Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Blowing Away the Stress (Star Wars)

Blowing Away the Stress (Star Wars)

A/N: Blowing Away the Stress is a commissioned one shot that was originally written back in December of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Possibly sensing Barriss' distress, or simply wanting to include her friend in her new favorite pasttime, Ahsoka takes Barriss to 79's, the clone bar, for a night of carefree relaxation.

Themes: Gloryhole, Slutty Sex, Carefree Sex


"C'mon, Barriss! We're almost there."

"Ahsoka, I'm really not sure about this. Shouldn't we be spending this time meditating at the Temple?"

Rolling her eyes, the young Togruta Padawan, tosses a carefree smile over her shoulder at her comrade, one Barriss Offee.

"It's shore leave, Barriss! We don't have to spend it ALL at the Temple. Besides, what I found is just as good as meditation!"

The Mirialan Padawan didn't look very convinced, even as their ultimate destination finally came into view. Seeing where Ahsoka was dragging her, Barriss' face further scrunches up into doubt.

"79's, Ahsoka? The clone bar?"

Looking back again, Ahsoka scoffs at her fellow Padawan.

"Not you too, Barriss. This place was around long before clones started frequenting it, and it caters to plenty of other sentients as well. But even if it is primarily a clone bar now… what's wrong with that? The clones need a place to rest and relax on shore leave too, you know! They're just as sapient as you or me!"


But Barriss' whine falls on deaf ears, the Togruta proving to be just that much more physically fit then her Mirialan counterpart. It's not that Barriss is out of shape, because he really isn't (practically no Jedi is) but there's no denying Ahsoka has the advantages of a predatory species in her lineage… as well as a Master like Anakin Skywalker to get her in and out of trouble nonstop.

They slip inside of the clone bar without much issue, their lightsabers on their waists granting them immediate access. Once inside, Barriss is quick to clam up, not wanting to offend, even as she looks around with wide eyes. There's no denying that the place is catering to a majority of clones, but like Ahsoka said, there are other sentients hanging out around the joint.

It's very obviously a military bar though, with even the non-clones mostly being officers of the Republic Army, save for a few females that are clearly there as their dates.

Barriss expects Ahsoka to drag her over to the bar, to try and ply her with drinks. She's not looking forward to having to rebuff the other girl, especially when Ahsoka is one of Barriss' dearest friends. But to her surprise, that's not where the Togruta drags her at all. Instead, Ahsoka makes a beeline for the back of the bar, specifically the latrine.

Barriss can do nothing but be dragged along for the ride as Ahsoka takes her around back, and then slips them both into a strange room with holes in the walls. As she closes and locks the door behind them, Barriss blinks owlishly, trying to take in their surroundings and figure out the purpose of this place. The room doesn't just have holes in the walls… the walls themselves are covered in graffiti and alien dialects, much of it crass from what Barriss can read.

"Ahsoka, what the heck is this place?"

Beaming, her friend just reaches over and flicks on a switch. When Barriss gives her a look, Ahsoka grins wickedly.

"Oh, don't mind me… just letting them know we're here~"

Before Barriss can ask what that means, two things happen in unison. One, Ahsoka suddenly grabs her top and shucks it off in a smooth-as-hell motion, revealing her breasts, causing Barriss' breath to hitch and her words to catch in her throat as a crush on her fellow Padawan that she thought she'd buried long, long ago, rears its ugly head once more.

The second thing that happens, though she only notices it after her shock at the first wears off, is long, thick phalluses suddenly pushing through the holes in the walls around them, many of the cocks completely identical, likely belonging to clones… but nevertheless big and long and throbbing with need. Barriss lets out a little shriek as she leaps away from the nearest wall, trembling in the middle of the room.

"S-Sithspit Ahsoka!"

Normally, the Mirialan Padawan isn't one for cursing, but THIS is a bit much, isn't it? Ahsoka just giggles though and having stripped the rest of the way down in the time Barriss is having her little freak out, walks over and promptly wraps her arms around her fellow Jedi.

"Don't worry about it, Barriss. And don't worry about being heard, either. There are sound dampeners around the holes. They can't hear anything we say to one another~ Buuuut… they will get annoyed, if we don't get to work soon."

And indeed, the cocks currently pointing at them from all directions are waving about a bit, almost like heat-seeking missiles. Barriss whimpers though, still not at all happy about this.

