Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 - Public and Private Grudges

“But if we do that, Pianpian will have to join the Keepers of Forbidden Lore, won't she?” Ye Hao asked Xiao Ming with a fixed gaze.

“It's up to Pianpian to decide. The Keepers of Forbidden Lore won't coerce her into joining,” Xiao Ming replied earnestly.

“What do you need from me this time?”

“There's been a zombie incident in Khaka. I'd like you to come with me,” Xiao Ming explained.

“We'll head to Khaka first, then on to the Keepers of Forbidden Lore,” Ye Hao decided, recognizing that the situation in Khaka needed to be addressed promptly.


“Pianpian, get your things together,” Ye Hao instructed Tang Pianpian.

She nodded and hurried to her room. Shortly thereafter, Tang Pianpian emerged, carrying a backpack.

Ye Hao effortlessly took the backpack from her.

“It's not that heavy.”

“Regardless, I wouldn't let a lady carry it.”

The trio set off in Tang Pianpian's sedan, but as they approached the gate, they were halted by two military vehicles.

Two young men in black military attire tapped on the car window and commanded, “Get out.”

Ye Hao's brows knitted in concern.

“Who are you?”

“Get out. We need to conduct a search,” they insisted.

Xiao Ming turned to Ye Hao, puzzled. “Why would the Martial Arts Bureau be after you?”

“It's likely the Sima family's doing,” Ye Hao surmised.

“Don't bother with them,” Xiao Ming said icily.

“Is the Supernatural Bureau more formidable than the Martial Arts Bureau?” Ye Hao asked with a hint of amusement.

“The Martial Arts Bureau operates under state oversight, whereas the Supernatural Bureau collaborates directly with the state,” Xiao Ming explained, then paused, struck by a thought. “You must have a hidden sect supporting you.”

“Given that you're aware of my hidden sect affiliation, I obviously can't disclose it,” Ye Hao said as he stepped out of the car and approached the military vehicles.


The two agents from the Martial Arts Bureau drew their pistols.

“Go ahead and shoot if you dare,” Ye Hao challenged them nonchalantly, continuing to walk forward.

The two young men exchanged glances, neither finding the courage to pull the trigger.

They all recognized Ye Hao's identity.

Hence, no one dared to fire a shot.

Ye Hao eyed the middle-aged man seated in the front row and asked, “You're with the Sima family, aren't you?”

“What if I am?”

“How do you have the nerve to sit there?” Without another word, Ye Hao's fist flew towards the window. As the glass shattered, he swiftly opened his palm and seized the middle-aged man by the hair, yanking him through the window like dragging a dog.

Sima Zhengtian was stunned.

He had attained the Innate level, yet he was powerless against Ye Hao.

The formidable presence in Ye Hao's voice struck terror into Sima Zhengtian's heart.

Otherwise, Sima Zhengtian would have fought back.

A few Martial Arts Bureau agents were about to intervene. Ye Hao gave them a chilling look and challenged, “Who dares to come closer?”

The ominous reverberations of his voice spread invisibly, deterring the agents from advancing.

“Return to the Sima family and tell them to send stronger people after me,” Ye Hao commanded, looking down at the bloodied Sima Zhengtian. “I won't let today's incident slide so easily.”

Then, with a nonchalant toss, Ye Hao threw Sima Zhengtian onto the military vehicle, leaving a massive dent with a loud crash.

Ye Hao climbed into the vehicle and declared, “Let's go.”

Tang Pianpian watched Ye Hao with admiration and inquired, “Will I ever be as strong as you?”

“I haven't even shown my full strength yet,” Ye Hao replied with a smile. “You'll see the true might of the magic arts when we battle the zombies.”

“Should we prepare glutinous rice for fighting the zombies?” Tang Pianpian asked while driving.

“According to the intelligence we've received, the zombie is likely a black zombie. So, both glutinous rice and Black Dog Blood can be effective deterrents,” Xiao Ming interjected.

“Can you handle a flying zombie?”

“I doubt I can take on a flying zombie by myself, which is why I asked you to join me.”

“Why do I get the feeling you're not very reliable?”

“My cultivation is advancing rapidly. In just another two or three years, I'll be able to slay the flying zombie with a single stroke.”

Xiao Ming's claim was far from boastful.

Time was the one thing he was short on.

“By the way, can you discern my spirit root?” Ye Hao suddenly asked.

Xiao Ming scrutinized Ye Hao intently before employing the Aura Observation technique. After a moment, he shook his head, “I can't determine your spirit root. Had I not known about your high level of cultivation, I would have suspected you didn't possess one at all.”

“Are you certain?”


Tang Pianpian cast a surprised glance at Ye Hao.

She was aware that Ye Hao's spirit root was at least twenty times more potent than her own.

Considering Tang Pianpian's spirit root was already of top grade, Ye Hao's had to be even more exceptional.

Yet Xiao Ming couldn't detect Ye Hao's spirit root.

“Could Ye Hao's spirit root be above ninth grade?” Tang Pianpian speculated audaciously.

It seemed to be the only plausible explanation.

Without a word, Ye Hao began his silent cultivation.

He wasn't sure if the flying zombie was causing trouble in Khaka, but he was eager to enhance his cultivation to the third layer of Body Refining as swiftly as possible.

Over the past ten days, through the use of Qi-nourishing Pills and spirit stones, Ye Hao had nearly reached the third layer.

Upon reaching the military airfield, the trio boarded a military helicopter.

Ye Hao continued to focus on elevating his cultivation.

Hours later, they touched down at a military airport in Khaka, where a military vehicle was already awaiting them.

”Give me an update on the situation,” Xiao Ming requested as they climbed into the vehicle.

“The zombie has made its way to the city center.”

“The city center?” Xiao Ming's face grew tense.

The city center was, without doubt, a densely populated area.

“If this zombie has reached the heart of Khaka, the civilians are in grave danger.”

“The military has sealed off the streets, yet there are still occasional casualties.”

“Where are the bodies?”

“They're being incinerated on site.”

Xiao Ming nodded in approval.

Immediate incineration was the proper course of action to prevent any chance of mutation.

“Head to the city center immediately,” Xiao Ming urged, not wanting to delay a moment longer.


Upon reaching the city center, Xiao Ming and his two companions observed a large contingent of soldiers armed with heavy weaponry on patrol.

Checking the time, Xiao Ming noted it was nearing five o'clock.

“Get some items ready for me, right away.”

“What do you need?”

“Black Dog Blood, graphite wire stained with rooster blood, glutinous rice, and divine sand.”

“How much?”

“A large quantity.”

The soldier wasn't sure exactly how much Xiao Ming required, but the military's efficiency was without question. In a short time, ten sacks of glutinous rice were brought in.

Next, a hundred crowing roosters arrived before Xiao Ming, and the soldiers proceeded to slaughter them and collect their blood on the spot.

Xiao Ming, who was busy arranging the formation, frowned deeply at the sight.

“This is an excessive number of roosters.”

“Xiao Ming, these roosters are going to hold a grudge against you,” Ye Hao remarked, gesturing towards the queue of roosters awaiting their fate.

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