Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Damsel’s True Nature (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)

A Damsel’s True Nature (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)

A/N: A Damsel's True Nature was a commission originally written back in May of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: During her time at Duel Academy, Alexis develops a serious Damsel-in-Distress fetish. In the end, she knows she wants to take things to the next level... and there's only one guy who can truly give her what she needs.

Themes: Bondage, Rough Sex, Breeding


As she strides into the underground chamber, Alexis Rhodes is dressed to the nines in her usual Obelisk Blue uniform, with her sleeveless jacket and her short blue skirt and her blue boots and gloves. Eyes narrowed, she positively struts forward with all the confidence of a woman who knows she's a capable duelist, a woman who's just a week away from graduating from Duel Academy itself with full honors.

Her narrow eyes become even more like slits when she sees the masked man standing on the other side of the cavern. Gritting her teeth, the blonde beauty thrusts out her chest and squares her shoulders, her nostrils flaring in anger.

"I came just like the message said! You're the one who's kidnapped Jaden then? Where is he?! I demand you release him this instant!"

There's a pause as her words reverberate through the cavern… and then a deep sounding chuckle comes from the masked figure, his voice coming out heavily modulated with the obvious use of a voice changer.

"Oh? You're going to save your boyfriend, are you Ms. Rhodes? Sure you don't want to go and find someone else to do the saving for you? Lest you once again find yourself as the damsel in distress…"

Alexis flushes at that, both in embarrassment and anger. How dare he?! Of course, at the same time, there's no denying it's true. She's been the captive, the kidnappee, and the all-around damsel in distress more times than she can count over her years at Duel Academy. It's a little embarrassing, though thankfully her friends are usually kind enough not to bring up her track record of being used as bait.

"Tch… you're underestimating me! That'll be your last mistake!"

"Hehehe… I assume that means you want to duel. We both know there's nothing else you can do to save your boyfriend…"

Bringing up her right arm, with her Academia Disc glittering on it, Alexis takes up the classic stance.

"That's right! A duel, here and now. When I beat you, you'll let Jaden go!"

"Oh, but that just won't do… after all, I hold all the cards. If you truly want me to go along with such a thing… we'll be playing by MY rules."

Before Alexis can question him on what that means, the masked man pulls something out of his robes and tosses it across the cavern to her. It bounces once, twice, and then skids to a stop right at her feet, unfolding and revealing a heavily modified Duel Disc that was very clearly against regulation. Still… it wasn't like Alexis had a choice. He was right, he did, for the time being, hold all the cards.

Nostrils flaring, the dirty blonde grits her teeth as she unclasps her Academia Disc from her arm and sets it aside, drawing her deck from its slot and taking up this new Duel Disc. She eyes it suspiciously, but ultimately can do nothing but put it on her arm… where it immediately latches down a bit tighter than she's expecting. Alexis' eyes widen as it all but clamps down on her arm, and when she instinctively goes to try to take it back off she finds she can't, it's hold on her much too tight as it wraps itself around most of her forearm.

"Wha-?! You! What's the meaning of this?!"

"We're going to have a special sort of duel, Ms. Rhodes. You'll see what the true power of your new disc is as things continue. For now, all you need to know is this duel will be timed. If for whatever reason you cannot make one of your turns within a minute, well then… you forfeit the duel. Is that understood?"

Frowning, Alexis nevertheless nods. As a graduating student of Duel Academy, it's not like she's any stranger to timed duels. Of course, she's also no stranger to dastardly villains and their convoluted plans. It seems almost too obvious to her that there's a trap here somewhere… but it's not like she can back out now. She HAS to save Jaden! He's saved her so many times, after all…

Biting her lower lip, the buxom blonde fits her deck into the slot of this new, modified Duel Disc and takes up her position once more across the cavern from the masked man. He in turn raises his own Duel Disc, though it looks nothing like hers.

"You can go first."

Tch, he was underestimating her! Alexis would make damn sure that he came to regret that! Drawing her hand and her first card, she looks them over for a moment before nodding self-assuredly, a plan forming in her head.

"I summon one monster face down in defense mode and end my turn!"

"Oh, is that all? Well now, how… disappointing."

Alexis flushes at that, trying to not let him get to her. The duel continues from there, with more of the same. The graduating Obelisk Blue student is a more than capable duelist, to be fair. She's really good at what she does, regardless of having lost a few… key duels over the years, to her own detriment. Alexis knows what she's about, she knows her deck like the back of her hand, and she refuses to be beaten by the latest big bad to try and fuck with her and her friends.

