Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Change in Perspective (SWTOR)

A Change in Perspective (SWTOR)

A/N: A Change in Perspective was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which the young Twi'lek Vette finds herself in quite the pickle, enslaved to a Sith Warrior too smart for his brawn and having caught the eye of a Sith Inquisitor too slutty to be stopped.

Themes: Master/Slave, Threesome, Dom/Sub


She should have known that coming to Korriban was a Bad Idea. That's the thought that continues to run through Vette's mind as she and her new 'Master' stand in the hallway outside of the prison cells she's just been released from. Of course, in this case, her 'release' is a bit of a misnomer thanks to the shock collar around her neck.

After years of freedom, Vette is once again a slave, though she swears to herself that it won't be for long this time. Having been born into slavery, she hadn't known what freedom tasted like until it came for her at the hands of a Pirate Lord. Working for Nok Drayen had been a treat, and afterwards Vette had used the skills she'd learned as a pirate under him to rob and ruin those who would exploit Ryloth's cultural artifacts and people.

Perhaps if she'd been smart enough to stick with that, she wouldn't be here in this position now. But no, she'd gotten greedy and snuck her way onto Korriban, the Sith Empire's private training grounds. Then, on top of that, she'd been stupid enough to get caught.

Now here she was, waiting and watching wearily as the Pureblooded Sith Warrior who's been handed the control for her shock collar looks it over curiously. A hulking, massive beast of a being, he has the deep dark red skin of most Pureblood Sith, as well as bone spurs protruding from his face and likely other parts of him as well beneath that armor. He's a musclebound juggernaut, that much is obvious…

So far she'd seen him convince an assassin to work for the Empire, coldly kill a fellow Sith in his own cell, and send an innocent alien back for further torture, 'just to be sure'. Needless to say, Vette had been tense, just waiting for the moment when he would use the shock collar on her. Right now, she had a growing expectation that he was letting her stew in her own fears before he shocked her, and-

The blue-skinned Twi'lek flinches when a scream of agony echoes down the hallway from a torture chamber. Before she can refocus on the matter at hand-


Looking back around, Vette blinks dumbly as the first thing she sees is her 'Master' dumping the crushed remains of her shock collar controller from his gloved hand. There's a sneer of disgust on his face as he regards her with angry eyes.

"I am not so weak that I need the assistance of such a device to discipline an unruly slave."

He brushes any lingering pieces of the crushed controller from his palms with an almost negligent swipe even as Vette stares at him, wide-eyed.

"Furthermore, your use to me is centered around your mind and your dexterity. Repeated shocks have been shown to damage nerves and cause muscle spasms. You will find that my methods of discipline will not… limit your value to me in any way."

The way he purrs out that last bit makes Vette shiver in uncertain fear. She had a Sith Master who apparently wouldn't shock her every few moments… and for some reason, that wasn't making her feel any better. It hits her why a moment more as she sifts through his words and figures out why she's so disturbed.

He's smart. Not just a big dumb brute like she'd initially thought from looking at him, but instead a Sith who actually has a brain to go with all those muscles. Which means he wouldn't believe it for even a moment if she 'accidentally' shot a little too close to him during battle. So much for that plan. Still, with the destruction of the shock collar controller, Vette is feeling… well, a bit less fearful, and a bit more like the ex-pirate thief she is.

Flicking her lekku over her shoulder, the blue-skinned Twi'lek lets her snark come out in full force as she uses it as a cover for any lingering fear she might have, offering a smirk up at her new 'Master'.

"Fine then, I'm ready to lead you to what you want so lets get this over with already."

He smiles back at her for a moment, and for just that moment Vette almost believes that she might actually get along with this big hulking Pureblooded Sith… then, his hand suddenly has a hold on one of her lekku, gripping it tightly enough for her to feel pressure but not pain yet as she sharply sucks in a breath, unable to do anything BUT focus her complete and undivided attention on him.

It was a sad fact of life for all Twi'leks that, while they certainly didn't wear their hearts on their sleeves, they DID have their brains on the outside of their skulls. Where most humanoids in the galaxy could lay claim to a protective skeleton to protect their most precious organs, including their brain meat, Twi'leks could not. Their brains extended into their lekku and losing even a portion of one could damage a Twi'lek for life.

