Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

For Want of a Goblin Slayer (Goblin Slayer)

For Want of a Goblin Slayer (Goblin Slayer)

A/N: For Want of a Goblin Slayer was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2020. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In the absence of a Goblin Slayer, Sword Maiden turns to High Elf Archer to be her hero against the goblins planning to sweep through her city. High Elf Archer agrees to help... but unfortunately, even together, the two of them aren't enough.

Themes: Gangbang, Breeding, Mind Break


"Thank you again for your assistance in this matter. You are a credit to your race."

A surge of pride rushes through High Elf Archer, her back straightening as the corners of her mouth curl up ever so slightly in a self-satisfied smile. In response to her companion's words however, she acts demure, murmuring out her response rather than taking on a boastful or loud tone.

"Of course…"

What else could she say to a woman she so greatly admired? This was THE Sword Maiden after all, not only was she the Temple of Law's Archbishop of the Supreme God, ten years ago she was a part of the party who had defeated the Demon Lord. In the end, she was quite worthy of High Elf Archer's respect. The fact that the beautiful green-haired High Elf was two thousand years old didn't really matter. That was actually quite young for her species, and in this case, age wasn't the most important factor… experience was.

As such, when Sword Maiden had beseeched her for help, telling her all about a threat of goblins to the city, High Elf Archer had listened. How could she not, really? To her surprise, she was apparently the first to actually take Sword Maiden's words seriously. According to the poor woman, no one feared goblins as much as she did.

No matter, together, even if it was just the two of them, High Elf Archer was confident they could deal with any number of goblins. The only thing was… it was a little odd that they hadn't come across any yet.

"It's surprisingly quiet down here…"

Sword Maiden's lips purse together at that, and she silently nods in agreement, even as they continue on down into the dark cave. There had been a couple of goblins near the entrance, so they were without a doubt in the right spot. However, since then, they hadn't located any more of the little green menaces. They'd found evidence of their dwelling in this place though, so for now all they could do was continue on.

Peering forward into the darkness, High Elf Archer suddenly brightens up a little, reaching out to gently tap Sword Maiden on her bared arm.

"The tunnel opens up into a chamber a little further ahead. Get ready for a fight."

"Ah, yes, of course."

The green-haired High Elf thinks nothing of Sword Maiden's faint tone as she pulls her bow up and draws an arrow from her quiver, notching it in. Prepared to draw back and fire at a moment's notice, she creeps forward with the Sword Maiden at her side. Together, the two of them enter the large, dark cavern. It's impossible to see much, the only source of light is Sword Maiden's glowing sword, and that only travels for about twenty feet around them.

Judging by the absence of walls and a shifting in the shadows around them, this chamber is much bigger than the glow of Sword Maiden's blade. Gritting her teeth, High Elf Archer pulls back on the drawstring of her bow, lifting it up, prepared to shoot.

"Show yourself, cowards! Meet your ends with dignity!"

She completely fails to notice Sword Maiden quivering beside her as she speaks up. But what she DOESN'T fail to notice is the reaction in the chamber. A sudden woosh of flame heralds the lighting of a good twenty torches all around them, and with the chamber light up, High Elf Archer is able to see what they're truly up against for the first time, a sight that leaves her jaw dropped and speechless in slowly building horror.

They're surrounded on all sides by goblins, but not just a group of five or ten, or anything manageable like that. At first glance, their numbers are uncountable, but after a moment of frantically darting her gaze back and forth, High Elf Archer thinks she sees at least a hundred, easily. The goblins have already cut off their exit too, blocking them in. If they want to retreat, they'll have to fight their way out.

The green-haired High Elf grits her teeth and prepares to do just that, seeing no other option. But before she can fire the first arrow, Sword Maiden speaks up beside her.

"W-Wait! We cannot fight them… we have to surrender."

High Elf Archer turns wide eyes on her traveling companion. She has nothing but respect for Sword Maiden, given her status and all she's done for their world. But… surrender? To goblins? Everyone knows that's certain death, preceded by months of torture and vile treatment. And yet… perhaps Sword Maiden knows something she doesn't? There's a faint, small smile on the blind woman's lips, as if she's got some trick up her sleeve.

Choosing to trust in the former gold-ranked adventurer, High Elf Archer slowly lowers her bow, as Sword Maiden does the same with her sword.

"We must… we must make our surrender c-clear… please, follow after me."

Slowly, Sword Maiden lowers herself to the floor, effectively prostrating herself before the goblin horde. Placing her hands palm down on the ground, she then lowers her forehead to press into the back of them. It's an act of complete subjugation… and one that High Elf Archer mimics, even as she trembles in barely contained rage and fear.

With a cackle and a whoop, the goblins all rush in. It takes all of High Elf Archer's self-control not to react as they do so, not to try and fight back until the last. She's already surrendered on Sword Maiden's orders now; she has to trust that the other woman has a plan. Though, it's impossible not to flinch when she hears goblin feet come down hard enough on her bow to snap it in two.

