Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Tale of a Blind Man (Greek Mythology)

The Tale of a Blind Man (Greek Mythology)

A/N: The Tale of a Blind Man was a commissioned one shot originally written back in December of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Another human trespasses in the garden. And so the Gorgon stalks her prey once more.

Themes: Monster Girl Sex, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub


"Who daaaresss?"

Slithering along through the garden she's been cursed to protect, the Gorgon lets out a hissing growl, her hair of snakes resoundingly agreeing with her. But then, to be fair, both they and she can smell it on the wind. Or rather… him. There's a human in the garden once again, another male come pilfer the treasures she's forced to protect, more than likely.

Anger wells up in her breast, even as the Gorgon moves forward. All she wants is to be left alone in her torment. Is that so much to ask? Why must humans be such selfish, greedy creatures? Why must she be constantly plagued by the most arrogant, over-confident oafs of humankind? As she closes in on the scent of the man skulking through her garden, the Gorgon calls out, furious at having her peace disturbed.

"Human! You know not where you tread! It is too late to turn back now… prepare to die!"

The response she gets in turn is… unexpected.

"Gorgon? Is that you?"

Stopping up short, the Gorgon blinks, her hair blinking with her. It was not often that she herself was acknowledged. Half-woman, half-snake, she was a beautiful sort of monster, to be sure. Her bust would put any mortal woman, and some goddesses to shame. Her face, while framed by dozens of terrifying, poisonous snakes as hair, was incredibly beautiful.

Though her body eventually gave way to a massive tail, she was nonetheless gorgeous in many conventional senses… and incredibly beautiful in several unconventional senses as well. Still, she was a monster first, a woman second. And that was how everyone seemed to see her, as the Gorgon, the monster, the evil to be vanquished and stolen from.

She could not die, for she was immortal. But she could be incapacitated for a time, allowing humans to steal treasure from the garden she was cursed to protect. This had only happened once in centuries of time, but the pain that she felt through the curse regarding her loss still echoed through her body to this day. If anything, it made her crankier.

Deciding that the emotion she couldn't seem to decipher in the human's voice had to be his poor attempt at hiding his fear, the Gorgon rears up in all of her glory, smiling viciously.

"It is I, human. I come for you…"

It doesn't take her long to lay eyes on the garden's latest interloper. She's not surprised when she sees his 'setup' so to speak. Only the most foolish of mortals wandered into the garden unprepared these days. This man though, came with a blindfold, armor, a sword and shield. He was ready to fight her blind it would seem, to avoid being turned to stone by her gaze.

Not that it would help him, she would-

"I actually came here for you, you know. I've heard a lot about you."

Taken aback, caught off guard in the middle of her planning, the Gorgon finds herself blinking AGAIN in unison with her hair of snakes.


The blindfolded human just smiles and nods as she slithers around the edges of the clearing he's standing in, making sure he doesn't get a good idea of where she is. This could all be an act, after all. A way for him to get closer to her in order to… remove her so he could have his treasure.

But the human isn't even searching for her. He's not even moving his head about like some of the smarter ones who wore blindfolds would do. He's not casting his blocked gaze this way or that or trying to use his hearing to listen for her beyond a simple cocked head.

"Is it true that your beauty is unmatched, Lady Gorgon?"

That brings the snake-like monster woman up completely short. She's baffled and bewildered and thoroughly embarrassed for a moment… before she decides it MUST be a trap, and anger wells up in her breast even more, a growl leaving her throat that's followed up with hisses from all of the snakes that make up her hair.

"You seek to distract me, human."

As soon as she speaks, she circles back around behind him in near-silence, and then begins to creep ever closer, stalking in on her unmoving prey. He's not even holding his sword and shield up, the fool. Does he WANT to die?

"No. I'm legitimately interested in you. Ever since I first heard of you, I've been… enamored, to be quite honest."

