Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

In the Heat of the Moment (Star Wars)

In the Heat of the Moment (Star Wars)

A/N: In the Heat of the Moment was a commissioned two-shot originally written back in February and August of 2021. Posting it up here and now as a one shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: Order Sixty-Six arrives but thanks to a confluence of events, Aayla Secura doesn't get shot to death by her own troops. She chooses a different path, and so do they...

Themes: Rough Sex, Corruption, Gangbang


"Execute Order Sixty-Six."

As the raspy, tortured voice of one Supreme Chancellor Palpatine scratches out through the helmets of every single clone soldier in the galaxy, there's no hesitation, no sense of remorse. All across the galaxy, clone troopers react and Jedi die. Except on one planet, where a confluence of events leads to something else happening instead.

As the Supreme Chancellor's ironclad order echoes through the mind of Commander Bly and his men, there actually is a moment of hesitation. Because… they aren't quite sure that their General counts as a Jedi anymore. Felucia has been something of a terrible slog for General Secura and the 327th, a slog that had taken it's toll on all of them in their own way.

In particular, Aayla Secura had developed a very strong attachment to Commander Bly and the other men… an attachment bordering on obsessive possessiveness, an attachment that wasn't entirely unreciprocated. Of course, it's not like that would have mattered except for one other thing… Felucia was a dangerous place in many, many ways.

As it turned out, the template for all the clones, Jango Fett, would have found himself exceptionally vulnerable to a low-grade brain parasite that could be found on Felucia, if he'd ever visited the planet. In the end, he never had before his death, but his copies had done so now, and each and every one of them had been infected by this point.

The brain parasite wasn't too dangerous, to be fair. All it did was lower inhibitions a fair bit, really. But for the clones in particular, it'd actually done something else. It'd damaged the inhibitor chips in their heads to make room for itself, ever so slightly. The damage wasn't significant enough that the chips sent a signal back to their controllers, or else the 327th would have already been recalled from Felucia.

No, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, otherwise known as Darth Sidious, had no clue that some of his patsies had the ability to think for themselves in this critical moment. If he'd even caught a slight whiff of the possibility, he would have already nipped it in the bud.

As it is, the end of the Jedi Order and with it, the end of the Republic comes. And as Jedi die all across the Galaxy, Aayla feels it, the blue-skinned Twi'lek choking as she collapses to her knees from the very real pain being projected across the Force. It's into this pain that Bly speaks up.


Twisting her head around, Aayla Secura looks at her beloved troops and understands exactly what's happening in a single instant. They're not quite holding their guns on her, but their readiness screams potential hostile intent. In that instant, Aayla can see it all. She can see the machinations behind the scenes, can see that the Jedi Order has led itself to it's doom through complacency, through allowing the wrong people control over them.

They'd served the Republic for centuries, but in doing so they'd lost track of their true purpose, to serve the Force… and to serve the people of the galaxy.

"General… none of us want to shoot you."

Commander Bly sounds genuinely regretful as his grip on his blaster carbine tightens up. Aayla can read that same regret in the body language of every clone alongside him. Not a single one of them wants to hurt her… but they have to, for whatever reason. They HAVE to kill the Jedi, and Aayla Secura is a Jedi Master.

In the end, there's only one solution that Aayla sees before her. It won't work if it's not genuine either. Luckily for one Aayla Secura, the Rutian Twi'lek has always toed the line. All her life, she's had her struggles with the Dark Side, with her emotions. It didn't help that she'd had clashes with her birth family during her Padawan years, leaving her with festering regrets and frustrations that the Jedi had forced her to push down and ignore.

With Vos dead, Aayla had been feeling detached from the Order for quite some time now, truth be told. She'd become closer and closer to her clones, to the men who lived and died with her in every battle. The Jedi… the Jedi were nothing compared to Bly and the rest of her men. And so… Aayla lets go.

She lets go of the tight grasp she's held on her emotions for as long as she can remember. She stops holding back the feelings of possessiveness she's been feeling towards the clones for months now. She stops fighting it… and instead lets herself slip into the Dark. It's done with frightening ease, the transition making it clear to Aayla that she was never truly meant for the Light. The Dark positively SINGS to her, and she lets out a breathless moan as Force Energy explodes out of her.

The clones, Bly included, all stumble back a bit and begin to regretfully raise their blasters, but then Aayla looks to them with yellow eyes and tear tracks on her cheeks… and the Twi'lek smiles.

"There will be no need for that, Commander. I'm not a Jedi anymore."

