Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Journey Cut Short (Fallout 4)

A Journey Cut Short (Fallout 4)

A/N: A Journey Cut Short was a commissioned one shot originally written back in February of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: As the Sole Survivor, Nora isn't nearly as well-equipped to survive in this new world as her husband Nate would have been. This shows when she ends up captured by raiders in her first ever battle. 'Luckily' for her, the raider's boss is a man who recognizes value...

Themes: Rough Sex, Mind Break, Breeding


She blamed herself for this. As she and Mama Murphy are dragged through the Corvega assembly plant, Nora inwardly curses herself for getting so damn involved. Maybe if she hadn't, she wouldn't have fallen into the hands of these raiders. It was all her fault, honestly. She should have known better than to play the soldier.

That was always her husband Nate, not her. He'd made sure she had some self-defense training, and even took her firearms lessons into his own hands, bringing her down to the gun range before her pregnancy with Shaun had come along more than a few times to make sure she knew all about gun safety and how to shoot.

But Nora was never the fighter that Nate was. She was a lawyer by trade, for pete's sake! Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be much call for lawyers in this new world she'd woken up in. And being so far our of her own time, the beautiful raven-haired woman was fairly certain she'd more than gotten herself in over her head. As the Sole Survivor of Vault One-Eleven, she wasn't at all equipped for the post-apocalyptic hellscape she'd discovered upon reaching the surface.

"C'mon doll face, just a little further. Boss man is gonna be mighty pleased to see ya."

As the raider says that, his hand comes one of her tits and he gives it a quick squeeze, making Nora snarl and tear herself out of his grasp. Unfortunately, with her hands tied behind her back, she couldn't do much more than that. She just had to bear with it. It wasn't the first time they'd copped a feel of her body on the way here. Luckily, nothing more than that had happened. Her Vault Suit was torn in a few places, and they'd removed the few pieces of armor she'd managed to slip on over it.

But beyond molestation and incredibly skeevy comments, there hadn't been any more done to her. Nora was grateful for that. Despite it having been hundreds of years ago according to poor ole Codsworth, Nora still had the post-pregnant body of a woman who just gave birth. The cryochamber she'd been in had been 'kind' to her, not letting her body age one day. Which meant she was still experiencing all of the 'fun' bits of being a new mother. Her tits were still engorged with milk, her hips were still flared.

She had all of her baby fat still, though as Nate always liked to claim, it was 'tastefully' spread across her body in all the 'right' places, leaving her with more of an hourglass figure than she deserved, and an incredibly sensitive body that constantly felt arousal from the smallest little thing. Luckily, the Vault Suit contains said arousal, especially because Nora can feel herself already starting to leak just a bit from the raider's single grope.

"You boys don't know what you've done. The world is going to be a darker place now because of you lot."

And then there's Mama Murphy. Besides Nora, Mama Murphy is the only survivor of the Concord Battle. The two of them were the only two taken prisoner in the end. The rest either died in the fighting… or were executed in the aftermath. Mama Murphy seemed like an odd old woman, to be perfectly honest. The way she spoke, she acted like she was catching glimpses of the future.

But for all that Nora knew, maybe she could. Maybe that was a thing people could do now in this present time. Because, whenever Mama Murphy spoke in that strange voice of hers, the raiders around them didn't scoff or laugh or jeer. They didn't treat Mama Murphy like the deranged lunatic she seemed to be to Nora's senses. They took her seriously, and the fact that Mama Murphy was alive after the battle… Nora wasn't an idiot. It was obvious they'd been there for her in the first place. Nora was just a kidnapping of opportunity.

The raider who grabbed her tit lets out a nasty laugh.

"Hah! Sounds like fun bitch. I like the world dark as can be!"

The other raiders whoop and shout and holler at that, though they go quiet a moment later when suddenly a man steps out of a room up ahead of them. Nora and Mama Murphy are escorted up to him and forced to kneel, and as Nora looks upon the big black man, she shudders in fear. With white paint across his face that draws attention to his eyes, he doesn't look kindly. In fact, he looks quite menacing, quite… violent. But there's more than that. There's an intelligence to that violent gaze, a low cunning that tells Nora right then and there that this man is in charge here, and he's in charge for a very good reason. He's the most dangerous monster of the bunch.

"We got the fortune teller, boss, just like you ordered. And got a little something extra along the way as well. This little treat seemed way too good for any of us fellas, so we figured we'd present her to you, as a gift!"

