Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Don Corneo’s Bride (Final Fantasy VII)

Don Corneo’s Bride (Final Fantasy VII)

A/N: Don Corneo's Bride was a commissioned two-shot originally written back in February of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Tifa gets picked as Corneo's bride for the evening instead of Cloud. She still has no intention of sleeping with him... but things have a way of working out for the Don and in the end, Tifa finds herself unable to say no.

Themes: Fat Slob, Big Dick, Rough Sex


Tifa knew what she was in for the moment she decided to dress up like the skankiest of whores in order to infiltrate her way in to Don Corneo's Mansion. And on the upside, Cloud and Aerith had joined her, with Cloud even wearing an ancient-looking Victorian-style dress in order to pass as a woman. Tifa hadn't been expecting that, but she could certainly appreciate their assistance, given that it effectively tied up the possibility of some other girl out of the three getting picked as Don Corneo's 'bride' for the evening.

All the same, Tifa still wanted it to be her who was picked out of the three. And so, even though her attire was incredibly embarrassing, she was grateful for the opportunity it should provide. With cloud dressed as he was and Aerith looking rather casual in her own dress, Tifa could only hope that her entirely skimpy outfit would be enough to draw the Don's eye.

Even still, while all of that was what Tifa WANTED… it didn't make her feel any better when the three of them were lined up in front of the Don's desk and Don Corneo himself came out from behind a curtain to ogle them. The man was a glutton, a fat slob with his hair done up oddly and his ostentatious clothes ill-fitted to his body.

He definitely had eyes more for Tifa then Aerith or Cloud. After an initial inspection of both of them, he'd begun to focus on Tifa exclusively, his hands trailing over her bared arms and sending goosebumps dancing across her flesh as she shivered in disgust. She hated dressing like this, in all honesty. She wasn't able to wear her usual breast-compressing sports bra, which left her utterly fat tits practically on display, the skimpy purple dress she has on doing barely anything to hide them and in fact showing off quite a lot of her substantial side boob.

Tifa had never liked how big her breasts were. They constantly got in the way of things that really mattered, like fighting, like Avalanche. But all she could do was hope that her humiliation in this moment led to some sort of success tonight.

"Oooh, ehehehehe. I love my a big-breasted girl! That's it, I'm going with this one! Bit sluttier then the others, but sometimes the Don just wants an easy lay for the night, you know what I mean?!"

Tifa flushes at the insinuation that she's a slut. Given how she's dressed, it's not like she can possibly debate the point. Cloud, meanwhile, turns his head sharply in Corneo's direction, looking ready to say something, but Tifa catches her childhood friend's eye and shakes her head ever so slightly, keeping him quiet.

"Come on, let's have some fun~"

When Don Corneo grabs her by the wrist and begins to drag her back behind his desk to his personal quarters, Tifa's first instinct is to resist, to break his wrist and start a fight right then and there. But no, she knows better, and she quickly stops fighting his tugging, letting him lead her where he wants before he can even realize it's happening.

Behind her, she thinks she hears Don Corneo's men getting rowdy with Aerith and Cloud… but she's sure that the two can more than handle themselves against a bunch of thugs, even if they are currently unarmed. They'll join her soon enough she imagines, and even if they don't… Tifa might be dressed like a whore, but she's more than capable of fighting, even in these high heels.


"Oh-ho, playing hard to get now, are we? Come on girlie, show me what you're made of! Give me a strip dance! Let me see those titties FLY!"

As Don Corneo kneels in the middle of his own bed and makes grabby hands towards her chest, Tifa flushes and frowns, her hands curling into fists. She's half-tempted to just take him down now… that had been the plan, once she was alone with him. But Cloud and Aerith's presence complicated things. The new plan was for her to wait for them to beat up Corneo's goons and then join her. Until then, she had to wait, she had to be patien-


Blinking, Tifa looks to see Corneo holding a small little device in one hand, his thumb over the button. Just as she catches onto what it is, he presses it again and there's another click and a flash in the bedroom.

"What the hell was that?"

Cackling, Don Corneo does a spin, acting more like a carefree child then the overweight mob boss he is.

"Oh nothing! Just taking some pictures to remember you by, darling~ Especially since you're going to be out of that dress soon enough! Now c'mon, c'mon! Time to strip!"

Tifa grits her teeth, able to tell that the Don is rapidly losing patience with her reluctant act. He might have been willing to accept it a bit longer from say, Cloud, but she… she's dressed like the easy whore he wanted tonight. Which means she's going to have to go back to the original plan and let Cloud and Aerith catch up later.

However, before Tifa can launch herself forward and begin a very… physical interrogation of Don Corneo, the slovenly man in question pauses and his carefree childlike antics drop to be replaced by malevolent, sinister knowing as he grins at her wickedly.

"Unless… you never intended to give up the goods to begin with."

Tifa stiffens, while Don Corneo swings his legs off of the end of the bed and sits there, slumped forward with his big fat gut hanging out. Letting out a sigh and a rueful shake of his head, he presses another button on the device in his hands. A nearby monitor comes to life and reveals a feed into another room in the mansion. What's happening there causes Tifa's eyes to widen and her jaw to drop open in horror.

Cloud is knocked out in the background, his Victorian dress stripped away. The man is left in nothing but a pair of pants, his distinctly masculine chest on display with his head bowed and his hands tied behind his back. Tifa knows he's unconscious because if he weren't, he would most definitely be struggling with all his might to stop what's taking place in the foreground.

There, Aerith is currently struggling against Don Corneo's men, who are getting increasingly handsy with her.

"W-Wait! No, p-please stop!"

They just laugh at her very real terror, and one of them sneers as he pulls out a knife and begins cutting through her dress.

"You were just saying you were good to go whenever, babe!"

"Stupid slut! Took us all for fools, didn'tcha? Took the Don for a fool! Hah!"

As Tifa stands there frozen in disbelief, Don Corneo's voice sounds out behind her.

"Looks like my men are about to have a lot of fun with your friend. Or did you think I didn't know a man in a dress when I saw one? Really, did you think I was that stupid?"

Whirling around, Tifa clenches her hands into fists, her eyes promising violence.

