Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Cerberus Empire (Mass Effect)

The Cerberus Empire (Mass Effect)

A/N: The Cerberus Empire was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Shepard takes control of the Reapers and then the Galaxy, establishing an empire to bring about peace.

Themes: Master/Slave, Mind Break, Rough Sex


Sitting in a state of the art hospital room in the most prestigious hospital bed in the entire Citadel, and possibly the entire galaxy, a young soldier named Darren Muro contemplates just how he got here. A colonist kid, he'd joined the Systems Alliance Military years ago, right before the Reaper War which was six years in the past in the current day.

To call it the Reaper War was wholly inaccurate. What the Reapers had been visiting upon the Galaxy before Shepard came along was a slaughter, plain and simple. Holding them back was an exercise in futility, let alone stopping them altogether. Even one Reaper was practically a death sentence for your average military fleet… with millions and millions of them, the prospects for the Galaxy, even as unified as it might have become, were hopeless.

Which probably explained why Shepard was able to do what he did after taking control. Darren couldn't say for certain what had happened, the Savior of the Galaxy hadn't exactly explained the details and frankly, Darren didn't think he should have to. What mattered, at the end of the day, was that John Shepard, former Spectre and Commander, and current Emperor of the Galaxy, had saved them all.

By taking control of the Reapers, Emperor Shepard hadn't just ended the fighting and averted galactic annihilation of all organic life across the entire universe. No, he'd also seen fit to bring peace to the galaxy as well… peace via the long arm of his new fleet of Reaper ships. With complete control over the greatest fighting force that the galaxy had ever seen and likely would ever see, the Emperor had gone on to force a new Galactic Empire, naming it the Cerberus Empire.

Darren was a part of that empire, a proud Cerberus Soldier. He knew for a fact that he was part of something greater than himself, that everyone bent the knee to the Cerberus Empire. He was on the final battle for Earth back in the days of the Reaper War and he'd watched as Shepard established the Empire. He'd grown up in it, experienced his first years as an adult in it… and had ultimately become a gear in the complex machine that the Emperor had built.

He didn't mind being a simple cog, not one but. Especially not in an Empire of Justice like Shepard's. In the wake of the Reaper War, some things had had to change. And in Darren's humble opinion, all of those changes were for the better. To start, there was at least one Reaper for every planet, even the uninhabited ones. This left around two to three Reapers at minimum in every solar system.

Ultimately, this made piracy and criminal mining enterprises a thing of the past. There were no more available uninhabitable rocks for pirates to set down their bases on, or for companies to sneak their tools in to do some mining on the downlow. Not when a Reaper would be on your ass in an instant the moment you were found to be trespassing on a system you had no business being in.

Likewise, some races were doing so much better under Shepard's rule. The genophage had been cured and the Krogans were repopulating again. Every once in a while, some Krogan Warlord got a few thousand of his people together and assembled a small flotilla of a dozen ships or so in order to try and start another war… but the only game in town to war with were the Reapers themselves these days, which usually resulted in those upstart Krogans being vaporized.

The Krogans as a species were war-like, even Darren knew that much from his school days. But they could be civilized about it, they could be tamed. And while there were Krogans who thought they could take on the Reapers, the vast majority of the repopulating race knew better then that and were doing just fine for themselves.

Quarians, meanwhile, were back on Rannoch, rebuilding their home right alongside the Geth. With a deeper understanding of one another, things were certainly looking up for the two species, both synthetic and organic. It was proof that the two kinds of life could coexist peacefully, that syntheticism did not always lead to a destruction of organics.

Even species like the Batarians and the Turians were rebuilding, albeit with the former doing away with their slavery-based caste system and the latter now under the leadership of Primarch Vakarian. But at the same time, there were a couple of species who had taken the brunt of blame for the state of the galaxy when things had gone tits up.

Specifically, the Asari and Salarians had been judged and found wanting by the majority of the galaxy… and even by themselves. The general Galactic populace, after learning of the secrets hidden on the Asari Homeworld and how it had not only allowed them to hyper-accelerate their own species' development, but also had enabled them to stagnate and hold back the rest of the galaxy for thousands of years so that they could stay on top… had not been at all happy.

