Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Day at the Pool (Ranma 1/2)

A Day at the Pool (Ranma 1/2)

A/N: A Day at the Pool was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Ranma gets peer pressured into going to the pool. He has no intentions of going anywhere near the water though! But you know what they say about best laid plans of mice and men...

Themes: Genderbending, Rough Sex, Breeding


Ranma wasn't sure how he'd let himself get bullied into this, but here he was all the same. Oh sure, going to the local pool after school was probably a very average, very normal activity for someone his age. But then, that was ignoring one simple fact… Ranma Saotome was cursed to turn into a girl if he got splashed with water.

… Yeah, knowing that, most people would probably be baffled at what Ranma was doing being near a swimming pool at all. After all, i-it wasn't like he LIKED being a girl or anything like that. Sure, his female form was a bit faster than his male form. Sure, she was very beautiful and constantly got compliments and attention from everyone around her.

But Ranma himself was a guy through and through! T-There definitely wasn't any change that came over him whenever he was forcibly turned into a woman by a splash of water! He c-certainly didn't get… more feminine or anything like that! Even if her body was big breasted, big hipped, and all around womanly, female Ranma wasn't his preferred form, he swore it!

She was just… just a tool. Yeah, that was a good way of putting it. As much as Ranma hated his curse, as much as he wished he could find a cure, and as much as he avoided water at all costs, he could admit that he'd become almost used to his female form. As a woman, Ranma had been able to get some things done that she wouldn't have been able to manage as a man. And that was an undeniably fact.

But none of that explained why Ranma found himself at the local pool. Oh sure, he was staying well away from the pool itself. He might have been convinced, tricked, or all around persuaded into coming to this little get-together, but that didn't mean he was going to go in the water. He'd even made sure to wear a male swimsuit as well, just a pair of swim trunks to show that he wasn't going anywhere NEAR the pool itself.

In response, those who had pushed him into going to this stupid event had ultimately given up on him. Sitting in a chair a good twenty yards away from the pool itself, Ranma was well out of the way of everyone who was congregating around the local 'watering hole'. Like the animals of the African Savannah, the local population came to the pool to cool off and refresh themselves, while collaborating and greeting and socializing with one another.

Ranma wanted nothing to do with any of it… except that that damnable watering hole analogy had made him suddenly realize how thirsty he was. Making a small 'tch' sound in the back of his throat, the raven-haired martial artist narrows his eyes, scouting out the area… and quickly finding the drink stand that was located on the far side of the pool. Because of course it fucking was.

There was a water fountain much closer to him, but Ranma couldn't drink from water fountains anymore. The splash hitting his lips, let alone the chance of it smacking into his skin, ended up constituting as him being hit by cold water, more often than not, resulting in a damnable transformation.

Plus, with his eagle eye vision, he could see that the drink stand was actually selling one of his favorite drinks… and it wasn't a half bad price either. Still, the path to get to it would be downright treacherous. It probably wasn't worth it, in all honesty…

Ranma squirms for another ten minutes, before scowling and finally standing up. It was like being told not to think about a big purple elephant. You were going to spend the next however long thinking about it, until you could get yourself out of the mental loop. Now that he'd realized he was a little thirsty, that small amount of thirst had rapidly evolved into downright parched. His eyes continually stray over to the drink stand, zeroing in on one of the drinks themselves.

Fine, fuck it. He'd just… he'd just be careful. Yeah, it would be easy. Super simple. No need to worry. Slowly, Ranma makes his way over, being as subtle possible so as to avoid being seen by the classmates who'd managed to peer pressure him into coming on this stupid outing in the first place. The last thing Ranma needed was one of them thinking he was finally 'getting over his fear' and joining them in the pool.

First of all, Ranma wasn't afraid of anything! Second of all, he wasn't getting in that damn pool! Not in a million years! Unfortunately, he would have to skirt the pool's edge itself to get over to the drink stand. And then he'd have to stand in the line leading up to the drink stand, a line that was irritatingly close to said pool's edge. But… one thing at a time.

Making his way through the crowd of people congregating around the pool, Ranma keeps his eyes mostly on the water itself. Despite his claim to not be afraid of water… there was no denying he had a, shall we say, healthy respect for it. He certainly wanted to avoid it after all. And so even as he begins to skirt around the edge of the pool, avoiding wet spots created by people who have gotten out of it recently, he's staring at that water, almost daring it to try and get him. He'll be ready for it, if it tries anything.

Unfortunately, this single-minded focus is what ultimately costs Ranma his dignity and pride. So, focused on the pool itself and it's dastardly rippling, he doesn't notice the guy who bumps into him until it's too late. To be fair, it's not precisely Ranma's fault… the guy who bumps into him is the macho sort, and the kind of tall, muscular dude who needs to prove he's Alpha by shoulder-checking other dudes.

