Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The White Fang Win (RWBY)

The White Fang Win (RWBY)

A/N: The White Fang Win was a commissioned one shot that originally came out back in March of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: A Bad End AU where the White Fang have a secret weapon in the form of a brilliant recruit. Vale never stood a chance, and it's the women of Vale who suffer the most for it.

Themes: Master/Slave, Bondage, Dom/Sub


They'd done it. They'd actually won. The White Fang… had come out on top. Obviously, no one thought they'd succeed. Even he, Adam Taurus, hadn't imagined they would get to experience success on these levels. Breaking the SDC's back across their knees, destroying the dust camps and freeing the Faunus Laborers within them?

Yeah, sure. That was simple enough, well within the scope of Adam's operations. As were things like the mission to attack the train carrying dust to Vale. But Vale itself? Conquering an entire Kingdom with nothing but his single White Fang Cell of about fifty to a hundred Faunus? Needless to say, that had seemed a little further out of reach.

Until suddenly, it wasn't. And it was all thanks to one single faunus recruit. The young male faunus, a mouse faunus named Jasper, had proven pivotal to their plans going off in a way that still had Adam utterly baffled at their level of success. But for all his shock that they'd managed to pull it off, the White Fang leader had not been hesitant in seizing onto their advantage with both hands and securing their victory with every fiber of his being.

On their blood, sweat, and tears was this conquest possible… well, that and young Jasper's programming skills. The faunus boy was incredible with computers and robotics… and in the end, that had made all the difference. Coming up with his own virus, he'd fed it into the robotic fleet that Atlas was sending to watch over the Vytal Festival taking place in Vale… and had assumed Direct Control.

From there, with an entire fleet of incredibly powerful robots at their beck and call, the White Fang had gone from being a nuisance and a terrorist cell to a legitimate invading army with the snap of their fingers. The Kingdom of Vale had been expecting to be reliant on Atlas' robot army for it's security, and to have it suddenly turned against them… well, their hunters and huntresses were summarily overwhelmed in short order, to be sure.

Of course, it'd been Adam's idea to have some of the robots broadcast a message recorded by him personally, telling all Faunus to take up arms and join the cause if they were tired of being oppressed, tired of being insulted and discriminated against by the humans who kept a boot on their necks no matter what.

Unfortunately, not every Faunus had taken him up on that offer. Vale was subtler about their oppression of his kind then say, Atlas was, leaving lots of Faunus thinking that they weren't even BEING discriminated against on a daily basis. Adam knew they were wrong of course, but he had no way of convincing them of it… save through force.

Still, enough Faunus did answer the call and join the cause, and from that, Adam's White Fang cell ballooned from a hundred members at most to five hundred in a single day. The day after that, when it became increasingly clear that the robot army the White Fang now controlled were taking over the Kingdom piece by piece, even more Faunus joined up as even more humans surrendered.

The day after that, Beacon fell, and their victory was assured. That was when Adam began making changes, of course. As the head of the White Fang in Vale, he'd done the usual things when one overthrew a government. They'd executed the Council of Vale, as well as Headmaster Ozpin. They'd changed laws to benefit Faunus more than humans. It was only right, after all. Faunus who still weren't part of the White Fang were given a choice of joining or being considered the enemy… most did join at that point, swelling their numbers even further.

But one of the biggest things Adam had decided to institute, giving an entire speech about it to all of Vale that he'd punctuated by removing his mask and revealing the SDC logo imprinted over one of his eyes… was to re-institute slavery. Vale was no stranger to slavery, just like the other Kingdoms weren't. They had a long and storied past of enslaving faunus.

This would be different however, because this time around, the faunus were in charge and it was the humans that would be enslaved. Not every human though, Adam had cheerfully told the recording devices. Only the humans that stood against them were enslaved… along with a few specific faunus traitors as well.

Sat in the office of the dearly departed Headmaster of Beacon, having turned the Academy into the White Fang's base of operations and his palace, Adam smiles as he flips through some screens, watching certain delicious scenes play out before his eyes.