He has to be lying. It's a trap of some sort, clearly. Some of the cleverer humans were like that. The one who'd defeated her and stolen from the garden all that time ago, HE had been a tricky one. He'd taught her that you couldn't trust humans, that they would betray you, given half the chance. She'd learned how to deal with the tricky ones since then… in the end, you just had to spring their traps before they could even realize what was going on.

Looming over the unsuspecting man, the Gorgon strikes. Her claws slap his sword and shield from his loose grip, while her long tail slithers up his legs. She wraps him in her coils in an instant while at the same time thoroughly disarming him right there on the spot. As soon as she has him trapped, she leans in close to his blindfolded face, grinning wickedly.

"If you're so interested in my looks, human… take off the blindfold. After all, how can you experience such beauty without sight?"

Rather than react with fear or anger or any sort of fight, the trapped man just adopts a crooked smile and shrugs his shoulders.

"I've done alright so far."

Scowling at that, assuming he's talking about his current circumstances, the Gorgon reaches up and pulls the blindfold off, prepared for turn this latest interloper to stone and go back to her rest. He was just another enemy that she'd defeated, just-

For the third time, the Gorgon and all of the snakes in her hair blink in unison. Despite the removal of the blindfold, the man in her grasp is not turning to stone right before her eyes. And no, that's not because he's got his own eyes closed tightly shut. In fact, they're wide open. Certainly open enough for his milky-white cataracts to meet her gaze unknowingly as the Gorgon realizes that the blindfold was ultimately redundant… this man was already blind.

Just as she's coming to this epiphany, the intruder springs his trap… by reaching out ever-so-confidently with a warm, searching hand that finds and squeezes one of her heavy breasts. As a shiver of pleasure from being touched intimately for the first time in centuries travels down her spine and all the way through her tail, the Gorgon hisses.


In response, the blind man just grins at her and brings his other hand up to her other breast.


He's groping both of her tits now, her fat chest captured in his hands as his palms rub against her nipples and his digits dig into her boobflesh, slowly but confidently kneading her tits to his heart's content. A whimpering mewl leaves the monster woman's throat, followed by a low growl.

"I-I can still kill you, human… my little friends are all f-fatally poisonous!"

This threat might have more bite to it, if it weren't for the fact that her hair was responding to her subconscious emotional state, rather than what she was actually saying. Which meant currently all of the snakes that made up her hair were hiding their faces in embarrassment as she was brazenly touched by this blind man.

At hearing her words, the blind man in question just smiles, not in the least bit afraid.

"Ah, that's right. They say your hair is made of snakes. May I meet them?"

As she sputters at that request, he doesn't wait for an answer, simply reaching up with the same confidence as before. His fingers brush against her cheek and for a moment, she begins to nuzzle into his hand… except he continues on, and to her bafflement, one of her snakes even responds to him, a total betrayal that will not stand!... except she doesn't try to stop it as the snake nuzzles into his hand, as his fingers pet along its scales.

"Such beauty…"

His murmured words fill the Gorgon with both embarrassment and indignation, and with a growl, she tightens her coils around his waist a bit more.

"H-How would you know?! You cannot even see?! Who even are you, to walk so fearlessly into the garden without sight?! Who are you to lack a complete fear of death?!"

Pausing for a moment in both petting her treacherous hair with one hand and continuing to fondle and mold her breast with the other, the blind man cocks his head to the side.

"Who am I? Who I am is not important. You can call me Kanenas, if it makes you feel better. As for fear… what's the point in fearing death? I do not fear death, because death has no power over me. I fear the lack of knowing. And even if I am to die here and now at your hand… at least I will have known."

He stops there, befuddling the Gorgon who purses her lips together, her brow drawing into one.

"K-Know what?"

His answering smile is beatific as the hand petting her hair descends back to her face once more, exploring the contours of her cheeks and jaw and nose.

"That the stories are true. That you are as beautiful as they say."

His other hand joins the first in caressing and exploring her face. The Gorgon freezes in place, eyes wide as he nevertheless avoids ever so much as touching them with his fingers. Her hair of snakes hide their faces again, the intimacy of the moment, of this blind yet confident man pathing out her face with his hands just too much for them.