"Make them stop! Let my friends go, now!"

Don Corneo lets out a cackle and something like a mocking shriek as he spins back around, crawling back across the bed and grinning at her easily.

"Ah-ah! Don't be getting violent now, pretty! Else, who knows what will happen to your friends! Oh, looks like they're starting to cut through the cute brunette's dress! She's not going to remain so innocent and pure for long!"

The sad thing is, Tifa barely knows Aerith. But she still feels responsible for the other girl, and Cloud…

"W-Wait! Just… stop them from hurting them and I-I'll do whatever you want…"

A calculating glint appears in the obese Don's eye at that, and he hums consideringly.

"Whatever I want, you say? Ehehehe, ah, but I can want SO many things…"

Desperate, seeing no other way out of this mess, Tifa practically shouts her answer as Aerith's cries in the video feed reach a new pitch, hands starting to grab at her tits directly.

"And I'll do them! Just make them stop!"

He lets her sweat for a second more before bringing the device in his hands to his lips and speaking into it. His voice echoes into the room shown on the video feed.

"Alright boys, that's enough for now. Go ahead and lock the two of them up nice and tight, but don't touch another hair on either of their pretty little heads. In exchange, you'll all be paid triple tonight for your exceptional service… more than enough to purchase an actual high-class hooker's time for an evening."

There's a pause as Don Corneo's men all take this in, and for a moment Tifa is afraid that the Don doesn't have as much pull or sway with them as he thinks, that she's about to witness a gangrape in spite of his orders. But that pause passes and the thugs cheer as they push Tifa and Cloud offscreen, most likely taking them to some sort of holding cells.

Tifa's shoulders slump in both relief and a bit of hopelessness as the feed finally winks out, leaving her in Don Corneo's bedroom with the man himself, having just agreed to… whatever he wants.

Letting out a cackle of childish glee, Don Corneo drops his legs back over the end of the bed and gestures to her easily.

"Now, I dunno who the fuck any of you are… but I don't care. I'm gonna enjoy breaking you in. Let's start with that strip dance now, yeah?"

Closing her eyes in defeat, Tifa nods as she turns back to face the Don. The moment she does so, he presses another button on his apparently universal device and bopping dance music fills the room. Finding it distressingly easy to just… bob and weave to the music, Tifa loses herself in the melody for a bit, trying to forget where she is. Except that's impossible because the more she dances, the more Don Corneo cackles and squeals in glee, as well as degrading and dehumanizing her with every word.

"Yeah! Yeah! Shake those money-makers, ahaha! Better still, show me 'em!"

With no other choice in the matter, Tifa reaches up and slips off the straps of her incredibly skimpy purple dress as she continues to dance. Pulling it down her body, she reveals her breasts, the massive jugs bouncing free of their barely-existent confines, each capped with a perfectly proportioned nipple. Tifa knows she has breasts that are desirable to every man. But that doesn't mean she likes them. Nor does she like Don Corneo's reaction as he giggles childishly some more.

"Oohoohoo! They're so big! More! More!"

Slowly but surely, Tifa does as she's told, hating every last moment of it. She strips out of her dress and her panties eventually though, and given she wasn't wearing anything else besides the high heels she keeps on, she's now completely naked in front of Don Corneo, dancing to the music while her tits bounce and jiggle all over the place.

"Beautiful! Spectacular! Oh yeah babe, I know what I want first! Get down on your knees and present those titties to me! Beg me to stick my dick between 'em!"

Grimacing, Tifa nevertheless does as she's told, dropping to her knees there in front of the bed and reaching up to reluctantly grasp at her fat milkers. As she holds them aloft, Don Corneo stands and approaches, already working away at the belt of his pants.

"P-Please, Don Corneo… please s-stick your dick between my breasts…"

Snorting derisively, the sloven mobster shakes his head.

"You really aren't a whore, are you? And to think, I was expecting an easy lay tonight."

He punctuates that statement by finally pulling his cock out of its confines, letting it flop out directly in her face. Tifa's eyes go wide as she stares at it. In a just world, in a fair world… a man as evil and fat as Don Corneo should have a micropenis. It was only right, after all. But this was not a just or fair world, and Don Corneo's cock was just as fat and thick as the rest of him, on top of being quite long and hard and all around HUGE.

He was bigger than any man Tifa had ever been with, including her fellow Avalanche member, Barrett. He was… too big, by Tifa's estimation, and yet, as she holds her tits aloft, he's able to slide his thick massive cock between then and let them envelope his girth without much issue. It's the length that becomes a sticking point as his cockhead begins to protrude up through the top of her cleavage, bouncing off her chin.

"Oh yeah, those are some fantastic tits. Now use your mouth too, honey. Let me see what you've got going for ya, yeah?"

Reluctantly, Tifa lowers her mouth over his cockhead and begins to suck at it. She's no virgin, and she's no stranger to oral sex either. But his bulbous dick tip is certainly bigger than her poor jaw is used to, and she can only be grateful that the majority of his cock is currently enveloped between her tits, nestled up right against her rapidly beating heart.

He has no right being so large, really… he had no right sliding that warm, throbbing, pulsating member up and down between her overly large, entirely too-sensitive tits. Feeling herself flushing, Tifa tries to ignore how his cock is making her feel. This is just… this is just another job. Sucking at his cockhead, looking up into his shit-eating grin, it's easy to hate the man attached to the dick, even if the dick itself is the biggest she's ever seen.

Especially when he provides absolutely no warning that he's about to cum. Instead, all Tifa gets is his face contorting in pleasure, his lips puckering up and his head tilting back before he suddenly starts to blow his load in her mouth. Taken aback, she jerks away from him, but that proves to be a mistake. While her mouth is half-filled with downright sticky cum, the rest of his load ends up all across her face and tits, utterly messing her up as she gasps and whimpers.

Don Corneo takes one look at her and laughs before tut-tutting at her.

"No, no silly! You're supposed to swallow it all you stupid slut! You really do make a bad whore, now I'm gonna have to fuck you doggystyle to avoid the mess!"