He may have crushed the shock collar controller, but any movement from her could result in far more harm than all the previous shocks she'd experienced combined.

Once he has her undivided attention, the Sith Warrior's smile takes on an edge to it.

"I also have no need of a shock collar, because I know exactly how to handle unruly slaves in a manner that they will forever remember, as long as they live."

She shivers at that. The ole 'Oh, I know exactly how to punish an unruly slave such as yourself' is something she's heard a dozen times from previous owners, pirates, and practically any man who saw her as just another female Twi'lek. But coming from him… Vette actually felt it. More and more, she was cursing herself for daring to put herself in the sights of the Sith.

"You may not fully comprehend the situation you find yourself in here little Twi'lek, so I will spell it out for you to make sure that there are no further misunderstandings between us. You trespassed on Korriban with the express purpose of looting tombs of Ancient Sith Lords. Tombs that we as Sith revere for their historical and religious importance to us. You are neither a Sith, nor are you even a loyal servant of the Empire. The ONLY reason you still draw breath is that your sticky, dexterous fingers managed to discover something of value to us and you are needed."

He barely even pauses to draw in a breath before finishing, and Vette can do nothing but stand there frozen as his cultured voice delivers his entire speech in a cold tone that comes with a crushing pressure as her mistakes and failures are laid out before her.

"Once we are finished in the Tomb of Naga Sadow, you will continue to serve me. And even if I fall, even if I die, rest assured that you will spend the rest of your life in service to the Empire… in one position or another."

Vette shivers, only for the pressure to suddenly let up. She gasps for a trembling breath she didn't even know she needed as the Pureblood Sith suddenly turns his hold on her lekku into a soft and almost gentle touch.

"However, I am not so harsh or cruel to punish you for past mistakes when you have already been punished for them. Exemplary service and loyal action will be rewarded as such."

He's stroking her lekku. He's… he's stroking her lekku. Oh fuck, Vette hated the Masters who were aware of just how sensitive her head tails were the most. They always thought themselves so smug, like they just had to stroke her lekku for a few minutes and she'd be purring up a storm for them. Normally, Vette DID purr for those Masters… but only because she knew it was what they wanted of her, and if she went along with it she would have a much easier time under their… care.

This though, this time is different. This time, the Sith is stroking her lekku and… and doing something else at the same time, something that's leaving her head tails tingling under his touch and causing her eyelids to flicker as she pants and has to stifle her moans. He's turning her into a mewling, moaning mess with his expert tending of her lekku, and to Vette's shock, she's soon on the verge of cumming from nothing more than his gentle touch along.

"If you make a mistake, however, I will tell you. I will punish you. And it will be corrected."

His warning is immediately proceeded by a quick pinch of the lekku he's been stroking, driving her right over the edge and taking the strength from her legs as she slumps to the floor, gasping and shuddering in a reluctant orgasm right there in the hallway. She's… humiliated by her own body's betrayal to say the least, and it's embarrassing to have been so easily toyed with in such a public place. But hopefully no one has seen. Hopefully-

"Well now, THAT was quite the treat to observe~"

A sultry, seductive, feminine voice pipes up and both her Master and Vette turn to regard the buxom, voluptuous Twi'lek who's sashaying her hips over to them both. From the robes she's wearing and the saber at her side… this too is a Sith, just like Vette's new Master. But a Sith of Vette's species, rather than a Pureblood or something else. It's the first Twi'lek Sith Vette is meeting at that, and she can't help but be a little surprised.


Meanwhile, the Pureblood Sith crosses his arms over his chest and gives his fellow Sith a respectful nod, if a bit standoffish as he turns to face her fully. He's treating her like both a colleague and a potential threat, and from her position on her knees, Vette doesn't know what to make of it.

"Oh, none of that now dear Warrior. I'm not here to cause any trouble or kick up a fuss. Rather, I couldn't help but overhear you and the little one talking. If you don't mind me saying so, perhaps your lordship's newest servant has only suffered the negative side of being a slave, and never experienced the pleasure of complete and utter subservience to a Master worthy of it. You certainly seem worthy, if that display was any indication."