There's a pause as Bly and his fellow troopers exchange glances. Aayla can clearly feel their emotions through the Force now that she's wallowing in the Dark Side. Before, it'd been all but impossible to use the Light to do anything, what with the blanket of Dark covering the Galaxy. But now she's a part of that Dark Tapestry, a small little edge newly added to it's weaving.

She can tell her clone troopers want her to be telling the truth, they want to be able to exclude her from the order they've been given. She can even tell where the source of the order comes from, the chips in their heads. With the Dark Side of the Force, Aayla sees more than she ever could before. Not all, but enough to know that no other Jedi was afforded this opportunity as she was. Some might still live, but none had a chance to talk their clone troopers down as she did.

With no intention of squandering it, Aayla bites her lower lip… and yanks down her top. Her beautiful blue breasts, each capped with a small pink nipple, come bouncing out of their confines as she exposes herself to her troops right then and there. Kneeling on the ground before them, Aayla grabs hold of her tits and moans as she gives them both a hefty squeeze.

"Let me show you all what I mean. Let me show you what I can do, now that I'm no longer bound by the Jedi Order and their outdated code."

There's a note of Dark Side power laced in her words, a hint of Force Persuasion that's only enhanced by the clones' inhibitor chips. As such, Commander Bly and the other men don't spend too long thinking about the absurdity of Aayla's offer. In moments, the beautiful Twi'lek finds herself surrounded by identical cocks as armored codpieces are slipped off and the hefty, thick, Mandalorian penis that every single one of her beloved clones is graced with reveals itself.

They're shoved in her face in quick measure, but Aayla doesn't mind. In fact, it's exactly what she wanted. Moaning like a wanton whore, she takes hold of two of the cocks while licking a third. She goes around the circle like this, stroking them up and down, slurping along the ones she plays with using her mouth and tongue. The troopers surround her in a circle and the former Jedi Master, now fallen, plays with them all eagerly.

Until finally, a pair of gauntleted hands come down on her head. It's Commander Bly who stops her of course, taking hold of her lekku and control of the situation all in one smooth move. As he keeps her from turning away from him, Aayla's eyes flutter, the feel of his hands gripping her exposed brain tails one of abject arousal and pleasure. Lekku are incredibly sensitive by their nature of course, though not every Twi'lek enjoys having them roughly played with.

… Aayla is definitely one of the ones that DO enjoy it however, and when Bly takes hold of them and then plants his big fat Mando-cock right between her pouty lips, she takes him into her mouth and down her throat without a word of complaint. There is some gagging and gurgling of course as he begins to face fuck her, but Aayla doesn't mind it. She knows it's necessary.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

She can't be in control here. She recognizes that, the Dark Side pushing and prodding her along the path that will keep both her and her men alive and healthy, at least in the meanwhile. If she takes control, if she sets out to continue to be in charge, it'll be too hard for them to resist the command. Jedi and General are tied together in the clones' psyches, leaving it almost impossible for them to differentiate between the two.

But she doesn't have to be General or Jedi here. She doesn't have to be in control. She can submit and let her men have their way with her. No self-respecting Jedi Master would ever allow such a thing. No General of the Grand Republic Army would ever stoop so low. And so, Aayla would do what she had to, not just to survive, but to be in a position where she could watch over Bly and the rest of her men. Even if that meant taking Commander Bly's thick fat cock right down her tight little Twi'lek throat.

With a loud groan, Bly finally cums, his seed exploding down Aayla's throat at first, before her head is rocked back enough by the orgasm that the rest of his load ends up landing all across her face and tits. As she kneels there with her tongue out and his cum covering her, Aayla gives Commander Bly and the rest of her men a wicked grin.

"Would a Jedi ever accept such… humiliation?"

No, no they would not. And she can feel it through the Force, through the Dark that she's now consciously drawing upon, that the clones have accepted by this point that she's not a Jedi anymore. Just as she can, at the same time, feel through the Force that they're far from done 'making sure'. What follows is a full-blown blowbang, in which Aayla sucks multiple identical cocks, jacking those off with her hands that she can't get to with her mouth.

They cum down her throat and on her face and tits, coating her from her lekku to her bared abdomen in their seed. They cover her in the sticky, white stuff and Aayla luxuriates in it, drinking of their raw passion, of their emotions. All that violence turned instead towards sex… oh yes, Aayla can more than work with it.

The blowbang ends of course, and things graduate into a full blown gangbang as the former Jedi General gets to work serving all of her troops with ALL of her orifices. Her ass is the last to be taken by a particularly adventurous clone, but Aayla has already been using the Force to prepare herself for it, so all she does when he finally impales her back there is moan wantonly, arching her back beautifully.

