Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Proper ‘Apology’ (Mushoku Tensai)

A Proper ‘Apology’ (Mushoku Tensai)

A/N: A Proper 'Apology' was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: When Rudeus Greyrat goes to Somar's house to apologize, he finds Somar's mom, Ada, is the only one home. One things leads to another quite rapidly...

Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


Rudeus Greyrat might have looked a child but was far from actually being a child. Having lived a previous life, he was actually older than many of the adults in his current one. That said, he'd been a pretty worthless piece of shit in his past life, and endeavored to do better this go around, no matter what.

Which was why he'd stepped in when he saw little Syphile being bullied by some of the other boys in the village. He wasn't going to be the kind of guy who just let such a thing happen right in front of him, no sir. Especially not when he was a Water Saint mage who'd received quite a lot of magical training. Syphile didn't deserve being bullied and harassed simply because she was a doormat and easy as hell to walk all over. She was a young girl and extremely shy, of course she was going to be a doormat at her age.

Still, he was a little blindsided when his father confronted him after he got home. Apparently, his actions had consequences or some such, and Paul Greyrat 'didn't raise a bully' or whatever. Needless to say, Rudy had had to go about explaining what had ACTUALLY happened, and thankfully common sense prevailed. After all, for what reason would he have to attack an entire group of boys who were all bigger and older than him, if not to protect a young girl?

It worked… after a fashion. His father in this new life was willing to accept Rudy's explanation. But at the same time, Paul was a meat head, and one that didn't like having his authority questioned, or being forced to admit he'd been wrong. And so, in spite of Paul acknowledging Rudy did the right thing, Rudy does not get an apology for his father's quick jumping to conclusions. More than that, he's told to go and 'make up' with Somar tomorrow, the little gang's ring leader.

Needless to say, this rankles something fierce, but Rudy knows better than to push the point. It's not like his father knows that he's a full-grown man-child of an adult trapped in a small and altogether youthful body. In the physical appearance department, there's only one massive upgrade that Rudy has in this life over his last. The rest though, will come with time and conditioning, and so Rudy can wait… he can wait.


The next day, the young mage finds himself visiting Somar's house and dreading having to make nice with a literal child. Especially when said brat went home crying to his mother and spreading lies that very nearly got Rudy into serious trouble with his father. Still, in order to keep Paul on his side, Rudy needed to at least make an effort of following the man's orders.

And so, with a preemptive headache already feeling like it's forming in his skull, Rudy knocks on the front door of Somar's house and waits. He doesn't have to wait long, though whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, Rudy can't say for certain in the moment. The door opens, and on the other side of it, rather than Somar himself, is Somar's mother, a woman Rudy only knows as Mrs. Ada.

"You. Somar and my husband are out for the morning. You might as well come in and wait."

Frowning, Rudy nevertheless does so. He didn't like the idea of having to waste hours of his day waiting for a bully to come home so he could apologize or whatever. Especially not in the company of the bully's mother, who obviously had it in her head that HE was the bad guy.

"My poor boy came home with bruises yesterday, you know? Bruises! You're a vile, violent brat… as expected of Paul's son, I suppose. Hmph, hopefully that father of yours can knock some sense into your head and fast! You can't just go around the village hurting the other boys because you have magic, and they don't!"

… Yeah, that was about enough. Rudy's temper wasn't hair-trigger, or at least he liked to think it wasn't, but he was still in the body of a boy these days, and emotional reactions were as much a result of hormones as anything else he supposed. Unable to take Ada's abuse any longer, he finally snaps back.

"Your 'poor boy' was bullying Syphile! A real man wouldn't bully a little girl just for things outside of her control! If Paul knew what Somar had done, he'd get a lot worse then he got from me, the little brat!"

Mrs. Ada had turned at the start of his response, and her eyes have only grown wider as he speaks. Rudy knows he's giving it away a little with how he's talking, but he just doesn't care. And it's not like Ada really notices he's acting far older than his age anyways. In the end, indignation and something akin to rage war across the woman's face, and she strides forward, raising her hand up in an obvious attack.

