Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Thriving in Chaos (Star Wars)

Thriving in Chaos (Star Wars)

A/N: Thriving in Chaos was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a certain duel between a former Togruta Padawan and a fully trained Zabrak Sith Lord goes about how it should have gone. Ahsoka Tano is taught the part she plays in the Galaxy's descent into darkness at the hands of a Master of the Dark Side.

Themes: Brutal Sex, Mind Break, Master/Slave


"… No, you're wrong. I know Anakin."

Igniting her sabers, narrowing her eyes, Ahsoka Tano drops into a ready stance, drawing a snarl from the Sith Lord across from her as she very clearly prepares for a fight.

"Your vision is flawed."

Darth Maul narrows his eyes at that, feeling an intense burst of anger and disbelief at just how… idiotic this Togruta Padawan before him is. He'd expected more of her if he was being honest. Left behind to fight the Siege of Mandalore on her former Master and Grandmaster's behalf, Tano was here instead of Kenobi and Skywalker specifically because they thought she could handle him, presumably.

But so far, everything Maul had seen of the former Jedi Padawan was hopelessly disappointing. Now, Maul has spent much of his life as a weapon. Truth be told, he looks back and doesn't feel like he truly ascended to the status of Sith Lord until after he was left for dead in that reactor shaft by both his former Master and the Jedi alike. It was only when he'd had to struggle to survive in the years that had followed that Maul had learned the true depth of his connection with the Dark Side of the Force.

But even someone like him who spent years as Darth Sidious' pet beast can't believe that after everything he's told her, Tano's first reaction is to ignite her lightsabers instead of questioning what he's saying further. It's amusing, because normally he would be stoking such an emotional action and looking for ways to use Ahsoka's obvious bond with Skywalker against her, but in this case it was just so irritational… and currently working against HIM.

His annoyance and irritation is only compounded by the fact that it should have been Kenobi and Skywalker who showed up, not Tano. This entire plan, his whole reason for returning to Mandalore, was to lure the two golden boys of the Republic to their doom. Kenobi so that Maul could finally have his revenge against the Jedi Master, and Skywalker so that he could ruin his Master's plans once and for all by killing the Knight.

It should have been perfect, especially given Kenobi's connection to Mandalore and Maul. Except, instead of the pair coming to try and end him, they'd sent this former Jedi Padawan in their stead. Skywalker's Padawan presumably, but all the same… it was an insult of the highest proportions.

Even then, Maul had seen the potential in Tano from them crossing blades. He'd seen an avenue by which they could ally with one another and make the best of a bad situation. Together, they might have been able to defeat Sidious on the eve of his victory. Foolishly enough, Maul had allowed himself a moment of hope when she'd all but agreed to join him in his quest.

Instead, he was now finding out that she wasn't nearly as open-minded as he'd hoped, and all because of Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One. Admittedly, Darth Maul had been replaced by Dooku already, but it still stuck in the Zabrak's craw something fierce that Skywalker seemed so important to so many individuals in Maul's life.

Unable to possibly articulate himself at this point, filled with rage and impatience, Maul decides then and there… if he couldn't have a partner, he'd have to make do with a slave. Growling, he ignites his own double-bladed lightsaber in the face of Tano's unprovoked aggression.

"I see the Padawan needs one last lesson."

Eyes narrowing at the intended insult, Tano leaps forward and battle between the two of them is joined. Except… one of them is a Sith Lord with years and years of experience under his belt, a Force User who had put mastery of the blade above all else in his single-minded pursuit for his Master's approval. Maul could use the Force, and use it expertly, but he'd never had the sheer depth of power that Sidious had, he'd never had the fullness or breadth of connection of his Master. Instead, he'd had to rely on his skill in saber combat to prove himself, time and time again.

In comparison, Ahsoka Tano was a disgraced Jedi Padawan. Sure, she had some skill with sabers herself, she had to, given her insistence on practicing Jar'Kai, the dual-wielding lightsaber form. To use two sabers instead of one was quite the challenge and for Tano to do so spoke well of her skills… or so Maul had initially thought.

As they fight now, he begins to realize that their initial exchanges were far too quick and short for him to get a true grasp of the former Padawan's skill. She was decent enough, there was no doubt about that… but her Jar'Kai was built more in arrogance than true talent. Hypocritical of a Jedi, in his slightly amused opinion.