Alas, even as the duel progresses, she ends up trading blows with her opponent. There's no way to protect one's life point total forever, and it's a very rare duel that ends with either duelist at full life points. And so, the time comes when the masked man calls out with some measure of glee…

"I attack your life points directly!"

Alexis grunts, taking the hit with aplomb… or so she thinks. It's just a few hundred life points, no big deal right… except, the modified duel disc on her arm suddenly begins to twist and warp and Alexis stares down at it in wide-eyed shock as it slides up her bare arm, wrapping more of her body in it's strange, elastic material.

"What the fuck?!"

"Ah, the damsel finally begins to see, doesn't she? Heh, I suppose there's no harm in telling you now… that right there is a Capture Duel Disc. The more life points you lose, the more it will restrain you. Best be careful with your remaining health, Ms. Rhodes. Otherwise, you may end up forfeiting this duel once you can no longer take your turns."

Alexis' eyes widen at that, as he spells it out for her that simply. She looks down in horror at the Duel Disc clinging to her arm, realizing she can't do anything… except continue the duel. And perhaps, just a little, Alexis feels a surge of arousal and a slight moistening down betwixt her thighs, but the dirty blonde ignores that in favor of glaring daggers at the masked man across the cavern from her.

Of course, no matter how determined and resolved Alexis might be, there's no denying she's playing at a severe disadvantage here, and even knowing about it doesn't help very much from that point on. Every time she loses life points, the 'Capture Duel Disc' wraps more of her body up, first sliding down her side and encircling her feet and ankles, and then going further up her body from there. At around half of her life points left, it's already taken all the way to her belly button and shows no signs of slowing down.

Unfortunately, switching up her strategy to try and preserve her life points at all costs only leaves the masked man able to run roughshod over her, giving him so much more leeway to play fast and loose with his own cards. He's not on a timetable after all, he's not… slowly becoming encased in latex the more and more life points he loses.

No, that would be Alexis… and she realizes, as the latex covers her tits and creeps up towards her upper chest, arms, and neck, that she's in serious trouble. Unfortunately, knowing you're in trouble and actually being able to do something about it are two different things entirely. At the end of the day Alexis Rhodes has once again gotten in over her head… and bitten off more than she can chew.

Before he even zeroes out her life points, her arms are immobilized behind her back and a hood of latex slides over the back of her head, her full blonde locks pulled back into a ponytail and sticking out the back of the hood, while her face is perfectly framed, the only part of her body left uncovered at this point.

Unfortunately, it's her turn… a turn that she can't take in her current predicament. Unable to hold cards anymore let alone draw from her deck or play anything onto the field, Alexis trembles in her bondage, quivering as the masked man abandons his place entirely, the time ticking down for her in front of both of them as he saunters across the field, chuckling darkly.

"You seem to be in quite the predicament, Ms. Rhodes. My oh my… whatever are we going to do with you?"

Shivering, Alexis tries to muster what defiance she can, glaring at him as best as she's able as he smirks at her. Unfortunately, that glare is somewhat diminished by just how wet she is at this point. Blushing up a storm, almost thankful for her inability to truly rub her thighs together while also being absolutely sopping down there, Alexis shudders as the masked man reaches out and runs a hand across her front almost casually.


"G-Go to hell!"

Except, even as Alexis scowls at him, the Capture Duel Disc beeps, signifying the end of the duel. A feminine, robotic voice sounds out through the cavern, sending a shiver down Alexis' spine.

"Time limit exceeded. Player Two, alias Alexis Rhodes, has timed out and forfeited. Player One now designated as 'Master'. Obedience will be mandated."

Eyes twinkling behind his mask, the man in front of her gives his order once more.


Alexis is forced to crash to her knees, even as the hood slides the rest of the way over her face, completely covering her features and ultimately forming a thick O-ring gag in her mouth. With small holes for her nostrils and a big hole for her mouth, Alexis can still breath as she kneels there trapped in latex bondage… but she can't do anything else. She can't see, she can't hear, she can't speak. She's completely and utterly trapped and there's nothing she can do about it.

For a few moments, she kneels there in utter silence, afraid and unsure of what's going to happen next. And then, something presses down on her tongue and pushes through the O-ring gag into her mouth. Alexis gags as a cock, because that's what it has to be, pushes its way past her forcibly open lips. At the same time, a hand grips her blonde ponytail by the base and the cock begins to saw in and out of her mouth, thrusting forward in time with a rhythm that in her current state, Alexis can't help but latch onto.

