Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Teaming Up (Sekirei)

Teaming Up (Sekirei)

A/N: Teaming Up was a commission that was originally written back in March of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Warning, SPOILERS for the Sekirei manga since the anime never reached this point. In which Tsukiumi and Kazehana team up to finally get what they want from their Ashikabi.

Themes: Maid Play, Threesome, Loving Sex


"Oi! Tsun-kiumi! Just the lady I wanted to talk to~"

Tsukiumi stiffens as a certain familiar (and heavily disliked) voice fills her ears. The blonde Sekirei is now worldly enough to know what a tsundere is, and thus what the play on her name means. Frowning most severely, she turns to face her fellow Sekirei as Kazehana grins at her wickedly. The drunken lout has been a thorn in Tsukiumi's side for as long as she can remember, and she sees no reason to believe any differently now.

At the same time, she was well aware that open fighting between her and Kazehana would not be appreciated, and Tsukiumi was not one to so swiftly drop to her basest instincts and cause a ruckus. At least, not these days. Instead, straightening up and steeling herself for what is likely to be an irritating discourse, Tsukiumi glares at Kazehana, looking down her nose at the other Sekirei as she sniffs delicately.

"What dost thou want with me, mine rival for mine Ashikabi's affections?"

Kazehana's eyes light up, and she points a finger at Tsukiumi.

"That's just it! I want to talk about our Ashikabi! Really, the fact that Minato hasn't slept with any of us yet is just wrong! And it doesn't help that all the progress we made was destroyed by what happened with Musubi. Now our Ashikabi is just straight up depressed and honestly, it's pretty depressing! I want to do something about it!"

Eyes narrowing, Tsukiumi frowns even harder than before. It was true that their Ashikabi, Minato Sahashi, despite being one of the Ashikabi with the most Sekirei, and even the 'Ashikabi of the North', still had yet to actually DO anything with any of them. He was a virgin, as far as Tsukiumi was aware, and she had to admit… while in the beginning she hadn't wanted anything to do with Minato, to the point of even contemplating killing him to avoid having an Ashikabi altogether, Tsukiumi had changed her mind since.

She very much wanted to d-do things with her Ashikabi. And after everything that had happened, she wanted that even more. But Kazehana was right, Minato had been in a funk for a while now, entering a depressed state after losing Musubi. It'd been six months since the end of the Sekirei Games, and her Ashikabi still wasn't coming out of it. He still hadn't even done anything beyond kiss her! And that was… that barely counted at all, all things considered!

She couldn't believe she was even considering this… but Kazehana had most definitely caught Tsukiumi's interest. Still, the blonde is nothing if not cautious when it comes to her rival.

"And what does thou have in mind? Mine own efforts to get through to mine Ashikabi have proven fruitless. What could thou possibly come up with to change that outcome?"

Kazehana's smile widens into a full blown grin as she giggles a little, and Tsukiumi can already tell she's probably not going to like this. She certainly doesn't like it when the other Sekirei saunters forward and suddenly drapes an arm around Tsukiumi's shoulders, acting as if they are suddenly comrades instead of the rivals they are.

"That's just it! Apart, we've only been able to fail, Tsun-kiumi! But together… think of what we might be able to manage together!"

Nostrils flaring, Tsukiumi refrains from pushing Kazehana away. Mostly because she really is starting to get desperate at this point. Frankly, the blonde wants nothing more than to cheer Minato up, even if it means agreeing to a temporary truce with her rival in order to do so. Still, she notices that Kazehana is still being vague, purposefully so.

"… Suppose I am willing to engage in a temporary alliance with thee. What form would this alliance take? What dost thou have in mind?"

Kazehana perks up and begins to steer Tsukiumi towards her room, giggling in a way that makes the blonde Sekirei think she's making a terrible mistake.

"Oh, you'll see Tsun-kiumi. Don't worry, Minato will LOVE it!"

… He better. Tsukiumi could already tell that whatever Kazehana had in mind would test her patience and likely cause her no end of embarrassment. Still, for her Ashikabi's sake… Tsukiumi was willing to try anything at this point.


