Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Hilichurl Supremacy (Genshin Impact)

Hilichurl Supremacy (Genshin Impact)

A/N: Hilichurl Supremacy was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Amber is sent out on what should be a simple search-and-destroy mission regarding a tribe of Hilichurls. Mona, ever poor and starving, ends up tagging along as a simple and easy way to earn some mora. But nothing is ever as simple as it seems...

Themes: Monster Sex, Mind Control, Master/Slave


"Alright, looks like we're here!"

"Oh great… a dark hole."

Amber tries not to let it get to her, keeping the smile affixed to her face even as she looks to her traveling companion with her most earnest expression.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want to, Mona! I can handle a bunch of Hilichurls myself, no problem!"

In response, the aforementioned Mona scowls, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

"You know why I'm here, Outrider! There's no reason to rub it in!"

Giggling, Amber just shrugs. Really, she hadn't been rubbing it in… much. But in the end, this had been their back and forth for pretty much the whole way here, and even an upbeat girl like Amber had her limits at the end of the day. Mona's personality was grating and abrasive by it's very nature, and quite good at finding said limits.

The two young women really couldn't be any different, at the end of the day. Amber was an Outrider, the only Outrider in the Knights of Favonius in fact, which meant she was always out here in the wilderness, willing to get down and dirty to protect Mondstadt from the numerous threats always cropping up in the region. She practically ate Hilichurls like the ones they were dealing with today for breakfast, and she did it with a cheery smile on her face at all times!

Mona Megistus, meanwhile, very clearly didn't belong out here, roughing it with Amber. An astrologer affiliated with Hexenzirkel, an organization of mages, Mona was described by all who knew her as very prideful… and very poor. According to what Amber had heard about the other woman, Mona refused to use her astrology for a profit, apparently too passionate about it to turn it into a paying career, or something.

And yet, she spent every single mora she earned on it, apparently. Which left her in a bit of a bad spot at all times, her lack of money leaving her living quite the erudite lifestyle, one that meant she was constantly struggling from month to month.

That was, in fact, why she was out here right now with Amber, standing in front of the entrance to a dark cave that was more than likely filled with Hilichurls based on the tribal iconography they found around the cave entrance. She was stuck here because she didn't have the funds to make it through the month without taking some sort of side job. She was desperate enough to join up with Amber on this little expedition, and Amber was too kind to say no to her, at the end of the day.

Besides, for all that Mona was a pain in the ass, she was also an accomplished spell-caster. Despite her caustic personality, she would still likely make clearing out this Hilichurl encampment twice as fast!

"Well… I suppose we might as well head in now."

Amber's carefree words are met by another groan from Mona.

"Do we have to?! It looks so dark and damp in there… can't we wait for THEM to come out?"

Glancing up at the sky, the Outrider of the pair just shakes her head and points up for emphasis.

"Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you. This iconography marks this as a grouping of Hilichurls from the Eclipse Tribe. They absolutely love their rituals under the stars and the moon… but right now it's completely clouded over, and this weather isn't due to go anywhere for the next few days. Meaning, the starry night won't be visible for at least another week and the Eclipse Hilichurls will likely be largely hibernal for that time."

As she finishes her explanation, Mona just gapes at her, eyes wide and mouth opening and closing soundlessly. Amber feels a spark of pride at that. She really does know her stuff, despite many people seeing her and thinking she's just a dumb, wild child because she's an Outrider. The 'raised by wolves' jokes have worn a little thin, even for an upbeat girl like her.

Of course, rather than acknowledging Amber's intelligence and altogether valuable skill set, Mona quickly rallies and the astrologer sniffs haughtily, turning her nose up into the air.

"Well, of course! If the stars WERE visible, I wouldn't be out here with you in the first place, I would be back home, preparing for a night of RESEA-!"


Her cutting remarks are subsequently entirely undercut by Mona's stomach choosing that moment to do a rather startlingly good impression of a big predator as it growls in protest. Stopped in her tracks, Mona blushes profusely, holding her stomach as she winces in clear hunger pains. Amber stares at her for a moment, before reaching down to her belt and pulling out a ration. She hands it over to the astrologer, who reluctantly takes it and begins nibbling on it, even her pride seeming to have its limits.

Just as, at the same time, Amber's politeness has its.

"Somehow, I doubt that."

The final comment, tossed over the Outrider's shoulder back at her current mission partner, is far more cutting then anything Mona could have said and shuts the proud young woman up completely as they finally descend into the cave where the Eclipse Tribe are clearly making a home.