Neither had the general Asari Populace either. The backlash was nigh-immediate and while neither Emperor Shepard nor his Reapers had actually done anything to support what happened next, they also hadn't done anything to oppose it.

Effectively overnight, Asari became pariah in most parts of Galactic Space. So did Salarians, and in a weird twist of fate, the Salarians had effectively swapped places with the Quarians as the Galaxy's butt-monkeys, or rather, butt-geckos. Considered good enough at computers and engineering to be useful in some cases, they weren't exactly trusted with very important work, putting their entire society back decades in the span of days, and ultimately leaving them as third-class citizens in most parts of the Galaxy.

The Asari's situation was both better and worse than the Salarian's. They didn't have the technical skills to make their presence unwanted but necessary… in the end, they were unnecessary in most avenues, and thus had to find a way to make themselves wanted again. This had come about in an insanely rapid cultural shift for the Asari… though, from what Darren remembered of what they were like before the Reaper War, perhaps it wasn't SO much of a shift when one thought about it.

After all, even when they were on top in the galaxy, the Asari had loved showing off their bodies, had loved dancing on tables and taking up jobs as erotic dancers. There wasn't a single Asari who didn't spend at least a bit of her time as a stripper, even all the way up to the former Citadel Councilwoman, Tevos.

Regardless, in the wake of the Reaper War, Asari everywhere had found their business… drying up quite rapidly. No one wanted to interact with them anymore, and so every Asari-owned and Asari-run business ended up closing practically overnight. For a species that not only deeply desired physical contact with other species but also quite literally NEEDED it to avoid creating an overabundance of Ardat Yakshi… this presented a problem.

In the end, the Asari had solved it for themselves by leaning into the one attribute they had… their bodies. At first it was just a few Asari going around the Citadel wearing nothing but body paint. But slowly, when that look began garnering lust if not outright approval, more and more Asari had begun to get on board.

Those Asari who were not willing to go with the flow and debase themselves for attention retreated back to their homeworld of Thessia, where the Reaper's initial attack had completely upended life there. The backbone of their society's online democracy had been destroyed, causing a regression into tribal activity and savage behavior that would make most civilized Asari out in the galaxy blanch.

The Reapers that were guarding Thessia's orbit allowed any Asari that wanted to return home to do so… but unfortunately, air-traffic OFF of Thessia was in turn incredibly restricted due to the instability of their politics and the access to old caches of weapons on the planet's surface. Basically, you could go home… but leaving again was incredibly difficult.

This led to the vast majority of Asari out in the galaxy staying where they were and adapting to the way things now were. Body paint became complete nudity in the span of a couple of years and when other races began to openly molest and fondle the naked pretty blue aliens in their midst, the Asari accepted it with wide smiles, so desperate for contact and intimacy with other races that they were willing to allow anything to be done to their persons.

Practically overnight, though Darren knew it was longer than that and in fact not every Asari was fully on board even today six years later, the Asari Race had become a bunch of Free Use loving sluts eager to share their bodies with anyone who would spare them the time of day.

There were, of course, still Asari in some high positions. Especially those who had been on Shepard's good side at the time of the Cerberus Emperor's founding. Legendary figures like Liara T'Soni, or the Justicar Samara. But even they had come out in support of the cultural shift taking place in their species, and when you had your greatest legends goading you into forming a Free Use society… well, it only propelled things onward even further.

Humans, meanwhile… humans were ascendant. How could they not be? Emperor Shepard was a human, and for as fair as he tried to be with his control of the galaxy, their Savior could not help his bias. Of course, that did not mean they hadn't suffered their losses all the same. Humanity had lost a lot in the Reaper War, more than some, not as much as others.

Over half of all human males had died fighting the Reapers however, and while many women had died as well, it had created a noticeably large gender imbalance for the first time in a long time. Human males, such as Darren himself, could now command a high price for their time, having become rather valuable and in high demand. They enjoyed higher status as a result of this and were in general more sought after.

It wasn't long enough for a total cultural shift among humanity like the Asari had gone through, but there was a shift of sorts, in which women were the ones making up the backbone of human society now from menial labor to service industry jobs, while men were the rare commodity sought after by those women to help them get pregnant and reproduce.