And then they're on her and Sword Maiden, and it's impossible to think about her bow anymore as their grubby little hands get everywhere. She's heard tales of the horrendous tortures and assaults perpetrated against female adventurers by goblins, but just hearing the stories really doesn't do the actual act itself justice. Being on the receiving end of such an assault is something High Elf Archer never wanted.

Doesn't mean it's not happening though. Her forest-green armor and garments are swiftly torn from her, piece by piece, to expose more and more of her body to the roaming goblin hands, as well as their mouths, teeth, and tongues. Her pointy ears, meanwhile, are constantly assaulted as well, even as her tits are mauled and her cunt is exposed and then played with by roaming clawed fingers on little green hands.

Shrieking and twisting this way and that, High Elf Archer can't help struggling a bit as the assault gets progressively worse. For all that she's supposed to have surrendered, she doesn't want this… she doesn't want any of this. Hopefully Sword Maiden's plan is going to come to fruition any moment now. Hopefully, the former gold adventurer knows what she's doing. Hopefully…

A quiet moan from her left catches High Elf Archer's attention, even through all of the chittering and cackling from the goblins. Twisting her head around to see what's happening, she sees the Sword Maiden in much a similar situation as herself. More and more of her dress is being torn off, the robes of her station as Archbishop nothing more than an obstacle to her goblin attackers.

Except, where High Elf Archer is yelping and squealing and shrieking in rage, indignation, and fear… Sword Maiden is quietly moaning. As goblins play with her tits and body, she's even arching her back, jutting out her chest into their hands more.

High Elf Archer can only watch in horror as Sword Maiden submits to their goblin attackers almost immediately, not even bothering to fight back or resist, instead offering complete surrender. Something they eagerly take advantage of as the torment of the two beautiful women continues apace.

Thick iron collars are brought out and secured around their necks in moments, followed by their nipples and clits being pierced. All the while, their bodies are being toyed with but never actually penetrated. There's a lot of goblin hands, but no actual goblin cocks yet. Doesn't stop them from desecrating their captives however they like though.

The piercings of their most sensitive bits are followed by little rings being inserted into their nipples and clits, which are in turn connected to ropes. Not only are their iron collars connected to chain leashes, their nipples and clits are leashed as well, pulled away from their bodies as they cry out in an ugly fashion. Except once again, there's more lust in Sword Maiden's voice then hate. More arousal in her tone then disgust and fear.

High Elf Archer is beginning to fear she made a grave mistake by placing her trust in the former adventurer, defeater of a Demon Lord or not. Even as the goblins mark up their bodies, drawing all over their exposed skin, she can only cry out, her young form not used to such treatment. Two thousand years old she might be, but High Elf Archer is still young by the standards of her race. More than that, she's virginal, having never lain with a man.

She fears that's about to change, as they're both dragged to their feet and guided over to the far end of the massive chamber, only to be forced to kneel again before a throne, upon which sits a goblin who looks far more ostentatious then his brethren.

"Goblin Lord…"

Sword Maiden's breathless muttering catches High Elf Archer's attention, even as the now labeled Goblin Lord grins wickedly.

"Well, well. Look what we got here. Two useless cunts, walking right into our layer to become breeding sows. Oh, but what's this… I can see one of you is already properly trained."

Looking over to Sword Maiden, High Elf Archer jolts. The other woman… isn't kneeling. Instead, with her hands clasped behind her back, she's currently crouching and spreading her legs nice and wide, showing off her pierced clit properly, as well as her dripping pussy lips. She's… presenting herself to the Goblin Lord like a particularly tasty piece of meat, surrendering to his will totally and utterly.

High Elf Archer knew of Sword Maiden's long past encounter with goblins. Back when the woman had still been High Priestess, her very first adventure had led to torture at the hands of goblins. But she'd gone on to save them all from the Demon Lord! She was the Archbishop, damn it! This was… surely she couldn't still be weak to goblins after all this time?!

And yet, it's so very obvious that she is. And so very obvious that High Elf Archer screwed herself by hitching her wagon to Sword Maiden's like this.

"… I never should have trusted you. Y-You're just a filthy goblin slut, aren't you?"

Rather than be ashamed or embarrassed by High Elf Archer's hissed recriminations, Sword Maiden seems only further turned on, moaning lewdly and letting her tongue loll out of her mouth as her hips shake and her pussy quivers. A moment later, she squirts all over the floor in front of them both… and that proves to be the trigger by which the goblin horde surrounding them will no longer hold back.

Rushing in, they grab the two of them and pin them down quickly, with the Goblin Lord cackling in the face of such a lack of discipline, rather than getting angry. High Elf Archer is plenty angry enough for everyone involved though, shouting and snarling and snapping her teeth at any goblin dicks who get too close to her mouth.

In stark contrast, Sword Maiden welcomes them and soon has a cock in her mouth, her cunt, and even her ass. She's also got one between her tits, and even a few fucking her long blonde locks. The voluptuous beauty welcomes her goblin attackers with open arms, clearly having never left her trauma behind. Rescuing her from goblins all that time ago hadn't truly saved her… it'd merely allowed a whorish goblin cum dump to slowly fester in the heart of their society, growing in power and prestige within their greatest religion.