Snorting derisively, the Pureblood Sith hums.

"Is that so?"

"It is!"

As the Sith Inquisitor draws closer, running a delicate hand along one of the Sith Warrior's bulging forearms in a blatant display of affection, Vette can only watch on. She's incredibly embarrassed to be caught in such a state, and by one of her own kind at that. She's also at least slightly body conscious over the immediate and instinctive comparison her mind had made between hers and the Twi'lek Sith's figures. The other Twi'lek is so much… MORE than her, in a lot of ways.

To be fair, Vette has had many a time when she's been quite happy to be lithe and flexible to the max, capable of squeezing into some of the tightest spaces without difficulty. But she would be lying if she didn't sometimes strip naked and look at herself in the mirror, wondering what it would be like to be… well, bigger in some places.

More than that, her nervousness is steadily growing as the two continue to talk. They're speaking in innuendos and vague nothings, making Vette feel like she's been trapped between two predators who are now negotiating over who gets the juiciest bits of her. Doing her level best to shrink into the background, trying her damnedest to become one with the wall and stay beneath the Siths' notice… her body once again betrays her when her stomach loudly grumbles and draws their attention.

The Sith Inquisitor smiles down at her with an almost motherly smile that's only ruined by the glowing orange of her Sith eyes as she giggles a little.

"Oh my… perhaps some food and drink before we retire to your chambers, dear Warrior?"

"… Very well."

Vette almost pipes up with some snark like 'don't I get a say in this?' but when they both look at her, she can't help but quail under their combined yellow and orange gaze. Force, she should never have come to Korriban…


Vette's new Master has barely finished locking the door to his quarters behind them and the Twi'lek Inquisitor they'd ran into is already stripping out of her robes and undergarments. Her assets bounce free of their confines and she lets out a soft groan as she massages them judiciously, muttering under her breath about the poor quality of the fabric that made up her uniform.

In turn, Vette can only stare in shock at the other Twi'lek's confidence… and frankly, she stares with no small amount of desire either as the Sith Inquisitor moves over to her Master. The Pureblooded Sith stands there with his arms crossed over his broad chest, but not in a confrontational way anymore, his lips curled into amusement as his eyes rake up and down the voluptuous Twi'lek's gorgeous body.

Without hesitation, and with a notable element of subservience and submission to her actions, the Inquisitor begins to undress Vette's Sith Master, taking off his armor piece by piece, something he allows, even uncrossing his arms to give her access to his chestplate. Vette can't help but stare as more of that red skin is revealed, along with a truly stunning physique and some more bone spurs layered across his musclebound body in intricate and entrancing patterns.

Feeling heat rising to her cheeks, her thighs rubbing unconsciously together, Vette knows she's in trouble. She can't… she needs to get away from these two perverts. Before they do something to her that she isn't sure she'll regret.

"I-I n-need to use the refresher!"

The claim is followed by Vette trying to make her way over to her Master's refresher, but before she can take more than a foot in that direction, a bolt of Sith Lightning strikes the wall right in front of her, causing her to freeze in place, her shoulders hunching up as she looks over. It wasn't her Master who did that though, but rather the Sith Inquisitor. The other female Twi'lek has gone from seductive and coquettish to absolutely pissed in a second, her face twisted into rage that has Vette nearly pissing herself in fear.

Then, as if it was never there, the rage disappears and she's all smiles again as she bats her eyelashes in Vette's direction.

"Be a good girl and stay put, honey. We'll get to you soon enough."

Seeing no other choice, quivering in fear, Vette stays right where she is. As the Sith Inquisitor finishes undressing Vette's Master, she lets out an approving and altogether eager hum as he sits down on the edge of his bed.

"I see your lordship favors the saberstaff. Such destructive power requires… great skill to wield it effectively."

Even as she speaks, the Twi'lek Sith is keeping her curvaceous body between his dick and Vette, teasing Vette with her knowledge of his size as she very clearly reaches up with BOTH hands, stroking it up and down until she can bend forward and begin lubricating it with her mouth. From the embarrassing noises that she's making without a care in the world, it sounds like she's sucking his cock while using her hands to massage his balls.