For the umpteenth time in the past half year, Minato wakes up feeling sorry for himself. It takes a lot of the young man's strength just to lift himself up and get out of bed. Only the knowledge that there are people counting on him, that his Sekirei need him to be strong, keeps him from just… lying in bed all day, wallowing in angst and guilt and self-loathing.

The Sekirei Games might be over, but at what cost? Musubi was still gone, Miya was in a catatonic state… things were shitty. And yes, Minato knew they could be worse… he just wasn't sure how.

Letting out a sigh, he begins to pull on his socks, only for the door to the room to suddenly open up. Expecting one of his Sekirei to be there to inform him that breakfast is almost ready, Minato lifts his head, hoping that the smile he plasters on his face will be believable.

However, even knowing that it had to be one of his Sekirei didn't prepare him for what he was bearing witness to. His fake smile is replaced near-instantly by shock as his jaw drops open at the sight of Tsukiumi… wearing a stereotypical sexy French Maid uniform.

Now, admittedly, Tsukiumi's usual attire was pretty sexy. One would think Minato would be so used to the scantily clad way his Sekirei dressed that it wouldn't even faze him anymore. Tsukiumi's usual attire, of a black dress with a white underdress that showed off much of her massive tits, her cleavage, and her thighs, was actually incredibly revealing of it's own accord. The shortness of her underskirt actually led to a couple of his other Sekirei labelling Tsukiumi as a 'panty flasher', though Minato would never call her that. Even though he'd been flashed by her more than once.

And yet… and yet, the French Maid outfit looks even sexier on her. Perhaps it's because it's trying to be sexy, while her other attire was just what she was comfortable in? There's no denying that Tsukiumi looks almost uncomfortable, in spite of this new 'uniform' not being all that much more revealing then her old one. All the same, her long hair is done up in a maid's bun to keep it out of her face, and she's even wearing a maid's cap to complete the entire ensemble.

Her cleavage is just as expansive as ever, but something about the slope of the uniform draws Minato's eyes to her breasts even more than her usual attire would. Once again, that might just be because he's inured to her usual attire, but all the same…

A small smile graces Tsukiumi's face as she seems to take his gobsmacked silence in a positive way. Giving a deep curtsy that causes her breasts to bounce, the blonde Sekirei bows her head submissively.

"Ashikabi, I have been sent to inform thee that breakfast is almost ready. Please finish getting ready, so that I may escort thee to the dining table."

Minato's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish a few times, before ultimately he just gives up on trying to explain it. It's better to just… yeah, go along with it. Still, he can't help his eyes straying back to Tsukiumi as he gets ready. Again and again, he finds himself staring at the usually prideful Sekirei. He wonders what could possibly have led her to set aside her usual attire for that of a servant.

Eventually, he's ready to go and Tsukiumi leads him out of his bedroom and down the hall to the dining room. As he enters it, his eyes swing over to the connected kitchen, wondering just who's on breakfast duty this morning. What he gets isn't just confirmation of who's on breakfast duty… but also an eyeful of Kazehana's entire naked back profile as the Sekirei hums, working at the stove top with her hair up for the first time Minato has ever seen it.

Without her long hair in the way, Kazehana's entire back is revealed to him… including her perfectly shaped backside, her absolutely gorgeous ass on full display as Minato chokes on his own spit for a moment before managing to tear his eyes away.

"K-Kazehana! Y-You're naked!"

As Tsukiumi guides him over to the table, Kazehana looks back over her shoulder at him and lets out a laugh.

"Well yes, it wouldn't be much of a Naked Apron without the naked part, now would it Ashikabi? Just sit down and relax. Breakfast will be served soon. Perhaps your maid can help you out a little bit in that department~"

Risking another glance over, Minato confirms that Kazehana is telling the truth… she is indeed wearing an apron, for all that that does nothing to cover up her backside. Blushing profusely, he's almost grateful to sink into his chair, since it's facing away from the kitchen. But then Tsukiumi is there in her French Maid attire, tugging him out from the table and turning his chair to face her.