The raider boss hums to himself at that, arms crossed over his chest as he looks from Mama Murphy to Nora and then back again, his gaze lingering on Nora for just long enough to make her heart pound in her chest with fear. She was supposed to be out there looking for Shaun, for her baby. Not… not getting felt up by raiders and eyed like a piece of meat by their leader, d-damnit…

In the end though, he focuses on Mama Murphy and grins.

"Remember me, Mama Murphy? Been a long time."

Her shoulders slumped, her head hung low, Mama Murphy sounds as defeated as Nora has ever heard her.

"I knew you'd grow up to be a monster, boy. Told you as much. But didn't think you'd be this bad."

Rather than get angry, the raider leader grins ferally, showing off his teeth as he chuckles darkly.

"I'm as bad as the world made me, witch. And now that I've got you, well… still, who's your friend, Mama Murphy? Got any insights for this one?"

He nudges Nora's knee with her foot, making her instinctively draw back, only to realize she's practically splaying her legs at this point as she kneels there, showing off more of the crotch of her Vault Suit then she would have liked, as well as her thicc post-pregnancy thighs contained within the form-fitting outfit. From the way the boss' eyes linger, it's exactly what he hoped for.

Meanwhile, Mama Murphy shakes her head.

"You best be letting her go, you hear? She's got a greater destiny then you can imagine! A greater destiny then us all!"

A hush falls over the assembled raiders, and for a moment it looks like the big and scary dark-skinned man is actually considering it as he cocks his head to the side, peering down at Nora in a way that has her trembling. But no, he's not considering it, that much is apparent when next he speaks.

"Greater destiny then us all, huh? Sounds mighty special. How… exciting."

The way he purrs makes Nora shudder in disgust. The next thing she knows, she's being dragged into the room he came out of. Mama Murphy shouts behind her, but Nora can't make out the older woman's words what with the blood rushing in her ears. The door slams shut, and she finds herself in what probably passes for a 'bedroom' among raider bases in this new desolate world.

In spite of all she's heard and seen so far, Nora nevertheless tries to put her best foot forward.

"P-Please, I… I need to find my son. My baby boy, they t-took him from me. If you were to help… if you were to assist me, I'd be ever so grateful."

If he's going to rape her anyways, might as well use it, right? She juts out her chest as she stares at him, her lips slightly parted and her breath coming out ever so slightly ragged. She wishes she could say it was entirely feigned, but not really. No, the sensitivity of her post-pregnancy body is still ratcheted up to eleven, and all of this manhandling… Nora hates how much it's turned her on. She's probably soaked the inside of her Vault Suit at this point, for all that it's not showing on the outside, thankfully.

Meanwhile, the raider boss just looks at her like she's crazy.

"Bitch, I don't give a shit about your son. The name's Jared, and I run Lexington. You should forget about that baby boy of yours, because from now on, you're mine."

Nora's hope dies and something ugly curls in her chest as she glares at the man, at this 'Jared'. Her lip curls into a sneer, and she's just about to snarl that she'll bite his cock off before she ever lets him touch her, when he suddenly steps up in front of her and jams a device into her neck, pressing a button that causes a sharp sting as he very clearly injects her with some sort of drug.

Choking on her words, the beautiful woman shudders as the drugs immediately begin taking effect. She's never… not even back in college had Nora played around with drugs. She's barely even much of a drinker, preferring a glass of wine once in a blue moon with her dinner or something. But no drugs, no heavy drinking. She's… she's always been on the straight and narrow.

Jared chuckles as her legs buckle.

"You like that, bitch? My own personal combination of chems for ornery cunts like yourself. The first bit is a tranquilizer. But the next bit…"

And then the 'next bit' hits and Nora is seeing stars as she lets out a wanton, involuntary moan and collapses to her knees right then and there. Humming his approval as she cums on the spot, Jared reaches back around her and releases her from her bindings. Having her hands free doesn't help much though. At first, she collapses forward onto them, hacking, her chest heaving as she struggles to breathe.

Then, the drugs, or chems as Jared had called them, finish mellowing out and she's just… she's just turned on. Hopelessly, hilariously aroused, like the chems he's used on her have been tailormade to drive her post-pregnant body absolutely WILD. Which to be fair, from what he said, they were.