The Sith Inquisitor is decidedly subservient as the Pureblooded Sith uses his own hands to massage her lekku, probably in the same way he'd done for Vette. She's soon moaning and gurgling around his cock, panting as she leans forward even further until she's able to sway her ass back and forth at Vette. Over the top of the prostrating Sith Inquisitor, the Sith Warrior's eyes find Vette's own, and he studies her emotionlessly, watching her flustered reaction as Vette is in turn forced to watch them.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

The sounds of a Twi'lek woman choking on alien cock are not as… well, as alien to Vette as she might have hoped. And yet, this is probably her first time that she's seen a slave, albeit a former slave, so willing to choke on their Master's cock. Not that Vette's Master was this Inquisitor's Master… even if she acted like it, the big-tittied slut.

The Twi'lek Sith's former status as a slave might as well be tattooed upon her flesh, for all that it's not. Vette can tell, she can see a woman that has been broken and will likely be easily broken again. Except at the same time… the Inquisitor has power. More power than Vette. That lightning bolt showed as much, along with her robes conveying her status as Sith, rather than slave.

So then why? Why does she debase herself before someone who should be her rival? Was she truly that much of a nymphomaniac? Was Vette? Because even now, watching all of this happen from across the room… Vette is wet. She hates it, she has always hated this part of herself, the part that gets aroused in almost any sexual situation. But here she is all the same, almost wishing that she could take the Inquisitor's place, almost wishing that it was her getting her lekku massaged (again) by the Pureblooded Sith, even if it meant choking on his big fat red ridged cock at the same time.

After thoroughly lubricating his dick with her spit and throat, the Sith Inquisitor pulls back… and Vette's Master lets her. Vette can see how his own ministrations of her lekku have left the other female Twi'lek gushing, she can see the pussy juices flowing down her thicc, creamy thighs and can see the small puddle of quim fluid that now rests between her.

She doesn't pay that much mind for long though, because she's much too focused on what happens next as the other Twi'lek stands up and turns around, allowing Vette's Master to grab her by her shapely hips and pull her right back down onto his dick. Vette's breath hitches as the Inquisitor lets out a wanton moan, tossing her head back upon one of the Pureblooded Sith's broad shoulder and quivering in delighted excitement.

In turn, Vette's Master slides his large masculine hands up and around, bringing them to the Twi'lek Sith's huge tits and squeezing them as he traps her nipples between his fingers. His mouth in turn kisses at her lekku as his tongue trails out to lick and lap at them, driving the Inquisitor to further heights of ecstasy. And… and it all might have been okay if they were more focused on each other than they were her. But that's decidedly NOT the case.

Both of them have their glowing Sith eyes focused on HER as they fuck, easily splitting their focus between enjoying each other's bodies while also staring her down. Vette can't help but be transfixed at the sight of them doing so, her own eyes bouncing up and down with the Sith Inquisitor's bouncing, bounding bosom, and her lekku twitching as she listens to the other Twi'lek's very vocal enjoyment of the fucking.

Unable to help herself any longer, Vette's hand slides downwards and she begins unconsciously teasing and playing with herself to the very contradictory sight before her. Because… because it IS a contradiction. The Sith Warrior, her new Master, has almost certainly had experience with Twi'lek slaves in particular before this. Most men think that a Twi'lek wants it all one way. Most men will be too rough or too gentle.

But this Pureblooded Sith… he knows the proper mix. His hands on the Inquisitor's hips are NOT gentle, Vette can see his fingers digging into her supple flesh from here and knows from experience that he's leaving lasting bruising marks on the other Twi'lek. But even as he fucks her on his cock hard and fast, he's so very… careful with how he's paying attention to her lekku, gentle and loving in a way.

Needless to say, the Twi'lek Sith is a moaning mewling mess that puts even Vette's earlier experience to shame in no time. She starts out begging for more, begging for him to fuck her harder, but his technique leaves her quickly at a loss for words and left with an indecipherable, incomprehensible mess of gurgling noises coming from her throat as her eyes go wild, rolling around in her skull, her tongue lolling out of her mouth until he plants two fingers past her lips, forcing her to lavish them with attention and worship them with her tongue.