"This… this is NOT the Jedi Way, Ahsoka!"

She very deliberately doesn't mention her recent burgeoning doubts about the Jedi way, refraining from bringing up THAT with her friend, even as the Togruta giggles.

"I'm not so sure about that. Isn't it the Jedi Way to spread the love, so to speak? It's our duty to serve the galaxy, Barriss… well, I see a whole galaxy of cocks all around us. And besides, what's less 'attachment' then giving some pleasure through a wall, right?"

While Ahsoka speaks, her hands wander. Barriss can only whimper as the Togruta, far sluttier than she ever could have imagined, touches her all over her body, slowly beginning to expose Barriss' green flesh to the open air. Luckily, no one is around to see it but Ahsoka… but at the same time, Ahsoka is there to see it!

Still, the Mirialan Padawan can't deny that there's something… almost right about Ahsoka's words. And she's not just saying that because of how good it feels for Ahsoka's fingers to run across her dampening slit or roll over her hardening nipples.

"And besides… look down there, you see that? I'm pretty sure those were written by Masters Unduli and Secura~"

Blinking, Barriss looks down to see a rather… crass and incredibly lewd competition spelled out in the form of multiple sentences. From the look of things, it's a 'whorish Mirialan' talking shit about a 'slutty Twi'lek' and the 'slutty Twi'lek' talking shit right back. They've both got tally marks going on as well, like they're competing to see who the better cocksucker and cockfucker is.

But that doesn't mean that's her own Master, Luminara Unduli, and the Twi'lek Jedi Master, Aayla Secura. Except… what if it was?

Deep down inside, Barriss knows Ahsoka is bullshitting her, but she lets herself believe it, if only to continue receiving such wondrous touching from Ahsoka herself. When the Togruta walks her forward and they both kneel down in front of one of the glory holes, Barriss takes the clone cock in her mouth under Ahsoka's instruction and begins to suck.

It's a foreign sensation to the Mirialan Padawan, that's for sure… and yet, it's strangely illuminating after a fashion. As Ahsoka does the same with her own cock, the two of them finally 'getting to work', Barriss can't help but expand her senses, feeling the Force all around them. More than that, she feels the lifeforms all around them.

There's an undercurrent of impatience and annoyance that had developed while Ahsoka was convincing Barriss, but those negative emotions begin to go away as the two slutty Jedi Padawans get to work satisfying their current patrons. And with the swell of positive emotions, with the swell of pleasure and anticipation and desire, Barriss finds herself almost swaddled by them.

It's clear from Ahsoka's muffled moaning, as well as the schlicking sounds down betwixt her thighs as the naked Togruta crouches in front of a glory hole that she's enjoying herself very much. And if Ahsoka is enjoying herself, well, why shouldn't Barriss enjoy herself as well? It's not like there's anything in the Jedi Code that speaks out against pleasure, right?

Attachments were frowned upon within the Jedi Order because attachments to any one individual could lead one down the path of the Dark Side, provoking jealousy, greed, and fear. And all of those things could progress even further, into full-blown hatred, the stuff that made up the foundation of the Dark Side.

There was no attachment here though. Ahsoka was right. As enjoyable as this was, they were just phalluses. Feeling the general vibe of the men just beyond the wall through the Force didn't mean Barriss was suddenly anymore attached to all of them then she was to the clone troopers directly under her command, or even Ahsoka herself. In a way, it did bring them all closer together, but just because a Jedi was attachment-less did not make them emotionless. Jedi had compassion for all beings, and in a way, this helped out a lot.

A few of the cocks were differently shaped or sized, or even nonhuman and visibly not a clone cock. But the vast majority of the dicks Barriss and Ahsoka were going to town on were uniform, as uniform as the numerous identical faces that they served alongside on a near-daily basis. It felt good to give back to the clones with her body.

Perhaps that's why, when Ahsoka took things the next logical step, Barriss didn't hesitate to follow this time around. When she sees the Togruta Padawan has popped the latest cock out of her mouth and is now standing up and bending over at the waist to back up onto it, Barriss blushes… and then proceeds to do the same.

She's never had sex before, but a Jedi's lifestyle is far too active to keep a hymen intact. So while Barriss is virginal, there's nothing to push through besides her incredibly tight pussy as she backs up onto a clone cock of her own, groaning all the while. Thanks to her wetness, it's actually incredibly easy for the clone to penetrate her, while at the same time being intensely pleasurable. Barriss knows, she can feel his enjoyment through the Force even now.