This was a milk run anyways. Just a bunch of Hilichurls, and Amber really COULD have handled this all on her own. Still, just like she was willing to share her rations, she was willing to share her mora with Mona as well. Because she was a nice person like that.


"On your left!"

With one final attack, the last of this latest grouping of Hilichurls drops. As Mona pants a little, leaning on her staff for support, even Amber has a small frown on her face. Looking back the way they came, there's just a dark passageway. Looking forward, it's sort of the same.

"… This place is like a maze…"

Amber's murmured words cause Mona to pipe up.

"A-Are Hilichurl Encampments usually this big?"

Under normal circumstances, Amber would take some satisfaction in the astrologer acknowledging her skill set by asking such a question. But in this situation…

"No. No they are not. This is getting a little ridiculous…"

"Should… should we turn back?"

Amber considers it for all of a moment before shaking her head.

"Best not. We need to at least know what's going on here first. And if there is something at work here, we can take the information back for more mora, at the end of the day."

That gets Mona's attention, the spell caster perking up a little at that, even getting her second wind.

"R-Right! Then… lead the way!"

And so Amber does. Down another dark passageway, deeper into the cave system that they've found themselves in. Just from the entrance, one wouldn't expect the Hilichurls to have excavated quite so damn much, but appearances could be… deceiving to be sure. This was much more than Amber expected when she took this job. More than it should have been at that. The possibility of an increase in reward wasn't just some false hope that she was dangling in front of the starving astrologer's face to keep her moving. That was just an added bonus.

Eventually, the dark passageway begins to open up a bit more. It seems like they might actually be getting somewhere, finally. A bit more pep in her step, Amber races ahead a little, and slowly but surely, as they descend down a slope, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The Outrider stops well ahead of it of course, waiting for Mona to join her. And then together, the two of them creep forward.

What they find is a massive chamber, one that seems to be used for ritual magics, but also for living. All along the walls are Hilichurl dens, filled with straw and furs and the like, as well as Hilichurls themselves. In the center of the chamber is the ritual altar, where a Samachurl, a Hilichurl Shaman stands. And finally, there's a Mitachurl as well, the most formidable warriors of any Hilichurl Tribe, easily twice the size of your average Hilichurl. Despite having fought their way all the way here, through multiple groups of Hilichurls… it's like they haven't even made a dent in this Encampment. Looking into this chamber, it's a full Hilichurl Tribe deep under the earth… a threat that Amber hadn't been prepared to face.

Just as she's turning back to tell Mona as much, to explain to her that this is above their paygrade and they need to go back for reinforcements… the astrologer takes a step forward, closer to her… and promptly trips over a rock. Letting out an involuntary yelp as she goes to the ground, Mona alerts the entire chamber beyond to their presence in an instant. Amber freezes up, only to look out at the chamber and see every Hilichurl, including the Samachurl and Mitachurl, looking in their direction.

Cursing under her breath, she reaches down and helps Mona struggle back to her feet.

"Get ready for a fight, Mona! This isn't going to be easy!"


Notching an arrow in her bow, Amber draws back the string, even as Mona begins to cast beside her. Both prepare for an onslaught of Hilichurls… that never comes. Instead, the Samachurl traces the mysterious Eclipse Symbol in the air at the same time that they're readying themselves for the fight. Said symbol suddenly takes on a life of its own, glowing brightly as it flies forward, only to smack an unprepared Mona right in the forehead.

The dark-haired spellcaster lets out a squeal as she drops to her knees. Amber's gaze darts over to her in concern, even as she lets loose her arrow, dropping one of the average Hilichurls currently approaching. The monster goes down with a yelp of its own, but it's only one of many, and it's brethren don't seem at all bothered by it's death.

Her next arrow, Amber decides, is going right into that Samachurl's mask and then she's grabbing Mona and retreating as best she can. Except, just as she's deciding on that course of action and notching another arrow, the Hilichurl Shaman finishes etching another glowing Eclipse Rune in the air. It flies towards her, and with a squeak, Amber abandons her own attack in order to dodge, NOT wanting to find out what had disabled Mona.

As she does so however, she effectively throws herself into the arms of the approaching Hilichurls. Her bow arm is grabbed by what seems like half a dozen hands, and the rest of her is rapidly snatched up and lifted into the air as well.

"N-No! G-Get off of me!"