Was it possible he was telling the truth? S-Surely this had to be a lie, right? Surely this was still a trap of some sort or fashion. She… she had to remain strong. She had to-

His mouth descends to her nipple and the Gorgon lets out a mewling cry as he flicks at her teat with his tongue, suckling quite enthusiastically. She is but a woman at the end of the day, with a woman's needs despite her monstrous appearance and immortality. It's been so long since a man touched her sexually, and even longer since she was touched for the sake of her pleasure. Her oh-so-sensitive breasts feel like they're on fire as Kanenas goes to town on them, suckling and slurping at each.

At the same time, she feels it. His cock, pressing against her coils. He's… he's actually aroused by her. He's aroused by the feel of her, if not by the sight of her. All he's done is feel her face and her breasts and pet her snakes. Meanwhile she's holding him fast in the coils of her lower body, keeping him restrained… and yet, he's aroused? How is this possible? And why does he feel… s-so big?

Blushing up a storm, but too curious to back out now, the Gorgon reaches down and begins to strip Kanenas of his armor and undergarments. The blind man makes no move to stop her, he levers no protest as she removes everything he has on him. There's no hidden weapons either, no last minute contingencies that he was planning to use on her once she was sufficiently distracted. No vials of poison, or hidden blades.

Once he's completely naked, the Gorgon stares down at his cock, having loosened her coils enough to see his member in all of its glory. Rock hard, Kanenas has one of the biggest cocks she's ever seen on a mortal. Which is good, because the Gorgon's cunt is no joke. She's no loose woman, nothing like that… but your average mortal member would simply do nothing for her.

Perhaps it's a bad idea, but the Gorgon is completely taken in at this point. If he still has some plan to betray her, she can't see it. He's naked, and aroused, and honestly? So is she. She's so very aroused, so very turned on…

Running his hands down from her breasts across her body, Kanenas begins searching for it… for her cunt. When he finally finds it, he uses the freedom of movement she's given him at this point to spear into her with his meat, rather than a weapon. Though, as the Gorgon is impaled on the blind man's cock, she has to admit that his massive rod might as well be a weapon. It might as well be a spear.

A loud hissing moan of pleasure emits from her lips as she's taken by this… this confident human. In a way, his confidence is intoxicating. It's arousing. It's… it's enough that she can get lost in it. As he fucks her harder and faster by the moment, the Gorgon's voice grows louder and louder, her hair of snakes hissing right along with her as her eyes threaten to roll up in her skull.

He wraps his arms around her body and lays his head between her breasts as he thrusts into her again and again. Slowly but surely, she finds herself pushed onto her back, her tail ending up acting as a sort of bed for him to lay upon, her breasts acting as the pillows. There's no denying that she's a lot larger than him in length, but it's not like he can see that, or be even remotely intimidated by her appearance. Fucking into her with fast-paced, powerful thrusts, Kanenas gives it to her long and hard… and it's not long before she's cumming around his cock.

As an explosive orgasm takes her, for the first time in centuries, the pain lessens. The pain of having her treasure taken from her all that time ago by the one who tricked and bested her, it begins to disappear, as if something else is filling that hole in her being, as if the curse that forces her to protect the garden is appeased in some other way.

The Gorgon doesn't understand it at first, and just takes the win for what it is, even as Kanenas finally cums inside of her, filling her with his seed. It's as the big-dicked blind man is resting atop her, still buried in her quim, that she finally realizes what's happening when he smiles and speaks up.

"I can die happy now, if that is your wish Lady Gorgon."

He was prepared for death. Which meant he SHOULD be prepared for living. In a way, the curse already knew what she would do. Her choice was already made, her mind made up. Licking her lips, the Gorgon hugs her mortal lover closer to her body.

"No… f-for daring to assault my body, your punishment will be to live. To l-live and stay here by my side, in my garden, for a-all eternity."