When Jared pulls down the zipper at the top of her Vault Suit, slowly revealing her cleavage and then her abdomen, Nora moans and leans back, letting him. As soon as he stops, her hands are on her body, pulling the suit apart so she can grab at her engorged tits, so she can shove a hand down into her crotch and get at her slippery, sopping wet cunt.

Lost in the throes of chem-induced ecstasy, Nora doesn't even notice Jared getting undressed as well until there's suddenly an incredibly large, thick black cock right in front of her face.

"You know what you want, slut. Every bitch wants the same thing."

She did know what she wanted. She wanted… she wanted Shaun. She wanted Nate back. And as she thinks about them both, Nora… Nora gets pictures in her mind's eye. One of the images is of the cryo-pod that she was forced to leave her dead husband in back in Vault One-Eleven. Nate is still there, dead and preserved forevermore in that chamber.

The other image is… MUCH more confusing. There's a man in a lab coat with a steadily greying beard and he looks… he looks familiar. It takes Nora a moment to place him, to realize he looks a lot like Nate's father. And yet, Nate's dad was never a scientist. And the place that the strange old man is in looks highly futuristic.

Nora has all of half a moment to process these images, to find herself overwhelmed with a lack of understanding for them. Then, Jared gets impatient and grabs her by her hair, shoving his cock into her open, panting mouth.

"Dumb bitch. Get to fucking work already!"

It's impossible to focus on anything with a meaty, sweat-coated dick in her mouth. Nora lets out a muffled moan, and before she knows it, she's sucking his cock just as he's ordered her to. She doesn't want to… but also, she really, really wants it. It has to be the chems talking, they have to be when his dick is so delicious, why she's enjoying sucking and swirling her tongue around it so much.

Jared is none too gentle as he fucks her face either, eventually sliding his massive schlong right down the back of her throat as Nora gurgles and chokes on the raider boss' fat cock.

"Gaaagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"That's it… that's more like it. Yeah, you like that, don'tcha? Go on slut, give it a good, loooong suck."

And so she does, unable to help herself, bobbing up and down on his dick near-violently until finally, he cums and she's forced to contend with his load, swallowing as much down as she can and reveling in the surprisingly delicious taste.

However, as soon as he's done, he pulls out and it's all Nora can do not to go after him, whimpering as her pouty puffy lips part, a string of his cum connecting his cockhead to her mouth. Jared just snorts down at her, the big black man stroking his freshly sucked cock and showing off that he's still at full mast as he inclines his head.

"You want more, bitch? Better get naked then. I wanna see that fine ass body of yours out of that Vault Suit on the double!"

Before she knows it, she's following his instructions. She just can't help herself. She's so fucking horny, has been since she woke up from the cryosleep in fact. Every step she took in her Vault Suit from Vault One-Eleven to their old home, from their old home to Concord… it'd turned her on, aroused her to no end. She'd tried to ignore it, but now with the chems in her system, there was no denying it. Nora needed a good, hard dicking.

It felt like a betrayal of her husband, not just because she'd sworn herself to Nate in their wedding vows, but because their son was somewhere out there still and here Nora was pleasing some raider leader. She tells herself that she's only doing it because she has to, only doing it because being the obedient, submissive slut that Jared expects her to be is what will get her closer to escaping and finding Shaun.

Stripping out of her Vault Suit, she ends up standing there in front of Jared, blushing as she instinctively tries to cover her leaking tits and her gushing wet snatch.

"Holy fuck… you're pristine, bitch."

Before she can ask him what that means, the raider leader has her by the arm and is yanking her over to a dirty mattress. It probably passes for clean these days though, and she realizes what he's talking about as he pulls her down into his lap. She's… clean. Sure, she's covered in a thin layer of sweat and dirt from her activities so far, but that's just it, it's a THIN layer. Everything else is dirty and dilapidated and run down, isn't it? But not her. She's brand spanking new, fresh out of the Vault as she is.

His cock is suddenly pressed up against her slit, and before she knows it, he's impaling her on his prick. A low-keening wail leaves Nora's throat, followed by an uncontrollably wanton moan as she tosses her head back and shudders in his warm embrace. He holds her tightly to his broad, muscular chest and leans in to begin sucking at her teats. When he tastes of her breastmilk, he pulls back and laughs, beginning to bounce her up and down on his cock.