Fighting and eating meat were commonly understood to be the two most important things to Hilichurls, so Amber truly did believe she was fighting for her life. But she also knew that it was a losing battle. Was this really how it was going to end? She waited for their claws and teeth to sink into her body, waited for death to come… and was rather surprised when it didn't.

They pulled her bow away, and were beginning to tug at her clothes, but there was a distinct lack of maiming or killing going on. Furthermore… there were the moans of a woman coming from right beside her. Twisting her head to look past the press of Hilichurl bodies, Amber can make out Mona, still on her knees. The glowing symbol of the Eclipse rests upon her brow, while the astrologer herself is making the most ridiculous, uncharacteristic face that Amber has ever seen on any woman before.

Eyes crossed, mouth open, tongue out, Mona's face is flushed red as she runs her hands up and down her body rather than using them to cast magic that might get them out of this mess. It's clear that whatever the rune is doing to her, it's intense. Seemingly sensing Amber's gaze, Mona uncrosses her eyes long enough to look over at her with a rather dopy grin.

"It's fiiiine, Amber. J-Just think of all the mora we'll get for servicing so many handsome, strapping lads!"

What?! Amber's bewilderment is just starting when suddenly, the circle of Hilichurls holding her down parts and she's brought face to face with the Samachurl from before. The Eclipse Shaman seems almost annoyed in his movements a he jabs his staff in her direction, another glowing symbol forming in the air and flying her way at what is effectively point blank range. Held down and unable to get away this time, Amber can do nothing but cry out as the symbol strikes her forehead.

She slumps in the arms of her captors for a moment… and then it's like her eyes have been opened for the very first time. A wanton moan leaves the brunette Outrider's lips, and she shudders in orgasmic bliss as pure, unadulterated pleasure crashes over her like a wave. She's drowning almost immediately in an ocean of ecstasy, her mind bombarded with thoughts of service, of obedience, of devotion to her new Masters.

She fights it, of course. But then, so did Mona, more than likely. It's not long before the fight is lost and Amber's new worldview is subsequently entrenched. It's not long at all before the brunette is moaning and running her hands all over her body just like Mona was, the Hilichurls letting her go now that she's properly… tamed.

"Mona, you stupid whore… our Masters don't owe us anything for our service!"

Scowling at her, the haughty astrologer pulls down the top of her purple and black leotard, exposing her small breasts.

"Fine, you can do it for free! More mora for me!"

Obviously, Mona wasn't going to see a single mora for her 'services'. In the end, the Eclipse Symbol that now glowed upon the brow of both women had merely altered their minds until they were perfectly alright with what was about to happen next.

For someone who believed in duty above all else like Amber, a rising star within the Knights of Favonius, the symbol altered her mind until she believed her duty was to the Eclipse Hilichurls. For Mona, an independent soul always hurting for money, it made her believe she was going to make the biggest damn payday of her life, once they were done with her. Not that they ever would be.

Regardless, both girls have soon stripped themselves down to nothing as they kneel there, surrounded by the Hilichurls. The monsters bring out their cocks, and Amber and Mona moan wantonly, their tongues hanging out of their open mouths as they grope and squeeze their own breasts in a clear offering.

"Fuck us! Use our holes to pleasure yourselves, Masters!"

"My body is yours so long as the mora is good! I'll be the whole tribe's whore!"

Stepping forward, two of the Hilichurls grab them by their hair and slide cocks into their mouths. Amber and Mona are soon gagging and choking on the monster dicks, while all around them even more Hilichurls are jerking off to the sight.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

This is definitely not normal Hilichurl behavior, and if Amber was in her right mind she'd be horrified and alarmed. But right now, all Amber knows is that her masters are offering her cock, and that's what her purpose is now. To service their members with her holes, from her mouth to her cunt to even her ass, if that's what they want.

Bringing her hands up, Amber happily double fists two more Hilichurl cocks. As soon as she sees this, Mona does the same, not wanting to be outdone by the slut beside her. In Amber's eyes, Mona is a worthless whore. In Mona's eyes, Amber is a no good slut trying to steal her business. Both women know they're only here for one purpose and one purpose only… to satisfy the entire Eclipse Tribe to the best of their abilities.

With animalistic feral groans, both of the Hilichurls currently fucking Amber and Mona's throats pull out at the last second and begin to cum. They COVER the two girls in their seed, practically painting them both with the thick, viscous white jizz. They're quickly replaced by two more, however, and these prove to be even more aggressive then the last, really giving it to the two kneeling girls until involuntary tears are streaming down their cheeks, drool and saliva dripping down onto their busts in copious amounts.