Ranma could have easily handled a shoulder check from this man, all things considered, if he had seen it coming or even if it was any situation except for this one. The martial artist was athletic and built like a brickhouse. However, at the exact moment the other guy decides to shoulder check an unsuspecting Ranma Saotome, Ranma sees a small puddle of water in his path and shifts his feet to avoid it.

This combination of his imbalance and the other guy's shoulder check is what ultimately sends Ranma Saotome right into the pool that he'd wanted to avoid all this time. He barely has a moment to curse before he goes under… and if just a splash of water is enough to transform him, full immersion in the pool is more than enough to turn Ranma female.

One moment, he's a five foot five powerhouse of a martial artist with chiseled everything and a dislike for water. The next, she's a four foot eleven short-stack with tits for days and a body made to be fucked by a big, strong man. As she surfaces sputtering, the now red-haired Ranma Saotome coughs and hacks, even as she scrambles for purchase.

"Oh shi-! Hey, let me help you out there!"

What she finds is the man who 'accidentally' pushed her in offering a hand and subsequently pulling her out. Even as Ranma looks around to make sure no one saw her transformation, the guy who saw everything is staring at her in wonder… and it's only when a faint breeze brushes across her chest that Ranma realizes precisely what happened and flushes in embarrassment. Her chest was bared before of course… but that'd been in her male form.

Now, Ranma was one hundred percent female… and her perky, perfectly round gravity-defying orbs of titflesh were hanging out for all to see. Covering herself with one arm, Ranma scowls and prepares to storm off before too many people can clock her… only for the tall, musclebound jock who knocked her in in the first place to stop her.

"W-Wait! Hey, I'm really sorry about that… let me, uh… let me help you dry off. It's the least I can do!"

Looking at the man, Ranma is thankful that he's at least a stranger who she's never met before in her life. Small mercies, and all that. Because otherwise… he's a really tall, really handsome, really muscular dude who she finds herself blushing at the mere appearance of, embarrassingly enough. In the end, it's not hard for him to wrap an arm around her shoulders and 'hide' her with his larger body as he leads her to a more private area.

Soon enough, Ranma finds herself sitting down and getting toweled off by the guy who got her in this position in the first place. Part of her is left wondering why exactly she's doing this. She should have headed home immediately after her unfortunate dip in the pool, because she didn't have any other clothing and her tits were just… out still, even now that it was just the two of them.

But something about this guy… it was making her heart thump weirdly. She couldn't put her finger on it… but he certainly had no problem putting his hands on her. Oh sure, he disguised it as simply being thorough in drying her off, but it's obvious from the attention he spends on her chest that he's feeling her up.

Ranma is annoyed, at first… but honestly, the stranger knows what he's doing. His touch… it's electrifying, and she finds herself having to hold in gasps and moans and not having time to tell him off because of how good it feels and how sensitive her tits are finally feeling. Unfortunately, her lack of censure only spurs him on, and it's not long before he's going harder and hotter, taking her silence as consent.

When he starts sucking and kissing at the side of Ranma's neck while groping and squeezing her tits from behind without even the decency of a towel to pretend he's still 'drying them off', Ranma decides it's probably enough. And n-not because she's having a harder time containing her moans, no sir! It's b-because this is inappropriate, and she's let him go further than she should have to begin with, no matter how g-good it feels to be admired in her female form!

As she stifles her moans as best as possible and turns her head, Ranma plans to tell him off, really, she does. What she's not counting on, however, is him taking her head turn to mean she wants more… nor is she counting on his lips on hers to feel so good as he catches her in a deep kiss and holds her there. His hand comes up and grasps at her crimson braid, and Ranma's eyes go wide as his mouth smashes into her own and his tongue forces its way past her lips.

Shivering, practically in his lap now, Ranma doesn't do anything except let it happen, embarrassingly enough. It feels strangely nice, being kissed like this… and soon enough, she finds herself unwittingly kissing him back. It's really easy to get lost in the heat of the moment truth be told, with Ranma making out with this guy in no time at all.

He doesn't know her, and she doesn't know him… but maybe that's for the best, right? Maybe… maybe this is exactly what she needed, what she wanted. A no-strings attached way to explore her feminine side, to explore the desires of her female form. Of course, there's a small masculine-sounding voice in the back of Ranma's head that tells her she's not supposed to want to do those things in the first place… but that voice is swiftly drowned out by the pleasure she's receiving from making out with this tall hunky dude as he fondles her tits to his heart's content.

All of the sudden however, things take a turn for the unexpected yet again when he suddenly stands up from the bench… and grabs her by the hips, taking him with her. Ranma's female form has an hourglass figure, even if it's a relatively short hourglass. Big tits, wide hips, fat (if toned) ass… and an itty-bitty waist.

That's what he ends up holding, once his large masculine fingers have curled into the back of her boyish swim trunks and yanked them down over her hips and ass to her knees. His hands go back up to her waist and easily encircle it with how big they are, even as he lifts her up into the air, leaving her hanging from his grip half-folded over.