To say High Elf Archer was disgusted with Sword Maiden would be an understatement… but she had her own problems to worry about. There was already a goblin fucking her, her current bound state leaving her unable to stop him as he spread her legs and just jammed it in. The loss of her virginity, two thousand years kept safe, is but a footnote in her rape and assault as she's pinned down and plowed by goblin cock.

It doesn't feel good, she refuses to say that it does. His cock might be much larger than she would have expected, as well as thick and bumpy and monstrous, but it's certainly NOT arousing her in any way, or hitting certain points deep inside of her that make her feel good. Any wetness is just her virgin blood coating his length, she's definitely NOT enjoying this.

Unfortunately, she can't hold back the horde trying to get at her mouth forever. When she keeps gnashing her teeth in an effort to make it clear she'll bite the first goblin who tries to stick his dick in, they finally get tired of that… and one socks her right in the mouth. He chips a tooth off and then grabs her by the jaw, squeezing her cheeks together and spitting in her eye.

The message is clear, that they'll gladly ruin her if they have to, probably even knock her teeth out in their entirety if she keeps trying to bite down. Rather than force them to do so, knowing the goblins depraved enough to follow through on such an unspoken threat… High Elf Archer opens her mouth willingly and submissively the next time a goblin cock begins to prod at her lips.

Cackling gleefully down at her, leering and sneering at her like she's nothing but a piece of meat, the goblin begins fucking her mouth and subsequently her throat, while at the same time a couple of his buddies grab at her green braids and wrap them around THEIR cocks. The whole lot of them are depraved, but then, she'd already known that about goblins.

There was a difference between knowing and experiencing, however. As she's pinned down and gangraped by the filthy greenskins, all High Elf Archer can do is cry out in an ugly manner which is in turn muffled and silenced by the thick, veiny goblin dick pistoning in and out of her throat. As she's fucked on her back, Sword Maiden is plowed on her hands and knees, spit-roasted between two more goblins with one mounted on her fat behind and thrusting away energetically.

Horrifically, it seems like Sword Maiden is having the time of her life. Her eyes are hidden behind her blindfold of course, but High Elf Archer can imagine them rolled back in the former adventurer's skull, watching her tongue lavish so much praise on the current goblin dick buried in her throat. It's a disgusting sight… and yet, it's beginning to feel better and better.

Is this what Sword Maiden felt, all those years ago? Is High Elf Archer doomed to follow in her footsteps and become nothing more than another slutty cum dump for goblins? The Goblin Lord had talked about making them both into breeding sows and having lost her bow, having surrendered, High Elf Archer doesn't see a way out anymore. There is no escape, not any longer.

Eventually, after their desecration continues on for who knows how long, the Goblin Lord descends from his throne. Smacking away a lesser goblin, he moves onto Sword Maiden, pinning her back in a mating press and slamming his unearthly, massive member into her messy twat in a way that displaces most of the cum she's taken so far.

"Take it, you fucking slut! Take my goblin cock!"

"Y-Yes! Yes, Master! Claim your slutty pussy! It belongs to you! I belong to you! Take me, Master! Make me your bitch!"

Cackling, the Goblin Lord proceeds to do just that, with High Elf Archer watching on in fresh horror… and burgeoning arousal, right up until one of the goblins twists her head around again and stuffs her mouth full of his cock once more. Her vision from that point on is almost always occupied by a green goblin paunch, as dick after dick descend into her throat.

But the noise of Sword Maiden getting fucked and bred by the Goblin Lord doesn't leave her, not even for a second. Even as she's filled with cum, even as she's drenched in it, she listens to Sword Maiden proclaiming her eternal loyalty and devotion to the Goblin Lord.

The sad thing is, High Elf Archer is fairly certain that the other woman didn't bring them down here solely to experience this horrific fate. The fear in Sword Maiden's voice had been palpable when they'd first spoke. It'd been real. Sword Maiden truly had wanted to end the goblin threat once and for all, her dreams convincing her that they were out there just waiting to strike.

All things considered; she'd been right to be afraid. But now it was High Elf Archer who was afraid. Afraid of how quickly Sword Maiden had snapped, afraid of how quickly she'd succumbed to old traumas. How long would High Elf Archer be able to last in comparison? How long before she too was calling the Goblin Lord 'Master'? How long before she too was begging to be knocked up and bred with goblin babies?

And really… what was even the point of fighting it? The longer High Elf Archer listens to Sword Maiden's jubilant cries of bliss and ecstasy, the more she feels jealousy and envy towards the other female, rather than horror and fear. Why fight it, when she could give in and be just as happy as Sword Maiden seems?

But no… no, she can't surrender yet. Not completely. She has to have hope. Maybe… maybe someone will come for them. Maybe they can still be saved.

But she has to admit, as goblin dicks are replaced by goblin dicks and her already well-used body begins to get fucked again by greenskin cocks, the future looks fairly bleak indeed.


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