"Y-Yes. Thou will assist thee, mine Ashikabi…"

Right before Minato's eyes, Tsukiumi drops to her knees… and tugs down the top of her French Maid uniform. She looks horrifically embarrassed to be doing so, even averting her gaze as her gorgeous tits bounce all over the place. Minato, who has seen the vast majority of those tits already thanks to what she usually walked around dressed in, is nonetheless gobsmacked at his first time seeing her nipples, each of them pink and perfectly positioned to cap off her beautiful breasts.

"D-Does mine Ashikabi like what thou sees?"

… This was a dream or something, wasn't it? Minato feels like he's about to swallow his own tongue as he tries to make sense of what's going on. Where was everyone else? Why was Tsukiumi acting this way? All signs pointed to this being Kazehana's doing. Had she arranged for everyone else to be out when they did this? Did she have some sort of blackmail on Tsukiumi to make the blonde go along with all of this?

"T-Tsukiumi… you don't have to do this…"

THAT gets the blonde Sekirei's attention, her head swinging back around so she can look up at him. For all that she's blushing a crimson red right now, her eyes are filled with determination.

"I want to, mine Ashikabi. Allow me this much, if it pleases thee…"

And then she's working open his pants, and before Minato knows it, she's taken his cock out. Both of them freeze in shock at that, her with her hand on his dick and Minato… just sitting there, not sure what to do. How the hell did they go from kissing to this so damn fast? Once again, the answer had to be Kazehana… but it didn't look like Tsukiumi was as reluctant or unwilling as Minato had initially feared.

The moment of indecision passes, and Tsukiumi promptly leans forward and wraps her breasts around his dick. Minato's breath hitches as she does so, and Tsukiumi gasps a little in turn as well, looking up at him as she licks her lips both nervously and hungrily.

"Does this not feel good, mine Ashikabi? Dost thou not like my b-breasts?"

It's the perfect way to ask the question, because Minato rushes to assuage her worry.

"N-No! No, it f-feels great, Tsukiumi. I…"

"Good. This one is mine Ashikabi's humble servant. Please, use thine maid to thou's heart's content."

A shiver runs down Minato's spine as Tsukiumi begins to slowly slide her breasts up and down his length. For a moment, it's just the two of them… and then Kazehana's voice calls out from the edge of the kitchen, revealing that she's not only been eavesdropping, but peeping on them both the entire time.

"Don't forget to use a little spit for lubrication, Tsukiumi dear~"

The blonde 'French Maid' whips her head around and gives Kazehana a death glare, leaving the other Sekirei to giggle and prance back to her cooking. Minato tries not to be drawn to the sight of her bouncing jiggling ass as it skips back over, but it's a hard thing. Still, he's most definitely drawn back around to Tsukiumi when she takes Kazehana's advice after a moment, drooling a long string of saliva down onto Minato's cock from above, slickening the passage of his dick between her breasts.

A low groan passes through Minato's lips, and he shudders as he has to reach out and grab the edge of the table for support. This is… this is all so much. Too much really, too fast. Is it any wonder then that he can't hold back? He only even realizes what's happening a moment before it does, and he tries to warn Tsukiumi, tries to let her know so she can back away.

"T-Tsukiumi, I'm getting c-close!"

… Kazehana must have told her what to do, because he can't imagine the prideful blonde Sekirei thinking up her next action on her own. All the same, rather than pulling away so she's not in the line of fire and allowing him to make quite the mess… Tsukiumi instead leans forward and promptly swallows the head of his cock past her lips, giving it a long suck and swirling her tongue around his dick tip.

With a loud groan, Minato throws back his head and cums, and to her credit, his 'French Maid' Sekirei swallows every last drop of his seed, not allowing a single ounce to be wasted, not allowing a mess to be created. By the time he's done, Minato is in a daze, still confused about how this was even happening, how the hell any of this was possible.