Without a doubt, Maul has the upper hand in their battle rather early on, and he keeps it as well. This does a bit to assuage the deep well of rage that's built up inside of him at Tano's rejection, but not enough. Still, he can't bring himself to end it quick. Here, he finds himself playing with his food, focusing not on bringing Tano down fast, but on humiliating her, on showing her just how outmatched they are.

With repeated blows from his fists and legs as their sabers clash again and again, as well as a few glancing scratches of his saber, Maul does more damage to Tano's clothing then he does her. Initially, this is only to show her just how utterly outclassed she is, and upon the fifth or so tear in her top, he's able to see the moment where she realizes that she has no chance against him, just as he's able to see one of her orange nipples poking out of the rip he's made.

It's around then that the Togruta Padawan begins looking for an exit strategy, her confidence in winning this fight dwindling by the second. He can tell that she's sure she's going to lose… just like he could see the sense of defeat welling up in her Grand-Grandmaster's eyes so many years ago. Only, Qui-Gon Jinn had at least had the grace to accept his ultimate demise, for all that the Jedi Master was a doddering old fool who had let his skills atrophy.

Ahsoka Tano on the other hand, has clearly not been keeping up on her Jedi Teachings. She's letting her emotions drive her, however unconscious that is, and right now it's fear that he sees growing in her, fear that only serves to further fuel his Dark Side powers right alongside his burning anger.

After a fierce but ultimately fast-paced duel, Maul manages to hook the former Padawan's blades, forcing her to cross her arms momentarily before disarming her in one fell swoop. Going a step further, his double-bladed saber flashes through the air and he destroys both of her deactivated lightsabers in one single twirl as they nearly go flying.

He feels her loss through the Force as he does so, and with a vindictive smile, Maul harnesses that dark emotion to Force Push her back, slamming her into the wall of the throne room as he strides forward.

"You foolish, ignorant BRAT. You could have sided with me. We could have defeated Sidious together. But instead… you force my hand."

As Tano gets up from where she'd fallen into a heap at the base of the throne room wall, Maul decides he's had enough, snatching her up in a Force Choke and lifting her up the wall as he continues his approach.

His eyes flicker across her torn attire as he does so, from her exposed orange thighs to that singular visible nipple poking out of her ripped top. When he makes eye contact with her, his smile becomes downright vicious.

"If you will not join me of your own free will, then I will remove that choice from you altogether."

Scrambling at her neck, at invisible choking hands that she can't hope to physically remove, Tano also tries reaching out through the Force, attempting to break his grip on her neck. She fails as he almost casually, contemptuously bats her effort away with his mind. He may not have Sidious' depth of power, but he has years and years of practice over this pathetic Padawan all the same.

Realizing escape is hopeless, that she's defeated, Ahsoka nevertheless glares down at him angrily.

"I will NEVER join you!"

Chuckling darkly, Maul just shakes his horned head, the Zabrak's eyes once again sliding down from her base to her body.

"We shall see."

Initially, he would have planned to torture her, to feed Dark Side energy into her while tormenting with her failures and inadequacies until ultimately she began to break down and accept that she was always meant to be a Sith. It was what Sidious had done to him, after all. But while his original intention had merely been to show Tano how outclassed she was during their duel, his… intentional ruining of her outfit has had an unintended side effect… on him.

It's been a long time since Maul had a libido, to be clear. He'd lost the lower half of his body on Naboo years ago, and with that he'd lost certain… equipment. However, his latest surgery had come with some regenerative treatments. His legs were only mechanical from the knee down now. Everything above that… was fully organic.

As such, Ahsoka Tano's half-exposed, nubile Togruta body was stirring something up in Maul that had been long-forgotten… sexual desire. Perhaps… yes, he would go about breaking the former Padawan in a different way entirely. One that he knew from past experience was very effective against female Jedi who's purity and emotional detachment were oh so sacred to them.