"How DARE you!"

Of course, Paul didn't say anything about him having to take any physical abuse from Somar's mom. Needless to say, if it had occurred to his meathead of a father, he might have been ordered to stand there and take it like a man… but it hadn't, and so Rudy refused to. Instead, as Ada's hand comes down towards his face, he grabs her by the wrist, stopping her cold.

She tries to tug herself free, only to find she can't. Her eyes widen, and she looks about ready to scream, so Rudy lets her go, perhaps a bit more violently then he intended. All but throwing her away from him, his abrupt release of her wrist causes the MILF to stumble back and fall onto the couch, making her impressive breasts jiggle all over the place.

Now if there was one part of Rudy that had transferred over from his last life into this one, a part of his previous self he had no real intention of letting go of… it was the pervert in him. He wouldn't let his perverted tendencies consume his life again, of course, but… well, he wasn't going to refuse to indulge and live like a monk or something.

And so, noticing the jiggle, Rudy smiles the smile of a pervert who's just gotten a nice look at a pair of good-looking tits bouncing and jiggling all over the place. Of course, Ada notices where he's looking quite quickly and covers her chest, scowling mightily.

Rudy has to admit, he doesn't really care for her frowning face. Knowing the things he knows, he's well aware that she's only covering herself up because of his age. After all, if his dad were here…

"You know, if it were Paul instead of me standing here before you right now, you'd LOVE showing off your amazing tits to my dad. You'd be all giddy, over the moon in fact!"

The blush that spreads across her face is enough confirmation for Rudy, even as she sputters and shakes her head.

"I-I would not!"

It was probably unfair of him, using the cunning of his true age and the natural guileless nature of his outward appearance to lie to her… but he can't help himself.

"Yeah right, Paul's already told me all about them. He even told me which women have the best breasts in the village!"

A boastful lie, to say the least… and yet, with everything Rudy knew about his father, it could almost certainly be true. Given the way Ada doesn't seem to even remotely question him, she agrees.

"T-That perverted lout!"

She's trying to act the part of an indignant housewife, but her blush has only grown redder, and Rudy can see the hint of intrigue in her eyes. Her next words only confirm it.

"O-Out of curiosity… w-where do I rank?"

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound right? Rudy shrugs his shoulders and offers the MILF a wide grin.

"I don't know, I haven't seen yours yet, have I?"

The implication hits Ada like a ton of bricks, just as Rudy hoped it would. The idea, that he'd somehow already gotten a look at all the other women his father had told him about… he can see it practically working its way through the peasant woman's head. It's rather unfair, it's not like she's all that educated, and she's certainly not prepared to have a boy running circles around her and playing mind games with her.

In moments, her jealousy is plain as can be. As a woman in a small village like this one, it's clear she's put a lot of value in her appearance. After just a bit of internal thought that plays out across her face for Rudy to read with ease, Ada gives a small nod to herself.

"I-I'll show you mine and you'll rank them, a-alright?"

He hadn't dared to hope… but he wasn't about to let an opportunity like this pass him up. Schooling his initial shock into indifference, Rudy shrugs.


Slowly, the gorgeous MILF lowers her blouse to display her breasts. She looks away to the side, blushing and scowling up a storm, but Rudy can't be bothered to care about all of that at the moment. Instead, his gaze is focused entirely on Ada's tits. Somar's mom has a pair of hefty knockers… healthy C-Cups at the very least. Stepping closer makes her tense up but also causes her to jut out her chest a bit better for his… inspection.

Deciding to take things to the next level after a few minutes of looking over the imperfect but still gorgeous pair of breasts on this peasant lady, Rudy finally reaches out to heft them in his hands.


Rudy just raises an eyebrow at the MILF when she squawks at him, and Ada blushes, seemingly confused, taken aback, and turned on by his confidence all at once. She doesn't try to pull his hands away herself, nor does she tell him to remove them… so Rudy keeps going. He weigh Ada's tits in his hands, lifting them up by her underboobs and then rubbing them with his small, dexterous fingers.