All of that was to say… Darren was here because he'd taken two bullets for Emperor Shepard. He was lying in this hospital bed because, for all that the Reapers under Shepard's control had led to galactic peace, not everyone could accept that, not everyone WOULD accept that. The Krogan made their uneasiness with the new Galactic Order clear by getting small fleets together and then getting themselves wiped out by the Reapers every couple of years.

But the other races were all far more duplicitous by nature… and humans were the most duplicitous of all. It was a human terrorist group that had tried to assassinate the Emperor at a conference not but a week back. One group had tried from afar while the other had gotten in close. It'd been a two-pronged attack, and for all Darren knew, the Emperor might have died if not for his intervention.

But then, it WAS his job. He and many other Cerberus Soldiers who had scored high enough on the relevant tests had been assigned to watch over the Emperor while he was in the middle of this latest conference. Well, watch over the Emperor AND his many wives. Empresses Ashley, Miranda, Liara, Kelly, and Tali'Zorah had always been in attendance.

Regardless, Darren was sure it'd just been a matter of the right place at the right time… but it did seem like he'd been the only guard to notice the sniper's glint right before they took their shot on the Emperor. Pushing Shepard out of the way, he'd taken a shot in the shoulder and been laid out on the ground right as a fire fight in the middle of the conference room had been initiated.

From his spot on the ground, Darren had been able to watch as the Emperor and his wives, all of whom were actually quite used to engaging in combat, took cover and began to fight back, taking down the attackers who'd been in the crowd. The sniper hadn't been able to get another shot off, but Darren had watched from his position as a human woman had approached Shepard from the side.

The Emperor gave her a glance but didn't seem to register her as a threat. Only when Darren caught a glimpse of her face and realized that she was Samantha Traynor, did he realize why. But when he saw the LOOK on her face and the weapon in her hand, he knew that the Emperor, not an infallible man, had misjudged the threat she brought to the table.

Stopping her from shooting the Emperor from point blank range had led to Darren taking the next bullet right through the chest. But it'd worked, even as consciousness had fled him he'd seen her tackled by a couple of the Empresses and watched as the attackers were all brought down and arrested. The Emperor and his wives were safe, and in that moment that was all that mattered to Darren.

He honestly hadn't expected to wake up, but here he was. Apparently, it was touch and go from the report he was able to get from his hospital room's personal VI, but he'd been saved all the same and put in a medical coma to heal. Now here he was, a week later, alive but still quite weak. He just wished that someone would come around that he could talk to…


Blinking his eyes awake as the door suddenly opens, Darren realizes he must have dozed off for a moment. Into the room bustles a familiar face… not because he's ever met her before, but because she's another legend. Doctor Chakwas, the Normandy's Ship Doctor, looks over his vitals before giving him a smile.

"Good to see you doing well, you gave us quite the scare."

Darren's mouth opens and closes for a moment, but when he tries to sit up to give the Doctor the respect she deserves, she plants a hand on his chest and shakes her head.

"You need to rest, Muro."

"What… what about the Emperor? The Empresses? Are they all safe?"

Smiling broadly at that, Chakwas inclines her head to the door.

"Ask him yourself."

And with that said, the Emperor steps into the room. Shepard's glowing blue eyes and the lines of energy that trail down his face and across his body give evidence of the burden he carries every single day. He's a mixing of synthetic and organic, he has to be in order to control the Reapers. He holds them in his power so no one else has to worry. Which is why it was so incredibly stupid that people still tried to assassinate him. If he died, the galaxy died with him as the Reapers broke free and restarted their stupid cycle.

"Sir! I-!"

Before Darren can get any further, Shepard turns his eyes onto Chakwas and gives her a nod.


She nods back and leaves the room, leaving Darren alone with his Emperor. His breath hitches as Shepard takes a seat next to him and smiles.

"I want to thank you, son. You saved my life… and the lives of the entire galaxy the other day. You're to be commended."

Flushing a bit in embarrassment, Darren shifts back and forth.

"Ah, well… t-thank you sir, but really, I was just doing my job…"

"You took two bullets for me soldier. That's a bit beyond the job. I took the liberty of looking at your record. You've done a lot for only being twenty-five… but then again, those who survived the Reaper War like you and I tend to have dossiers a mile long, don't we?"