Deactivating his lightsaber and clipping it back to his belt, Maul uses his unoccupied hand to contemptuously tear away the upper and lower shreds of Ahsoka's clothing from her body, all while continuing to choke her out. Her breasts are fully exposed by this maneuver, the plump orange tits hanging out of her top which now clung to her in tatters. Her nipples were, interestingly enough, already rock hard. Perhaps she was as much of a battle junkie as him.

More importantly however, her cunt was now exposed to him, the crotch of her pants fully torn away to reveal her puffy orange pussy lips. The young Togruta could do nothing to stop him from using the Force to lift one of her legs up and away, exposing her sex. Nor could she stop him from revealing his own massive black length, his reconstituted cock thick and veiny as it rises to point unerringly at Tano's exposed slit.

This all happens so fast that the Togruta Padawan doesn't even get a chance to protest before Maul thrusts his hips forward and up, slamming home into her cunt. As expected, she's virginal… and also as expected, she's wholly unprepared for the size of his cock suddenly filling up her insides.


Ahsoka's eyes bulge out of her skull and her mouth opens in wordless silence as he begins to fuck her on his cock. Maul tightens his Force Hold and makes sure that she can't say a word while he pounds upwards into her, choking her out to the point of near-unconsciousness.

"Stupid, worthless cunt! Perhaps this is all you're good for. Perhaps I was wrong to think there was potential in you."

His sneering degradation is met with more choking from Ahsoka, the young Togruta unable to so much as get a word out in response to him. Of course, there's a chance she can't even THINK of something to say right now, not with how he's overwhelming her both physically and mentally. It feels so very good to vent his frustrations on this Togruta bitch, pummeling her with both his thick fat Zabrak cock and with the Dark Side.

As he expected, Tano has no way of defending against this form of attack. The feel of his cock splitting her formerly virgin insides as well as him choking her out… no Jedi Padawan is trained to combat such a pleasurable assault. Combine that with the Dark Side energy he's pumping into her with every thrust of his physical phallus and her blue eyes begin to go crossed, her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth as Maul ultimately drives her first orgasm from her poor, defenseless body.

It's a gurgling, choking squeal that leaves Ahsoka's mouth, a humiliating noise to be sure made all the more so by her body spasming and her cunt gushing juices down his length and squirting them all over the floor and his legs. In response, Maul lets out one last hoarse snarl and then proceeds to cum inside of her as well, reaching climax and filling her to the brim with a thick, hot load of his Zabrak seed.

Nearing the point of unconsciousness, Ahsoka very nearly reaches it before Maul suddenly releases her, dropping her like a ragdoll or a puppet with its strings cut as he pulls back and lets her fall back down to the ground. Limp, the Togruta is still trying to recover as he looms over her, his cock still rock hard and now glistening with her juices. Despite already cumming, he's still fully aroused, fueled by the Dark Side, by his passions.

Sneering down at his defeated opponent, Maul reaches out after a moment and grabs her by one of her montrals, tugging on the hollow horn hard and causing her to cry out in pain… and a fair bit of pleasure, the explosive orgasm she'd just experienced still washing over her, it's reverberations and long term impacts still flowing across her body.

"Foolish little Jedi, trying so very hard to be your Master, to be your Master's Master. You are neither. You are weak. You are NOTHING."

As he further insults and degrades her, the Sith Lord lashes out with the Dark Side, ripping the rest of Tano's uniform from her body. It seems to be quite stylized and he assumes it's special to her in some way, shape or form if she's wearing it in place of her Padawan attire. He enjoys tearing the last shredded remains of it off of her, enjoys exposing every last inch of her beautiful, nubile orange body. Young that she might be, but there's no denying the Jedi Padawan is a woman grown now… and he delights in abusing that fact.

Dragging her over to the throne room's floor-to-ceiling windows, Maul presses Ahsoka's naked form up against the glass, positively slamming her into it, though not hard enough to crack or damage it. He doesn't want her going through the window after all, he merely wants her to witness what's happening below. Still holding her roughly by one of her montrals, a fact that's making her moan and squirm in his grasp like a whore rather than the Padawan she's supposed to be, Maul sneers into her ear.

"Look, cunt. Look down at what your little rebellion has wrought."

