Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Strange Love (Paper Mario: Origami King)

Strange Love (Paper Mario: Origami King)

A/N: Strange Love was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a young man accidentally wishes Olivia from Origami King out into the world. After some time together, she finds a way to refold her origami self into a more appealing form for him.

Themes: Unusual Sex, Loving Sex, Inhuman Sex


It starts with a wish. Haru is coming to the end of Paper Mario: Origami King, and while he knows all things come to an end, it doesn't make it any easier for him to accept. He's been having so much fun exploring the story, so much fun meeting all the characters. And just as it's coming to a close, it seems like things are ending in the worst way possible for his favorite character of all.

As Olivia wishes to undo all of the origami that her older brother King Olly had ever folded into existence, it hits Haru that that includes her as well. It doesn't seem fair, that the two worlds of flat and folded paper can't find a way to coexist with one another, but more than that… he just doesn't want to see Olivia go.

And so, as the folded up origami girl makes her wish, Haru finds himself closing his eyes and making a wish of his own.

I wish… I wish she didn't have to go. Not so completely. I wish she could stick around.

It's a simple wish. It's an incredibly vague wish too. And maybe that's why he gets the result he does. A sudden sparkle catches Haru's attention through his eyelids and they spring open just in time to see the screen of his television glowing brighter and brighter. There, out of the liquid light that now makes up the monitor, he watches as Olivia herself slowly comes through, the folded origami girl blinking rapidly as she springs into reality itself.

"Oh… o-oh my?"

She sounds as confused as Haru feels, even as his television slowly returns to normal, going back to the game. There on the screen, Olivia has disappeared, and the game continues on as if this is perfectly natural, as of it's the result of her wish. Everything begins to wind down from there, with the story wrapping up neatly and coming to a close.

But honestly, Haru isn't paying any attention to the game at this point. Instead he's staring at the floating origami girl that's suddenly in his living room. As she bobs up and down in midair, Olivia looks around curiously, blinking owlishly.

"Where… where am I?"

Swallowing thickly, Haru clears his throat and draws her attention, causing her paper eyes to grow even wider at the sight of him.

"Um, s-sorry… you're in my home. I think… I think I summoned you here?"

"Summoned me! Why, whatever for? And… what even ARE you?"

Oh wow, this was… it was like a first contact scenario, wasn't it? She wasn't just from a video game, she was from a whole other planet, a universe were things operated on paper and paper alone. She wouldn't understand his biology at all, not without a LOT of reading first.

"I'm… I'm a human, we're uh, made of flesh and blood in the same way you're made of paper. I guess… I guess I summoned you because your story made me sad."

Olivia falls silent at that, blinking at him until he gestures to the television screen behind her. She turns in midair and looks, gazing at the screen, which shows her world going on in the absence of her wish, the happy ending that everyone got… but her. As Haru watches it with her, he can't help himself, he starts to tear up just a little bit.

"It just… it wasn't fair, you know? I get that you were trying to do a selfless, good thing. I get that you were doing what you felt you had to when you wished to undo all your brother's origami. It made sense, really it did… I just couldn't accept it."

Olivia continues to stare at the screen, silent as she watches the main characters of Paper Mario celebrate the victory that she provided for them. Into this silence, Haru hesitates but ultimately continues speaking.

"I wished… I wished that you could stick around, and I guess something must have heard my call, because now here you are. In my world."

It hits him, just how wild this all is. This… origami person, this video game character… she's in his living room. Olivia had to be one of his favorite characters from any of the fictional works he'd consumed recently, but all the same, she was IN HIS LIVING ROOM. The only thing that keeps Haru from having a full blown panic attack is the bone-deep knowledge that it won't help the situation any, and with Olivia so out of sorts, might make things actively worse.

Still, he sits and waits with bated breath for her to process what he's told her and what she's witnessing. Finally, she turns around and to his surprise, gives him an eye-smile.

"Then I suppose I should be thankful! Without you, I wouldn't exist anymore!"

Haru licks his lips at that, and offers a tentative smile back, not even sure if she understands that he's smiling. This is so damn weird… but what's a guy to do except soldier on, right?

"Y-Yeah… yeah! I'm glad that you still exist, Olivia. And… you can stay here with me! We can… we can be roommates. I'll introduce you to my world and show you the ropes, alright? Then, once you have a good working knowledge, you can decide what you want to do next."

Olivia just bobs up and down in what looks like agreement. It's hard to tell, she's not exactly… human. All the same, Haru hesitates for a moment, trying to figure out where to start. He almost asks her if she's hungry, but that would be a stupid question and he's able to catch himself ahead of time, thankfully. Sure, they'll probably need to talk about whether she needs sustenance and what form that takes eventually, but as far as first things first goes…

"Let's start with the internet, shall we? That way you can just ask me whatever questions you have, and I can use that to answer them, while also showing you just how to navigate a computer."

