Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Machamp Phenomenon (Pokemon)

The Machamp Phenomenon (Pokemon)

A/N: The Machamp Phenomenon was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: As a Pokemon Investigator, Sonia can't let a good mystery go, whether it's a mystery of the past... or the present. When something she takes to calling the Machamp Phenomenon catches her eye, the vivacious red head decides she's going to get to the bottom of things!

Themes: Pokemon Sex, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


Pokémon training could not usually be said to be a single gender game. Of course it wasn't. Their interactions with Pokémon made up the bedrock of humanity's culture and society across every region that Sonia had been to. The granddaughter of the renowned Pokémon Researcher Professor Magnolia, Sonia considered herself to be something of a Pokémon… Investigator. Oh, she liked her research as much as the next person, but she wasn't inclined to spend all day in a lab. No, she wanted to get out there and DO things, meet new people, discover what there was to discover!

Sonia liked being mobile, and that's where investigating the mysteries of the world came into play. But her current... assignment for lack of a better word was a mystery of a different sort entirely. As mentioned previously, Pokémon training was not dominated by a single gender. However, this latest trend certainly seemed to be, and the investigator in Sonia couldn't help but wonder if that was somehow connected to this latest phenomenon, this cultural craze that was sweeping across every region that she was in contact with.

Letting out a low, explosive breath, Sonia tries to relax and take a step back, looking up at her clipboard where she has all of her current ideas regarding her most recent self-imposed assignment.

"Right, let's start back at the beginning, shall we? The curiosity is this… over the last year or so, raising Machamp has become more and more popular among trainers."

Before this year, Machamp were registered as less than one percent among all trainers who had their Pokémon run through the healing devices of Pokémon Centers, or who signed up for gym challenges or the myriad of Pokémon Contests across all of the regions. This made plenty of sense in Sonia's analytical mind. Training up a Machop into a Machoke was no joke, seriously.

And then there was the simple fact that Machoke only evolved into Machamp when properly and officially traded. So getting your hands on a Machamp meant that you had to rely on someone else to train it up for you. It was a weird rule, but then, Pokémon in general had a lot of weirder rules amongst them. They were an eclectic bunch by their very nature.

Regardless, because of this, having a Machamp in and of itself was pretty damn rare. Having one actually obey you and follow instructions in a gym challenge or a Pokémon contest was even harder, since you had to show you were quite the capable Pokémon Trainer in order to command the obedience of a third evolution Pokémon such as that.

And yet, over the past year, the amount of Machamp registered among all trainers who stopped by a Pokémon Center or who challenged a gym or joined a contest… had ballooned to FIFTEEN percent. Now, your average joe might not think anything of this. Fifteen percent was still pretty low, right? Wrong! When one took into account the hundreds and hundreds of Pokémon species that were out there, seeing a rise like fifteen percent was… it wasn't just remarkable, it was astounding, especially to a naturally curious young woman like Sonia!

The red head knew she had to get to the bottom of the weird phenomenon. But it was more than just a historic rise in Machamp training and usage. There were more clues that Sonia had gathered and that confused the issue even more.

For one, the rise in percentage of Machamp being carried by Pokémon Trainers was not actually equal across the board. While there was still a distinct growth in Gym Challenges and Pokémon Contests, it was more akin to a two percent increase. Instead of less than one percent of all Gym Challenges and Pokémon Contests having a Machamp in them, now it was around two point three, three, three (repeating) percent.

Which was… in and of itself quite interesting, but not nearly as baffling. The FIFTEEN percent raise came solely from Pokémon Center visits, which meant that for some reason, a lot more Pokémon Trainers had started carrying around Machamp but hadn't been using the Fighting Type Pokémon for… well, fighting. Not in the conventional way, and not in the contest way either.

It left Sonia wondering what the hell the numerous Machamp beginning to crop up in Pokémon Center data were being used for if not gym challenges or Pokémon contests! And it also left her wondering if the gender issue had anything to do with it as well. Because that was the other clue that the Pokémon Investigator had managed to uncover while parsing through the data she'd collected.

