizable cock, the twins moaning as they work him over and play with themselves at the same time. It's highly erotic and the sexiest, most debauched thing Takehiko has ever seen. He simply can't get enough of it… but all good things come to an end, don't they?

"Hinoa… Minoto… I'm getting close!"

His warning comes as he finds he can no longer hold back his impending release. Face scrunched up in concentration, he tries to do so anyways for as long as possible in order to give them time to react. In the end, this works out for the best as Hinoa pulls back and Minoto of all people descends down his cock length like a voracious tiger.

She swallows the top half of his cock whole, and the feel of her soft lips and wet mouth around his shaft is enough to send the hunter right over the edge. Takehiko groans as he tosses his head back in ecstasy, his hands grabbing hold of Minoto's skull instinctively for a moment as he holds her steady. To her credit, the more serene of the twin sisters swallows his load like a champ, gulping it down without hesitation and without pause until there's nothing left.

He cums for what feels like an eternity but could only be a minute at most, and when he's done, Minoto pulls back and swallows what's left in her mouth. The highly erotic sight is only in Takehiko's field of view for a moment though, because the next thing he knows he has a lapful of woman as Hinoa climbs on board.

His hands immediately go to the sunny Quest Maiden's full, shapely behind, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks as Hinoa grins at him impishly. Her cunt rubs against his cock for a moment before she raises herself up… and promptly drops herself down, impaling herself right then and there on his length and claiming both of their virginities in the process.

A sharp cry leaves Hinoa's lips, but she's more than wet enough already that the pain, if any, is fleeting at worst. Takehiko can't help but stare at her in stupefied awe, amazed by her beauty and by the fact that a woman as gorgeous as her would want to lay with a man like him. Still, as she begins to bounce on his cock, it's hard to stay in a state of stupefaction for long. It feels too good for Takehiko to not involve himself in some way.

He does so by digging his fingers into Hinoa's ass all the harder, and leaning forward to take one of her bouncing, jiggling tits into his mouth. As she moans from the feel of him suckling at her nipple, Hinoa begins to speak, smiling down at him somewhat lazily.

"Minoto and I have pined after you for quite some time, Takehiko. You may not realize it, but you are the most eligible bachelor in the entire village. You are a strong, virile man… most importantly of all though, you are a good man with a kind heart."

Takehiko blushes at the praise and is grateful for the tit in his mouth, since he doesn't have to respond. Luckily, Hinoa doesn't wait for a response either, moaning wantonly before continuing on.

"Minoto discovered my attraction to you before I discovered hers, admittedly. For a short time, my sister was willing to sacrifice her own happiness, if it meant I could be happy with you."

Speaking of Minoto… even as Hinoa rides him and explains their feelings, the other twin is not idle. There's suddenly a tongue working its way along his balls, and Takehiko realizes what Minoto is doing a moment later as Hinoa tenses up and then gushes all over his cock, cumming for him… and for her sister. The other woman is currently kneeling down behind Hinoa and using her tongue at the area where they're joined together, only adding to the pleasure of the experience.

"L-Luckily, oooh, luckily I d-discovered my sister's infatuation w-with you before anyone could be truly hurt! Minoto was s-silly to think I wouldn't be able to share… a-after all, you're more than man enough for both of us, aren't you Takehiko?"

Her faith in him is inspiring and uplifting… and he refuses to allow it to be misplaced. Pulling away from Hinoa's breast, Takehiko looks only her in the eye, since he can't currently see the other twin.

"Yes. I won't… I won't let you down. Either of you."

It's an easy promise to make. When one has two beautiful sisters, twins at that, confessing their love to you at the same time and even declaring that they're willing to share… you don't just back away from that. You don't give that up, not for anything.

Hinoa smiles gently in response and giggles, even as she moans from what her sister's tongue is doing to them both down below.

"We know you won't, Takehiko. Now fuck me… fuck me and fill me with your seed. I want you to knock me up. I want you to breed me as… as y-your woman for the first but certainly not the last time!"

Well shit, with a request like that, how could Takehiko do anything BUT follow through? Growling, he digs his digits into Hinoa's ass and begins to REALLY give it to her, bouncing her up and down on his cock. He even stands up in the hot spring, forcing Minoto to lean back a bit as he hardens his stance and drives Hinoa down upon his shaft again and again, impaling her on his meat pole.