She can feel Ahsoka's even more. Like a feedback loop, Barriss finds herself moaning louder in time with Ahsoka's moans. They're not just being vocal in present; they're being vocal in the Force as well. Ahsoka's 'voice' in the Force seems to almost transcend the moment itself, and Barriss feels a flash of fear that their enjoyment of this exercise might reach all the way to the Order itself.

But as in tune with one another as they are at the moment, the second that Ahsoka feels Barriss' flash of fear, she sends out soothing waves in response that calm the Mirialan Padawan down, even as she cums around her very first cock, moaning all the while.

With how tightly enclosed the gloryhole space is, it's not hard to suck and get fucked at the same time, something Ahsoka shows with her general dexterity and something that Barriss inevitably emulates. It's obvious that the Togruta is the Master here, in this moment, while Barriss is simply the Learner. So follow along she does, allowing herself to get washed away in the sense of euphoria and general accomplishment that pervades the entire scene.

Ahsoka was right, this is a lot like meditating at the Temple. Specifically, it's a bit like Active Medication, which involved physical activity while also attuning oneself to the Force. Usually, even that was a solo affair, but if you were close enough to another Jedi, then you could spar with them using practice sabers and achieve Active Meditation alongside them as well.

That was what Ahsoka and Barriss were currently doing, though with a lot more dicks and a lot less lightsaber. Swirling her tongue around the clone cock in her mouth and slamming her hips back into the one fucking her cunt, Barriss moans happily, experiencing orgasm after orgasm right alongside her Togruta friend.

Of course, eventually the men start to reach their own releases. It's inevitable that things will get a little… sticky. The first time she gets cum all over her face, Barriss isn't sure what to feel. She should be disgusted, right? Except, it happens to Ahsoka as well around the same time, and the gorgeous Togruta Padawan is overjoyed by the occasion, seeming exultant and jubilant in the experience.

So, Barriss tries to look past her disgust and find her own joy… and honestly, there's a lot to like about it, she quickly discovers. But she has to admit, her favorite part about it all is the bit where her and Ahsoka end up embracing after a couple of facials, licking one another's faces and tits clean of the cum drenching their respective upper bodies, even as they continue to bounce their hips back into two dicks sticking out of the walls on either side of the cubicle.

Time ceases to hold much meeting after a certain point, at least for Barriss. But eventually, things seem to come to a natural close. Ahsoka flicks off the switch, seemingly knowing her limits, and they satisfy the last few cocks awaiting their mouths and cunts, before finally collapsing to the floor in the middle of the cubicle, relaxing with one another after a lengthy session, hands clasped together.

Strangely enough, Barriss has never felt happier. It's as if all her doubts, all her worries… have been washed away. She no longer feels quite in danger of Falling, even, something that she'd been growing more and more concerned about in recent weeks. She feels a lot… lot better.

"Look at the two of you. I'm proud of you, Barriss."

It's nevertheless incredibly surprising when, in the midst of her happy introspection and rest, the locked door to the cubicle unlocks and opens up, revealing Master Luminara Unduli leaning against the doorway with a wide smile on her face.

Even Ahsoka is shocked, and Barriss can feel through the Force that not even the Togruta believed that silly little story she'd made up. And yet, as Luminara strips out of her robes and reveals that she's completely nude under them, it seems that there might be some truth to Ahsoka's tall tale after all.

Flicking back on the switch, the gorgeous Mirialan Jedi Master steps over both of them, giving them quite the spectacular view of her as she moves to the nearest cock that hastily appears in one of the holes. As Luminara crouches down in front of the gloryhole, both Barriss and Ahsoka look on, taking in the twinkling jewel of a butt plug that they can see nestled between her yellow-green ass cheeks.

Exchanging a glance, the two Padawans hurry back to their feet, not to be out done by the slutty Jedi Master. The night is still young, and the two young alien girls have suddenly gotten their second wind. As Luminara sucks and slobbers all over the clone cock in front of her, filling the space with her own heavy Force Presence, Barriss and Ahsoka take up positions on either side of her and place their mouths on the cocks waiting for them there.

And with a little release of attachments, at least one Jedi is saved from the Dark that night.


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