Tifa stiffens at that, and her first instinct is to protest. But then she sees his cock, still rock hard and ready for more in defiance of all of her conventional knowledge, and she recognizes that she doesn't have a choice. Not so long as he has Cloud and Aerith.

Narrowing her eyes and flaring her nostrils, Tifa glares up at Don Corneo, even as he just grins right back at her, not afraid of her in the slightest.

"F-Fine, but if we do this… if I let you fuck me, then in the morning you let me, and my friends go. ALL of us."

The sloven mobster lets out a snort of laughter at that, before waving his hand dismissively.

"Did ya think I wanted to keep you? Sure, sure, you and your friends can go in the morning! Of course, if you try whatever this was again, I'll have to kill the lot of you… ah, but I'm a man who loves beauty, so it would break my heart to do it!"

Tifa scowls at that even as his cum continues to drip from her face and breasts. Slowly, she climbs up onto the bed, still clad in nothing but her high heels as she puts herself on all fours and… presents her cunt to him. To her slight shame, she's already ever so slightly wet. It's not like she's sopping wet or anything like that, it's not like her cunt could be said to be drooling.

But the cock between her tits had done something for her, even for as much as she'd hated it's owner. And honestly, that's what Tifa is afraid of. Don Corneo moves into position behind her and she squeezes her eyes shut as his sausage fingers come down on her ass, digging into her firm, toned butt cheeks.

"Oh-ho! Someone works out~"

Tifa shudders, not wanting to hear praise like that from a man like him. It is true though, besides her irritatingly large tits, she's incredibly fit, her body in impeccable shape. And now, all of that athleticism is being put to use pleasuring one man… a man she'd never willingly have sex with in a million years. But that doesn't stop it from happening, that doesn't stop Don Corneo from planting his utterly huge cockhead against her pussy lips, where he begins sawing into her from behind.

Every inch causes Tifa to whimper as she bites her lower lip to keep herself from crying out. Every thrust forward buries more of his titanic schlong inside of her cunt.

"Fuuuck, you're so tight… take it, you silly bitch, take Don Corneo's big fat cock!"

She wishes that were an exaggeration, she wishes it were a boast. But no, the Don's cock is big and fat and filling her in a way that's oh so satisfying on a purely physical level. A tear streaks down Tifa's cum-covered cheek as she feels herself beginning to respond to his thrusts, as her hips start to push back into his cock. She wants more, or rather, her body does anyways. And she's rapidly losing what little control of the situation she had left as he drives himself deeper and deeper into her core.

As his cock slams up against her cervix, the entrance to her womb, his gut comes down to settle on her ass, heralding the hilting of his entire length inside of her. Tifa lets out a sob, half in relief, half in despair as she hangs her head, filled to the brim with far too much cock for one woman.

Don Corneo, meanwhile, lets out a pleased sigh as he rests his hands on her hips for a second.

"There we are… all the way in. Heh, didn't think I'd be working for this quite so much tonight. But you know what? My blood's a little riled up now, ehehehe! Hang on tight!"

And then his fat sausage fingers are curling over her shoulders and he's leaning into it, into her as he begins to fuck Tifa with savage, fast-paced thrusts. His grunts and groans and panting for breath soon fill the air, but right alongside them Tifa is finding it increasingly hard to keep her own voice in, to keep her lips sealed.

In the end, she fails, her cries of reluctant pleasure spilling free and ultimately making way for wanton moans of ecstasy. Needless to say, Don Corneo doesn't let this pass by without comment, the big-dicked fat bastard letting out a snicker as he reaches around her to grab and squeeze at her knockers.

"Starting to enjoy yourself, cunt? All of my brides do eventually, there's no denying it."

Tifa shudders and gasps for air, and in the midst of the difficulties she's having, the truth slips out of her lips.

"Y-Your cock is so BIG!"

"Damn straight it is! That's it! Take Don Corneo's dick, baby! I call this the Corneo Special!"

And then, to Tifa's abject shock and despair, the sloven mobster begins fucking her even harder, even faster. With a squeal that she can't help, an orgasm that she can't stop rips through her, and she shakes and shudders in Don Corneo's grasp, all but pinned beneath him as her hands claw at the bed and her feet kick back in the high heels she's still wearing.

His gut continues to press down on her ass, while his thick fat thrusting prick presses down on her cervix, hitting all the right spots in her inner passage along the way and positively driving her wild. Around the third explosive orgasm he draws out of her as he fucks her into oblivion, Don Corneo begins to groan differently, and his next words fill Tifa with some measure of dread.

"Here it comes, slut! Gonna fill you with my baby batter sweetheart!"

"N-No! Not inside, you c-can't!"

But even as Tifa protests, she's not actually trying to buck him off so much as buck her hips back into his thrusting dick for more. She's not truly fighting it, and honestly, they both know she's not allowed to fight it; his derisive response and laughter are enough to remind her of that.

"I can do whatever I want with you, if you want those friends of yours to emerge from this unscathed, ehehehe!"

Closing her eyes shut as tears streak down her face and reluctant moans exit her lips, Tifa can only shake her head in abject refusal of reality, even as Don Corneo finally begins to cum inside of her, filling her to the brim with a thick, load of his viscous seed. He pumps and pumps until the whole copious lot of his jizz is in her womb, painting her insides white and leaving her thoroughly creampied.

When he pulls out of her, Tifa assumes that they're done and slumps forward, panting heavily but slightly relieved that the most pleasurable sexual experience of her entire life is finally over. With any luck she can forget how Don Corneo stirred up her insides with his big fat cock, with any luck she'll be able to forget this whole humiliating endeavor ever-

Abruptly, the beautiful young eco-terrorist finds herself on her side, with the Don lifting one of her long, toned legs up and over his shoulder as he plants his cock right betwixt her thighs and inside of her cunt yet again. His cock, still rock hard, still ready for action, draws surprised squeaks and confused moans from Tifa as she stares down at where they're rejoined, baffled.

"Ohoho! You didn't think you were done already did you? Why do you think I need a new bride every day? I have a tendency to wear girls out!"

His jovial childish persona drops again and Corneo looks much more sinister as he leans in, grinning down at her.