Ranma only has enough time to let out a distinctly feminine squeal of surprise before she feels a thick, hot rod of man meat pressing up against her admittedly slippery and wet but still entirely virgin pussy lips. And then, thinking that her shock and surprise and lack of reaction means she wants this as much as everything else so far, the guy… thrusts in!

She's o-outraged, of course! To not only be fucked by a dude all of the sudden, but in such a humiliating position as well?! Thanks to her diminished height in her female form, Ranma is effectively 'fun-sized' and 'handheld'. He easily manhandles her to his heart's content, and is soon driving over half of his meaty, throbbing cock into her no longer virgin cunt as Ranma gasps and mewls and squeals, shuddering in his grasp.

"Yeah, that's it. You like that, hot stuff?"

Oh great, now he's trying to dirty talk her. Ranma would roll her eyes, if she weren't currently trying to catch her bearings… and failing miserably. She feels so helpless right now, held up by his superior masculine strength, pulled off of the ground and impaled on his cock. Her feet are dangling and so is her upper body, leaving her in the unenviable position if not even being able to leverage her own strength to escape him.


Her denunciation of the fucker currently… well, fucking her, would probably hold more weight if she didn't let out a truly wanton moan a second after saying it. Instead of being taken aback by the insult, the guy just laughs and fucks her even harder, groaning as he thrusts into her from behind with every last inch of his meaty, hot member. Like he's sticking her with a burning poker, he drives into her depths and makes Ranma's eyes go crossed.

She tries to push him out, really, she does. If she can't use any of the rest of her body, she'll just have to use her pussy muscles to drive his cock back out of her freshly deflowered cunt so she can escape. Unfortunately, try as hard as she might, it simply doesn't work that way. Ranma flexes her inner walls, she pushes with all her strength… and all she manages to do is make HIM groan in pleasure.

"F-Fuck, you're so fucking tight. Clench up some more for me darlin', this feels amazing!"

Ranma scowls at that, even as she blushes profusely in embarrassment. Rather than pushing him out, she's just making him feel better! And at the same time… he's making her feel way too good too. Never in her young life had Ranma thought this was what the pleasure of being a woman could be like. She tries to resist, truly she does, but it just feels sooooo good, and before Ranma knows it, she's experiencing her first orgasm as a girl, her first orgasm as a WOMAN.

Letting out a particularly lustful and embarrassing cry, Ranma's eyes roll around in her head for a moment, even as her pussy walls clench down even harder around this random guy's big fat cock. In response, he lets out a groan of his own… and in the midst of her ecstasy and the pleasurable haze that's filtered over her senses, Ranma misses what he says next until it's far too late.

"Shit, you're way too good! I can't stop it, here it comes!"

Only halfway through the man's orgasm does Ranma realize what's happening, this sudden surge of pleasure from being creampied hitting her even before it dawns on her that he'd just cum inside of her like nobody's business, without her permission. Ranma… Ranma was NOT an idiot. Traveling Martial Artist, she may have been because of her dad's rearing of her, but at the very least, she KNEW how babies were made!

A strangled outraged cry leaves Ranma's parted lips even as she tries to ignore how good it feels to have him cum inside of her. Her nipples are rock hard from it, and her pussy walls are clenching along his cock even as he shudders against her, pulling her hips all the way back so her ass is squished against his crotch.

And then it's over, but the dangerous creampie he's left in her womb… that remains. There's no changing that fact, and as he slowly releases his hold on her, letting Ranma fall back down onto the bench as her pussy slips off of his cock, the red-haired martial artist finds herself experiencing a veritable tumult of emotions all at once.

In the end, she reacts a moment after he drops her, allowing her anger and outrage to guide her at first as she shucks off her swim trunks the rest of the way in order to give herself full mobility, before ultimately spinning around and grabbing the tall jock, flipping him onto his back and sitting down on his stomach in one move. With her tits still out and the rest of her body now bared as well, Ranma narrows her eyes as she pins him with an intense gaze.

In response, the guy looks at her in awe and amazement, his mouth agape as she glares at him.

"You better be willing to take responsibility for this."

This might have started out as something that could end with neither of them ever seeing each other again… but not anymore. No, not anymore. Seemingly reading this in Ranma's stormy face, the tall guy swallows thickly and then smiles and nods.

"I w-will… I definitely will!"

With a sigh, Ranma lets go of the last of her restraint… and proceeds to slide herself back a bit so she can drop her cunt back onto his cock, shivering in abject delight as she once again begins to enjoy the pleasures of being a woman and the carnal delights of being fucked by a man's cock.

"T-Then… we'd better make sure you have a responsibility to take care of…"

Riding his cock, she dives back down and seals the deal with a kiss, bouncing up and down on his dick as one thought goes through the red head's mind.

Being a woman… wasn't so bad after all.


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