By the time he recovers from his momentary stupor, Tsukiumi has pulled back, his cock softening as it leaves her mouth and the soft valley of her tits. Meanwhile, Kazehana has finished up breakfast, and the Sekirei brings it over on plates for all of them. But instead of setting said plates down at each of the chairs around the dining table, she puts them all in front of Minato.

And then, she promptly sits down in Minato's lap. Though, that's not quite right. Instead the Sekirei, performing her best Naked Apron, slips her perfectly proportioned posterior down in such a way that his cock ends up nestled between her ass cheeks. Slowly moving back and forth, she gives him an assjob that gets him fully erect in no time at all.

Blushing up a storm from the raunchy treatment, Minato tries to find an excuse for why this can't possibly continue. In the end, the one he comes up with is weak, even to his ears.

"K-Kazehana… I can't e-exactly eat like this…"

"You're exactly right, Ashikabi."

He's surprised when she agrees with him, though even then, she doesn't stop what she's doing. Instead, Kazehana smirks as she looks over her shoulder.

"But then, that's what you have a maid for, is it not?"

Minato opens his mouth to respond, only for Tsukiumi to shove a fork full of breakfast into his waiting maw. Looking to the blonde Sekirei, he sees that she's just as determined as ever, for all that she's horrifically embarrassed. Her tits are still out too, framed by the pulled down top of her uniform, leaving her blush to travel all the way down to her naked chest.

"Indeed, mine Ashikabi. Allow me to assist thee…"

Kazehana is naked from the back and Tsukiumi is half-naked in the front. Minato can't help but feel a little overwhelmed, even as the blonde proceeds to feed him by hand while Kazehana slides her ass cheeks up and down his cock, using her butt to hot dog his dick to her heart's content. It was sensory overload at it's finest, and Minato wasn't sure how to act, let alone react.

But… there was something to the young man that had made him a respectable Ashikabi candidate in the first place. There was a reason that he'd attracted so many Sekirei, at the end of the day. He wasn't the wimp that so many wrote him off as at first glance. It just… took a bit to awaken his true inner strength.

As much as Tsukiumi's tits right next to him and Kazehana's ass wrapped around his dick were spectacular, the homecooked meal was actually a fairly decent distraction, and Minato HAD already cum once before. So, he's almost done with breakfast before he feels his release rising in him once again. Once again, he endeavors to warn Kazehana of what's about to come.

"Kazehana… I'm going to cum soon!"

His other Sekirei reacts much as he expects Tsukiumi to, until she doesn't. At first, Kazehana pulls away, promptly removing her ass cheeks from around his cock. But then, before Minato can jizz all over the floor or god forbid, the wall, she spins around and drops to her knees, wrapping her hands around his dick and putting her mouth on the head of his cock.

Yet again, Minato cums in one of his Sekirei's mouths, starting to wonder if they have an oral fixation of some sort as a general rule. It would make sense, given how kissing was fundamentally part of what tied them to him, as well as letting them release their true power. Regardless, Kazehana drinks down his load even more greedily then Tsukiumi does, and when she's done, Minato is feeling rather drained.

And yet, as he stares at his two Sekirei, one dressed as a French Maid with her tits out and the other wearing nothing but an Apron that says, "Fuck Kiss the Cook", Minato knows they're not done with him. But all that said… the young man has to think fast if he doesn't want to be drained dry and left on the edge of death.

"B-Bend over."

Both of his Sekirei jolt at that, blinking at him as if surprised at what he's said. Minato flushes, but nevertheless repeats himself, trying to push every bit of confidence he can into his tone.

"Bend over the t-table. Both of y-you."

Tsukiumi and Kazehana share a look, with Kazehana giving Tsukiumi a raunchy grin that says, 'I told you so'. Blushing profusely, the blonde Sekirei nevertheless joins Kazehana as both of them bend over the edge of the dining table, right in front of him. Slowly, Minato stands up. His cock twitches a little bit but is still soft. He needs more time to recover… and what better way then by giving back to these beautiful, gorgeous women?