"We're just getting started."

Looking into his eyes, filled with such malicious and malevolent promise, while feeling his thick fat cock drilling her insides towards another reluctant yet explosive orgasm, Tifa can only whimper in response.


"Oh god… f-fuck, don't you ever get tired?"

"Eheheheh! What's that? How can I possibly stop when I have such a gorgeous slut beneath me?"

Tifa blushes at that, even as Don Corneo pushes her legs back near her head and continues to thrust into her, fucking her in a humiliating mating press. She doesn't try to fight him though, there's no point… she's not sure she has the strength left to do so anyways, they've been going at it all night long. There are no windows in Corneo's bedroom, probably because it's a centralized room in the mansion to keep snipers or what have you from taking shots at him while he sleeps and is at his most vulnerable.

But Tifa is pretty confident despite how beleaguered and exhausted she is, that it's almost the next morning. The fact that the sloven Don is still going, the fact that this big dicked fat bastard is still fucking her… it boggles the mind. But then, she's pretty sure drugs are involved.

A few times throughout their night together, she's seen Don Corneo go and make himself a drink. She's declined it every time he offered her one, but he hasn't even tried to hide the fact that he's been putting pills in his glasses. Whatever is in those pills, it's keeping him going long after a man of his size and weight should have stopped.

She's half-hoped that he'll keel over and drop dead from a heart attack during all of this, even if that will make getting herself, Cloud, and Aerith out of here all the harder. But no such luck. Don Corneo remains fit as a fiddle in spite of his general out-of-shape stature, and his big fat cock continues to drill into her poor cunt.

Another orgasm rips through her and Tifa doesn't even bother stopping the tired moan from leaving her throat. She's lost track of just how many times Corneo has cum inside of her, not to mention on her. He's covered her face and tits in his seed, and even cum in her hair once or twice. He usually cleans her up every hour or two or forces her to clean herself up.

Right now, her face and tits are pristine… something that the Don takes advantage of as he leans forward, pinning her down to the bed with his massive gut and pushing her legs back further against her body all in order to plant his lips against hers. Tifa grimaces but doesn't fight it like she had when he'd first started kissing her. Her mouth even opens of its own accord, allowing his tongue to slip inside and begin playing with hers.

By all accounts, a disgusting pig like Don Corneo should have been an absolutely terrible kisser. But then, he also had no right being a big dicked bastard like he was either. Regardless, both his cock AND his tongue felt amazing, and Tifa was rapidly losing the will to try and shore up her defenses against it. It was beginning to feel like it would be easier if she just… gave in and rode the wave of pleasure until it was finally done.

Not that she was truly enjoying this, not that she was enjoying HIS company. She hated him, she hated Don Corneo for making her cum, for making her body betray her and fall in love with him and his cock, even if only temporarily.

With a hoarse shout, Don Corneo slams home into her beleaguered cunt and strained cervix once more.

"Here it comes, bitch! One final load for the road!"

Tifa's eyes widen in surprise at that, she hadn't thought he was almost done, she hadn't known what to think when he'd proven he could go hours upon hours without rest, when he'd spent the night fucking her rather than sleeping. She'd expected originally that he would fill her with his seed and then turn over and be konked out. Instead, he'd fucked her and fucked her until it was Tifa who felt like she was about to pass out.

Letting out a triumphant roar, Don Corneo proceeds to creampie her one final time. Tifa cries out in response and notably doesn't even bother trying to stop him or trying to protest that he's cumming inside. He's cum inside of her all night long, and all she can hope is that his swimmers are weak and worthless. Deep down, she knows that's not true, she knows he has some of the thickest, most viscous cum that's ever filled her twat, his balls large and pulsating to go alongside his thick fat cock, but Tifa is in denial and more than willing to hope that Corneo isn't going to father a bastard on her.

Arching his back, thrusting his gut onto her own chest, the sloven Don finishes inside of her and then pulls out, rolling over and finally lounging back on his bed like a particularly satisfied, particularly fat cat.

"Good enough. Now get out."

Tifa stiffens at that, her eyes flicking down to his messy prick. She half expected him to order her to clean it with her tongue before she could go. Seeing her look, Don Corneo snorts at her derisively.

"What? Did my dick break you into such an eager, horny little slut that you don't wanna go anymore? That's too bad, cunt. I'm through with you."

Bristling at the implication, Tifa gets off the bed and begins to get dressed in the only attire available to her, the skimpy, whorish dress she came here in. It does nothing to cover up the reddened skin from where he'd eagerly manhandled her and smacked her around all night long. Nor does she have a way of properly cleaning up her face or hair. Thankfully, he HADN'T left her covered in dried cum, but at the same time, she still looks pointedly disheveled, and dressed like a common street hooker, she certainly looks like she spent the night with either a very enthusiastic john, or with several different men who all took their turns with her.

Such is Tifa's tired mind that she doesn't even remember her friends until she's already dressed and putting back on her high heels. When she does remember Cloud and Aerith, she stiffens up and glares at Don Corneo.

"Release my companions, now."

If he hears the threat in her voice, Don Corneo isn't put off by it even remotely. With a laugh, he waves one of his pudgy hands in her direction dismissively.

"Already done, baby. I had my men let them go hours ago, heh. That one crossdresser was putting up too much of a fuss to bother with anymore."

Wait, hours ago? Tifa's shock and disbelief must show on her face because the Don rolls over and produces a burner PHS, tossing it to her direction.

"Here, slut. Call and make sure yourself."

Quickly dialing Cloud's number, Tifa is relieved when she hears his voice a moment later.

"Who is this?"

"Cloud… are you and Aerith alright?"

"Tifa?! We're fine… what about you? We were planning a mission to go in and get you out of there…"

"No… no need, I'm fine."

Tifa hesitates as she looks to the smug Don Corneo. She hadn't got what she wanted from him whatsoever, but she couldn't exactly tell Cloud that or he would worry. With a shuddering, Tifa plasters a faux smile on her face to make her voice sound more jovial as well.

"I got what I needed here. All's well that ends well. Tell Aerith thanks for me, and sorry for getting her into this mess. I'll talk to you later."