She can handle five clones at once with all three of her holes and both hands, but of course, that's not enough. In the end, two more clones take hold of her lekku and wrap the sensitive brain tails around their own dicks, forcing her to give them both lekku-jobs that leave Aayla's eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth in exquisite pleasure.

They're all quite rough with her, but not to the point of injury. Still, they don't treat her like she's their General, not anymore. Because… they can't. She can't be their General, they can't be her men. Instead, they all have to become something else. She, their Twi'lek fuck toy, them, her horny, identical masters, each and every one with a dick to serve with her holes, with her body, to the best of her ability.

It ends with Bly filling her gushing quim one final time, his seed flowing into her as he stares down into her glowing golden eyes, his helmet long discarded. Smiling up at him lazily, Aayla runs a finger through the cum coating her body and brings it to her mouth, sucking it clean between her lips before speaking breathlessly.

"Thank you, Commander."

Bly smiles and gives her a pat on the hip before standing up and moving off, likely to get their battalion under some semblance of control in the wake of what's happened. Aayla doesn't have to worry about that, she's not in charge anymore thankfully. Though, as she's lying there on the ground, gasping for air with her golden Sith eyes staring up into the sky… Aayla does find herself reaching out.

She's wondering where her Padawan, a young female Zabrak named Marris Brood, has gotten off to. She wonders if Marris has survived… and is pleasantly surprised to see that she has.

A wicked smile curls across the well-fucked Twi'lek's face as she feels Marris through the Force, using the Dark Side to locate her wayward Padawan. As expected, Marris has gone into hiding… but she can't hide from Aayla. Not truly.

Soon, Aayla will show her former Padawan just how fun the Dark Side can be…


The moment she awakens, Maris Brood jerks up off of the bed. Or rather, she tries to. Instead, she finds her arms and legs straining against shackles around her wrists and ankles, unable to get off the bed because of the bondage. Blinking rapidly, the pale white Zabrak Padawan can only try and remember what happened last and where she is now, even as she reaches for the Force to try and free herself.

Unfortunately, the Force responds with an almighty scream inside of her head, a suffocating and coiling darkness threatening to overwhelm her senses as her teeth clench and her eyes half-roll up in sheer agony. The next thing she knows, she's being blocked from the Force by something else. Just as dark, but far more comforting. That same presence also presses Maris back into the bed, making the shackles almost unnecessary as she finds herself pinned in place by unseen hands.

"Ah, my sweet, sweet Padawan. Calm, Maris, calm. You're safe. You're with your Mistress, after all."

Blinking rapidly to get the tears out of her eyes, Maris looks up and sees her Jedi Master standing at the foot of the bed. Except… it's all wrong, like something straight out of a nightmare. Aayla Secura doesn't look like a Jedi at the moment, Master or otherwise. Instead, the blue-skinned Twi'lek looks downright sinister, with glowing yellow eyes that mark her as a Dark Sider and not a stitch of clothing anywhere on her person.

Now, Aayla had always been an advocate of skimpy dress, and Maris had followed her Master's footsteps in that regard. Even on Felucia, both females had worn very little. But nothing at all? Maris can't help but slide her gaze down over her Master's body, eyes wide as she drinks in the sight of Aayla. Young and altogether untested, the Jedi Padawan has long repressed her sexual urges… but Force if it isn't hard, having her beautiful Master in front of her here and now.


Chuckling darkly, Aayla shakes her head as she speaks in a low and husky undertone.

"No, Maris. I'm not your Jedi Master anymore. I can't ever be that for you, ever again. The Jedi are dead, my darling. The Order is lost."

Maris' eyes widen in horror at that. It would explain a lot. The last things she remember are… some sort of terrible event happening in the Force, and then having to run because the squad of clone troopers she was with had tried to shoot her. She'd barely escaped with her life and had been in hiding for about an hour before Aayla's voice had reached her and Maris had of course gone to it. Immediately after that there was nothing, pure darkness… probably because she'd been knocked out.

Unlike Aayla, Maris was young and untested, altogether unproven. A Jedi Padawan, it was to be expected that her connection to the Force wouldn't be nearly as strong as her Master's. Where Aayla had felt every death through the Force as the Jedi Order had been betrayed and assassinated all across the cosmos, Maris would have to actually reach out and connect to the Force as she'd tried to do when she'd first woken up.

Stepping forward, Aayla climbs onto the bed and begins to crawl up Maris' shackled and Force-pinned body.

