Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Overextending (Street Fighter)

Overextending (Street Fighter)

A/N: Overextending was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Karin Kanzuki, arrogant ojou-sama that she is, picks a fight she really shouldn't have. Needless to say, she's way in over her head. Warning: This one is pretty dark/brutal.

Themes: Futa Sex, Brutal Sex, Mind Break


"Look, bitch. You can still apologize, you know? We don't have to do this. I prefer not to waste my time beating up spoiled brats for no gain on my end where I can avoid it."

Even as she speaks, Poison knows that it's not going to work. She can already tell that her opponent is only getting angrier at her words. But that's alright, because it just means the blonde cunt will be all the more distracted when they finally fight. Given Poison knows that Karin Kanzuki came looking for this battle, she's gotta change the narrative a bit, put the rich girl on the back foot the only way she knows how… trash talk.

Scoffing easily, though unable to hide her fury, Karin sticks her nose in the air.

"Someone of your breeding could never stand a chance against me! If you really think that I'm just some spoiled rich girl, you're going to be kicking yourself soon enough!"

Snorting derisively, Poison just shakes her head and readies her fist. There was no way this was ever going to end up in anything BUT a fight between them, was there? Not only were they two very different people, but Karin had come looking for a match, that much was obvious from the way the arrogant 'ojou-sama' had sauntered into a bar that was so far out of her comfort zone like she owned the place, only to purposely bump into Poison and cause the pink-haired mercenary to spill her drink.

Tch, she hated it when idiotic brats like this bitch thought they could just walk all over the little people. Especially when they weren't paying her to turn a blind eye. And even MORE so when they thought they could just walk all over HER, like she was one of the little people! Shaking her head back and forth, Poison pulls her whip from the small of her back where it was secured to her belt.

"You know, money talks, but when I meet people like you I realize that talk is cheap. You want a fight, bitch? Then here it comes."

Karin's smirk becomes a wide grin as the spoiled young woman makes a play at radiating battle lust. For a moment, the air between the two of them becomes fraught with tension, and Poison uses that moment to take a good long look at her opponent.

Clad in a red long-sleeve jacket with blue and white frill underneath, along with a red frill skirt and black tights, Karin did little to impress Poison with her terrible fashion sense. Her hairstyle, with her blonde locks stylized into long, over-sized ringlets, only made her look even stupider in Poison's eyes. She was so clearly a brat playing at being a fighter that it wasn't even funny, and Poison was more than happy to disabuse the cunt of her notion that she was anywhere near an equal of the pink-haired mercenary. Time to teach her a lesson she wouldn't soon forget.

Without another word, the two of them launch forward at one another in unison, bounding towards each other and joining in battle. Only one could win, and only time would tell just who it would be.




With one final combo, Poison ends the fight most decisively in her favor. A punch to one of Karin's tits, followed up by a kick to her chin, and finally to finish it all off, a crack of her deadly whip right to the woman's stomach. If Poison were really trying, she could have torn the blonde cunt's abdomen apart, disemboweling her right then and there… but she wasn't looking to kill the arrogant spoiled brat who'd ruined her evening, just put her in her place.

Bruised and with her fancy-smancy looking clothing all torn up and shredded from the fight, Karin Kanzuki certainly looks like she's been put in her place, left on her knees as Poison saunters up, smirking down at her casually. In comparison to the battle-worn blonde, the pink-haired rough and tumble mercenary looks completely fine. From her daisy dukes to her torn white tank top, all the way up to her spiked collar and her black cap… she's perfectly fine. Barely even a scratch on her.

But then, she hadn't taken a single blow that she didn't want to take, that she didn't know for a fact she could safely block and absorb with ease. In the end, the fight had been exactly what she'd wanted it to be… a nice showing of just how wide the gap between her and this over-confident, conceited 'ojou-sama' was.

Smirking easily as Karin glares up at her with all the fury her hazel eyes can contain, Poison cocks out a hip and plants a hand on it.