This gets a great reaction from Ada, who gasps and whimpers and even moans a little bit as he plays with her. Halfway through, Rudy stops for a moment and lifts an eyebrow at her when she looks his way.

"You're getting turned on by this, aren't you?"

"W-What?! N-No, of course n-not! I'm a married woman you l-little pervert!"

Rudy just snorts at that. If only she knew… hell, maybe if he got to play his cards right, she would learn soon enough how 'little' he really was. Regardless, for the time being he continues to 'inspect' and toy with her tits… until finally, he decides to once again up the ante. Changing the game, he pinches Ada's nipples, both at the same time. The wanton moan that comes out of the MILF's throat as he does so is hastily clamped down on by her slamming her mouth shut, but it's too late for that.

Amazed by how easy it is to make her react, and incredibly horny at this point, Rudy keeps going, rubbing and pinching her breasts and enjoying just how weak she's getting and how hard her nipples become under his ministrations. So hard, in fact, that she starts leaking milk! That amazes Rudy, and he has no idea whether that means she's pregnant, or if lactating when aroused is just something that happens with women in this world. After all, there was no magic in his previous world either, so really, the sky was the limit on crazy things he had yet to discover.

After who knew how long of working over Ada's lactating nipples and squeezing her soft, pillowy breasts, Rudy gets what he didn't even know he was looking for… he manages to make the MILF cum from nothing, but breast play along. Squealing and shaking, Ada spasms as she very obviously orgasms right in front of him, Rudy tugging her nipples away from her body and watching with a blank face as she bucks her hips upwards.

Once she's done, he lets go of her tits finally, watching as she falls back onto her couch, looking a mixture of dazed, upset, embarrassed… and satisfied. Rudy doesn't need to be able to read her mind to know what she's probably thinking. She likely can't believe that a 'mere boy' such as himself was able to make her feel like she just went a round with her husband through only her breasts. The shame of it…

Grinning, Rudy can't help but try for more. As the housewife struggles to recover on the couch, Rudy climbs up next to her… and promptly drops his pants right as she looks up at him blearily.

His cock, a great deal bigger than her husband's (and even slightly bigger than his father, not that Rudy knows that) flops out onto Ada's face. He has a wide smirk on his own face as he rubs his massive, mammoth-sized cock all over her features. This right here was his pride and joy, after his magic of course. This was his 'big secret'. His cock had grown long and thick way before the rest of him had grown up, and as it leaks precum onto Ada's dazed face, Rudy can tell she's not sure how to respond.

Her nostrils flare and her mind is clearly drunk on the scent of his dick as she can't help but lick her lips.

Honestly, Rudy could hardly believe his luck! He could tell now, without a shadow of a doubt… he was definitely about to lose his virginity to this smoking hot MILF. He could now understand Paul's appreciation for breasts, having a pair of delectable tatas quivering and trembling just below his cock. Of course, a part of him did wonder if this was wrong, given it was technically NTR. On the other hand, NTR was a fantasy concept! It completely removed the woman's agency!

Obviously, if he and Ada fucked it wouldn't be NTR… it would be good old fashioned cheating! And besides, at least it would be one less woman in the village perving on his new father all the time. Plus… it was Somar's mom. Screw that little bully.

Leaning forward, Rudy plants one hand on the wall behind Ada's head as he directs his dick tip towards the MILF's mouth. There was still the chance she'd come back to her senses and reject him, or even try to bite him… but no, Rudy doesn't think it likely from the way her heavily hooded eyes go crossed trying to stare at his girthy member, and her mouth opens nice and wide to attempt to accommodate his cock.

Pushing into Ada's mouth, Rudy groans as his cock feels like it's being squeezed in a warm, wet vice. It was AMAZING, to put simply. No one besides him and Roxy had ever so much as touched his dick before now, even back in his old world. He… he wanted more. And with a willing slut of a MILF right before him, he would have more.