Darren can't help but smile as the Emperor smiles at him, his chest puffing out slightly even as he lays back in his bed, propped up by pillows and feeling so very weak. It's wonderful to have THE savior of the galaxy equating them to one another, to have him saying that he and Darren aren't that unalike. Of course, it becomes obvious why Shepard is doing so a moment later when it all comes crashing down.

"Unfortunately, your injuries required major surgery, and while you've gotten the absolute best medical care the galaxy could give you for your service… you will not be able to continue on as a soldier or my personal guard even after you're recovered."

Eyes widening in horror, Darren tries to protest.

"But sir, I'm sure I can-!"

"No, son. It's fine, you've done more than enough, more than anyone expected. I had an entire security detail that day at the conference and you personally saved my life twice while nearly sacrificing yours in the process. Something like that… deserves to be rewarded."

Before Darren can say anything else, the Emperor snaps his fingers. Two absolutely gorgeous and utterly naked Asari enter the hospital room then, looking even more gorgeous then the average of their race, what with obvious implants inflating their breasts, hips, and lips.

"Greetings, young sir. I am Alonda."

That voice belongs to the Asari with purple skin, massive breasts, long slender legs, and a firm ass.

"And I am Flaive~"

The other belongs to a dark blue Asari with slightly smaller breasts bit a much larger ass. They compliment each other quite nicely as Darren stares at them, gobsmacked.

"We're happy to become your live in caretakers, young sir."

"That's right. It will be our duty from now on to take care of ALL your needs."

When Darren looks back to Shepard, it's to see the Emperor grinning at him, his glowing blue eyes twinkling with knowing. There was no slavery in Shepard's Empire. But in a way, the Asari cultural shift had led them to effectively enslaving themselves. So desperate for contact with other species, so needy for intimacy, they would do ANYTHING that was asked of them. These two in particular looked like they could barely keep their hands to themselves as their gazes slide up and down his bedridden body.

"Good men are rewarded, and Asari… Asari have incredibly long life spans. As such, pledging themselves to you in life-long service is not all that much of a hassle. These two will be with you for the rest of your days."

Darren's mouth opens and closes, but he doesn't know what to say. In the end, the Emperor just gives him a smile and a nod, along with a gentle but firm pat on his shoulder before standing and leaving. As soon as Shepard is gone, the two Asari who have effectively sold themselves to him for the rest of his life move forward, and while he wasn't nearly healthy enough yet to have sex, there was no denying that having two sexy as fuck Asari eagerly giving him sponge baths and offering him the comfort of their bosoms and bodies was very, very nice.


Two months later, Darren was able to leave the hospital under his own physical power. No wheelchair, no help. He walked on out of there with only a bit of a tremble in his legs and gave the small amount of people allowed to record the moment a smile and a wave before climbing into the vehicle that would take him to his new home.

It'd taken a lot of medicine, a lot of physical therapy, and even another surgery to remove a few more fragments from the shots he'd taken, but in the end he was about as good as he was going to get. He was functional and able to walk around and even carry things… but the Emperor was right, he would never be fighting fit again, never be capable of handling the Emperor's protection detail again.

Alonda and Flaive were now legally as close to his property as one could get in a society that outlawed slavery. The contract that had been written up for both of them had been sent to his Omnitool as well and Darren had been rather surprised when he read it through. Not only did it allow him to do whatever he wanted to either of them save for permanent harm or death, but it even included clauses for any children he might have. Basically, once he was gone, Alonda and Flaive would be greatly incentivized to stare on as his children's caretakers and sex pets as well.

Soon enough, Darren finds himself walking into his new home, the second of the Emperor's gifts. It was one of the most opulent, most expensive high rises in all of the Citadel, close to the Emperor's own home in fact, though not quite the same neighborhood. Waiting for him in the spacious living room is Emperor Shepard himself who grins as Darren looks around in awe.

"Do you like it then, son?"

Flushing, Darren nods, even as he hangs his head.

"Yeah… I'll need to find a job that can support it though I suppose."

Chuckling, Shepard shakes his head in response.

"You won't need to work a day for the rest of your life, Darren."

Taken aback, the young man blinks dumbly at the Emperor, at the Savior of the Galaxy.

"What… what do you mean?"