It wasn't for just any old reason that Maul had brought her over here and forced her up against the glass. He'd done so because he could feel it… the battle turning in favor of his and his men. Almost as if the Siege of Mandalore's greater combat revolved around and followed the results of his duel with the former Jedi Padawan who'd been in command of the battle, things for Tano's side are breaking down at a rapid pace now that she's been defeated.

And perhaps it does indeed have something to do with his humiliation and degradation and rape of Tano specifically. With how much Dark Side energy he's feeding into her, her despair is like a clarion call in the force. He himself is feeding off of it, growing stronger for it. Meanwhile, her allies down below are being demoralized by Ahsoka's defeat without even consciously knowing it's happened, while her enemies down below, HIS allies… are being strengthened.


Ahsoka's broken whisper comes as she watches her Clones and the Mandalorian Rebels loyal to Bo-Katan Kryze fall, one by one. Grinning vilely, Maul knows this is the moment to strike… and so he does so. Still holding Tano by one of her montrals, tugging back on the hollow Togruta horn as he does so, the Zabrak Sith Lord thrusts forward, burying his length inside of his captive once again.

This time however, he doesn't fuck her already cum-filled cunt. This time, he's shoving his lubricated throbbing prick right up Ahsoka Tano's asshole, filling her back door with his member and slamming his hips into her pert orange behind. Her cute little bubble butt deforms as he claps her ass cheeks, while Ahsoka herself lets out a hoarse squeal, no longer being choked, now able to make her voice heard… she screams as he fills her anal passage with his cock, she screams and screams.

Laughing quite cruelly, Maul doesn't let up for even a second, pounding into Ahsoka's backdoor with violent force as they both watch her allies lose down below. The clones are slaughtered to a man, and the moment comes when Bo-Katan herself is surrounded, the last of her men and women outnumbered and outgunned by far too massive of a margin to continue on.

In the moment when Ahsoka's greatest ally and her subordinates begrudgingly drop their weapons and raise their hands in surrender, something in the Togruta Padawan breaks. The combination of Maul's cock in her ass, the Dark Side energy he's once again pummeling into her, and the despair she's feeling… it sends her over the edge yet again and she humiliates herself once more as she squirts out a combination of her pussy juices and the Zabrak's last cum load all over the window that she's currently pressed up again.

Squealing like a stuck pig, Ahsoka's ass clenches down HARD around his pistoning prick, the Togruta shuddering and spasming beneath him. However, this time Maul holds himself back… he's not DONE with this hole quite yet. Continuing to yank back on one of Tano's montrals, he rears back his other hand and begins to smack her perky little behind whenever he's mostly pulled out of her asshole, giving her a few slaps across her orange cheeks until they begin to discolor from the impacts.


Down below, they watch as Bo-Katan and her followers are stripped of weapons and armors, left in nothing but their undersuits before being clapped in binders. Despite herself, unable to help it at this point as something fundamental has broken in her body or brain, Ahsoka continues to cum throughout this mental and physical abuse, orgasming from the explosive pleasure that he's visiting upon her despite her express wishes.

She cums again and again, positively painting the glass beneath her with her juices and his own seed, until finally, Maul finishes in her ass as well, pumping a thick load of similar size to the first right into her bowels this time instead of her gushing quim.

After that, he pulls out and lets her drop from his grasp once more. She falls to her knees before the window, staring blankly down at the space where battle had been taking place minutes earlier. Instead of fighting, the cleanup is happening now, with bodies, mostly those of her troops and comrades being removed from the field of battle.

Watching the clones she'd just led to their deaths be piled up unceremoniously for a mass burning or mass grave seems to crush her spirits even more thoroughly then they already were. She's completely and utterly drained at this point, emotionally bankrupt in a way. But Maul is unsurprisingly short on pity or mercy… he always has been, and he has even less sympathy for infuriating Togruta cunts who ruin everything for him by being obstinate little bitches.

And so, grabbing her by one of her montrals once more, he spins the former Padawan around until she's facing him on her knees, shoving his cock in her face once again and revealing that he's still rock hard, even now. The Dark Side fuels him and will continue to fuel him for as long as he wills it.

"Refuse or bite down, and I'll have the remainder of your friends executed in front of you."

The threat is delivered in a silken, menacing tone, but in truth just looking down into her big blue eyes, Maul can see that it's barely necessary. The Togruta is already thoroughly broken down at this point. That doesn't mean he's going to stop however… in fact, one might say he's just getting started.