The Hilichurl blowbang of the two young women continues for quite some time, with Amber putting her all into servicing the monsters that just a little while before, she'd been tasked with killing. Mona's really putting her back into it as well, the haughty astrologer seeking a big payday that will let her continue her astrology research for possible months without needing to look for other revenue streams.

Hilichurls cum on their faces and down their throats in equal numbers, until both can say they're sporting slightly bloated bellies filled to the BRIM with monster jizz, their stomachs stuffed until they're honestly both a little woozy from it. Only then do the average Hilichurls pull back, the vast majority of them having had their fill.

Those who haven't had their turn yet pull away anyways, for one simple reason… the Mitachurl has stepped forward. His massive, thick, monstrous cock is currently out and swinging from side to side ponderously, truly the biggest member that both Amber and Mona have ever seen. Beside him, the Samachurl stands as well, his own cock rather large, disproportionately sized to his much smaller Shaman-body.

For a moment, the Samachurl chitters up at the Mitachurl in their monstrous tongue, not something that either Amber or Mona understand quite yet. In response, the Mitachurl grunts… and reaches for Amber. The Outrider squeals happily as she's lifted up off the ground, one massive hand easily encompassing her thin waist as the monster pulls her into the air.

When it comes to Hilichurls, strength is everything. The Samachurl might be the Shaman of the Tribe, and might just have some form of authority, but the Mitachurl would be akin to a Chieftain of sorts. To be chosen by the strongest Hilichurl in the tribe is a great honor, and Amber says as much, even as he places his gigantic cockhead up against her slit.

"T-Thank you! Thank you for choosing me! Please, I beg of you, fuck me! Fuck your needy Outrider cunt as much as you like! I'm yours! I'm a BITCH FOR HILICHURLS!"

Amber shouts her newfound convictions up to the chamber ceiling, even as the Mitachurl begins to slowly pull her down his cock, forcing her down inch by inch like she's some sort of fleshy cocksleeve. His dick spreads her gushing, dripping wet pussy lips apart with ease, but then it has to go even further as he continues to force himself up into her, impaling her inch by inch as he goes.

Choking on her own spit, reduced to silent screaming as her eyes roll back in her head, Amber's entire body shakes and spasms as she experiences explosive orgasm after explosive orgasm, her mind melting over and over again from the pleasure.

Meanwhile, Mona just scoffs at her companion, looking up at Amber with disdain, even as she kneels there, absolutely COVERED in Hilichurl cum.

"So unprofessional…"

At the same time, the Samachurl has officially moved into position behind her. With his staff, the Hilichurl Shaman pushes Mona forward, forcing her onto her hands and knees. As she assumes the doggystyle position, the blushing, flushed astrologer looks back over her shoulder at him and scowls.

"You can stand to be a little nicer, you know! Also, I'm expecting payment at some-OHMYFUCKINGGOD!"

In the midst of Mona's prideful whorish attitude, the Samachurl leaps up, effectively mounting the bent over astrologer. He lands perfectly too, his disproportionately massive cock slipping right into her cunt as he does so. Stabbing his staff into the ground next to Mona's head, the Hilichurl Shaman uses his hold on it to stabilize his position at first as he sinks deep, DEEP into her slick wet depths.

Then, once he's good, he lets go of the staff and grabs onto Mona's hips, beginning to go to town on her as she drops from her hands to her elbows, and then all the way to the ground, yelping and squealing and shrieking as she creams herself in ecstasy right alongside Amber.

"S-So… b-big! Fuck! You're carving out my insides! You're g-gouging out a path for your b-big fat Hilichurl c-cock! You're RUINING me for normal men, oh, oh, OH!"

Having somewhat adapted to her own ravishing at this point, Amber just smiles down at Mona with a dopy, fuck-happy smile. She's so glad to see the other woman finally beginning to understand her proper place and the true majesty of the Hilichurls. Clinging to the Mitachurl that's currently using her as a sheathe for his massive cock, Amber can only moan as she presses her face into his broad chest, pushing her nose back until it's all scrunched up, her nostrils flaring as she breathes in his musk.

"Y-You smell so good~ Fuck me, Master! Fuck me harder!"

This was the fate of all women who were foolish enough to stand up against the might of the Hilichurls. Amber understood that now. She finally got it. She'd thought herself a big shot, or at least she'd liked to think she had the potential to become one. She'd been obsessed with taking on every challenging task that came her way in an effort to truly prove herself to the Knights of Favonius.