She can feel the curse magic fully taking hold in him, and suspects that he can too. Judging by the smile on his face as he stares sightlessly up at her, he doesn't mind one bit though. In fact, his cock begins to experience a resurgence where it's buried deep inside of her tight quim… soon enough, they're fucking once more, making love. And if he's a bit more domineering then she is, if he's the one who takes charge and fucks her through screaming orgasm after screaming orgasm… well, that's just fine by her.


"E-Eat this~"

Raising an eyebrow, 'Kanenas' shrugs his shoulders and holds out his hands.

"Very well."

A moment later, the Gorgon has placed a bowl in his upward-facing palms. Getting a good feel for it, he cradles it closer, and then dips one hand in to feel out the contents. What he gets is something akin to a salad. There are slices of several different sorts of fruits, as well as herbs and other plants. Humming to himself, Kanenas picks one of the slices up and bites into it.

An immediate appreciative groan leaves the blind man's lips as the fruit's juices explode on his tongue in wondrous flavor. Not only is it delicious, but there's something beyond taste, something truly euphoric. It feels amazing, and before he knows it, he's devoured the fruit slice in moments. He thinks… he thinks it might have been an apple slice, maybe?

He wouldn't really know, he's blind. And honestly, he's never had an apple that tastes like that, not in his entire life. Reaching into the bowl again, 'Kanenas' continues to eat. That is, of course, not actually his real name. But it's good enough for a nobody like him at this point in his life. Coming to this place, coming to the garden to find the Gorgon… it was basically the last thing he'd ever intended to do.

He'd fully been expecting to die, in all honesty, but now here he was, hale and hearty, being fed fruits and herbs by his new monstrous lover. Not only that, but he was also being fed DELICIOUS fruits and herbs. Scarfing down the contents of the bowl feels downright appropriate as explosion after explosion of flavor and sensation alights on his tongue. The tastes are divine, and the feeling warming his chest and spreading throughout his body makes him think he might be on to something with that word. Divine…

"Lady Gorgon… what is this?"

He swallows another bite, even as he asks his question. For a moment, he simply listens to the shuffling of the Gorgon's tails, the snake woman clearly embarrassed and self-conscious from what he's picking up. Thanks to his blindness, he actually has very good hearing. He knew that the Gorgon was approaching him back in the clearing where they'd first met, in fact.

But he really hadn't been there to hurt her, so he hadn't fought back. The sword, shield, and armor had all been to get him to the garden in the first place. In hindsight, he almost wished he'd set them aside when he entered, to make it even clearer that he wasn't there to harm her. But alas, hindsight is what it is, and in the end, everything worked out for the best anyways, didn't it?

Finally, the Gorgon seems to collect herself enough to answer.

"This… is a dish made of the treasures from this garden. Did you not wonder what this place was? Did you not question why I was cursed to be here in the first place?"

Pausing for a moment, Kanenas considers the question briefly before shrugging his shoulders.

"I suppose not. I was more interested in you. Knowing where you were located was only necessary so far as finding you was concerned."

The beautiful snake woman he's made love to multiple times at this point lets out a startled laugh at that, sounding both amused and exasperated with him. He can almost imagine her in his mind's eye based on the rudimentary idea he's gotten of her from feeling her body with his hands. She'd be standing there, a smile on her face even as she rolled her eyes, her hair of snakes rolling their eyes along with her, her arms crossed under her amazing, perfect bust.

"… This garden is one of many that the Gods and Goddesses of these lands use to enhance their mortal champions, lovers, and playthings. After all, divinity is not easy to endure at the best of times. The treasure of this garden, therefor, is in the fruits that grow from its vines and trees, the herbs that grow from its ground, and the plants that sprout up all over."

He stops entirely at that, not really LOOKING down at his meal, but 'looking' by feeling it over with his hands. It just feels like normal sliced fruit and herbs and leafy greens. But at the same time, it FEELS completely different when he consumes it. Delicious, but also otherworldly in a way. Eating another bite, Kanenas nods his head in understanding.

"I see. Why would you gift me with such a thing, though?"