"So, those were the vaunted Kanzuki style martial arts, huh? Have to admit, I'm not impressed."

As her defeated opponent stiffens in outrage, her jaw clenching in anger, Poison drops into a crouch in front of her, smile only growing wider still as she brings herself to eye level with the defeated blonde cunt.

"Seems to me that the Kanzuki Group could do with a real fighter to protect their interests. I don't come cheap, mind you… but I suppose you now know I'm more than worth the cash. What do ya say?"

Eyes widening, Karin looks absolutely shocked for all of a moment before her face contorts into unimpressed fury and arrogance once more. Poison can already tell she's not going to like the blonde bitch's answer, even before the cunt opens her mouth and speaks.

"H-Hire you?! Hah! Don't make me laugh! What use would the Kanzuki Group have with such a filthy low breed thug?!"

Slowly, Karin begins to try and struggle to her feet. She's still holding her stomach where Poison's lip hit her last though, and her legs are undeniably shaky.

"You got… you got l-lucky! That's all! This isn't over, this isn't the last you-ACK!"

Having heard enough, Poison moves in one fluid motion. Her foot kicks into Karin's foot and the battered and bruised blonde drops back to her knees from the blow, her balance leaving her in an instant. At the same time, Poison reaches down to the chain around her waist and slips off the handcuffs, almost dancing as she circles behind Karin and with practiced ease, cuffs the girl's wrists behind her back, restraining the beaten, defeated blonde right then and there.

No, Poison wasn't a police officer and never had been. But she was a bounty hunter and mercenary, and one never knew when one would need proper restraints because a target was worth more alive than dead. Or for… other reasons. Circling back around to stand in front of her kneeling opponent once more, Poison sighs as Karin glares up at her with outraged, venomous eyes.

"You know, if you'd just apologized to start with, I wouldn't have had to beat you black and blue. And then, if you'd just acknowledged your defeat with even one iota of grace and agreed to pay me to protect you, I would have happily done that too. But you're just too self-obsessed to understand when you're facing down your better, aren't you?"

And then… and then Karin does something she'll come to really regret. The blonde 'ojou-sama' spits in Poison's face. Actually SPITS on her. The spittle lands on the pink-haired merc's cheek, and she slowly reaches up to wipe it away, her smile becoming absolutely fixed.

"Strike Three, bitch."

Karin's answering expression is half smirk, half sneer.

"What are you going to do, cunt? You so much as lay one further hand on me and I'll-!"


And no, that wasn't the sound of Poison slapping Karin silly with her hand. She might have been tempted, but in the end, she decides that this is a better way of showing the stupid blonde cunt just how much trouble she's REALLY in. And so, while Karin was launching into her newest diatribe, Poison had unbuttoned and unzipped her denim shorts, yanked out her massive futanari cock, and slapped it down atop Karin Kanzuki's face without so much of a by your leave.

For a moment, the blonde is shocked into stupefied silence and the look on her face as her hazel eyes go crossed just trying to comprehend what Poison has just done is rather hilarious. But then she finally understands what it is that's resting on her face and outrage begins to spread across her expression again.

Needless to say, Poison is more than done listening to the arrogant spoiled brat of the Kanzuki Group bitch and moan. And so, when Karin opens her big mouth, likely to shriek like the impotent harridan she's well on her way to growing up and becoming, Poison shuts her up… by sticking her fat cock past those plump pillowy lips and right down the back of Karin's throat.

Now, Poison doesn't make too much of a habit of face-raping women… ah, who is she kidding, it feels like she's done this with practically every girl she's gotten into a fight with, to be honest. None have annoyed her QUITE as much as Karin Kanzuki however… hell, some were even consensual, with some female fighters enjoying being fucked by the one who'd defeated them, no matter her weird gender state.