She'd been an idiot. THIS was what she was meant for. It was what every woman was meant for! As Amber's eyes roll back in her skull, her body limply pressed against the Mitachurl's massive form, she can't stop moaning, can't stop groaning. It's just like Mona had said. The Mitachurl's massive dick is carving out Amber's insides. It's gouging out a path, all the way to her womb.

In fact, even as she thinks about that, she can feel it beginning to press into her cervix with more and more insistence. The Mitachurl isn't going to take 'no' for an answer, not even from a part of Amber's body that she has no control over. With a victorious, vicious roar, the massive monster SLAMS her down on his cock again… and a moment later, he's inside of her womb itself.

Amber SHRIEKS as he begins to fuck her womb, her limp legs dangling on either side of his throbbing, pulsating meat trunk, kicking out sometimes in jolts as she's jarred back and forth. She really has been reduced to nothing more than his cocksleeve, her Master's massive Hilichurl prick punching up into her. She's not even sure she can survive this… but she wants to. She wants to be of use to him, to her Master. She wants to carry his babies, to give birth to many, many Hilichurls. That way, she can make up for all of the Hilichurls she's killed in the past.

"Breed me, Master! Knock me up! Pump me full of your seed and make me nothing but a Hilichurl breeding sow! Do it! Do it, do it, DO IT!"

As her words reach Mona, the constantly cumming astrologer shudders in orgasmic bliss, before scowling a bit. Haughty and prideful as ever despite her fucked stupid state, the cum-covered, dark-haired young woman looks back at the Samachurl still mounted atop her and fucking her into the ground.

"D-Don't think that you can j-just cum inside, alright? T-That costs EXTRA! Oh fuuuuuck~"

Eyes rolling back in her skull, Mona's haughty whorish attitude is broken a moment later as the Hilichurl Shaman hits a particularly deep spot in her drooling quim. He's not nearly as big as the Mitachurl is in cock size, for all that he's still the biggest Mona has ever had. But while that means there's no womb fucking for her, it doesn't change the fact that he's rocking her world. Truly an embarrassment for a whore to be taken to town by her client, but there's nothing she can do about it but squeal and shriek, her eyes crossing and rolling around in her head as she cums again and again for him.

Needless to say, both of the Hilichurls cum inside. It's not like they can understand what either Amber or Mona are saying in the first place. All of this dirty talk, all of Mona's griping and haughty words are nothing but wind, more for their own benefit then anything else. The Mitachurl lets out a loud animalistic groan, and begins to fill Amber with its spunk, causing the disgraced, broken Outrider to squeal as her belly bloats even further, distending outwards from the sheer amount of cum now stuffed into both her stomach and womb.

Mona gets a similar treatment, with her attempt to secure 'extra' payment for the Samachurl cumming inside quickly overtaken by her own moans and squeals. He fills her womb up too, though maybe not quite as much as the Mitachurl does with Amber. But the end result is the same, with Mona slumped face down there on the floor of the chamber, her arms splayed out on either side of her, her gaze somewhat vacant and fucked silly, a line of drool leaving her open lips.

All the while, her ass hangs in the air, twitching and trembling, her pussy lips quivering as the Hilichurl Shaman pulls out of her freshly fucked quim and leaves her where she lies, his seed slowly beginning to pump out of her. She's a monument to the Hilichurls' victory over the two adventurers… but she's not left alone for long.

While the Mitachurl walks away with a half-comatose, completely fucked silly braindead Amber still impaled on his cock, eventually sitting down somewhere to enjoy her tight cunt and womb continuing to clench and squeeze down around his member… Mona is not afforded any such courtesy by the Samachurl. The Hilichurl Shaman returns to his work in the center of the chamber at the ritual altar, leaving the face down astrologer fair game for any of the Hilichurls who have been watching all this time.

They quickly move into place, and before Mona can even fully recover from her last mind-melting orgasm, she's taking a cock in every hole, including her until-now virgin ass. Her scream of agony is plugged by the thick fat dick that's rammed into her throat, while a third Hilichurl slithers under her and pushes up into her sloppy, creampied quim with his own cock.

Four more Hilichurls move into position on either side of her, with two using her long black pigtails to jack themselves off, while the other two force her hands to wrap around their monster dicks so she can do the jerking.

As Mona is gangbanged and Amber is used as the Mitachurl's own personal fuck toy, both women know one thing for sure… they belong with the Hilichurls now. This is the only place where they should be, and getting fucked by big fat Hilichurl dick is the only thing they should be doing.


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