There are no more words between them, as the sunny Quest Maiden of the village is reduced to a squealing, mewling, moaning mess of a woman by his big fat cock. Takehiko makes sure to give it his all… and with her permission already given, he doesn't even hesitate when his release rises up within him this time. Instead, the young man proceeds to spray his seed deep inside of Hinoa's quim, filling her womb directly and then some as he paints her insides white with his hot, sticky jizz.

Would he breed her right here and now? Possibly not. It wasn't that simple, even Takehiko knew that. But if this was going to be the new status quo, if he was now lovers with both Hinoa and Minoto… then he would end up breeding them both soon enough. There was simply no denying the passage of time, and all three of them were young people in the prime of their life.

Finishing inside of Hinoa, Takehiko slowly pulls her off of his cock, the green-haired young man isn't entirely sure what to do with her for a moment… but in the end, lays her out gently on the stones right outside of the hot spring. She smiles at him, face red and chest heaving, but a look of sheer contentment across her features as her eyes twinkle.

"Now… don't forget my sister~"

He hadn't, but Hinoa's teasing tone nevertheless causes him to look over at Minoto. No longer kneeling in the hot spring, Minoto has positioned herself for her turn. Rather than riding him like Hinoa had, the other Maiden is currently bent over in front of him, bracing herself on the edge of the hot spring with one hand, reaching back and splaying her dripping, glistening pussy lips with the other, and looking back over her shoulder at him expectantly.

"Are you ready for me, Minoto?"

"Y-Yes. I want you… I want you inside of me. Please. Please don't hold back. I wish to be a vessel for your cock, for your seed, and one day, your children."

Well shit, if she was going to act like that… Takehiko is rock hard and throbbing as he walks over and grabs her by her hips. Their bodies are MADE for breeding and fuck he can't wait to pump a kid into both of them. For the good of the village, of course, repopulation and securing the next generation was always important. But also, he had a soul-deep certainty within him that Hinoa and Minoto would make EXCELLENT mothers.

With Minoto splaying her pussy lips apart with her fingers, he doesn't have to do more than grab her by her hips, line up his cock with her welcoming entrance, and thrust forward. Claiming the second of two virginities while her sister's pussy juices are still on his cock… Takehiko groans at the tightness of Minoto's cunt, even as he begins to fuck her from behind.

She moans out in response, before crying out as he proceeds to not hold anything back. Hinoa… Hinoa was right, he's quickly coming to realize. He CAN keep up with both of them, can't he? He's more than man enough to handle the twins at the same time. He can make this work, THEY can make this work… and that knowledge, that realization only spurs him on to greater and greater heights as he rams into Minoto with all his might, driving her absolutely wild.

The hot spring water sloshes around their knees even as her body bounces and jiggles for him in a most delightful way. Removing his hands from her hips, Takehiko leans over Minoto and kisses the nape of her neck even as he winds his arms around her body so he can grab both of her jiggling tits. Groping and squeezing them, he fucks her in this new bestial, yet also more intimate position.

The clapping sound of his crotch against her ass mixed with the squelching of his cock disappearing into her sopping wet quim delight and amuse Takehiko. Meanwhile, his rough treatment draws more emotion out of the serene Hub Maiden then Takehiko has ever seen from her before. She's moaning up a storm, and it's obvious he's driving her absolutely wild with his cock.

They'll have the rest of their lives to explore one another though. For now, once again Takehiko doesn't hold back. Even as Minoto cums for him again and again, he finds himself getting ready to blow one final load. With permission already given twice over, Takehiko doesn't hesitate just like he didn't with Hinoa. He cums inside of Minoto and fills her to the brim, even as she orgasms explosively for him.

The second twin deflowered and creampied, Takehiko slowly pulls out of her, even as he's careful not to let her exhausted body fall into the hot spring. Instead, he lays her out next to her sister, the two looking absolutely gorgeous together. Naked and freshly fucked, his seed seeping out of their quims, their eyes lidded but nevertheless focused on him.

Things would never be the same after this… and Takehiko was perfectly fine with that. Change was inevitable, and he had to admit, he was incredibly excited to see where this was all destined to go.

One way or another, he was confident he would enjoy every last moment of it.


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