It's insane, it's absolutely insane… but once again, Vette finds herself wanting to take the other Twi'lek's place. Was this the kind of 'reward' she could expect if she did a good job as the Pureblood Sith's slave? Her breath hitches as she finds herself imagining it, fantasizing about it. She can't, she has to… she has to escape, and the fact that the shock collar around her neck no longer has a control device is a godsend in that department, but at the same time… she also wants to experience what he has to offer?

Finally, he cums inside of the other Twi'lek, spilling his seed directly into her womb, much to her over-enthusiastic encouragement. She shudders and shivers and quivers atop his cock one final time, her voluptuous body jiggling all over the place in the process. Then, only once he's finished seeding her, does she pull off of his cock, getting off of him and the bed with cum leaking down her leg from her over-stuffed womb.

Seductively swaying her way over to Vette with a wicked sort of smile on her lips, the Twi'lek Inquisitor eventually leans over her, with Vette belatedly realizing that at some point her legs had failed her and she'd slid down the wall, to the floor. Swiping some of the semen running down her thigh, the other Twi'lek brings her cum-coated fingers to her lips and sucks on them, even as Vette struggles to focus on her face.

"I've soothed the savage brute for you, sweetling. Now it's time for you to tag in, don't you think?"

Blushing, stammering, not sure what to even say at this point, Vette can't bring herself to struggle as she's dragged to her feet by the other Twi'lek and slowly stripped naked. It doesn't help (or perhaps it DOES) that the Sith Inquisitor spends as much of the time as possible rubbing their bodies together. She's just so damn soft, like a big pillow, so much gentler than Vette would have ever thought a Sith COULD be.

In the end, the other Twi'lek peels the thoroughly soaked panties from Vette's body before using her fingers to collect a sample of Vette for her to taste. As she's sucking said digits clean, she puts a hand on the small of Vette's back and leads her towards the bed, where Vette's Master now lays against the headboard, waiting calmly and casually for her… to come to him.

It's the first time Vette is actually seeing the full size of her new owner's 'saber'. The Inquisitor was right, her Master WAS wielding a saber-STAFF with all the length and girth that entailed. The implications of it cause Vette to whimper, but that's not all. She's not… she's no Force Sensitive. She's not got what it takes to be a Sith or Jedi, Vette knows that. But even still, in that moment it's like the Force itself is speaking to her.

She can feel it, the moment that will change everything. If she goes to him like this, like she is now, it won't be an act. She won't be capable of keeping herself… at arm's length. Going to him in this moment will mean she's willingly chaining herself back into slavery, willingly accepting a metaphysical collar around her neck that's far heavier than the actual one currently resting against her throat.

She can't do it… but she wants to do it. She can't, she can't, but does she even have a choice, as the other Twi'lek leads her to the foot of the bed? Only, they stop there, so maybe she does have a choice. Rather than roughly pushing her towards her Master, the voluptuous Twi'lek Inquisitor slides up behind her, running her hands along Vette's lithe, athletic figure. Her sharp teeth graze along one of Vette's lekku, causing the younger, skinnier Twi'lek to tremble in want and desire, but also fear and anxiety.

"Your uncertainty speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of freedom and slavery, sweetling."

Vette blinks at that, confused. But the Inquisitor isn't done, her silken words drifting over Vette's mind even as they both stare at the Pureblooded Sith's magnificent, majestic physique and his rock hard ridged member, standing tall and proud and just… ready for a Twi'lek slut to take a ride on it.

"Put simply… freedom and slavery are the same thing for those like us. You are a daughter of Ryloth, but you were taken away, enslaved long before you ever knew the wages of freedom upon that accursed world."

Flinching at the older Twi'lek's suddenly vicious and angry tone, Vette struggles to understand. It's true, she didn't live for long on Ryloth… but what is the Inquisitor talking about? And besides, Vette and her fellows had done their best to take their revenge on Ryloth's behalf, hadn't they?