With no sound, no sight, no nothing, all she can is the cock in her mouth and pushing down the back of her throat. It's a singularly distressing experience… while also being the hottest, most arousing experience of Alexis' entire life. As she chokes on the masked man's dick, completely beaten and at his mercy, tears streak down her cheeks beneath the latex hood, while at the same time she gets wetter and wetter down betwixt her thighs.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

He's not gentle about it, but then truth be told… Alexis doesn't want him to be gentle. She's failed, again. She's become the damsel in distress, again. She deserves this. Deep down in her heart of hearts, Alexis knows she deserves this. She deserves to be taken, to be bound and fucked. She deserves to be used like this, to be treated like nothing more than an onahole for this man to play with to his heart's content. She deserves-

"-an you hear me?"

Blinking beneath the latex hood, Alexis belatedly realizes that her ears are suddenly uncovered, and she can hear again. Her captor wastes no time in giving her an order when she jolts in recognition of this fact.

"Use that tongue of yours more, bitch. Or you may never see your precious Jaden ever again."

Whimpering, Alexis does as she's told, swirling her tongue around the man's cockhead whenever he's pulled back enough to do so, and writhing it along the underside of his shaft whenever he's thrust forward into her throat. She can hear again, even if she can't see, but mostly she just hears her own gagging noises, followed by his groaning pleasure.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Oh yeah, that's it… you're a good cock sucker, aren't you Alexis? A good little fuck toy who knows her place."

Gurgling around his pistoning prick, Alexis isn't exactly in a position to disagree with him. Instead she simply whimpers as her mouth is used to the fullest extent, until finally he lets out a loud groan and thrusts all the way back down her throat.

"Here it comes! Take it all, you cum-hungry slut!"

His seed explodes down her throat, and Alexis tries, truly she does. She swallows as much as she can, but even with that, more than enough comes back up her throat, exploding out of the sides of the O-ring gag and even plugging up the nostril holes of the latex hood covering her head. Alexis' eyes widen beneath the hood as she chokes, her nostrils flaring but all she inhales is his cum as it comes back in.

With her air holes all plugged up, she begins to asphyxiate. She could very truly die here, if he didn't do something. This right here could be how it ended for her, defeated by a superior male duelist once again and then used in such a humiliating, degrading fashion. As shameful as it is… the realization makes Alexis cum explosively, right there on her knees all bound up in the Capture Duel Disc, her life, or at least her consciousness fading from her from a lack of oxygen.

"Pull back the hood!"

Of course, before she can truly be endangered by the situation, the masked man calls out, his modulated voice holding just the faintest bit of… fear as the hood suddenly pulls back all the way to Alexis' neck, leaving her able to sneeze out the cum stuffed in her nostrils as he yanks his cock out of her throat, giving her room to breathe again. Gasping and rasping for air, Alexis pants heavily, tears streaking down her cheeks, eyes watery, face bright red.

So close to nirvana… god, she was a shameful woman. A shameful bitch, at the end of the day. She wasn't even fit to be called a woman.

"… Can't have you dying on me too soon. No, you're going to be my loyal pet. My personal fuck toy. I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you slut? I bet you'd like every last minute of it."

Shivering and quivering, Alexis looks up into the masked man's hidden face… and nods. His eyes behind the mask widen a little bit, but she just lolls out her tongue, offering up a display of what cum remains in her mouth before pulling it back in and swallowing.

"Hah… you nasty cum dump… hands and knees, now! Show me that sopping wet hole of yours!"

Even if the Capture Duel Disc wasn't controlling her movements, Alexis would have obeyed. As it is, she doesn't even have the ability to do so, her body forced into position and sending another thrill of pleasure up her spine. Back arching, ass jutting high into the air, the crotch of the latex bondage suit slides away just like the hood did, revealing her dripping quim framed perfectly by it.

The masked man drops into position behind her and places that big hard cock of his right up against her entrance. Alexis moans in anticipation and would have shaken her hips back and forth if she could, but she can't. All she can do is wait for him to fuck her.

"So fucking wet… god, you really do get off on being the damsel in distress, don't you bitch? You just want all the bad guys to make you their cunt, to turn you into their bitch. None of them have ever gone far enough, have they?"

Shuddering, Alexis hangs her head in shame but also in lust-filled arousal. Because it's true. All of it's true.

"N-No… they haven't…"

And she admits it, unable to hold back any longer. Chuckling darkly in response, he grabs her by her hips, clearly intending to 'reward' her for her honesty.

"Then I suppose I'll be your first."