In for a penny, in for a pound, Minato supposed. And so, he walks up to Tsukiumi's shapely behind, clad in the skimpy skirt of the French Maid's uniform. He hikes her skirt up a bit more, feeling her tense as he exposes her panty-clad ass. He yanks her panties down to her knees, and she trembles, clearly convinced he's about to fuck her.

And then Minato drops to his knees and without further ado, not letting himself hesitate for even a moment, he leans forward and dives in to Tsukiumi's muff, sliding his tongue along her slick wet pussy lips and then up into her cunt itself.

The blonde Sekirei jolts as he begins to lick her slit with his inexperienced tongue. She gasps and then lets out a low, wanton moan, quivering and shaking as he feels a fresh spray of her pussy juices coat his mouth. Did she just experience some form of mini-orgasm from the realization that he was eating her out? Maybe there was something to his working theory about Sekirei and oral fixations after all. It seemed even cunnilingus was a trigger for them.

Not entirely sure what he's doing, but in far too deep to back out now, Minato licks and slurps at Tsukiumi's cunt. At the same time, one of his hands comes up under his chin and cups her mound, his fingers playing with her clit and her slit and augmenting his tongue's efforts, or so he hopes. His other hand goes down to his cock, where he jerks his softened shaft, trying to get back to fully erect.

He's no super human or anything like that, but he's not going to stop until he's given his Sekirei what they so clearly need. That means fucking them both at least once… but first, he's going to use his tongue to get them off to the best of his limited abilities. He's very inexperienced… but he's always liked to think of himself as a fast learner.

"A-Ashikabi! Thy t-tongue… a-ah, p-please!"

Tsukiumi certainly seems to be enjoying herself, even as Kazehana watches on, a mixture of amused and bemused.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Ashikabi. Give it to her Mi-na-to~ Give her your tongue, hehe~"

And give it to her he does. He eats Tsukiumi out until she finally orgasms, and by that time, his cock is rock hard and ready for Round Three. It seems insane, that he's about to fuck one of his Sekirei after they both got him off in their own ways once apiece… but here he is, grabbing Tsukiumi by the hips and slamming into her from behind.

The blonde 'French Maid' lets out a squeal followed by a loud, long wanton moan as he finally penetrates her from behind. Acting purely on instinct, Minato reaches around to Tsukiumi's front and grabs her naked tits as well, even as he pounds into her, pushing her up against the table, fucking her nonstop as hard as he can.

It doesn't feel like enough at first, but then Tsukiumi's voice gets more and more intense, and it becomes clear that even if Minato feels inadequate… his Sekirei certainly don't feel the same way. He's afraid that he's not good enough, that his dick isn't big enough, that he doesn't have the physical strength to give Tsukiumi what she craves.

But if you didn't know any better, you'd think this was some mind break hentai doujin and he had a foot long cock that was absolutely stirring up Tsukiumi's insides and driving her insane. He didn't have the foot long cock, but it definitely seemed like, from her reactions, that he was managing all the rest. Her usual dignity, poise, and pride are nowhere to be seen as the dining table rocks a little bit with the force of his thrusts. Not much, but Tsukiumi treats it like he's fucking the ever-living hell out of her, and her cunt clenches as she cums around him what feels like again and again and again.

Needless to say, Minato eventually spills his seed inside of her, filling her with his third load of the day. He can only hope it's enough to satisfy her but judging by the way she shudders in blissful happiness before slumping face down on the dining table, he's done a good job. All the same, the young man pulls out of Tsukiumi and looks to Kazehana next.

Once again, his cock has flagged… he'll need some time to recover. But that's okay, because he wasn't about to eat out Tsukiumi without doing the same for Kazehana. However, unlike Tsukiumi, she's no longer bent over the dining room table. Instead, the other Sekirei has turned around and removed her apron altogether, tossing it aside as she sits on the edge of the table, gripping it with both hands and splaying her legs apart quite lewdly.

For a moment, Minato just stares at the incredibly erotic sight wordlessly… then, because Kazehana is grinning at him knowingly, he moves in and gets to work between her legs as well.