"Shit, you weren't kidding about the kid, were you? Fucking amazing…"

Nora whimpers, and as her thoughts turn to Shaun again with the chems still flowing through her system, she sees that strange older man in the lab coat once more. She doesn't understand what the hell she's seeing anymore than she did the first time, doesn't understand why she's having these strange visions. But soon enough it's washed away by the pleasure and ecstasy that Jared is visiting upon her, his cock pistoning up into her from below, her pussy clenching down HARD around his dick.

It feels like an eternity since she's been well and truly properly fucked… and to be fair, it has been hasn't it? But it's also only been a few days for her, a few days since she and Nate were together in their home with Shaun, able to sneak away for a quickie but not much more. The way Jared fucks her, there's nothing quick about it. Oh sure, he rocks her world with harsh, fast-paced pounding, but it goes on for what feels like forever, and it's not long before Nora is cumming her brains out on his dick, the chems in her system driving her absolutely wild along with her post-pregnancy body betraying her with its oversensitivity.

"Fuck yes, you're fucking gorgeous. I'm going to enjoy you, bitch. Going to enjoy you for a long, LONG time."

She needs to survive this. She needs to make sure she makes him happy so that he doesn't hurt her before she can escape. That's the excuse that runs through Nora's head as she gives in to the overwhelming pleasure, as the drugs flowing through her system make it all so much more amazing. Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her puffy, pillowy lips, the gorgeous young mother loses all semblance of self as she just rides the drug-induced wave of pleasure and bliss.

He cums inside of her, when he finally does finish, but Nora is too out of it by that point to care. When he drops her on her back on the mattress and begins fucking her on her side, she just moans and mewls, panting heavily as he takes her again without care for her own health or desire. Not that it matters, all she WANTS right now is to be fucked more by this man, by Jared. All she wants is for him to continue splitting her open in such a satisfying way with his big, fat cock.

She knows she needs to fight it; she knows she needs to keep her wits about her. But right now, she can't. And so she submits, telling herself that it'll be alright. Telling herself that she'll get out of this… eventually.


A cry spills forth from her lips as he pulls on her hair, tugging it back while thrusting into her from behind. On her hands and knees, Nora shudders in orgasmic ecstasy as Jared's thick fat cock fills her insides, gouging out her cunt in such a satisfying way and plowing deep, DEEP into her clenching pussy walls.

She's not sure how long it's been since she came under the raider boss' power at this point. Days? Weeks? She might have been able to measure time in meals or sleeps, but it was all starting to blend together. He'd kept injecting her with those chems from the first day, and Nora didn't even know how many times that had occurred by this point. They filled her with a strange mellowness that made it impossible to fight back, while also blowing her mind with ecstasy and bliss.

It was a dangerous, almost certainly addictive combination that Nora frankly couldn't get enough of. If it were her choice, she wasn't sure she would even be capable of stopping cold turkey at this point. As it was, it wasn't her choice. She was the property of the man currently fucking her doggystyle, of the raider who owned this place and apparently owned most of Lexington.

As usual, he's talking while fucking her, seemingly loving speaking out loud. Nora is nothing more than stress relief for him at this point, his bitch to plow silly and ply with drugs whenever she starts getting too uppity. So of course, he doesn't watch what he says around her. She's learned plenty about raider operations in the time she's been in his 'care', and she's even gained some insights into how things will go.

It's continued to happen, the… visions, for lack of a better word. Whenever she's freshly injected with the chems, she gets small little snippets, images of whatever she's thinking about. Or so she thinks. Whenever she thinks of Shaun, she still gets visions of that old man in his lab coat, surrounded by scientifically advanced marvels that she doesn't understand.

"That fucking bitch Ack-Ack has overstepped her bounds for the last fucking time. Gonna go over there and slaughter them all one of these days…"

Right now, however, Jared is talking about a rival raider gang, led by a woman called Ack-Ack. As he fucks her doggystyle, pulling on Nora's hair and groping her tit with his free hand to his heart's content, she can't help it. The visions come regarding what Jared is talking about, and she blinks, gasping out a stuttering breath as she sees… death.

It's a trap, she rapidly realizes. That 'bitch' Ack-Ack is smarter than Jared gives her credit for and has designs on all of Lexington. If Nora doesn't say anything, then her rapist will waltz right into a trap designed personally for him and his gang, and they'll all be slaughtered to a man. Perhaps… perhaps then she'll be free?