Words like 'internet' and 'computer' clearly go right over the origami girl's head, but she takes it all in stride, nonetheless, falling him over to his computer as he sits down at it and boots it up. Bobbing over his shoulder, Olivia makes a curious noise, even as he starts showing her what everything is and telling her what it all does.

It looks like he has an unexpected house guest now, and while Haru isn't sure what the future will hold at this point, he's excited all the same. He SAVED Olivia from utter nothingness, from complete oblivion. And the best part was, it looked like he'd somehow done so in a way that didn't diminish her sacrifice at all! It wasn't as if he stopped her wish, he'd just… augmented it somehow. Haru didn't know how that was, but he knew one thing for sure… he was going to make the most of it and do his absolute best to prepare Olivia for this new wild world she suddenly found herself in.


Months after what Haru had taken to calling 'the Incident', he was finally forced to acknowledge the truth. He had a bit of a problem. And honestly, it was probably one he should have seen coming a mile away. Haru was an introvert bordering on being a NEET. The number of friends he had outside of those on the computer, he could count on one hand. But the lack of social interaction had never really gotten to him.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be more of a case of 'didn't know what he was missing', rather than just being happy with his isolation. Olivia… Olivia breathed fresh life into his home, bringing back a certain realness to his reality that he didn't even recognize was missing. The origami girl was completely and utterly new to everything there was in his world. Every single concept that he introduced her to was new and exciting for her. Even paper things were new, given that paper didn't have life in his world like it did in hers.

Proving herself to be incredibly smart and quick, just as he'd already known she was, Olivia had rapidly mastered the use of the computer. As it turned out, she didn't need sleep in the same sense that he did, her paper body didn't have the same needs that his own flesh and blood one had. So, while Haru had to go to sleep night after night, Olivia would stay up. She stayed up and read and read, ultimately having dozens more questions for him when he'd wake up in the morning.

At least, that was hot it was at first. In the beginning, Olivia relied on him for EVERYTHING. And to be fair, she still did in some ways. She still relied on him for shelter and safety and companionship after all. Enough time on the internet had shown Olivia how much of an oddity she was. She was, to put it bluntly, an extraterrestrial to this world.

He'd explained to her how he was afraid that the government would take her and try to experiment on her or something, and with her own history of tyrannical, cruel rulers, Olivia had seemingly understood. But… he didn't feel like he could just keep her here forever. Someday, she would want to see more of the world then just his house and the immediate surrounding area.

The problem was, Haru… had fallen in love with Olivia in the meantime. He hadn't loved her in this way back when he'd first made his wish, he was pretty sure. She'd been a cute character with a tragic backstory. She'd been a concept to him, one he'd taken a liking to and felt deep affection for. That was what had ultimately led to his initial wish.

But after two months of actually living with her, of getting to talk to her and of getting to know her, Haru had to admit, she wasn't just likable, she was lovable. He… he'd fallen for her and hard, and he wasn't sure how he was going to handle it whenever she finally decided she needed to leave. After all, no one would stay with him forever. He knew better than that. Frankly, there were probably even better ways for her to protect herself then just sticking around his house like a bad penny…

Sitting on his couch, Haru is dealing with his internal issues when Olivia floats in and gives him a beaming eye-smile, doing a little twirl as she moves over to where he's sat.

"Ah! Haru, I had something I wanted to show you! It's something I've been working on!"

Blinking, Haru cocks his head to the side as he looks at the sweet origami girl that's unknowingly stolen his heart.

"Oh? What is it, Olivia?"

Fidgeting a little bit, or as much as an origami person CAN fidget, Olivia waves her little arms.

"Just… don't freak out okay? Give me time to finish it before you do or say anything. Promise me!"

Curious now, Haru just smiles and nods.

"I promise."

Beaming, Olivia pauses for a second more… and then begins to refold herself. At first, Haru is a little disturbed. It's like a human contortionist going all out, but a hundred times worse. For a moment, he's worried she might hurt herself, but then, he does remember her refolding herself all the time in the game. It's one thing to see it on a tv screen, another entirely to see in the real world.

Instead, she squeaks and gasps as she refolds herself, as she alters her form fundamentally. And as she does so… she grows somehow, and Haru wonders how she did it, whether she added more paper to her mass in preparation, or whether she's capable of making something out of nothing. Either answer would be pretty incredible, to be fair.

Where before Olivia was maybe a foot and a half tall and a foot wide, suddenly she's his height. More than that… she's much more… dimensional. Still distinctly origami, nevertheless by the time Olivia is done, she has proper legs, proper arms, a proper skirt… and even proper hands. Where before she was almost two dimensional in a way, now she's truly three dimensional, and with the curves of a woman too, albeit covered up by her long yellow dress.

When she finishes, she brings her hands together, clasping them in front of her as she eye smiles and blushes just a tad.