Smiling, Shepard spreads his arms wide.

"People question me, Darren. And really, I don't hold that against them… much. Sure, I saved the galaxy, sure, I'm the only one holding the Reapers in check. But they don't like that I've taken control and they wonder if they can trust me. So, I'll be blunt. I'm using you to show the masses of this galaxy what they can expect as a reward for their service. You're going to be my example of how much I appreciate those who support me. And no one, not even my wives, has supported me as much as you did when you took those bullets for me."

Darren doesn't know what to say to that, but that's okay because Shepard's not quite done yet.

"You nearly died for me, Darren. So from now on, it's the easy life for you. You won't have to work another day of your life. And while that is your reward for saving me, it's also my way of showing this galaxy that I am a generous and benevolent Emperor. Do you understand?"

He did understand. He was being used… but he was being used by the Emperor of the Cerberus Empire, by the Savior of the Galaxy. How could he not be okay with that? And to be fair, Shepard was being completely up front with him about all of it too. He could appreciate that honesty… just as he could easily appreciate all the other gifts Shepard had given him so far.

"I understand, Your Majesty… and I accept."

Smiling, Shepard snaps his fingers and two Krogan lug a crate in through the door of the high rise apartment behind Darren. Turning, Darren watches as they crack it open, revealing a VERY familiar face attached to a naked body currently hogtied and shackled down to the bottom of the crate.

"This, my good friend, is Samantha Traynor, the woman who not only tried to kill me, but very nearly did succeed in killing you. Unfortunately, her actions have waived her rights as a sentient being. She WAS slated for execution, but in my benevolence I've decided that the punishment should more appropriately fit the crime… and that the victim, in this case you, should benefit from her judgment. We got all we need from her… so enjoy her however you like, Darren. She's yours to do with as you please."

Darren just stares at the dark-skinned woman, who glares back at him, clearly trying to mask her fear as she groans around the bit-gag in her mouth. In the meantime, Shepard leans in and whispers in his ear.

"She's still virginal… and thinks she hates men. But not to worry, we installed a few modifications to help her explore her sexuality properly as you begin to use her."

And with that, the Emperor of the Cerberus Empire leaves, taking the two Krogan with him. Darren, meanwhile, is left with his two Asari pets… and the woman who very nearly killed him two and a half months ago. As the former Normandy Comms Specialist struggles in her bondage, trying to break free, Darren strides up to her… and delivers a vicious kick right to her cunt, feeling the bruising force with which he impacts through his boot.

She screams and slumps forward, only to choke on nothing when he kicks her in the stomach next.

"You damn bitch… you took so much from me. You nearly doomed the entire galaxy to the Reapers finishing what they started. I'm going to enjoy making you pay and believe me when I say that… but first, you get to watch."

Leaving Samantha Traynor tied up is not a difficult decision at all as he turns to his Asari pets instead. Alonda and Flaive beam as he looks to them. That entire time in the hospital, they hadn't gotten to fuck. But now that they were all finally home… Darren moves over and lets them begin stripping him down, his naked Asari pets moaning and writhing their bodies against his all the while as they do so.

Soon enough, they have him and his titanic-sized bitch-breaker of a cock freed of its confines. His dick was definitely bigger than most, and though they hadn't gotten to do anything with it, they'd both cooed over it's size and serenaded him with all the things they could do for him once he got better. Now, they begin putting some of those into practice. With his cock growing harder by the second, the two Asari direct him over to the nearby couch.

Sitting down on it, he spreads his legs and watches as Alonda kneels down betwixt his thighs, using her utterly massive knockers to begin giving his huge length a titjob. Meanwhile, Flaive sits down on the couch right next to him, the dark blue Asari kissing him as his hand slides around to firmly grope at her massive ass.

Given how backed up he was already, it was no surprise that Alonda's tits very rapidly did the trick for him, making him cum in no time at all. Her mouth suctioned down around his cockhead, but she was still only just barely able to contain the utterly massive amount of seed he spewed into her swallowing, gulping throat.

One load was never going to be enough, but even Darren was a little surprised that he was still rock hard after his first ejaculation, not even slightly soft. Unbeknownst to the young soldier, his final surgery had not actually been to remove the last scraps of bullet from his body… no, it'd been to give him a fair few of Cerberus' top secret enhancements from when they'd rebuilt Shepard from the ground up.