On one screen, the events in the central city plaza are playing out. After conquering Beacon, most of the human male hunters had been killed like Ozpin. The women however, had almost all been captured, both teachers and students alike. Stripped naked and chained up with aura-suppression collars around their pretty little necks, they'd been marched through the city and brought to the plaza.

There, they'd been publicly 'renamed' to a number and given a grade on their qualities as a slave, ranking from S to F ranks. This was in turn written on them in marker in an appropriately humiliating spot, such as one of their tits or their bellies, before they were branded with the symbol of the White Fang on their asses. They were then chained up and put on display for bidding to begin.

It wasn't like Adam had come up with all of this, to be quite clear. All of these slavery practices were drawn straight out of Vale's history books and records. This was how the HUMANS had done things back when they'd treated his faunus ancestors as nothing more than property. It was only right, in Adam's humble opinion, that they receive a taste of their own medicine.

Regardless, as he takes in the view of the gorgeous beauties lined up and waiting to be sold to the highest bidder, Adam's eyes flicker down as he watches the digital bidding really ramp up for each of them. Then, he sees it. Someone bids five million lien on two of the slaves for sale and the auction on those two is finished immediately.

Adam hums as he brings up their bios. Ruby Rose, a young prodigy accepted into Beacon years early… and Glynda Goodwitch, the Deputy Headmistress and a gorgeous femme fatale besides who had only been captured because his troops had threatened her students if she didn't comply.

Chuckling, he swipes the bios away. He can only hope that Jasper will enjoy his new toys, one young and likely virgin and one older and more mature. It was the least Adam could do after Jasper's pivotal contribution to their victory. In the wake of their unfathomable success, Adam had known that he needed to keep Jasper loyal… and so, he'd offered the boy 'credit' of a sort.

Basically, Jasper was allowed to choose any two slaves from the slave auction for his own personal use. Those choices would come in the form of the five million lien bids, truly an unfathomable sum that Jasper didn't really have… but in this case, definitely didn't need.

Regardless, the faunus boy had made his choice, and as Ruby Rose and Glynda Goodwitch are taken away from the plaza, Adam watches on the screen as a blonde bombshell shouts and screams, telling them to 'bring her sister' back. Despite her naked nature, this… Yang Xiao-Long is certainly a fighter. If no one else buys her, Adam might just have to take her for a spin at some point…

Pushing on from that, Adam turns to another camera, and the sight upon it makes a truly wicked grin spread across his face. There, in front of what was once the Vale SDC Building, Weiss and Winter Schnee were prominently shown, locked into their own respective pillories. Considered property of the new government, neither of them were to be sold at the auction. Instead, their fate was to be used freely by any member of the White Fang to take revenge on.

Though, of course, officers got first dibs before the grunts. As he watches the two sisters get spit-roasted and defiled on the screen, Adam muses on taking his own liberties with them. He was, after all, the highest ranking officer. Deflowering a helpless Weiss Schnee while her bound sister had screamed and railed at him, before then fucking Winter Schnee bent over with her face ground into the dirt and her ass forcibly lifted into the air… had certainly been one of the highlights of Adam's week so far.

After having his way with the two Schnee sluts, he'd gladly sent them off to begin their 'reparations' to the White Fang. In a way, many probably thought of the Schnees as the crowning jewels of Adam's conquest. Privately, Adam didn't agree… but then, no one needed to know that.

Chuckling darkly, Adam turns his attention away from that screen as well. He's about to look down when a call suddenly comes through his scroll. Humming as he sees who it is, Adam answers the call, and a familiar face appears on the other end as he sits back and steeples his fingers together.

"… Taurus."

Inclining his head semi-politely, Adam just grins.


The High Leader of the White Fang, currently all the way back in Menagerie, narrows her eyes at that show of casual disrespect. And yet, Sienna Khan doesn't actually say anything. To call him out on it would be to reveal the sudden power disparity that exists between them. Adam's army, augmented by the robots that Jasper had stolen for him, was even stronger than Sienna's total combined forces now.

Of course, the fact that she DOESN'T call him out and take him to task is in and of itself a show of weakness. Gritting her teeth and clutching at the arms of her thrones, Sienna's nostrils flare.

"I called to… congratulate you on your success in Vale. I've heard they're still trying to decide whether to call you King or President."