She makes a sound, and he thinks she might have just thrown her hands up in the air, judging by the exasperated huff on her lips.

"Why would I not?! If you are to be my lover, you must be worthy of me!"

He frowns at that, and sets the bowl aside half-eaten, standing up.

"Have I not proven worthy so far?"

"O-Of course you have! It's just…"

He hadn't truly satisfied her, had he? Oh, she'd certainly cum enough for him, but what he'd thought was a mutual ending was obviously not. He'd thought himself so strong, so confident, so powerful… but she'd handled him with ease. She'd been placating him, and he hadn't even realized it!

Reaching back down, the blind man scrambles for the bowl for a moment. Once he finds it, he scarfs down the remaining bits of the 'salad', even as the Gorgon makes a strange noise in the back of her throat. As soon as he's done, he tosses it aside and moves forward, relying on his hearing to pinpoint her location.

Except, it's even easier than he expects, his hands soon closing on her breasts once more. Not even knowing his own strength, he pushes the Gorgon onto her back EASILY this time, rather than having to put his whole weight into it. He pins her down in but a moment, power radiating through him, flowing down his limbs, suffusing his body.

Beneath him, the Gorgon wiggles like a trapped maiden, rather than the dangerous monster woman she is.

"Is this what you wanted, Lady Gorgon? For me to truly overpower you?"

The tip of her long tail is circled around his ankle almost lovingly at the moment, but beyond that, she's entirely submissive as he holds her in place. At the same time, his cock has never felt harder… or larger. He groans at how much it's currently throbbing, and a moment later he's thrusting, trying to find purchase in her quim, trying to fuck this beautiful, sexy snake woman that he can't even properly see beneath him.

He gets inside of her with his desperate, ferocious humping soon enough, and then he's thrusting away, pounding into the Gorgon even as she hisses and shrieks in ecstasy beneath him. He was right on the money, wasn't he? She had done this because he wasn't good enough before. Because for all his confidence, he was still a mortal man. And not even a whole mortal man, his eyesight lost to him, his blindness making him… subpar.

Of course, the garden's gift hadn't restored his sight, for whatever reason. Probably for the best though, all things considered. Perhaps, even, it was a sign that the Gods and Goddesses blessed this union. Perhaps it was a sign that he was meant to be with the Gorgon for the rest of his days as her lover.

But either way, he can definitely fuck her a lot harder than he could before, her cries reaching a volume they did not even when he was going the hardest he possibly could back before his… enhancements. His massive cock fills her gushing, clenching quim again and again, and the man now known as Kanenas proceeds to lose himself in delivering to the Gorgon the fucking he knows she deserves.

Time passes, presumably. But to Kanenas, time is meaningless. All that matters is the Gorgon, this sexy snake woman who loves him, and who he loves in turn. Fucking her is all that matters, basking in her body, basking in mutual pleasure, that's all that matters.

It might be hours that pass. Days, maybe? Weeks… could be. Neither of them lets up. Rest becomes slow fucking. Peace becomes a good plowing. Eating becomes railing and every activity ends up being some form of sex as they wile their time away in the garden of the gods.

Until finally, the Gorgon stiffens beneath him. He stops as well, sensing it just as she does. His nose wrinkles, his brow furrows… and his lips curl downwards, into a frown. The two of them pull apart, and a moment later she's handing him his sword, which he reaches out to grab with unerring accuracy despite his blindness.

"Intruders, my love."

Kanenas nods, quirking the corner of his mouth upwards in a half-smile.

"Indeed. And I suspect their intentions aren't half as good as mine."

He can hear the Gorgon's rueful smile in her voice as she responds, as well as her shaking her head by the way the volume of said voice modulates.

"I do not think there is a man in this world who is a tenth as good as you, my love."

That's probably not true… but he's not about to correct her. Instead, stood by her side, armed once more, the blind man follows his love out into the garden to meet these latest challengers, these new intruders. Together, the two of them will defend the garden from all who might assail it. And once they're done, they can go back to making love eternally in one another's arms.


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