And then he's inside of her, and Alexis cries out as he claims her cunt for himself, as he begins to fuck her with his thick cock, as it plunders her depths and drives her absolutely wild with pleasure. He fucks her hard and fast, not letting up for even a moment… not that she would want him to. She wants this, she wants to be fucked, she wants to be USED.

Her time at Duel Academy has taught Alexis Rhodes an awful lot about a lot of things. But more than anything, it's taught her about herself. She's developed a fetish for this sort of treatment, a longing to be turned into nothing more than a collection of holes by a villainous man. She wants to be his slave, she wants… she wants to be his broodmare.

As if able to read her mind, he suddenly reaches forward, and grabs hold of her dirty blonde locks. They've fallen out of the ponytail because of the hood's retraction, but he gathers them back up again, this time into a makeshift ponytail only held together by his fist. Once he has a good grip, he yanks back on her head, forcing her back to arch even further so he can look down at her through the eye holes of his mask from above.

"A bitch like you deserves to be bred, doesn't she? A bitch like you is only good for one thing… popping out kids for her Master. Is that what you want, slut? To be my broodmare slave as I knock you up again and again for the rest of your life?"

Shuddering and bucking back against him, Alexis' eyes go crossed as she cums from nothing but his words and the feel of his pistoning cock. A low, wanton moan leaves her pouty lips as she imagines it and orgasms explosively at the mental image. It's as good as a yes in the answer department, but still he waits for her to actually reply… and she doesn't disappoint.

"Yessss… t-take me, Master! Fucking fill me with your cum! Breed this worthless whore cunt with your virile seed! I deserve it! I deserve to be your broodmare slave! I'll serve you for the rest of my days, so please just knock me up already!"

With a hoarse growl, he speeds up his pace, clearly turned on by her words. Alexis' eyes are soon rolling back in her head entirely, her tongue lolling out of her face in true ahegaoing ecstasy as she adopts the silliest of fucked silly expressions. She cums for him again and again as he drives himself deep, DEEP inside of her, until finally it happens, she feels it. His own release arrives, and he proceeds to pump her full of his virile, life-giving seed.

Gurgling in her bondage, helpless to fight back and not wanting to anyways, Alexis Rhodes accepts her role as nothing more than a meat toy, a fuck puppet, a worthless cum dump. For anyone else who knew her, seeing the brilliant Obelisk Blue student reduced to such a state would be horrifying… but for Alexis, it was complete and utter nirvana.

Said nirvana was made even better a moment later when the 'masked man' runs a hand down the seam of her latex suit, forcing the Capture Duel Disc to release her entirely. As the modified disc falls off of her arm, leaving her covered in sweat and shivering in delight and the after shocks of her explosive orgasm, the 'masked man' reaches up and takes off his mask… revealing the face of her boyfriend and lover of some time now, Jaden Yuki.

He was never in any danger… after all, this entire thing was a set up that she'd asked him to help her with. A scenario that she'd begged him to perform with her. The concerned look on her boyfriend's face as he cradles her exhausted body in his hands tenderly and caringly shows just how worried he was about doing all of this.

"Alexis… are you alright?"

"M-More than alright. That was… fantastic."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. It was… fun. I felt a little weird at times, but I stayed in character just like you asked. It was pretty hot… the way you begged for it."

Blushing, Alexis smiles up at him.

"Would Master like me to beg for more?"

Jaden blushes right back and ducks his head with a throaty chuckle.

"You're gonna drive me crazy, Alexis…"

Deciding that now was as good a time as any, Alexis slips her hand down the front of her sleeveless jacket and pulls a collar out from betwixt her cleavage. Jaden blinks at it, even as she offers it to him in her open palms.

"Jaden Yuki… will you collar me and be my Master?"

"Wha-?! You-!"

Smiling softly, Alexis looks down at the collar she's prepared for this moment.

"We're about to graduate. This is the best time to… renegotiate our relationship. And frankly, even if you want us to get married for legal and societal purposes… I can't imagine a world where I don't do everything in my power to stay at your feet. I want to belong to you for the rest of my life, Jaden. I want… I want you to own me, to breed me… to use me."


Slowly, he takes the collar from her hands… and places it around her neck. Alexis bares her throat for him and everything to give him better access, before smiling a brilliant smile as she wiggles in his hands.

"Thank you, Master~"

Reaching up, hesitantly at first then with more confidence, Jaden grabs one of her tits and gives it a squeeze and a grope, slowly coming to terms with his new power over her, his new… control.

"You're welcome… slave."

Without a doubt, in that moment Alexis Rhodes knows she's made the right choice. She's finally right where she belongs.


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