But Karin… Karin was a cunt that Poison would have no end of pleasure in ruining. To that end however, she had to be careful not to give the woman the chance to bite down. Beaten bloody and bruised as Karin was, she could still chomp… unless Poison never gave her the chance to.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"


From the very start, Poison doesn't let up. She's rough and violent and savage to begin and end with, never once stopping as she forces Karin's head down her cock and forces her cock in turn down Karin's throat. Choking wildly, gagging horrendously, and gurgling in the scant moments in between both, Karin doesn't have the opportunity to bite down, mostly because she's being assaulted so hard and fast that she doesn't have the ability to do anything but flail ineffectually and ultimately just… take it.


To say Poison is… forceful in her oral exploitation of Karin Kanzuki would be the understatement of the century. She downright face-rapes her, and violently at that, even reaching out and grabbing at the blonde ringlets that the selfish, self-centered 'ojou-sama' keeps her hair in. Yanking them towards her as Poison in turn thrusts forward, she RAMS every last inch of her massive futa cock right down the back of Karin's throat and into her gullet time and time again.

The results speak for themselves, really. In moments, Karin's makeup and eyeliner are in shambles. No doubt the best money can buy, but when one is being treated like a personal onahole by a rough and tumble pink-haired mercenary, no amount of quality is going to keep one's makeup from running through.

Tears stream down Karin's cheeks as she gurgles helplessly around Poison's cock, saliva and drool and more slopping down off of her chin and onto her fancy torn top. She certainly doesn't look like she's having fun, but then that's kind of the point. She came spoiling for a fight without the talent or the skill to back it up. Poison kicked her ass, and now that the bitchy arrogant cunt has proven incapable of acknowledging her own defeat and paying her to go away… it's time to have some fun.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"You brought this on yourself, you know. If you aren't going to be a revenue stream… then you'll be an example."

Cheerful and casual in her tone, belying her vicious, fast-paced rape of Karin's mouth and throat, Poison lets out a loud groan not but a few seconds later, and without hesitation, proceeds to slam her entire futa cock into Karin's gullet one last time, before cumming right into the bitchy blonde 'ojou-sama's' stomach.

She cums and cums some more, the girth of her length and Karin's stretched lips making it impossible for any cum to come back up. At least, not before Poison is done. Once she IS done, the pink-haired mercenary lets go of Karin's blonde ringlets and pulls back, her cock coming out of the rich cunt's throat and lips with a signature 'pop!'

The hot steaming load of cum that Karin just received comes out a moment later. Unable to handle it, unable to keep it down, every last drop of Poison's seed explodes out of the rich blonde's lips and nostrils, making quite the mess of her face, of her chest, and of the ground in front of her. Far from being upset that the spoiled cunt couldn't keep her cum down, Poison is actually amused, letting out a vicious laugh as she gazes upon the wrecked young woman in front of her.

But nah… it's not enough.

"Hope you're ready for Round Two bitch."

There's no sign that Karin even hears her, in her current state. Bent over, spittle dripping from her lips from her ordeal, with her hands still cuffed behind her back, the battered, beaten, and bloody blonde is in no position to stop Poison from planting a booted foot on the small of her back and pushing forward. Karin ends up face down in the puddle of regurgitated cum, sputtering and struggling just to keep from drowning in the inch of jizz as Poison, uncaring of the blonde's plight, reaches down and grabs along the inside of Karin's hips, yanking upwards.

Lifting Karin's ass into the air, Poison grabs the crotch of the disgraced 'ojou-sama's' black tights and proceeds to rip them away almost contemptuously, tearing them off of her and then tearing her panties off as well.

Then, without further ado, Poison takes her still-hard futa prick and proceeds to shove it right up Karin Kanzuki's ass. No hesitation, no mercy… certainly no warning or foreplay. While her dick is somewhat wet from Karin's throat and her own jizz, it's not nearly lubricated enough for fucking a blonde businesswoman's virgin asshole. No matter how flexible Karin is… ah, the way she screams as Poison penetrates her anally is a delight.