"Open wide, Ahsoka Tano."

His command slithers into her ears with a touch of Dark Side enforcing it and she limply and quietly opens her mouth, accepting the tip of his cock in between her plump lips. Maul groans and tilts his head back as he slowly slides his engorged, massive length into her mouth, deeper and deeper. She begins gagging at one point, and then full on choking when he slides it down the back of her throat and refuses to stop, just keeps going until he's buried every last inch of his prick in her esophagus and her nostrils are flaring up against the base of his cock, his hefty ball sack resting on her chin.

As she gurgles and gags on his prick, he looks down into her watery eyes as she looks up at him in despair and hopelessness, and he grins savagely.

"Good girl."

Damned by faint praise, Ahsoka can do nothing as he reaches out and grabs hold of her other Togruta horn as well. With BOTH of her montrals in hand, Maul begins to thrust, pulling her up and down his cock by the convenient handholds the poor Padawan has atop her head. Bouncing her skull back and forth along his length, he starts face fucking her in earnest, making her choke all the more mightily as he mercilessly pounds her throat with his dick.


At the same time, however, he's also continuing to push Dark Side energy into her, this time through his grip on her montrals AND the thick fat Zabrak cock he's slamming down the back of her throat. Before, when he'd fucked her cunt and ass, it could be said that the corruptive influence of the Dark Side was having to travel up the length of her body to reach her mind.

Now though, it's directed straight into her skull as he… well, skull-fucks her to his heart's content. And so, even as Ahsoka is choking and asphyxiating on his cock, the presence of the Dark Side is making its home in her mind all the faster, putting down roots and filling in all the crevices in her rapidly fracturing psyche.

Tears stream down her cheeks as Ahsoka's eyes roll back in her head. Her nostrils flare desperately for breath, but there's no denying that she's on the verge of passing out on his cock at this point. Her shoulders were already slumped before, but now her arms dangle limply on either side of her, showing her complete inability to so much as move them as she's thoroughly used and abused in this, the greatest defeat of her young life.

Finally, with an angry roar, Maul cums, flooding her mouth with his thick, viscous, tainted seed. Her flaring nostrils can't get air if they're suddenly packed with cum, his jizz flowing out of the sides of her mouth and her nostrils alike as she chokes and gags, hacking away around his ejaculating phallus. Ultimately, Maul pulls out of her throat just as she's about to fall unconscious, dropping his hold on her montrals at the same time.

Ahsoka falls forward flat on her face with her ass up in the air, arms splayed out on either side of her. It's obvious that the humiliating position isn't HER idea, but equally obvious that there's nothing she can do about it, her body twitching and trembling and very clearly not answering her orders as she tries and fails to move even a single inch.

Still, by all rights, it should be over… right? Maul can feel it, can feel her hope and even relief in the Force. She thinks it's done, that HE'S done. Letting out another dark and cruel laugh, the Zabrak Sith Lord steps forward and drops into a crouch, his thick fat cock coming up to her cunt again as he grabs her by her hips and she freezes in place.

"We're far from done, you foolish Jedi cunt. Far, FAR from done."

And with that, he plunges back into her hungering twat, her body having betrayed her at this point even if her mind has not. Because there's a reason Maul continues on, there's a reason he roughly fucks her for several hours more. Even as he felt her break over at the window with his cock up her ass, the Dark Side assailing her mind, and her failure to lead her troops right in front of her face… he could tell she wasn't entirely HIS yet.

She wouldn't be, not so long as she held out hope. He had to fuck that out of her, that hope that her Master or Kenobi would find out what had happened here today and come save her. Luckily, with his forces victorious and Mandalore still under his control, Maul had all the time in the world to drill it into Ahsoka Tano's thick head that she'd lost and there was no one coming for her.

It's in this midst of this marathon of sex, hours and hours of him fucking her in all of her holes and cumming in and on her body, that they both feel it. The moment it happens, Maul knows what it is. He can even hear his old Master's voice through their nearly destroyed training bond.

"Execute Order Sixty-Six."