In truth, Darren could have and actually WOULD be as strong as he had been again… even stronger, really. But he served the Emperor's purposes better in his current position, especially with Traynor's terrorist cell dismantled in it's entirety and the likelihood of another assassination attempt going dramatically down for the time being.

Regardless, not thinking much of his surprising vitality and strength, Darren wastes no time in throwing Alonda onto her back on the couch and pinning her down. His cock slips and slides against her wet cunt for a moment before slamming home inside of her, filling her with his big fat cock. As she moans wantonly, he grabs hold of her tits, making the slutty purple Asari squeal with eager arousal.

Meanwhile, Flaive gets behind him and begins to lick at his balls and taint as he fucks her sister Asari, not even hesitating to debase and humiliate herself while waiting for her turn. It was a testament to just how fast Asari adapted to the new state of things. These two Asari had been alive for hundreds of years, but in just six they had become massive sluts right alongside the rest of their race, having no choice in the matter. Maybe, in the end, the Asari had always been massive sluts deep down inside…

Regardless, Alonda is putty in his hands and she soon orgasms explosively around his cock, causing her to involuntarily embrace eternity which in turn sends them both over the edge as he stuffs her full of his baby batter. Without missing a beat, Darren pulls out of Alonda's creampied twat and spins on Flaive, grabbing the dark blue Asari by her head tendrils and yanking her around.

Forcing her onto her hands and knees on the overly long, opulent couch, Darren wastes no time in making her give him an assjob with that fantastic badonkadonk she has. He gropes and squeezes her big blue butt cheeks while hot-dogging his dick between them, grinning like a mad man all the while and groaning at how warm and soft her cheeks are around his cock.

Soon enough, he covers her ass and back and even the back of her head in a copious amount of his seed… before puling back and hilting inside of her ass without warning. Flaive squeals as he fills her bowels with his cock, and for the first time something of the Asari she might have been before the cultural shift shows as she looks back over her shoulder at him, her face contorting even as she pleads.

"A-Ah, please sir… please slow down. Have mercy, oh by the G-Goddess you're too BIG!"

Darren, rather than showing mercy, just grins wickedly and gives Flaive's bubble butt another smack as he shakes his head.

"Shut up, you silly Asari cunt. You and I both know you LOVE it!"

And the best part was, he was completely right. Asari were so desperate, so starved for physical contact that even anal was enough to make Flaive cum. Soon enough, her ass is taking his cock like it's nothing, showing just how much of a total anal slut she could become, if she wasn't already. Soon, she's orgasming explosively and embracing eternity, all from a powerful ass fucking rather than the normal sex she might have been expecting.

Letting her slump face first, ass up in the air on the couch, Darren climbs off, leaving the two Asari on either side of where he'd been, both delirious and fucked out of their minds with pleasure, big dopey smiles on their faces as they were given precisely what they needed.

Finally, Darren turns to Samantha. He smirks as she goes wide-eyed at finally getting a full view of his cock, and he chuckles when she whimpers and begins to struggle harder in her current bondage. Moving over to her, he removes her gag from her mouth first, somewhat curious to hear what she has to say.

"P-Please… please, you don't have to do this. You don't have to give in to him like everyone else. That thing… that THING is not the Shepard I flew with. Don't let him deceive you. Don't let him-ah!"


Backhanding her across the face is intensely satisfying as he grabs her by her jaw and spits in her eye.

"Shut up, cunt. You very nearly killed me. You tried to assassinate my Emperor. You think I want to hear a single thing you have to say?"

She glares at him hatefully, and Darren just smiles at her defiance. Luckily, the way she's bound and shackled is incredibly intuitive for someone who might want to reposition and fuck her however he likes. He doesn't even have to free her to force her onto her back and put her legs back behind her head so that he can take her in a mating press. As his cock presses down on her cunt, that defiance fades away into fear as she looks down the length of her body at where he's about to penetrate her.

"W-Wait… no, you're too big! You're going to break me-hnnnnnngggh!"

Laughing as he hilts inside of her and watches her face contort, Darren offers his captive fuck toy a wicked and evil smile.