Adam chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, a magnanimous smile on his lips.

"I can't take all of the credit. Without the steadfast loyalty and devotion of my men, I wouldn't be where I am today, that's for sure."

He's not just praising his people (and more specifically Jasper) but also subtly insulting her at the same time. Sienna might have heard about Vale, but Adam has in turn heard about Menagerie and the challenges that the White Fang High Leader is currently facing to her rule. After all, his operation in Vale was technically unsanctioned. If he'd failed, Sienna would have happily raked him over the coals. His success wasn't in her plans.

The Albain brothers, on his orders, were already inciting unrest. Soon enough, Sienna would be deposed, and if she was lucky, she would live under HIS control. Meanwhile, Adam would be able to move on Menagerie next, uniting the unofficial Faunus Kingdom with his own Conquered Kingdom of Vale and expanding his power further still.

But of course, Adam doesn't tell Sienna that. As the High Leader struggles with her anger and frustration in the face of his success, Adam just smiles some more.

"Thank you for the call, Khan. But of course, we're quite busy over here. Hopefully you and I can talk again soon."

And then he ends the call, not even giving her a chance to respond. And not a moment too soon either, because a second later a loud groan is leaving Adam's throat and he's tilting his head back as he places his hand beneath the desk and between two brown bunny ears, driving Velvet Scarlatina down his cock as he begins to cum.

"That's it you little traitor bitch… drink it all down."

Yes, while others might think that Weiss and Winter Schnee were the gems of his crowning achievement and that he was quite the magnanimous ruler for sharing them as he did, Adam felt otherwise. The Schnee sisters were a pair of cunts that were so far beneath him he may never touch them again. On the other hand, a certain pair of faunus huntresses who had betrayed his kind… now THEY deserved his personal, special attention.

Pushing Velvet off of his cock, Adam pushes back from the desk and stands up, even as the chained naked rabbit faunus crawls out from under his desk and back over to her corner 'bed'. Like the other new slaves, Velvet has the White Fang brand on her ass cheek… but she also has a special symbol branded into her upper chest, above her gorgeous tits, a symbol that brands her as a traitor to her own kind.

Only one other faunus in the entire city has it… and she's currently hanging from the ceiling of his office, hog-tied and helpless as she swings back and forth. Approaching, Adam grabs Blake Belladonna by the hips and spins her so that her ass and cunt are facing him. Then, without responding to a single muffled angry scream through her ball gag, he thrusts forward, impaling her pussy on his cock. After a heart-felt groan, Adam begins to fuck his ex-girlfriend turned sex slave. Only then does he speak.

"Still such a bad girl, aren't you Blake? Can't trust you to be good like I can Velvet over there. She knows her place, but you… you'll fight me for some time yet."

Velvet really had broken fast. Despite being a year older than Blake, and with a year more of huntress training as a result, she was submissive at heart and easily frightened. She hadn't even fought him at first, not like Blake had, merely stiffened up and cried silent tears as he'd taken his pleasure from her. Days later, Velvet Scarlatina was downright eager to please him, eager to make him happy with her.

Blake Belladonna on the other hand, his old love turned traitor… was still a vicious she-cat intent on pissing him off and spitting in his face at every opportunity. Certainly, Adam wasn't going to be putting his dick near her mouth and teeth any time soon. In the meantime however, he was happy to fuck her and slowly break her down.

Reaching around her swinging form, Adam smiles as he pinches and pulls her nipple out from her body, while fucking her from behind.

"I learned this from Vale's own records, you know. They wouldn't want it to be known, but they had detailed instructions on how to train unruly faunus sex slaves. According to them, I just have to fuck you until your heat starts and then keep fucking you, and by the end of it you'll be all broken in."

Adam hums, and then shakes his head.

"I hope that's not true, Blake. I hope that's just more casual human racism on their part. But… I suppose we'll find out, won't we? We both know your heat is already beginning…"

Blake gurgles through her ball gag as her back arches and she reluctantly cums around his pistoning cock. Smiling grimly, Adam doesn't let up on fucking her, not even for a moment.

This… this is just the beginning.


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