"The Jedi are gone, and I need you to renounce them, my precious Padawan. Renounce the Order as I did. Embrace the passion of the Dark Side. It's the only way I can keep you alive."

It goes against everything she's ever been taught, both back at the Temple and by Aayla herself. The Dark Side was said to be the ultimate source of Evil in the Universe. And yet… Maris had always struggled with emotions. She'd always struggled with her passion. One might say this was because the Zabrak people were a more passionate race by their very nature. Carnivorous, Zabraks were aggressors in many of the conflicts throughout their history.

But that would be a cop out. Truth be told, Maris knew full well that her struggles with meditation and resisting the call of the Dark Side of the Force were all her own. She had been content with that burden, had been all too eager to combat it every day for the rest of her life… when she was a Jedi Padawan to Master Secura and had the Twi'lek Jedi backing her up in her fight.

Now though, Aayla had turned. Maris was all alone. And it was very hard for her to focus on anything BUT the beautiful pair of blue tits hovering right over her face, each capped with a cute pink nipple.

"I don't want to kill you, my student. I don't want you to die. I'll do whatever it takes to make you see the light. Or rather, the Dark as it were."

Yellow eyes glittering with mischief and mirth, lips quirked into a sardonic half-smile, Aayla brings her hands down onto Maris' shoulders, and then begins to slide them down her body next. Straps come undone, and clothing is slowly pulled away as her former Master slowly strips her naked right then and there. Maris squirms but probably doesn't fight it as much as she should.

She does gasp though, eyes widening and pupils shrinking when Aayla suddenly slaps her palm down on Maris' naked pussy, grabbing the pale white Zabrak by her cunt and beginning to feel up her moist mound with impunity. The half-smile grows into a full-fledged grin as Aayla clearly finds what she's hoping to find… Maris' arousal.

"Good. This is a good start, darling. You're doing so well. Now… why don't you take one of my breasts in your mouth and give it a good suck. We both know you've been staring at them longingly for minutes now."

As if to emphasize her point, Aayla swings her tits back and forth right in front of Maris' face, causing the beautiful Zabrak to blush profusely. She did… she did want them. F-Fuck, she wanted to do it so bad. But wouldn't that be giving in? Only, how could sucking on a pair of tits possibly lead to the Dark Side?

It didn't help that Aayla was in the impressionable young Jedi Padawan's head by that point. Their Force Bond gave the newly fallen Dark Sider an inordinate amount of access to Maris' mind. Not that she was doing all that much with it… merely pressing incredible amounts of love, lust, and affection over their bond towards the Jedi Padawan.

One might wonder how this could ever be considered a bad thing. Love and affection, at the very least, were good right? Wrong. Strong emotions were the route of the Dark Side. Aayla's love bordered on obsession and most definitely crossed the like into possessiveness. Her affection for Maris went beyond what a simple teacher-student relationship should be. And her lust… her lust was overwhelming to the younger female.

And so, Maris begins to fall as she tentatively lifts her head up and takes one of Aayla's tits in her mouth. She means to go slowly, but as soon as she even starts to give in, Aayla moans and forces her to go all out. One of the Twi'lek's hands goes behind Maris' head, lacing through her corded hair and forcing the young Zabrak further into her bosom. The other hand, still on Maris' pussy, repositions itself and a moment later is thrusting two digits in and out of the Padawan's slickening quim.

It's not long before Maris is gushing, not long before she's bucking her hips upwards into Aayla's hand. Her mouth suctions down upon her former Master's breast and she all but swallows the nipple, swirling her tongue around Aayla's teat and nibbling with her sharp teeth at the Twi'lek's tits.

It's a little amusing, because in almost any other situation, the Zabrak would dominate the Twi'lek. After all, Twi'leks were the universe's fodder, the species who effectively enslaved themselves so regularly that it was their foremost state of being. Zabraks, meanwhile, were more primal and aggressive, more likely to try and be on top.

But in this case, Aayla is the one with more experience and more power. All Maris can do is submit to her former Master, now… now her Mistress. And as she accepts the love and affection Aayla feels for her and allows herself to feel those same things, Maris' presence in the Force begins to change, growing darker and darker as she finally lets herself feel all the things, she never allowed herself to feel before.

There's no physical change at the start, mostly for one obvious reason… her eyes were yellow to begin with. Still, there's no denying the change in the room's atmosphere, as Maris gives herself wholly and utterly over to her Dark Side Mistress, moaning into Aayla's tit as the older female grinds her former Padawan's face into her breasts like some twisted mockery of a mother's love.

