Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 99

C99 – (1)

​”Enough,” Xiao Ming called out, rushing forward. By then, the soldiers had already slaughtered over a dozen roosters. With a stern expression, Xiao Ming instructed the troops to take away the remaining birds.

“Kill them,” Ye Hao interjected, approaching the scene.

“What are you doing?” Xiao Ming inquired, eyeing Ye Hao.

“Maybe I can make use of them,” Ye Hao responded.

Seeing that Ye Hao had a use for the roosters, Xiao Ming didn’t object. However, he had other needs. “I’ll need half a kilogram of Black Dog Blood, a bundle of graphite threads, and half a kilogram of divine sand.”

“Make it two kilograms of Black Dog Blood, four bundles of graphite threads, and two kilograms of divine sand,” the quartermaster suggested, quadrupling Xiao Ming’s request. What if they ran short of supplies?

​The threat of zombies was well-known among the troops; they had already wounded dozens of soldiers. The last thing he wanted was for zombies to slip away due to insufficient materials.

​”With the resources our nation currently has, we can supply you with anything you need right away,” Ye Hao assured Xiao Ming. “You can’t judge today’s civilized society by the standards of the past.”

Xiao Ming had initially requested such large quantities because he doubted the army could procure enough materials quickly.

“Alright,” Xiao Ming conceded, starting to arrange the formation on the ground.

​Meanwhile, Ye Hao continued his silent cultivation nearby, feeling he was on the verge of a breakthrough.

​As night descended, Xiao Ming observed that all preparations were complete. He took a piece of golden rune paper and gave it a gentle shake, causing it to burst into flames.

​”Corpse-attracting Rune, go forth,” Xiao Ming commanded, and the rune paper transformed into a streak of golden light, shooting off into the distance.

“Everyone, fall back thirty meters,” Xiao Ming instructed the surrounding soldiers, all armed with heavy weaponry. They promptly retreated without a moment’s hesitation.

​Xiao Ming’s location was well-lit by laser lights, making it as bright as day. Just as the soldiers reached a safe distance, a guttural roar echoed through the air. Ye Hao’s expression shifted as he rose to his feet.

​”When I give the signal, be ready to strike,” Xiao Ming stated gravely, wielding a century-old peach wood sword.

Ye Hao nodded in agreement.

Shortly thereafter, a zombie clad in Qing Dynasty official attire emerged atop a skyscraper. With a swift leap, it landed with precision directly in front of Xiao Ming.

The zombie’s gaze was filled with a murderous intent as it locked eyes with Xiao Ming.

“Rise,” commanded Xiao Ming, lifting his peach wood sword. He had previously soaked four strands of graphene thread in black dog blood, which now soared into the air, ensnaring the zombie.

The threads emitted a brilliant golden glow upon contact with the undead creature.

Despite its frenzied attempts, the zombie struggled in vain against the confining threads.

“Go,” Xiao Ming directed, brandishing his sword. A basin of rooster blood transformed into a flowing stream that doused the zombie, causing plumes of black smoke to rise from its form.

The zombie let out a furious roar.

In a sudden move, it grasped the graphene threads and, with a powerful yank, snapped them.

Its visage grew even more grotesque as the rooster blood corroded its flesh.

The zombie then stomped forcefully on the ground, transforming into a blur as it lunged at Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming quickly grabbed a bowl of glutinous rice that had been steeped in dog blood and flung it at the advancing zombie. The rice crackled upon contact as if animated with life, yet it failed to halt the zombie’s charge.

​Xiao Ming’s expression darkened with concern.

Seeing the dire situation, Ye Hao dashed to a position parallel to the zombie. Channeling his vital spirit into his fist, he delivered a powerful blow to the zombie’s chest.

​The impact sent the zombie crashing to the ground, but it swiftly righted itself, ready to continue the fight.

The zombie’s eyes bore into Ye Hao, filled with a fierce desire to kill.

Ye Hao drew his bronze dagger, fixing a steely gaze on the zombie. “Come at me!” he taunted.

The zombie hesitated, eyeing the dagger in Ye Hao’s hand, and involuntarily retreated a step.

“Holy smokes, a middle-grade spirit treasure!” exclaimed Xiao Ming.

“Is there any way you can finish off this zombie?” Ye Hao asked, clearly frustrated.

Xiao Ming responded with a sense of defeat, “This zombie has cultivated for three hundred years and has evolved into a flying zombie. If I were to advance to the Blood Refining realm, I could defeat it with ease, but for now…”

“You talk too much,” Ye Hao said curtly, his left hand making a swirling motion downward.

A bizarre spectacle unfolded.

The blood from several basins of roosters transformed into flowing streams, converging in Ye Hao’s hand, fluttering in the air like crimson ribbons.

“Water Control,” Xiao Ming noted with a gleam in his eye. “You trap this flying zombie, and I’ll finish him off with the Necromantic Seal.”

“Alright.” No sooner had Ye Hao spoken than the blood streams enveloped the zombie.

The zombie thrashed and lunged, but couldn’t escape the blood stream’s grasp.

Tang Pianpian, surrounded by soldiers, watched with her heart pounding. It was nothing short of miraculous, and she was convinced that soon she’d be able to do the same.

​”Refine.” Ye Hao realized that the chicken blood was harming the zombie, but not enough to deal it a crippling blow.

With Ye Hao’s command, the blood streams began to diminish rapidly.

The zombie emitted a furious roar.

“Necromantic Seal.” At that moment, the rune paper on Xiao Ming’s peach wood sword transformed into a golden sigil, pinning the zombie so it couldn’t even twitch.

The zombie’s roars intensified, yet the Necromantic Seal weighed upon it like a mountain.

Ye Hao seized the moment to refine the rooster blood further.

​The soldiers witnessing this couldn’t hide their astonishment. They would have never believed in such supernatural events before, but now, belief was no longer a choice.

​”The zombie has finally been subdued,” the scene before them confirmed. Yet, unexpectedly, the zombie burst forth with a dark radiance.

​This black glow shattered the Necromantic Seal and the encircling blood streams in an instant.

Ye Hao and Xiao Ming both staggered backward with muffled groans.

“What’s happening?” Ye Hao asked, his brow furrowed.

“This zombie is being controlled by someone,” Xiao Ming replied, his face darkening.

“Is this the malevolent sect you mentioned?” Ye Hao asked, taken aback.

“Exactly,” Xiao Ming confirmed with a nod.

At this point in their conversation, the zombie fixed its gaze on Ye Hao and Xiao Ming, its eyes a bloodthirsty scarlet.

“I’ll cover our backs,” Xiao Ming declared, gripping the peach wood sword with a steely resolve.

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