"Tifa, wait-!"

But Tifa is already hanging up, not wanting to draw out the conversation in front of the man who just spent the night rocking her world any further. Although, as she stands there holding the burner PHS in her hand and staring at the oh so satisfied Don… she wonders if maybe now is the time to get her answers from him. After all, Cloud and Aerith are safe. He doesn't have anything on her anymore.

"Ehehehe, I know a look like that, baby. You're thinking of using that fine ass body of yours to visit violence upon my person."

Smirking slightly, Tifa lifts the hand holding the PHS and pointedly grips down hard enough to crush the electronic device in her grasp, letting the sparking phone fall to the ground after a moment.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I will, if you don't tell me what I want to know."

Looking supremely unbothered and still completely content, Don Corneo wags a sausage finger at her and makes a tsking sound with his fat lips.

"Ah-ah-ah, that's a bad idea girlie. You think I'd let your friends go without getting some other form of insurance?"

With his words, the monitor off to the side comes to life again. This time however, it shows Tifa herself… getting fucked by Don Corneo and absolutely LOVING it. Her face is contorted in pleasure in a way she hadn't known it was at the time, and she's getting railed from behind as she moans throatily. She doesn't say anything in the recording, but from the way her hips are pushing back into his fat gut and even fatter dick, it's visibly clear she's loving it on the screen.

"Touch me, and I'll release the whole night of our time together for all to see. Everyone will know you for the whorish little slut you are. And somehow, I don't think you want that."

Tifa's hands curl into fists and her teeth grind against one another. No, no she did not. She didn't want ANYONE finding out what she had to do last night and well into this morning with the Don in order to keep Cloud and Aerith safe. She didn't want… she couldn't let them find out.

Uncurling her fists, Tifa raises her hands in surrender, eyes narrowed as she slowly backs up from the bed. Don Corneo just watches her go with a wicked grin on his lips, seeming supremely content, even his massive phallus now slowly softening without her cunt to be continually wrapped around it for hours and hours.

As she leaves the Don's bedroom, one of his thugs is there to escort her out of the mansion and she can only snarl while she walks down the street at an uneven gait, the adrenaline finally fading and the soreness of the last several hours finally catching up with her. Her high heels don't help either, even as copious amounts of the Don's seed slip and slide down her inner thighs for anyone who catches a glimpse of her to see.

This was definitely a dead end… Tifa was never coming back here if she could help it. She'd been a fool to come in the first place…


Three days. She got three days to try and forget what happened between her and Don Corneo in his bedroom. Three days to do her absolute best to put a night of frankly unimaginable pleasure out of her mind, to forget how his sausage fingers had felt gripping at parts of her tight body while that cock of his, which had no business being so large, had drilled deeper inside of her then any man before him.

Needless to say, she hadn't completely succeeded. And then, at the end of those three days, like she was a steak that the Don was marinating and let get all nice and juicy, Tifa had received a call on her PHS, a number that Don Corneo had no business knowing but somehow knew anyways. His order, to 'attend to him', was quite clear, as were the potential consequences.

And so here she was, finding herself back in the Don's room, this time in her more customary attire, having been escorted here the moment she arrived on the estate by one of his goons. Now it was just her and the rich fat mobster again, and Don Corneo seemed to be in high spirits as he giggled and cackled, eyeing her up and down.

"I knew you'd come, ehehehe. I knew you couldn't resist after a night with the Don!"

Gritting her teeth, Tifa's hands, clad in fingerless gloves, curl into fists at her sides. One part of her wants nothing more than to knock his teeth out. Another knows that she can't do that, for obvious reasons. A third, much smaller part of her, quietly admits he's right. Tifa steadfastly ignores THAT little voice in the back of her head.

"I'm only here because you're blackmailing me, Corneo. Otherwise, I wouldn't willingly set foot in your presence again."

Far from being put off by her accusation, Don Corneo just cackles some more as he prances around the room, childish and gleeful just as he had that night three days ago. To think this fat lardass of a man was the Don, to think that this child-like individual had a cock that had split Tifa open again and again all night long…

"And don't you forget it, Tifa Lockhart! You lay a hand on me, and I'll have to release video of our night together to just about everyone, ohoho! I've always wanted to be a star. You'd be fantastic as my leading lady!"

Tifa tenses up at he just casually spits out her name. He hadn't known who she was the first unfortunate night they'd spent together, but now it seemed he'd done his research. But then, part of her had already known that, he'd gotten ahold of her private PHS number after all. Seeing her glare at him, Don Corneo just cackles some more.

"Like I said before, I could care less who you are or what you want from me. In the end, all that matters is what I want from you. Though… did your tits get smaller?"

He's suddenly uncomfortably close, brow furrowed as he frowns in the most serious manner she's seen from the eccentric Don yet. But then his eyes light up in understanding and the fat man chortles as he nonchalantly reaches out to hook his fingers under the shoulder strap of her sports bra and snap it.

"Ah, a sports bra, of course. Ehehehe, so this is the combat attire of one of Midgard's most wanted terrorists… one would almost say you're asking for it dressed like this, sweetheart."

Bristling, Tifa longs to put her fist through his face… or better yet, one of her combat boots into his groin. Perhaps the Don senses that, because he cackles some more before dancing away from her and eventually flopping down to sit on the edge of his bed. Looking at her expectantly, he eventually waves one of his sausage-finger hands at her.

"How do you think we should start? A blowjob, perhaps?"

Casually, he reaches down and frees his cock from it's confines. Tifa's heart beats just a little faster at the sight of it, already half erect and growing fast just from her mere presence. As much as he'd phrased it as a question, she knows a demand when she sees one, and so she collapses to her hands and knees crawling forward until she's between his fat thighs and is taking his cock in her hands, the palms of her fingerless gloves rubbing against his shaft.

If he finds this uncomfortable, Don Corneo doesn't show it. Instead, he tosses his head back and groans as Tifa takes the tip of his dick into her mouth, struggling just to wrap her lips around his massive phallus. Glaring up at him, she can only watch his face contort in honest pleasure as he brings a hand down atop her head, his fingers sliding through her dark hair.