"Yeah, that's sort of the plan, bitch."

Even as he continues to fuck her after tearing through her hymen, Darren is relentless in his thrusts. He wants to hurt her, wants to teach her a lesson… and has to admit, he's also curious what the Emperor meant when he said they'd added a few modifications. It quickly becomes apparent that Samantha Traynor's body is no longer entirely her own.

The more he fucks the purported 'man-hater', the more Samantha cums against her will. The dark-skinned female can't seem to help it for some reason. He hits all of her deepest spots to be sure, but also she just seems to be cumming nonstop after a certain point, like her body has been primed to adapt and become addicted to servicing and loving his cock.

Even as Samantha herself begs and pleads for him to slow down, even as tears streak down her cheeks, there's no denying that she's cumming buckets around his pistoning, thrusting prick. Soon, he began to get close to cumming himself, and it was obvious that she could tell as her eyes widened in fresh horror.

"P-Please… please, don't cum inside. I'm not… it's not safe!"

Snorting derisively, Darren reaches up and grabs her by her hair, yanking her head back painfully so he can spit in her face again.

"Who do you think is going to carry my children, cunt? The Asari sluts on the couch back there certainly can't do it, all they can pop out is more Asari sluts. I'm thinking I want at least three human babies… so buckle up."

He kisses her before she can protest further, dominating her mouth with his tongue even as he unloads in her womb. Samantha Traynor freezes up at that, shuddering beneath him as she tried to recover but ultimately failed due to how much her body was absolutely loving it all. Sensing that if he kept fucking her something would eventually snap and it wouldn't be him, Darren spins her over and begins fucking her doggystyle up the ass.

Samantha squeals in an all-new way as he fills her bowels with his man meat, and Darren pauses in surprise before grinning ferally. It seemed that beyond the modifications, this traitorous man-hating bitch might have had a thing for getting stuff shoved up her ass before she was captured and altered.

"You like that, cunt? You like my fat cock up your ass?"

"N-No… oh god, n-no I don't want it, I don't want it!"

Darren just laughs at that and gives her dark-skinned ass a few smacks as he continues to fuck her from behind. She sounds more like she's trying to convince herself then she is him, and soon enough she's orgasming from getting fucked up the ass.

He's beginning to see it now, how every orgasm was slowly breaking her down bit by bit. Sensing that if he kept this up, she would soon be nothing more than a mind broken fuck toy for his lusts, Darren sped up his pace, beginning to fuck her roughly and even grabbing her tits from behind as he plows her anally all the harder.

She tries to argue and beg and present a defiant front at first, but the more time goes on, the less of Samantha Traynor there is. Eventually, the pleasure overwhelms her, the modifications made to her mind and body that she was unaware of changing her into his fuck toy… or as she put it once he creampied her ass and started fucking her cunt…

"Yes! Yes, breed me some more, Master! Knock up your dirty breeding pig! Oink! Oink! Oink!"

Laughing, Darren continued fucking her as long as he possibly could, which even though he didn't realize it, was a lot longer than it should have been. Two people modified by Cerberus, one as a reward and the other as a punishment. With his new vitality and stamina, Darren kept going all night long, turning Samantha's tears of agony and horror into tears of orgasmic bliss, and ultimately going on to fuck Alonda and Flaive some more as well, the two Asari all too willing to give their human master whatever he wanted at the end of the day.

As time went on, Darren became a symbol for what one could achieve in Shepard's Cerberus Empire. Samantha Traynor, meanwhile, became an example of what might be done to you if you went against the Emperor and his plans. More than anything though, the way that all of the news stations made it clear how close they'd all come to galactic annihilation if Shepard had actually died kept any future assassination attempts sparse and most infrequent, while at the same time making Darren even more of a hero and Samantha even more of a villain.

In the end, Sam would go on to give birth to five children for her Master, raising them lovingly to look to him for instruction and advice and to look down on her as nothing more than his breeding sow rather than their move. His Asari, meanwhile, would have two more Asari daughters apiece, who were in turn raised on the new Asari culture and learned from an early age that their place in life was to be the Free Use sluts of their human half-brothers and half-sisters.

And in the end, all was well for Darren Muro. All was well for the entire galaxy, under the benevolent rule of Emperor Shepard.


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