It's not like it was with Tsukiumi though. For one, he can look right up into Kazehana's eyes as he begins to lavish her slit with worship, worming his tongue back and forth along her cunt lips. She smiles down at him, heavily lidded, and places a hand atop his head, lacing her fingers through his hair.

"Mm, that feels really, REALLY good, Ashikabi. Go on then, keep licking… and when you're ready, you can give me the real thing~"

With that in mind, Minato once again slowly jerks himself off as he eats out Kazehana. His cock, beleaguered from three releases at this point, nevertheless begins to rise once more, like a fighter willing to come back for another round again and again against all odds. It helps that Kazehana is so damn sexy. Her "Fuck Kiss the Cook" apron was admittedly very hot and arousing but having her completely naked is even better.

Her nipples are a bit bigger than Tsukiumi's, while still capping Kazehana's large breasts perfectly. They're also currently fully erect, her teats rock hard as they stand out from her tits. It makes Minato just want to… want to suck on them, to nibble and bite and slurp at her breasts with wild, reckless abandon.

… Is he a breast man, or an ass man? Maybe… maybe both? Flushing a bit, Minato continues to eat out Kazehana. Surprisingly, she's much harder to make cum then Tsukiumi, and by the time he manages it, Minato's jaw is a little sore. He would have expected her to be the easier of the pair, but apparently a pervert knows more about holding back their release and edging themselves, or something.

Either way, he makes sure that Kazehana experiences an orgasm, and his cock is rock hard and ready for one final round before he finally lifts himself up and grabs hold of his Sekirei by the thighs. With Tsukiumi laid out on the table next to them, Minato lines up and thrusts into Kazehana's cunt, filling her with his cock as she gasps and moans in wanton enjoyment.

"That's right, Ashikabi. Give it to me~ Give it to me just like you did her… well, not JUST like. Have me as you will~"

Her twinkling eyes and teasing grin make it clear Kazehana knows exactly what Minato wants. And if she knows, what's the point in him holding himself back? Leaning forward, he takes one of his Sekirei's nipples in his mouth, while his hands reach up and grab both of her tits by the base, giving them a good, hard squeeze.

Kazehana's wanton moaning reaches new heights as he fucks her while sucking on her breasts, moving from one to the other as he lavishes them with praise, nibbling and lapping at her big ole titties to his heart's content. Both of them… both of them are far too good for him. Kazehana and Tsukiumi… they really did all of this just to finally make a point, he supposed.

They were supposed to be his Sekirei, and he their Ashikabi. But he'd been too uncertain, too nervous, and in more recent times, too morose to make a move. Now, it seemed that his Sekirei had decided to make the move for him.

Eventually, Minato cums inside of Kazehana, creampieing her just as he did Tsukiumi. He fills her to the brim, and the moment he's done, he feels the fatigue begin to hit him. He stumbles, his legs wobbling, and both Kazehana and Tsukiumi have to catch him.

He'd definitely gone a bit too far, but… well, it'd been worth it. As far as first times go, Minato wasn't expecting his to be a threesome with two of the most gorgeous women he's ever met… but hey, he wasn't complaining. Just doubting whether he deserved it. The two Sekirei spend the rest of the day tending to him, seeing to his needs, helping him relax. There's no more sex, but just… pampering and comfort, with Tsukiumi playing the part of maid whenever Kazehana reminds her of her 'role'.

It's only later that evening, as he finds himself falling asleep sandwiched between Kazehana and Tsukiumi, their massive tits practically wrapped around his head, that Minato realizes it's the first day in a long time when he hasn't spent the majority of it thinking about Musubi. In fact, he barely thought about her at all.

He's… not sure if he should be feeling guilty or not about that. Is it wrong to let himself be happy? Is he setting aside Musubi's memory by not spending all day every day thinking about her? Or… has he been neglecting his other Sekirei too much because of his depression?

In the end, surrounded by pillowy comfort, Minato can't help but fall asleep… and his slumber is the best he's had in a long, long time.


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