"That's it… suck my fat fucking cock… worship it you slut…"

Ada's eyes flash up to meet his for a moment, but as Rudy begins to thrust his hips forward, she moans around his dick and does exactly what she's told, sucking and slurping at his cock, gagging on it as well as he goes further down the back of her throat then any man before him has probably been.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

The warm, wet, swirling tongue combined with the feel of her hot, fleshy mouth was just… insane. Rudy can't help himself, in moments he's going over the edge, in just a few minutes he's cumming down her throat. Ada, to her credit, manages to swallow most of it, though two twin trickles of his seed end up flowing out of the sides of her mouth in the process.

But Rudy isn't satisfied with just this. Far from it… he wants more. And he'll TAKE more, so long as she's not stopping him. Leaving his dick still in her mouth, Rudy all but falls upon Ada's voluptuous, soft, pillowy body. She makes a grk noise around the cock in her throat, even as he slides down enough to begin pulling her dress up from where it currently lays around her ankles. Yanking it up even as he humps the MILF's face, Rudy eventually reveals her long legs and slight belly.

More than that, he reveals the tight panties she has on between her thicc thighs. Using his hands to grip said thighs and spread her legs apart, Rudy pulls the panties aside and calls upon every bit of experience he has from his time with Roxy. He digs in.

Up above, Ada squeals around the cock in her mouth as his hungry mouth descends into her pussy. Needless to say, Rudy wastes no time in alternating between pumping his dick in and out of her lips and eating her cunt with his tongue and mouth. The sixty-nine that he proceeds to enact upon the laid out MILF is sweaty and hot and decidedly over the top… it's like something has been awakened within Rudy. He can't help himself, now that he has a gorgeous babe right where he wants her, willing and so deliciously delectable, he's going to have her.

Soon, Ada is creaming herself on his tongue, cumming and entering yet another daze as he in turn cums as well down her throat once more. The MILF manages to swallow his spunk, and almost seems relieved as he pulls out of her mouth and finally gets off of her. Turning around, Rudy stares at the exhausted peasant woman. He can tell that while physically she's been reduced to nothing but a pleasured puddle by their debauched sixty-nine, mentally, she's lamenting what she's just allowed to happen.

Letting a boy like him have his way with her? Her taking him into her mouth when she likely hadn't done so for her husband in some time, if ever? My oh my… he certainly had the power in this relationship, didn't he? Grinning wickedly, Rudy steps forward, deciding that there was no way he was going to stop with just that. Not when his fat cock was still rock hard.

Somar's mom lets out a cute 'eep!' as he pulls her panties down her legs and off of them. She manages to focus her gaze back on him just in time to see him lifting her legs high into the air and aiming his raging erection right at her gushing wet pussy. Making eye contact with her, Rudy lines up and gets ready to thrust, just as Ada is finally finding her voice once more.

"W-Wait, Rudeus, we shouldn't-ohfuckme!"

Too horny at this point to stop just because she's starting to have second thoughts, Rudy thrusts forward. Besides, it's not like she actually said to stop anyways, she beat around the bush with the 'we shouldn't'. Well, there were a lot of things people shouldn't do… and Rudy wasn't about to let that stop him. Thrusting in, Ada lets out a wanton moan as Rudy groans, and with a grunt, he begins to fuck her.

It really is phenomenally tight. Despite her being a mother who's already given birth, Ada's cunt was deliciously hot and wet and tight around his cock, gripping down on his length even as he fucks in and out of her hard and fast. The MILF's face is as easy to read as ever. Clearly, she's not used to having her world rocked by a cock so much bigger than her husband's.

While Rudy knew from earlier that Paul had seen Ada's tits at some point, he now also knows without a shadow of a doubt that this tight, horny, slutty MILF has yet to manage to convince his dad to cheat on his mom. That's good to know at least, and he groans at how snug her cunt is, enjoying how he's stretching her insides out something fierce around his shaft.