Briefly, Maul is baffled, having no idea what that means. But then he feels it, right alongside Tano. They both feel it as all across the galaxy, Jedi are snuffed out one by one, the Dark Side exultant in its victory.

"N-No… no, no, no… p-please…"

Tano's broken sobs from beneath him delight Maul to no end, even as he puzzles out how his Master did it for a moment before letting out a bark of laughter as he realizes what must have happened. After all, who did Sidious have a direct line to? Who had his voice in their ears at all times and were in turn placed so very close to the Jedi?

The Clones. That was Sidious' plan from the start, to have the clones turn on their Jedi commanders at the pivotal moment, slaughtering the Jedi Order to a man after weakening them via war for years, and ultimately plunging the Galaxy into Darkness. The overwhelming power now at Maul's fingertips as the Dark Side reigned supreme over a brand new galaxy was ever so slightly tainted by the fact that it was his former Master's victory.

But he could set that aside for the time being. After all, he had something more important right in front of him… a certain Jedi Padawan had just had her last hope snuffed out right in front of her metaphorical eyes.

Spinning her over onto her back, Maul wraps a physical hand around Ahsoka's throat, choking off her incessant murmurings and yammering, her broken stream of begging, of denial. He silences her and sneers down at her as he thrusts back into her cunt, quite welcoming at this point as it's molded itself around his cock.

"Do you see now, you stupid brat? Do you see what you have wrought? If only you had not interfered, I could have put a stop to all of this. If only you had been reasonable, we could have kept it from happening TOGETHER. Instead, this is what your existence has culminated in. Distracting me in the final moments so that SIDIOUS could reign supreme."

As Ahsoka chokes on both her own despair AND his tight grip around her throat, he feels the moment she's completely destroyed by his words, realizing just how badly she's messed up. In truth, it's not really her fault… but Maul knows that Jedi are self-sacrificing types and given the opportunity, they will always, ALWAYS find a way to blame themselves for the state of things around them.

Drinking deeply of her horror and shame, Maul floods her with his seed one last time as the last of Ahsoka's spirit is shattered, as the last of her hope dies with the Jedi Order.

Pulling out of her no-longer tight cunt, Maul rises to his feet as he clenches his hands into fists, glaring down at her.

"You could have avoided this fate if you'd only accepted my offer. Your precious Jedi would still be alive right now. Instead, you will spend the rest of your life as MY slave."

He can feel her reaching the final precipice, can feel her shattered mind coming to a broken conclusion as she stares at his cock. Something clicks in her fractured brain and the hours of being fucked while at the same time taking a constant pounding from the Dark Side finally pays off as she breaks right there on the spot.

"Y-Yes… yes, y-you're right… Master…"

Getting off of her ass and climbing to her knees on shaky limbs, she has to collapse forward into him and hold herself up by gripping at his legs as her breasts push into the front of his thighs. Her mouth moves to his cock and she begins to lick and lap at it in mind broken worship, submitting to him and serving him with her tongue.

Smiling, Maul reaches down and places his hand between her montrals, splaying his fingers and digging them into the young Togruta's scalp. As he massages the top of her head, he continues to send waves of Dark Side power into her, made all the more powerful by the Dark Side's ascendence, by his Master's victory. It stings, gaining power only because Sidious had won… but Maul will not look a gift horse in the mouth. He's just getting started, after all…


A few days later, Maul lounges on Mandalore's throne, twirling the unlit Darksaber in one hand and resting his head on his other in a closed fist as he awaits his Slave-Apprentice's answering of his summons. It doesn't take long for a much changed Ahsoka Tano to show up, walking into the room with her head low and her hands clasped before her as she approaches him and drops to a knee submissively.

"Master… how may I serve you today?"

Maul flicks his fingers out.

"There are still some rebels in the city, I want you to root them out and kill them all. It will be good training and help you further your connection with the Dark Side."

A frown flits across Ahsoka's face, and for a moment he thinks she's actually feeling something for her former allies. But no, a moment later she speaks and makes it apparent she only has one thing on her mind… the same thing she's had on her mind since he broke her in several days ago.

"I was hoping I might use my worthless body to serve your cock instead, Master. After all, that's all I'm truly good for. I'm bound to fuck it up if you send me to do anything else."