Pokémon training was a nigh-equal playing field for both genders and always had been. But the fifteen percent increase in Machamp sightings at Pokémon Center were tied almost entirely to FEMALE trainers. It was so overwhelming in fact, that ninety-eight percent of all of the Machamp healed at Pokémon Centers over the last year had belonged to a female Pokémon Trainer. Only two percent had belonged to a male Pokémon Trainer.

This, in and of itself, was incredibly interesting to Sonia. Because… normally, girls didn't go for the fighting types. Not unless they were tomboys, and even then, it was just as likely that they'd go for a Dark Type collection or something. But the data didn't lie. While one might expect the vast majority of Machamp owners to be martial artists themselves who had sought out a Machoke to trade for in order to have one of the strongest fighting types… instead, the vast majority were girls who came from all sorts of walks of life.

It just didn't make any sense, at least not with the common knowledge that Sonia had always thought she could rely on. But that was okay, because as a Pokémon Investigator, the red head knew it to be her duty to buck common knowledge sometimes, to figure out the ways in which the world had once worked, but ALSO the ways in which it was changing… evolving…

Luckily for Sonia, she'd just caught a big break in her research! Holding up the Pokeball currently in her hand as she stands in front of her idea board, Sonia grins.

"The best way to get to the bottom of this is to study the issue myself. So without further ado, GO Machamp!"

And with that she tosses the Pokeball, releasing the Superpower Pokémon within it. As Machamp coalesces into being, he immediately flexes, his four arms all going in different directions and his muscles bulging in a way that catches Sonia's eye and makes her blush just a little bit. The Fighting Type Pokémon is definitely incredibly muscular, utterly ripped and buff… but then, that's kind of the point, isn't it?

Still, Sonia is nothing if not an academic, and her eyes light up as she registers a new concept within mere moments of letting the Machamp out of his Pokeball. Turning to her idea board, she hurriedly writes down "Eye candy" under potential reasons for the marked increase in Machamp being carried around by female trainers.

When she turns back to the Machamp, it's to find the Pokémon has gotten a lot closer to her. He seems to be studying her idea board, peering at it in a way that makes Sonia smile.

"Oh! Are you a bit of a curious mind yourself?"

"… Machamp."

Though he can't speak human, his tone is enough to convey some of what he means. In her head, Sonia translates his response into something like 'Perhaps…' and moves on with a nod.

"Right, well that's perfect! You're going to be my assistant as I run some tests, okay? First and foremost though, I don't suppose YOU know why so many female trainers are enamored with your kind recently, do you?"

Considering she'd borrowed this Machamp from Nessa, a friend of hers and also a Gym Leader in her own right, Sonia knew she didn't have to fear anything from him, she knew he was well-trained and wouldn't try to hurt her.

Giving her a long look, the Machamp grins after a moment and if Sonia isn't mistaken, shakes his head ruefully back and forth.


Aha! So he DID know something… if she was reading his response correctly, it sounded like he thought she was being silly, like she should have already figured it out. Sonia pouts, not used to be taken to task by a Fighting Type of all things.

"Oh c'mon, give me a break! I'm trying to solve a mystery, Machamp! Just… help me out here!"

Striking a thinking pose, Sonia frowns as she stares off into the distance for a moment, considering what to do next, where to start. The Machamp just watches her, radiating amusement. Finally, a lightbulb goes off in her head and Sonia snaps her fingers.

"Aha! Hey, Machamp… what does Nessa usually use you for? From what I know, she's a Water Type trainer, right? And I've never seen her bring you out during a Gym Battle before. When I asked her, she only mentioned something about you helping with her… workouts? What does that look like, if you don't mind me asking?"

Letting out a derisive snort, the Machamp inclines his head.


From his tone, it was like he was saying 'I thought you'd never ask'. Before Sonia can pout and retort however, the Fighting Type Pokémon reaches down… and casually strokes the front of his 'briefs'. Now, intellectually, Sonia was well aware that all Machamp (and indeed, all Machoke as well) were actually naked at all times. The black markings on their crotches that resembles wrestling briefs were in fact just a change in skin coloration around that area, like body paint that gave the semblance of modesty.