"Oooh yeah baby, that's it. Don't stop now! Show Daddy Corneo what you've got!"

She hates this, she hates him… but most of all, she hates herself for rising to the challenge. This big fat dick is going to be inside of her soon enough, driving her wild and filling her with self-loathing right alongside it's man meat. If she can wring even one release from him with her mouth, Tifa knows she has to do it, that she has to get as much of this done orally as possible.

At least there's something enjoyable about getting face fucked, and that's what the blowjob rapidly becomes as his splayed hand atop her head begins to curl in, getting more insistent. At the same time, his hips thrust upwards, sending his cock further into her mouth and down the back of her throat unceremoniously and without warning.


"That's it, baby. Take it! Take Don Corneo's cock down that pretty little throat of yours, you sexy fucking terrorist scum!"

She hated how he was fetishizing her struggle, her role in Avalanche. But what could she do? Whimpering and gagging on his dick, gurgling in between choking down his member, Tifa brings her gloved hands down to rest on his thighs as involuntary tears track down her cheeks. There's nothing she can really do but endure, now that he's taken control.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Her tongue writhes along the underside of his dick, not out of any intentional desire to provide him with pleasure, but simply because it has nothing else to do. Her lips suction down around his cock as it pistons in and out of her throat and esophagus, choking her while descending down her gullet. For an Avalanche agent such as herself to be here in a place like this… it's the height of humiliation, to say the least.

Thankfully, it doesn't last much longer before Don Corneo is groaning in a way Tifa is VERY familiar with after spending an entire night with the fat bastard.

"Here it comes baby!"

The forewarning doesn't actually help all that much, the deluge of splooge that subsequently flows down Tifa's throat still makes her cough and hack and instinctively pull herself backwards. With how physically weak the Don is, his grip on her hair doesn't last when she jerks back violently, causing his cock to pop right out of her mouth and make an utter mess of her face. The last half of his load ends up all over her front, from her forehead down to her chest, staining her white tank top and seeping down into the miniscule amount of cleavage that her sports bra provides.

For a moment, Don Corneo just leans back on his hands with a dopy, satisfied smile on his stupid ugly face. Then, he recovers and looks back down at her, grinning wickedly in a way that promises Tifa no end of her torment. Part of her is excited for what's coming next, but she stomps down on that part as hard as she fucking can, hating herself for even remotely looking forward to Don Corneo fucking her again.

"God that was hot, babe. Now get out of that top, I wanna see those fat knockers of yours fly again."

Grimacing, but knowing she has no choice in the matter, Tifa grabs the hem of her white tank top and pulls it over her head, shucking it off and tossing the ruined cum-soaked top aside. Then, she reaches back behind herself and pulls down the zipper on her black sports bra, letting it fall off of her body. She can practically feel her tits springing back to their full size, yearning to be free even if sometimes Tifa hated the fact that she was well endowed in the chest department more than anything.

Right now was definitely one of those times, and she blushes and looks away as she discards her sports bra as well, kneeling there in front of Don Corneo with the same tits he'd lavished so much attention on three nights ago revealed and exposed. Defying gravity, her perky knockers bounce and jiggle a couple of times before coming to a stop, her nipples hard against her will and throbbing, just waiting for Don Corneo's attention.

He wastes no time in giving it, reaching down and grabbing hold of her tits with both hands. Squeezing and groping and kneading them to his heart's content, the fat Don cackles easily as he plays with her tits. He pinches her nipples between his sausage-like fingers and pulls and tugs at them, causing her perfectly round breasts to stretch out from her until he finally lets go and they snap back into their usual shape.

Tifa gasps and whimpers and even moans in some places, trying her best to contain her voice but ultimately failing with how… enthusiastic Don Corneo's predations are. He's not even using his cock on her yet, though the current position he has her in, what with her pulled halfway up his body so he can play with her titties, leaves his cock rubbing against her belly, her exposed abdomen feeling very hot from his throbbing, pulsating length.

He spends who knows how long like this, staring down into her wincing, grimacing, flushed face and seeming to enjoy making her features contort in reluctant pleasure as he plays with her milk jugs to his heart's content. Finally though, he lets go and Tifa slumps back to her knees, panting heavily with her head bowed.

"Alright, I've decided. An Avalanche terrorist like you only deserves to be fucked one way, don't you think? So get up on your hands and knees on the bed, because Ima take you DOGGYSTYLE!"

He makes a big show of it, like it's some massive announcement. Tifa just scowls, her face still bright red and her abused tits also growing red from all his molestation as she gets to her feet and begins to move to take off her skirt. But he stops her, one of his hands lashing out to grab her by the wrist as he shakes his head with a grin.

"Nah, leave it all on. I want you like this, slut."

Shuddering in disgust, her nose wrinkling as she realizes he's further fetishizing not just her role in Avalanche but even her own everyday casual wear now… Tifa nevertheless climbs onto the bed on her hands and knees, still clad in her pleated leather skirt, her red combat boots, and her thigh high stockings and arm-length gloves.

Don Corneo wastes no time in getting into position behind her, grabbing her by her hips and manhandling her so she's exactly as he wants her. Meanwhile, Tifa's body betrays her even more than it already has in anticipation of what she's about to get. Her legs spread a little wider, her back arches a bit more. The fat slob of a Don flips up her skirt and yanks down her panties before pressing his cock against her slit almost unceremoniously… but Tifa honestly doesn't care. She's already wet.

"Ohoho! You sure talk a good game, sweetheart… but it looks like one pair of lips are more honest than the other, ehehehe!"

Flushing with shame, Tifa can only hang her head in embarrassment and humiliation as the Don slips and slides his cock against her dripping wet pussy lips. She IS wet, that's the worst part. She's aroused, turned on, horny. In truth, she'd been a little aroused ever since she'd gotten his call on her PHS. No… in truth, she'd been aroused ever since their first night together.

She'd tried so hard to put it out of her head, and to her credit, she hadn't ACTED on her arousal, it wasn't like she was some wanton slut who spent every night since masturbating in her bed while fantasizing about his dick and moaning his name under her breath. But that didn't make it any easier when all part of her wanted was a repeat of that shameful, embarrassing night when she'd had her world absolutely rocked by Don Corneo and his massive cock.