With a growl, Maul reaches out and chokes Ahsoka for a moment with the Force. He stops as swiftly as he started however when she almost immediately lolls out her tongue and rolls back her eyes, very clearly enjoying the asphyxiation more than she should.

"I'm busy. I don't have time for you, slut."

Glancing around the empty throne room and then back to him as he lounges on his throne so very casually, Ahsoka blinks her blue eyes once… and then adopts a sultry smile.

"Are you sure, Master?"

Reaching down, she grabs the hem of her top and pulls it up over her breasts, exposing her perfectly round orange tits to his gaze.

"Can I not interest you in my body, Master? I'm in desperate need of your big, fat cock."

She is… so very sincere and that's the worst part. Maul is beginning to see the downside in how he broke the former Padawan to the Dark Side. Torture and a continuous flow of Dark Side energy had been what sculpted him into the weapon he was before his ignoble defeat at Kenobi's hands. Meanwhile, it seemed that hours and hours of sex combined with Dark Side energy… had turned Ahsoka Tano into… this.

Seeing that her oh so 'subtle' attempt at trying to get him to fuck her wasn't bearing fruit, rather than giving up, Ahsoka escalates. Dropping forward onto all fours the broken Togruta spins around and pulls down her pants, exposing her shapely perky behind and her dripping, glistening wet cunt as well. Looking back over her shoulder at him while using one hand to pull an ass cheek apart and present herself, Ahsoka bats her eyes in his direction.

"Look, Master. Look how ready I am for you. My hot cunt… or even my ass. You can take me without lube if it would please you, Master. This worthless slave is at your disposal, her body ready to be used in any way you see fit."

Any way he sees fit except for things that might actually make her a half-decent Sith Apprentice or might actually further his plans towards getting actual revenge on his former Sith Master. Growling, Maul considers choking Ahsoka again… but no, she'd just like that. In the end, the Zabrak rolls his eyes and beckons her to him.

"Fine. Come here and suck my cock, since that's apparently all that you're good for."

"Yes Master!"

Spinning back around, she quickly crawls over to the throne and eagerly pulls his cock out of its confines before swallowing him whole. If there's one area in which Ahsoka Tano has approved since becoming his apprentice and slave, it's the sexual arts. She takes his entire cock down her throat and eagerly begins servicing him with reckless abandon, even as it makes involuntary tears flow down her cheeks and forces her to gag and choke mightily on his dick.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Maul does his level best to give her the minimal attention, allowing her to focus on his pleasure while he looks past her, focusing on other more important things. It's rather difficult to concentrate with a sex-craving, slutty Togruta so focused on using her mouth, tongue, and throat to drain his balls. Finally, Maul reaches out and pulls Ahsoka down his length one final time by a grip on one of her montrals, holding her so that her lips are suctioned down to the base of his dick as he begins to cum, forcing her to swallow every last bit of his load.

She drinks down his tainted seed quite eagerly, and when he releases her and she pulls back reflexively, the Togruta even looks downright satiated, resting her pert behind back on the balls of her feet as she kneels before him with heavily lidded eyes and a dopy grin on her face.

"Thank you, Master. I-I really needed that."

From the look of things, she seems perfectly content with just that much. But Maul's libido has been ignited now, and HE'S far from finished after just one go. With the Dark Side all but egging him on and his lusts enflamed, the Zabrak Sith Lord snarls as he uses the Force to lift his apprentice and slave up into the air by her neck.

"Worthless cunt. You're far from finished."

Spinning her around so she's facing away from him, he brings her back onto his lap and deposits her right atop his massive, throbbing cock. As her pussy begins to split open to accommodate his bulbous member, he growls out a single order.

"Ride me."

"Oooh, yes Master~"

He can already hear it in her voice, her eyes are no doubt on the verge of rolling up in her head. Maul snorts as she begins to bounce on his dick, impaling herself greedily on his member before starting to ride him reverse cowgirl. His hands slide up and down her body, moving over her form as he feels her up. In some places he slaps her, such as her tits or her clit, in some he gropes and mauls her flesh. All the while, the broken Togruta thanks him for the privilege of being his fuck puppet.

"Thank you, Master! Thank you for your cock! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for using this worthless slave to pleasure yourself! Thank you for using my cunt! Please, Master! Punish me! Fuck me harder!"