It takes a moment, but finally Rudeus fully hilts inside of her pussy… he only gives her a second of respite before he begins to TRULY move his hips, however. Ada was subsequently treated to the wild, spasmic in-and-out fucking of a hung, virgin shota, his massive cock plowing inside of her even as he experiences true sex for the first time in either of his lives.

He doesn't stop for a second, plowing into the gorgeous peasant woman for all he's worth, enjoying the way her C-Cup breasts bounce and jiggle as her eyes roll up in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. Frankly, it's still not enough, he wants MORE… and so Rudy pulls her legs up even further and presses them back against her body so he can start REALLY hammering into her.

From his experiences as an otaku in his previous life, Rudy knows what this is… this is a fucking superb mating press. Never in a million years would he have hoped to engage in one, especially with a hot MILF like Ada, and yet here he was. Here they were. Ada was ahegaoing right before his eyes, her face taking on the slutty expression he'd never thought he'd get to see in real life. Her mind was descending into a place of sexy, slutty pleasure.

After what felt like an eternity of fucking, she came around his cock. She came, and she came hard. Her pussy tightened to a frankly amazing degree for the boy, and despite Rudy lasting longer after the blowjob followed by the sixty-nine, well… he was still young and sensitive in body.

With a hoarse groan, he begins to cum, announcing it at the top of his lungs as his spunk starts to fill Ada's womb.

"I'm cumming you slutty sow!"

The MILF jolts under him, shifting as her eyes widen for a moment. It's almost like she wants to try and stop him… but in the end, it's far too late for that. He floods her womb, and that sends her right over the edge again, even more explosively than last time. Her body spasms, his cum fills her to the brim, and from the way her eyelids are drifting, it's obvious to Rudy that she's going to pass out.

He growls, still hard inside of her… as she falls into a deep slumber, Rudy starts up again. The last thing Ada hears before she passes out is his voice, determined and resolved.

"I'm not done yet, you big-tittied cow…"

Ashamed as she would be to admit it, Ada's body is nevertheless thrilled by those words, even as the MILF conks out on the spot.


"You go over and make things right today, boy?"

Being confronted by his father at the dinner table would have pissed Rudy off something fierce if he didn't have the day he'd had. As it is, he can't help but just smile and nod as he gathers up some more food on his fork.

"Yep. I made my apology and we got along great!"

Paul smiles and nods in a satisfied manner, the meathead. If he or the rest of Rudy's family knew what he actually meant, they would definitely not be happy. As it is, they're oblivious to what he and 'Mrs. Ada' had really done today… and likely would stay that way for quite some time.


Meanwhile, in a different home at another dinner table, a similar conversation was taking place. As Ada eats with her husband and son, the MILF suddenly pipes up, speaking in a forced casual tone.

"Paul's son came around today and apologized in full. I doubt we'll have much more issue with Rudeus."

Ada's husband perks up at that, but her son scowls. Somar crosses his arms over his chest and frowns.

"Why didn't he apologize to ME then?!"

Looking at her brat of a son in a new light given what Rudy had said and then what the boy had done to her, Ada finds herself sneering at her own child.

"I didn't teach you to be so disrespectful, Somar. And if I hear even a lick of talk of you bullying and harassing Rawls' girl again, I'll tan your hide. Is that understood, boy?"

Even as his father looks slightly alarmed by the sudden vitriol, Somar freezes up and then ducks his head, not even trying to protest as he averts his gaze.

"Yes mama…"

Considering the matter laid to rest, Ada smiles as she sits back in her chair a bit. After another few minutes of silent eating, Ada speaks up again.

"Yes, Paul's boy is a good boy… nothing like Paul himself. He even agreed to apologize to all of the other mothers as well. I'll be taking him to do so in the next few days."

Neither her husband nor her son know what to think about that, and in the end simply make murmuring noises of agreement with her as they focus on their food. Unseen by them, Ada slips one hand under the table and rubs her sticky, hot cunt betwixt her thighs at the thought of Rudy Greyrat using that massive cock of his to fuck her fellow housewives.

If she played her cards right, she'd be able to get another turn for herself as well. Needless to say, she could hardly wait…


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