"Ah yes. So convinced that you helped, aren't you? Running around with little thought to the consequences of your actions, until once again you find yourself enslaved. But what did you truly accomplish during your so-called freedom? I can assure you of one thing… you haven't changed anything for our people. Here you are, slave once more to one more powerful than you, and in your time as a free woman did you ever once set foot back on Ryloth? Of course you didn't… even taken from our world at such a young age, your instincts told you not to return… and they were RIGHT to."

It's so hard to decipher all of the meaning behind the other Twi'lek's words when she's also happily molesting and fondling Vette at the same time. She's already so fucking keyed up… but it sounds like the Inquisitor is trying to make an argument for slavery of all things. Was this Twi'lek truly so broken by her time as a slave that she had come to hate the very IDEA of freedom?

"I can tell you still don't understand, dear. So I will spell it out for you. I lived free on Ryloth for two decades before the slavers came for me. I was FREE to hide in the underground cavern city where I was born. I was FREE to be married off to the first male that provided my parents with sufficient dowry for my body. And I was FREE to be fucked over and over again for the good of our race, to continue our miserable existence on a hell hole of a planet that even the Sith avoid."

Her grip on Vette's tits suddenly tightens up, becoming more painful by the moment as the Inquisitor continues to bite out her words into the younger Twi'lek's ear.

"I was free to watch my first child die from a lack of supplies while we remained in hiding from the slavers that hunted us. And when they finally found us… I was no longer free. Yet still I watched as my life and the lives of my children improved. Still I watched as enslavement gave me more than freedom ever could."

That… that was all horrible. It still didn't sound quite right… d-did it? Vette's thoughts were getting so fuzzy, so… confused. Surely the other female couldn't be right? F-Fuck, did she HAVE to continuously nibble at Vette's lekku when the poor Twi'lek was just trying to THINK?!

"So you see, dear child… freedom and slavery are two sides of the same coin. In the end, there is no difference. You will always have a Master… better the one who will take care of you, no?"

Yes… yes, better the one who would take care of her. Vette's eyes are fixed on her Sith Master's massive cock right now. Her body… her body thrums with need. She KNOWS that if she goes through with this, there will be no turning back. And yet… and yet she wants it so badly. She wants… she wants him. She wants to prove her value to him.

"Then go to him, child. Give him all of yourself and receive your reward in turn."

With the Inquisitor's encouragement, Vette slowly crawls up onto the bed. She crawls until she's between his spread legs, where she stops to pay respect to his cock, slurping it into her mouth and getting a taste of their mixed juices for herself.

"Goood girl, that's it… keep it up…"

All along the way, the other Twi'lek's crooning voice fills Vette's mind, invading her senses. Likewise, the Inquisitor's fingers invade Vette's sopping wet quim, and she fingers the younger Twi'lek even as Vette sucks her Master's cock for a time. Finally though, unable to hold herself back any longer, Vette pulls her mouth off of his ridged cock and crawls even further up, until she's crotched over his dick and can finally begin the process of slowly lowering herself down onto his shaft.

The Inquisitor does not help her, making the process of impaling herself upon her Master's member for the first time much more difficult. But Vette does not complain, nor does she stop and ask for help. There's a bit of instinctive whining from the back of her throat as she descends his length, but that's it, and it's soon swallowed up by her moans and groans as she forces herself further and further down his cock.

Finally, after she's over halfway, the Inquisitor comes up behind her, trapping her between the two of them at the same time that her Master grabs her by her much skinnier hips. He thrusts up into her from below with a particularly savage thrust that takes Vette right over the edge and makes her squeal in orgasmic ecstasy… in no small part thanks to the very light nibbling and licking at her lekku from the Sith Inquisitor at the exact same time.

Where before, Vette's Master had been rough on his fellow Sith's cunt and undeniably tender with her lekku, now he focuses all of his ferocity on fucking Vette. In the meantime, it's his fellow Sith who handles the tender, loving work of her lekku, gently working over her head tails until Vette is a complete mess, a puddle trapped between two aspiring Sith Lords.

… Between the two of them, she doesn't stand a chance. As the blue-skinned Twi'lek willingly gives herself over into slavery for the last time, fully intending to spend the rest of her life as her Master's willing servant, she has to admit… coming to Korriban turned out to be a good idea after all.


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