A shudder runs down Nora's spine as she's given another vision, this time of her own future. Freedom is not what's in store for her if Jared dies to Ack-Ack. No, instead the female raider leader will toss Nora to her boys, who will be far rougher and far more violent with her then her current captor. They'll use her up and won't even give her the chems she's become accustomed to. She realizes then that if Jared dies, the way to make his own special sort of chems… it dies with him.

And so will she. Not right away, but if he dies here and now to Ack-Ack, then Nora has a bone-deep certainty that she'll follow him into the afterlife soon enough, used up and eventually shot once she was no longer 'fun' for Ack-Ack's boys to fuck. Her search for her son, ended before it could even truly begin.


Jared doesn't quite slow down, but the raider leader does react to her sudden exclamation, grunting as he continues to fuck her from behind.

"No? No what, bitch?"

Certain that she has no choice, seeing only one path available to her, Nora whimpers, hopped up on chems and pleasure as she shudders in the raider boss' grasp.

"S'trap… She's planning a s-slaughter. You can't g-go… she'll kill you and all your, nnngh, men."

NOW, Jared does stop. Nora whimpers as her cunt clenches around his unmoving penis, while the black man leans over her and grabs her by the jaw, twisting her head around.

"And how would a fuck toy cunt like you know something like that?"

Her head is swimming too much for her to come up with a lie. Gasping out the truth feels like her only response.

"I-I see it… I see t-things, when you give me chems. I see y-you dying… s-sir…"

She can only hope that the addition of a respectful address will get him to listen to her. But in the end, Nora need not have worried. Because ultimately, she's what Jared has been looking for since he was a boy, though she doesn't know it. She's exactly what Mama Murphy is… someone with the Sight.

Loosening his grip on her jaw, Jared practically purrs as he leans in close, beginning to fuck her again but at a slower, more languid pace.

"Tell me more, pet. I wanna know all about my future."

Nora knows deep down inside that it's a mistake to entrust this man with any of her visions… but at the same time, she can't see another way. She has to survive, and in her drug-induced haze, she can see that the way she lives the longest is with Jared still alive. He'll keep her safe, he'll protect her… if nothing else because she can apparently see the future.

And so, as he fucks her to orgasm after shuddering orgasm, Nora explains what she sees, answering his questions to the best of her abilities. She can't always give him a straight answer, the visions are too vague, but surprisingly enough, this doesn't seem to bother Jared any. In fact, he quite loves it when she CAN give him more specific details about what she's seeing.

He cums inside of her again, and Nora shudders in equal amounts of revulsion and ecstasy as his thick, viscous seed fills her womb for the umpteenth time since she fell into his clutches. She knows this is the only way to survive… so why does it feel like more and more, she's betraying not just her principles, but her missing son? Her baby boy is out there somewhere, connected to that strange old man in the lab coat.

She just… she just has to last until she can find him.


"Come here, cunt. Get out of that suit and ride my fucking cock."

Nora flushes, but does as she's told, stripping out of her Vault Suit and down to nothing as she drops to her hands and knees and crawls across the floor to where Jared is already laying back on the mattress. To be fair, it's undeniable that things have gotten better for her since she revealed her gifts to the large black man who now seems to own her.

This new world she's in… it's impossible for someone like her to navigate, Nora has come to realize. She wishes with all her heart that Nate had been the one to live instead of her. That those bastards who'd killed her husband and taken their son had done her in instead. If it were Nate in Nora's shoes, the Twenty-First Century woman knew for a fact that he wouldn't have ended up like this. As some… some raider boss' personal soothsayer and fuck pet.

No, Nate's training would have made him perfectly suited for hunting down their son's kidnappers and bringing them to justice. If the world were a fair place, it would have been he who lived and she who died, instead of the other way around. Nora… Nora wasn't built for independence. Oh sure, she was a strong independent woman… in a more peaceful world like the Twenty-First Century.

A world where equal rights between men and women had been the goal for decades? A world where society itself protected her independence and lent her strength so she could become a lawyer and argue her cases in a court of law? Sure, Nora could thrive in such a society. But she wasn't built for a post-apocalyptic world. She wasn't built for this world.

And so, she drops herself down onto Jared's cock, onto 'Sir's' cock, moaning and whimpering as she carefully impales herself on his member. Ever since she'd called him sir a couple months back, he'd taken a liking to it. He was 'Sir' now to her, her Master in a lot of ways. Just as she was his slave, in a lot more ways.