Snorting, Maul contemptuously slaps one of her tits, causing her to squeal and cum all over his dick even as he grabs her nipple next, pulling and twisting it.

"You still talk too much, Tano."

"C-Choke me then, Master. Choke me as I serve you with my cunt! Make m-hrrk!"

With a snarl, Maul takes her up on the offer, reaching out with the Force to constrict her airways and silence her constant yammering. Holding her by the neck with the Force and mauling her tits with his actual hands, he enjoys the relatively peaceful sounds of Ahsoka Tano gurgling and gasping for air as she continues to ride him, cumming again and again from the combination of his thick fat cock and the way he asphyxiates her with the Force.

He allows this to continue for a time before ultimately growing tired of letting Ahsoka control the pace. Without hesitation, he rises up and takes her with him, easily using the Force to bend her over the side of his throne and fuck her from behind at his own pace. Even harder and faster than what the enthusiastic broken Togruta was doing herself, he rams into her as he digs his fingers into her pert orange ass, gripping tightly at her little bubble butt while drilling away at her insides.

Bent over with her tits bouncing all over the place, Ahsoka continues to choke on his Force Grip, continues to cum on his cock. Grabbing one of her montrals and pulling her head back, sure enough he's able to see how silly her current expression is, with her blue eyes rolled up in her skull and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She looks utterly unrepentant in her slutty whorishness, and Maul snarls as he fills her with his seed one final time before tossing her almost contemptuously onto the floor in front of his throne.

Retaking his seat, he watches as Ahsoka remains where he tosses her, bent over with her ass up in the air and both of her hands working away at her lower holes. The stupid expression on her face remains as she fists her cunt and ass at the same time, gurgling and moaning happily.

There's no denying that he's displeased, but deep down Maul knows he only has himself to blame. Of course, that doesn't stop him from also blaming Tano herself. The Togruta brat was clearly far more lacking in potential then he'd initially thought. He might have gone too far in breaking her via sexual means, but that didn't excuse that she HAD broken beyond belief, becoming this pathetic thing in front of him now.

He'd intended for her to be his Apprentice, to be an asset in his plans to eventually dethrone Sidious and take his revenge. Instead, the Togruta Padawan was hopelessly addicted to his cock and good for little else. She called him Master, she obeyed him in practically all things, but it was his dick that she worshipped, the stupid little slut turned into a horny cum and cock hungry bitch who could think of nothing else but her next time getting put in her place by his member.

Maul would have been more infuriated by this if not for the pleasure that he took in destroying her again and again. Ahsoka Tano was his if nothing else, his slave and his cock sleeve. She might be worthless as an Apprentice, but at the very least, she was good at being a cum dump.

Still, while her entire world might revolve around her next hard dicking, HIS did not. Leaving Tano to her devices, he ignores his slave in favor of planning. Or at least tries to. In spite of himself, his awakened libido and the slutty Togruta's presence does lead his mind down a certain path in particular.

Perhaps he should pay Bo-Katan Kryze a visit down in the dungeon cell where she currently languishes. He'd given specific orders to have her taken alive during the Siege, hoping to execute her publicly and personally in order to break the rebels entirely. However, now his mind goes to… other ideas.

Perhaps Bo-Katan can be a second attempt at the… technique he'd used on Ahsoka Tano. Refined, he thinks that a sexual breaking could be done right without going too far as it seemed he'd done with the Togruta. Bo-Katan could be both the asset and the fuck toy he needed. After all, with the full revival of his sexual appetites, it would probably be best to divide his insatiable Dark Side lust between the two women.

Still, that would have to wait. He would secure his hold over Mandalore first, making sure that it belonged to him and solely him, especially with Palpatine now Emperor. Once it was his stronghold, then he could focus on turning Bo-Katan and her allies to his side through the Dark Side of the Force. Ahsoka would no doubt assist in breaking Bo-Katan down while also tempering his darker impulses.

The Jedi had been weak and paid the ultimate price for it. Maul himself had taken numerous lickings from his old Master, losing so very many of his allies to Sidious' machinations. But he was still here. Darth Maul still lived. And Sidious would rue the day he betrayed him.


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