That part of Tifa doesn't have to wait any longer, because the next thing she knows, Corneo is buried inside of her. The Don groans as he thrusts in, the piggish man sinking his thick fat phallus deep, DEEP inside of Tifa's ready and waiting snatch. Tifa, for her part, presses her lips tightly together and tries her damnedest not to squeal. For her trouble, she whimpers instead, only for a moan to spill out when Don Corneo pulls back and then thrusts in again.

Taking up a relatively innocuous pace swiftly enough, Corneo fucks her from behind and Tifa… Tifa enjoys it. She hates herself for enjoying it, hates how good it feels, but there's no denying the pleasure. It rises within her even quicker than it did their first night together, almost as if her body had been anticipating a return to that state of nirvana when she came back here tonight, almost as if she was waiting for it.

Don Corneo, for his part, is having the time of his life as Tifa grapples with her inner slut. Giggling and cackling in child-like glee, the fat mobster brings a fat hand down on Tifa's firm, toned ass, giving her perky posterior a harsh smack as he continues to fuck her from behind.


Tifa has to bring up a hand to cover her mouth at that, her eyes widening as a squeal threatens to spill forth. Noticing, Don Corneo doesn't allow that to last for long… reaching around the front of her, his fat gut pressing down on her ass from behind, he grabs her by her wrists and pulls her arms back behind her as he continues to fuck her.

"Let me hear that voice of yours, baby! I wanna hear you scream for Daddy Corneo!"

If she wasn't struggling so much, Tifa would be rolling her eyes right now. As it is, as he pulls her arms behind her and fucks into her harder and faster than before, it becomes harder and harder for Tifa to hold in her voice. Clenched teeth and tightly pressed lips can only do so much, especially when he's gouging his way to the depths of her cunt so very well, slamming up against her cervix, the entrance to her womb itself with reckless abandon.

His presence at the entrance of that most sacred place reminds Tifa that he didn't use protection one single time three nights ago, and that he probably won't now either. She has no way of forcing him to, not when he holds all the cards. A single tear tracks down the beautiful dark-haired woman's face before an ugly cry finally spills forth from her lips, Tifa unable to hold back her voice any longer as Don Corneo draws the first of many explosive orgasms from her.

"Yeah baby! That's what I like to hear! Ooohoo, you're really riling up the Don now!"

And true to his words, he once again picks up his pace, fucking her with more speed and strength then Tifa would have thought the fat mobster to be capable of. Corneo's cock, thick and fat and oh so filling, stretches her out in beautiful passion as Tifa's eyes begin to cross, as her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth. He's fucking her like… like she's his bitch. He's taking her like he would his whore, and Tifa is just letting it happen, as shameful as that is…

She doesn't have another choice though. She doesn't want Cloud or Aerith to find out what she had to endure that night to save their lives, to save Aerith's virtue. She doesn't want Barrett or any of the other Avalanche members to find out she let Don Corneo fuck her, and worse, that she enjoyed large swathes of it. Not only would they think less of her, but they would also come to doubt her loyalties too, Tifa fears.

So all she can do instead is endure. Endure and get fucked to kingdom cum by this despicable monster and his mind-blowing cock.

Switching things up, the Don lets go of her wrists finally, but that doesn't mean he's giving her a break. With her head tilted back as far as it is, her waist-length black locks seem to have drawn the child-like mobster's eye. Gathering her hair up in one hand, he balls the makeshift ponytail up in his fist and tugs, using her locks as reins now to force her spine to arch even further as he continues his unceasing onslaught on her body. His other hand wraps around as she's pulled back and he grabs one of her tits and then the other, mauling and kneading them in his thick sausage fingers again.

Drawing moans and squeals and whimpers from Tifa's lips, Don Corneo leans forward and whispers in her ear, all trace of gleefulness replaced with sudden malicious venom.

"You're mine, Tifa Lockhart. My cunt, my whore. When I call, you come running. When I demand something of you, you do it. When I say jump, you say how high."

N-No, no she couldn't just… she wasn't just going to let that happen. Unfortunately, Tifa wasn't exactly capable of speech at the moment, her mouth wide open and occupied with wanton moaning as Don Corneo draws orgasm after orgasm from her tight, clenching cunt wrapped securely around his thick fat cock.

Until finally, he lets out a familiar groan right into her ear and proceeds to cum inside of her, filling her womb with his seed yet again. Tifa hangs her head as soon as he lets go of her hair, not even trying to protest the creampie this time. She can only hope it doesn't take, that his seed is weak or something despite all evidence to the contrary in the form of his impressive bait and tackle.

Shuddering, she slumps forward face down on Don Corneo's bed as he slowly pulls out of her, seeming to enjoy taking his time drawing his cock from her depths. And then, as soon as he's popped free of her squelching pussy lips… he flips her onto her back and sidles up the length of her body, planting his messy cock between Tifa's tits and rubbing the cockhead of his member against her mouth.

"Hope you didn't think we were done, terrorist scum! Ehehehe, as you already know, Don Corneo goes ALL! NIGHT! LONG!"

Grimacing, Tifa nevertheless uses her gloved hands to press her overly large tits around his mammoth-sized member, and after a moment, she reluctantly opens her mouth so he can shove the head of his cock past her lips and force her to clean it off with her tongue. She does indeed know how long Don Corneo can go… and she recognizes that she's in for a very long night indeed.

Will there be any end to her torment? Will Corneo get bored of her at some point? Tifa can only hope that's the case, because she doesn't see another way out of this. He's got her by the cunt and seems to have no interest in letting her go at this time. In the end, all she can do is endure…


"Oohoo? What's this? My dear, I didn't know you had it in you!"

If you'd asked Tifa two months ago if she thought she had it in her either, she would have not only said 'hell no!' but probably decked you for good measure. Still, the beautiful young woman didn't know what else to do. She was stuck, and this… this was her hail mary play.