"Good, my Apprentice. Very good. You and I… we are no longer Jedi. We are of the Dark Side. THAT is the only way we will survive. That is the path to salvation."

Aayla's words are sinister and insidious in nature, while her voice is a lilting coo. Maris just soaks it all up like the sponge she is, continuing to suck at her Mistress' teat, until finally she lets out a muffled cry, bucking her hips as Aayla's fingers bring her to completion. As Maris cums all over Aayla's hand, the Twi'lek's grin turns positively frightful in its intensity. Pulling her fingers free of Maris' quim, she licks them clean… and then snaps them.

"Commander Bly! We're ready for you!"

The door to the room slides open and Clone Marshal Commander Bly steps inside, already out of his armor, clad in nothing but his birthday suit. Maris' eyes go wide at the sight of him, and as Aayla pulls away from her to get up to greet him, Maris calls out, her mouth now free.

"M-Mistress! The clones! They betrayed us! You can't trust him!"

Even as she goes to strain against her shackles, Aayla is thrusting out a hand and pinning Maris back to the bed. At the same time as she's holding her freshly fallen Apprentice with the Force, the blue-skinned Twi'lek drops into a crouch in front of her clone lover and takes his cock in her mouth, beginning to get him ready for what comes next.

In between sucking and stroking his length to full hardness, Aayla explains things to Maris.

"The clones tried to kill you because they thought you to be a Jedi, my beloved Apprentice. Now that you are no longer a Jedi, they have no reason to end your existence. Isn't that right, Commander Bly?"

Bly looks between Maris on the bed and Aayla crouched before him for a moment in silence, considering the shackled former Padawan and her current state before nodding resolutely.

"That's right, General. I don't see a single Jedi in this room. And might I say, Commander Brood… lust is a good look on you."

Blushing profusely, the young Zabrak can only squirm as Aayla finally pulls away, having brought Bly to full mast in no time at all. Taking hold of his cock in her free hand, the fallen Dark Sider leads him over to the bed and then up onto it, pulling him along till he's between Maris' legs. Curling the hand holding Maris in the Force, she brings the Zabrak's hips upwards, lifting her lower body off of the bed so that her sopping wet quim is lined up with the Clone's big fat cock.

Maris is very nearly hyperventilating as Aayla rests on the bed alongside her, stroking a hand down her body.

"Don't worry, pet. Bly will be kind to you. Just as he and his fellows were kind to me. Consider this your initiation into the new world… the clones are men after all, and as women, it is our place to serve them. A Jedi would never accept such humiliation, such degradation. But we… are not Jedi, are we?"

Swallowing thickly, Maris shakes her head as she stares at Bly's massive cock in trepidation but also a stirring of delight.

"N-No, Mistress…"

He's inside of her a moment later, and Maris cries out as she experiences her first time with a man. His cock is much thicker and larger than Aayla's fingers were, and it feels like it's splitting her in two at first. But any pain or discomfort from the sudden intrusion is quickly dispelled by how aroused Maris currently is. She had no idea, but everything up to this point had been nothing but foreplay.

Aayla had been preparing her for exactly this, for the Commander to fuck her as he was doing now. Smiling beatifically, the blue-skinned Twi'lek watches on, caressing Maris' breasts with one hand and fingering herself with the other as Bly pounds Maris into the bed, fucking her quite roughly.

Gurgling in pleasure, Maris slips further and further into the Dark Side with every orgasm. Eventually, the shackles come away, her restraints dropping as Aayla frees her. It's at that point that her Mistress proceeds to sit on her face, grinding her own juicy blue Twi'lek pussy into Maris' waiting mouth as she leans forward and begins to heatedly makeout with Bly, allowing the Clone Commander unfettered access to her tits and her rock hard nipples.

The threesome continues unabated for quite some time, with Aayla riding Maris' face, Bly fucking Maris' pussy, and the newly fallen Apprentice taking it all in, soaking it all up, becoming the submissive little sex pet she needed to be to survive. After all, Aayla was right. No Jedi would accept such humiliation or degradation as this. More than that, no Jedi would ever revel in it as Maris and Aayla now were.

Which stood to reason that in the end, Aayla had succeeded in her goal and Bly was also right. There were no Jedi here in this room. Just two Dark Side sluts, eager to enjoy their passion with one another and the big dicked Marshal Commander they had with them.

Everything was precisely as it should be. Aayla had saved her apprentice from certain death. The Dark Side reigned supreme and they had joined the winning side.


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