Karin struggles. Of course she does. But it's the ineffectual and altogether WEAK struggling of a too-injured, too-exhausted woman who can't even muster up enough effort to make a difference as she experiences anal rape for the first time in her privileged, spoiled life. Letting out a laugh that's halfway between a chuckle and a cackle, Poison doesn't let up for even a moment. She doesn't have to worry about biting this time around to be fair, but that doesn't make her take it any easier on this spoiled rich bitch. Oh no, she's going to enjoy teaching Karin Kanzuki a lesson that she'll NEVER forget.

Slowly, the resistance goes out of the entitled bitch of an 'ojou-sama', to be replaced with sobbing and crying as the reality of her situation begins to truly hit her. When Karin begins to beg for mercy however, Poison switches up positions.


Where before she'd been just holding onto Karin's hips and pile-driving into her from above in a fairly normal position, Poison sneers and changes it up now, moving so that she's coming at Karin's ass from above from a perpendicular position crouched over her instead. This allows for the pink-haired merc to plant her boot on the back of Karin's head and shove the blonde's face back down into the puddle of cum she'd regurgitated previously.

Whatever Karin's words might have been, they're lost in the midst of sputtering and gagging and screaming as Poison continues to anally plunder the bitchy blonde with all her might.

"Shut up, cunt! You had your chance! Three strikes, you're fucking out!"

And then, for good measure, Poison snaps out her whip, all but forgotten, wrapping it around Karin's neck and choking her out as she continues to plow the blonde's anus and bowels with every last inch of her massive futa cock.

In the end, the last of the fight goes out of Karin, eventually. Poison fucks her and brutalizes her until she's done, and by the time SHE'S finished, Karin is more than finished. With her hands relaxed behind her back and no longer clenched into fists, with her face turned to the side, barely giving her enough room to breathe, the arrogant bitch's only movement comes from her body jolting with every thrust that Poison delivers into her cunt, along with the spasming from Poison's whip wrapped tightly around her pretty little rope.

It's almost like she can hear a countdown as she finishes things off. An ephemeral announcer's voice echoes in Poison's ears as she piledrives and jackhammers into Karin's ass just a few more times.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! … K.O.!"

With a loud groan, Poison finishes inside of Karin's bowels, filling them with her cum just like she did the bitch's stomach. Needless to say, by that point, Karin is in no state to appreciate the 'gift', and Poison smirks as she slowly pulls out of the twitching, spasming, defeated 'ojou-sama'. Stepping over her, the futanari fighter drops down onto the ground and lounges back against Karin's body, resting against her for a moment as she reaches back and pats a hand on the blonde's upturned ass just as it starts to fountain with her cum.

"Heh, well, you'll certainly send a message like this. Should have just paid me, bitch."

Reaching into her side pocket, Poison pulls out a small flask and uncaps it, taking a long swig as she enjoys the moment for what it is. Karin Kanzuki, meanwhile, will likely never recover. She's certainly never going to fight again; Poison has made sure of that. Whether she'll ever be functional for polite society again… well, that'll be up to what the Kanzuki Group is willing to spend on the blonde bitch.

… If she's even half as much a cunt to her business partners as she was to Poison, then the pink-haired mercy suspects they won't be putting much effort into fixing the broken blonde. Hell, might be one or two of em who would even pay Poison for getting her out of their hair. Maybe Poison should look into that…

After a moment, the futanari slips her flask away again and hops back to her feet, tucking her cock back into her denim shorts and zipping them back up. Hopping back and forth for a moment, feeling the adrenaline juuuust starting to fade, Poison looks back at Karin's defeated, humiliated form and snorts derisively.

Another spoiled idiotic brat who thought she was an 'ojou-sama' or something taught how the world worked.. That was a good thing, in Poison's book. She turns and walks away without another look back.


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