It had never occurred to her to wonder where a Machamp's genitals came from, given they could most definitely reproduce even though they SEEMED genderless at a glance. As the Machamp in front of her strokes his crotch however, his black markings fall away, turning into grey flesh, and out of that grey flesh grows… an incredibly large, rapidly hardening phallus.

Sonia gapes at the Machamp's thick fat grey dick. Beyond being grey and attached to a Pokémon, it was actually incredibly human-like… down to the hefty ball sack that she could see swinging just below the throbbing, veiny, massive shaft. Finally realizing what she's staring at, Sonia blushes up a storm and hastily covers her face with her hands.

"M-Machamp! Why are you showing that to me?!"


His tone is derisive, and once again Sonia has no problem reading between the lines. 'Because you told me to' is clearly what he intends to get across and she scowls, instinctively opening her mouth to respond with a caustic 'I did not!' only to come to an abrupt realization… that she just might have.

"T-This… is this what Nessa meant by working out, Machamp?"

Pointing one of four index fingers her way, Machamp grins cockily.


Flushing at the slightly mocking 'You got it!' Sonia also smiles a little bit, accepting the praise for all that it's clearly a bit condescending. No longer hiding her face, the red head tucks a lock of hair back behind her hair nervously, staring down at Machamp's cock in utter disbelief.

"This is… this can't be… I…"

The facts were staring her right in the face, but there was no denying Sonia was having a hard time… accepting them. In the end, she falls back on what she knows best… research.

"J-Just stay right there, okay Machamp? I need to… I need to take some measurements!"

Or at least, that's how she justifies dropping to her knees before the four-armed fighting Pokémon with her tape measure and nothing else in her hands. As she kneels beside his thick, throbbing phallus, Sonia blushes up a storm, even as she lays the tape measure along his cock. Precise measurements were important to good science, without them she was nothing!

And so what if she maybe groped Machamp's balls a bit while she was down there. She was just getting a feel for their size and weight even as she measured out his cock and found him to be a… well, it didn't bear thinking about, but he was certainly very, very large.

When she realizes her mouth is open and her tongue is naught but a scant few centimeters away from making contact with his twitching, tantalizing cock, Sonia hurriedly yanks herself back and gets to her feet, turning and bending over the nearby desk where she has a binder full of all of her notes.

"J-Just need to write down these measurements really quick and then we can continue."

After all, thorough documentation was just as important for good science as precise measurements! Unfortunately, before she can write down all of the measurements she took, large grey hands close around her wrists almost gently, and another pair of large grey hands take hold of her waist. Sonia yelps as she's gently yet quite firmly lifted up from her bent over position and turned to face the Machamp, who has a knowing look in his eye and a big grin on his Pokémon face.

She blushes as she realizes she'd… sort of being presenting herself to him by bending over like that, jutting out her ass in her tight pants and even subconsciously arching her back in a way that would drive any Machamp absolutely wild.

"A-Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to g-give you the wrong impression, Machamp, I-!"

He just snorts and begins removing her lab coat… and Sonia rapidly shuts up, blushing like crazy but not fighting it as he begins to strip her naked right there on the spot. With four hands moving across her body, as well as her own helping here and there, he soon has her just as naked as he is, her much less muscular, much softer body on full display as he runs his hands up and down it, making her shiver from both his touch and his singularly hot gaze.

"W-We really shouldn't d-do this… a C-Clear and Rational mind is the f-final bedrock of good science… a-and I think maybe we should keep our relationship purely… professional? You're my assistant, after all!"


Sonia just whimpers as he uses two hands on her waist to spin her around and bend her back over her desk. Once again, her body instinctively assumes the position, presenting itself as she juts her ass out and lifts it slightly into the air, standing on her tip toes while pressing her tits into the wooden surface beneath her and instinctively arching her spine.