Still, at least she had a steady supply of chems. And… after finding out she apparently had the 'Sight', he'd even let her start wearing clothes again. Only her Vault Suit of course, he liked how it hugged her body apparently, but it was better than nothing. Even if he always demanded she keep the zipper halfway down in the front to show off way too much of her cleavage and side-boob…

Bouncing up and down on Sir's cock, moaning up a storm, Nora… can't see a future where she escapes him anymore. She sees futures where she's alive and well, hale and hearty. She sees futures where he's on top, the raider king of the entire Commonwealth. But she's not sure she'll ever find Shaun again, and not just because she can't seem to SEE him with her visions. Everyone else, she gets glimpses of their futures whenever she thinks of them, but all she gets when she thinks of her missing baby boy is that old familiar man in a lab coat…

Ultimately though, it doesn't matter anymore. Nora knows she can't escape, not any longer. Because…

"You got something to tell me, bitch? Because it sure looks like you do."

Jared's knowing voice cuts through Nora's haze as she moans atop him. Bouncing up and down on his cock, whimpering all the while, the beautiful raven-haired woman can only shudder as she accepts that she can no longer keep the truth from him.

"Y-Yes sir… I do have s-something to tell you."

He just smirks up at her, his hands moving over her body. One grabs and squeezes harshly at one of her breasts, groping it to his heart's content. The other slides along her abdomen far more gently… resting just atop her baby bump.

A shiver runs down Nora's spine. Of course he knew, he had to know by this point. She was at least a month or two along by her estimation, pregnant once more with the baby of a man who was most certainly not her husband. But then, in this hellish post-apocalyptic landscape, Nora wasn't even entirely sure that there was such a concept as marriage anymore. Perhaps every relationship between a man and a woman was akin to this one. She gave Jared what he wanted, and he kept her safe and healthy.

Of course, just because they weren't married didn't mean they couldn't end up starting a family, it seemed. Hanging her head, forced to acknowledge the facts, the beautiful Twenty-First Century dame shudders.

"I'm… I'm pregnant, sir. Pregnant with your baby…"

Jared lets out a dark chuckle as he brings both hands to her tits at that point, giving them each a good grope before pinching her nipples hard. Milk immediately starts leaking out and he tugs her down so that he can take one of her teats in his mouth. It'd only been two months, but technically it'd been over seven months since Shaun was born, not counting the hundreds of years in cryo-sleep.

Whether it was the cryo-pod or something else, Nora's body had never properly reverted from its post-pregnancy state. She still leaked on a daily basis, and Jared loved it, Sir loved to drink of her breast milk, consuming it to his heart's content. He drinks deeply now, before ultimately pulling back and giving her a milky, wicked grin.

"Damn straight you are, cunt. All knocked up. You should be happy. You always complained about that son of yours at the start. Now I've given you a whole new sprog to worry about. And once it pops out, you'll be in charge of looking after it, got it?"

Nora shudders and nods her head, whimpering as her cunt clenches down around the black raider leader's fat cock. She can't help the reaction, can't help any of it really. As if sensing what she needs, Jared reaches over and grabs the injector. A moment later, another dose of chems is in her system. Her system, which had been pure and pristine before she'd found herself falling into Sir's clutches, was now hopelessly addicted to his chems.

Half of the time, she found herself worrying more about making sure he stayed alive just so that there was a future where she continued having access to his particular blend of drugs. She knew she couldn't live without them now; she wouldn't be able to bring the baby fully to term without them. She'd waste away and die if she lost access.

In the end, every future Nora has caught a glimpse of where she and her baby survive and thrive involves Sir. It involves him alive and healthy, and most importantly of all, it involves him on top. So yes, as Sir pulls her down into a deep, tongue-filled kiss and slides his hands to her ass to begin bouncing her up and down on his cock harder, Nora resigns herself to this fate.

She's going to do everything in her power to make sure Sir not only stays alive but climbs to the very top of the pile. Because this… this won't be the last child she has by his loins. Not by far. She's going to bear him an entire brood, and Nora… Nora will do anything for her babies. She may not have been able to save Shaun, but this… this much at least, she can make happen.

And so, she lets herself be washed away in the pleasure brought on by the fresh dose of chems. Whimpering and moaning and mewling into his mouth, she kisses Sir with all her heart even as she cums around his cock time and time again. The future is a terrifying place, and one that a Twenty-First Century Lawyer like Nora simply doesn't belong in.

But maybe she'll make a decent Twenty-Third Century broodmother if nothing else…


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