"What… w-what do you think, Haru? I look much more human now, do I not?"

It hits him then, what this is for. His heart sinks and he slowly nods his head.

"A-Ah… yes, Olivia. You could… you could even go out in public like this I suppose, if you disguised yourself properly. You could go and see the world…"

He does his best, but something must leak into his voice because Olivia pauses for a moment before seeming irritated.

"I don't care about the world, Haru. I did this for you. B-Because… because I love you!"

And then, as if to show her love, the origami girl pulls back the folded paper of her dress, revealing pointed nipples and sculpted paper breasts beneath it. Haru stares, wide-eyed at the sudden exposure, and can't help but feel arousal as his mouth opens and closes in shock.

"You… O-Olivia, I…"

Blushing furiously, the newly folded version of Olivia scowls as she hides her chest, looking away.

"Ah, I've been foolish haven't I? I should have known you wouldn't find paper like me attractive in that way…"

"N-No! No, that's not it at all! Olivia… I've been in love with you for so long now."

They come together in that moment, Haru propelling himself off of the couch as he grabs her paper hands, feeling them. They're definitely made of paper, but not at all weak. The grip Olivia gives in turn is strong as she looks at him with wide, hopeful eyes.


"Y-Yes… I… you're beautiful, Olivia…"

Slowly, her dress folds away again. Eager to show his appreciation for her new form, Haru leans down and takes one of her paper nipples in his mouth. For half a second he hesitates out of fear of papercuts, but he needn't have worried. While her tits and nipples remind him of the taste of a freshly licked envelope, the paper she's made up her chest out of seems almost soft in a way. Her nips are quite pointy, but they depress when they come into contact with his tongue, crumpling just a bit under the force of his licks.

"O-Oh… that feels… n-nice. Please Haru, d-don't stop."

And so he doesn't. And before he knows it, things have led over to the crouch, where his paper roommate lays down in her new folded body and spreads her new legs. Haru can scarcely believe it when he discovers that underneath her skirt is a fully functioning vagina. As his fingers feel it out, making her moan and shiver at his touch, he looks to Olivia bewildered and she gives him a blushing eye-smile.

"I… I've done a lot of research online, Haru. I've studied the anatomy of your women for this moment. I hope… I-I hope you like it."

Well, he wouldn't know if he didn't try it, right? It was funny, his love for Olivia up until this point hadn't been sexual in nature at all. He'd loved her for who she was as a person, and while that was still very much true, he nevertheless can't get his cock out of the confines of his pants fast enough. Throbbing and thick, his dick goes up under her paper skirt and presses against her paper folds.

Once again, Haru worries about papercuts, but ultimately can't hold himself back. He slides up and down Olivia's origami vagina before finally thrusting forward and penetrating her. There's no hymen to tear through of course, but Olivia's gasp tells him she's a virgin all the same. Of course, he also knows her entire life story.

Regardless, he's soon fucking in and out of her paper-y, origami cunt, thrusting away as she moans up a storm beneath him. It's a strange feeling, certainly different then a normal human pussy, but that doesn't make it a BAD sensation. And by all accounts, Olivia looks like she's enjoying it as well, her face redder and redder as she moans louder and louder beneath him.

If he could kiss her, he would, but she still doesn't have a visible mouth that he can see, even in this new form. That's okay though, because Haru has another use to put his mouth to, now doesn't he? Leaning down, he begins to lavish praise upon Olivia's paper tits and origami nipples again, suckling and slurping at them while also groping and squeezing at them.

It's a strange sensation, because the paper that this sexy blonde origami girl is made out of isn't nearly as weak as normal paper. It gives way under his fingers, it gives way before his cock tunneling down her love canal, but it doesn't give way in such a manner that he's afraid he'll tear her. No, she's tougher than that, and as he fucks her, Olivia wraps her new limbs around him in a warm embrace.

"More, Haru! I want more! I love you, Haru, with all my heart!"

"I-I love you too, Olivia! Please, stay with me! Stay with me forever!"

"I wouldn't have it any other w-way!"

It seems silly now, that he was so despondent over the idea of her leaving him to go and see the world. Now though, with this new form, she probably can go undetected in a lot of places. They can go see things together, and even though he'd never wanted to before… if it's with Olivia, then Haru thinks he might just be willing to leave the house and experience the world.

Alternatively, they can always stay at home and have sex all day too, now that Olivia is… compatible with his anatomy? Grinning as he continues to lavish praise on her tits, as he feels her paper cunt tightening around his thrusting cock, Haru can only be deeply, deeply satisfied by all that's happening. The sky's the limit for the future, and the present… the present is going pretty damn well.

Eventually, he spills his seed inside of her womb and his own personal origami girl takes it like a champ. Needless to say, that's only the start of their night together as they explore the depths of their new relationship and Olivia's new body.


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