On her tip toes, the red headed Pokémon Investigator just barely puts her pussy in line with the tall Fighting Type's massive grey phallus. As it prods against her entrance from behind, Sonia lets out an 'eep!' here and a squeak there but doesn't protest his very… domineering attitude any further. It's clear he's going to take what he wants, but also equally clear that he knows she wants it just as badly.


He sounds insufferably smug this time around, but before Sonia can offer some sort of rejoinder in the form of a denial or protest, he thrusts forward and the words catch in her throat, replaced by a long wanton moan in their place as his absolutely MASSIVE cock sinks into her from behind.


The Machamp's cock alone is downright amazing. Thicker and fatter than any human man she's ever been with, he's burying himself inside of her deeper than any dick has ever gone before and it's already beginning to drive Sonia wild. Her green eyes go crossed and her mouth puckers in an open O as she shudders and shivers in nigh-orgasmic glee.

But it's not just his fat dick, as amazing as that is. If it were just a big cock, well, that wouldn't explain it at all. No, as Sonia rapidly discovers, it's the whole damn package. Not only is Machamp excellent eye candy, not only is he big and buff and an equally big and buff cock that's splitting her in half so effectively… but with four hands, he not only CAN touch her all over at the same time, but also seems to KNOW exactly how to touch her as well.

One hand grips her by the waist. The other on that side grabs hold of her ponytail and pulls her head back. The one on the other side comes down on her fat, jiggling ass and gives it a spanking, while the fourth hand slides up along her body and gropes at a tit.

Having her hair tugged, her ass spanked, her tit groped, and her body manhandled all at once while also getting drilled so damn effectively from behind… Sonia's eyes roll back in her skull as she tips right over the edge in no time at all.

"Ohhhh f-fuck~"

Spasming in Machamp's firm, solid grip, she cums her brains out as her pussy clenches and squeezes down around his thick, grey Pokémon cock. Her cunt walls squeeze, and she squirts out juices all over his dick, but Machamp isn't done with her, not by a long shot. Letting out an amused snort, the Fighting Type Pokémon continues to fuck her from behind, absolutely railing into her.

He's not going as hard as he could go, but he's going precisely as hard as he seems to think she can withstand. And honestly, he's probably a better judge of that then Sonia is. The red head is still cumming her brains out, still getting fucked out of her damn mind, and orgasming again and again around the Machamp's cock in the process.

Precise measurement, thorough documentation, and a clear and rational mind. These are the three things needed by a good scientist. These were the things that her grandmother Professor Magnolia had drilled into Sonia's head when she was the older woman's assistant. Unfortunately, she's failed in all three, not managing to do even a single one properly.

Finally, without warning and after numerous orgasms on her part, Machamp abruptly cums inside of her. A loud squeal leaves Sonia's lips as he fills her with his seed while still manhandling her body with all four of his large grey hands. He gropes and squeezes and tugs and smacks while pumping a hot, thick load of Pokémon cum right into her womb.

Explosively orgasming one last time in response to this, Sonia hasn't fully recovered when he finally pulls out of her and lets go of her body. With her legs feeling like jelly, she falls off of the desk and onto the floor, collapsing on her knees as she rests one arm up on the desk for support. Panting heavily, Sonia slowly gets back some semblance of control… only to turn her head ever so slightly and find Machamp's cock, still incredibly hard, bobbing right in front of her face.

Glancing between the thick throbbing grey phallus and Machamp's expectant face, Sonia blushes and gives a wavery smile.

"G-Guess I still have to f-figure out why Machamp have become so popular, don't I? M-Might have to do a lot more… research into the subject before I can return you to Nessa. Might… might have to go get a Machamp of my own, don't want to leave Nessa without her workout partner f-for too long, do I? Hehe, I'm so ditzy sometimes, sor-mmph!"

It's around then that he seems to grow tired of her rambling, one of his massive hands coming down atop her head as he thrusts his messy cock into her mouth for her to begin cleaning up. Moaning around his member, she begins to swirl her tongue along his cockhead and do her best to slurp up their combined fluids in order to get to Round Two as quickly as possible.

The Machamp Phenomenon wasn't going to research itself, after all!


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