As was his usual behavior, Don Corneo all but races over to her, not quite touching yet but definitely circling around her and licking his lips as he eyes her up and down. Tifa tries not to freeze too much, tries to stay as loose as possible, posing with a hand on her hip as she gives him a free show. She still hates the fat mobster, truly she does… but at the same time, she's come to know him more intimately then probably anyone else over the last couple of months. She knows what he likes, and she'd dressed for today with that in mind.

It wasn't Tifa's first time dressing up for the Don, but it was her first time doing so of her own accord. Normally, he would call her to his mansion two or three times a week and fuck her all night long. Sometimes, he would have his goons give her a costume to put on before she arrived in his bedchambers specifically. They were almost always humiliating and demeaning and entirely for the Don's pleasure.

Tifa had kept all of that in mind when she'd dressed in this incredibly slutty Honeybee costume today. Clad in black and yellow, her outfit is… not quite an outfit, more of an incredibly slutty cosplay of sorts. The most covering piece of the costume is probably the fluffy yellow neckpiece around her throat, resting just beneath her chin and topped off with a golden bow. The rest of it…

Well, the main ensemble is a black and yellow string bikini that leaves nothing to the imagination. The front of her bikini top is made up of two triangles that can barely contain her nipples, let alone the rest of her overly large milk jugs. Not to mention it's tied off in a bow in the middle of them, meaning any man could just reach up and tug the bow loose to cause her top to come undone.

Meanwhile, her bikini bottoms are rode up on by the fishnets she's wearing that go all the way up to her crotch and all the way down to her black high heels. She's wearing fishnets on her arms as well, with golden wristbands that look almost like shackles. And finally, to complete her honeybee ensemble, she's got a pair of wings on her back, mostly just for show but nevertheless a crucial part of the whole thing.

Coming around to the front of her again, Don Corneo licks his lips and almost nonchalantly pulls at the bow keeping her bikini top in place, unraveling it and exposing her tits without hesitation. Tifa isn't surprised at this, she knew full well by this point that the Don wasn't the kind of man to hold himself back from… unwrapping his presents. As her breasts bounce free, she lets out a throaty gasp, her lips parting in just the way she knows he loves, drawing his eyes to them for a moment before his gaze falls back down to her perfectly round tits.

"So, babe… what do you want from Don Corneo, hm? You coming to butter me up dressed like this? Looking for something from me?"

Another thing Tifa had learned in the last two months under Don Corneo's 'care'… he was sharp as a whip, in spite of how he acted. In fact, how he acted was just that… an act. The slobbish mobster was every bit as smart as you would expect a man in his position to be. He hadn't gotten where he was by luck, he'd gotten there by being the most cunning, most treacherous bastard there was.

Which was why Tifa knew he was the only place he could go.

"I need your protection, Don Corneo."

His eyebrows raise at that, and he opens his mouth to ask another question, but Tifa cuts him off as she rests a hand on her slightly flabbier belly… on her ever so slight baby bump.

"For me… and our baby."

The Don is silent for a long moment… and then he's acting the child again, pressing his ear to her belly and making Tifa squirm in mild disgust and disbelief.

"You're pregnant! Ehehehe, I'd noticed your titties getting bigger, but I just thought that meant you were happy to see me! Ah, pregnant with the Don's baby!"

And then abruptly he pulls back and looks at her, cocking an eyebrow curiously.

"And how do I know it's mine, hm?"

Grimacing, Tifa averts her gaze.

"I haven't… been with anyone since we started… seeing each other. And besides, Don Corneo… would any other man's seed truly be able to beat yours out for… f-for supremacy in my w-womb?"

That last part felt utterly weird to say, but Tifa knew it was what he wanted to hear. And she was proven right a moment later, when the Don let out a laugh and another whoop and then encircled her waist with his arms and carried her to his bed. Tifa doesn't fight him, and not just because of her pregnancy. She doesn't fight him as he tucks aside the bottoms of her honeybee costume and sticks his dick inside of her yet again. She doesn't fight him as he grabs ahold of her tits and begins to slobber all over them, eventually drawing a trickle of milk from each of her nipples.

Instead, she lets out a lust-filled, ugly cry and moans wantonly as Don Corneo gives her exactly what her slutty body craves. Tifa herself might hate this, but she can do nothing but let it happen. Not only is her body thoroughly addicted to the mobster's dick… no one but him can truly protect her and their baby from Shinra's retribution.

It'd all been so simple when she was just a freedom fighter with Avalanche. It had all made sense. Even after she'd become Don Corneo's on-call fuck toy, things had seemed relatively okay. She'd fallen into that new rhythm and split her time between Avalanche and the Don, even if her friends didn't understand where she was disappearing off to multiple times a week. Then, Don Corneo had gone and knocked her up and while Tifa wasn't proud of it, it was safe to say her priorities had changed.

She had a baby growing inside of her now, and that meant she could no longer be a part of Avalanche. Nor could she really trust in her friends to help protect her and take care of the baby. Not like she could count on Don Corneo to look after his own flesh and blood. Moaning and groaning as he drives orgasm out of orgasm out of her, Tifa isn't happy by any stretch of the imagination. But she has to make the best of a bad situation, doesn't she?

"Marry me."

Blinking, Tifa looks up to see Don Corneo looking at her, serious but also lustful as all hell, his face red as the fat mobster continues to fuck her even as he awaits her response.


"Marry me, baby! Become my bride for real! I'll take really good care of our kid and you; I swear it! Hell, I'll take good care of ALL our kids!"

A shudder of revulsion runs through her at the thought, even as her treacherous cunt also tightens around his cock at the idea of him breeding her even more than he already has. In the end though, there's really only one answer, isn't there? She doesn't have a choice… it'll secure her and the baby's safety, so she has to. Putting on a brave face, smiling up at Don Corneo with every ounce of faux love and adoration she can muster (while secretly being addicted and devoted to his cock for real) Tifa Lockhart gives her consent.

"Y-Yes! Yes, I will marry you, Don!"

Cackling gleefully, he leans down and kisses her, his heavy weight pressing down on her as he continues to fuck her in a mating press.

Tifa can do nothing but kiss him back, moaning into his mouth as she accepts her new place as his bride, for real this time.


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