Touch of Flame

Chapter 174 Two forces meet

Chapter 174 Two forces meet

Ares watched the tall man being escorted in by the guards. His tall shiny leather boots with heels and ankles decorated with chains made a clicking sound as he walked. A long black jacket met his boots at the knees with silver buttons aligned on each side under the collar. Beneath he wore a white shirt and a black vest, well ironed.

His hands were covered with a pair of black leather gloves and he held a cane in of them. A black wooden cane with a silver handle.

Fashionable, Ares thought.

He walked straight, his dark hair combed back from a face that marked him as a dragon. And those eyes were the most unique ones he had ever seen. The man was blessed with looks.

Nazneen stood beside him, also staring.

As he neared, the man’s lips curved into a polite smile. Ares had already accessed him. No weapons he could detect except for the cane but he expected no less from this man.

He gave the guards a nod to retreat.

Lord Dragenski came to a halt before him and the guards left his side. “Lord Steele.”

“Lord Dragenski. It is nice to finally meet the man behind the famous work.”

Ares extended his hand and Lord Dragenski removed his glove before shaking his hand. Firm grip.

“This is Neena,” Ares introduced not wanting to reveal more than necessary before he knew the man.

Nazneen played along and just gave a subtle smile. He gave her a nod, “it is nice to see a dragon here.”

She said nothing to that. Ares showed him to the table to sit down and Nazneen sat with them. Ares could see the curiosity in her eyes as she watched Dragenski.

Before he could start to speak, Nazneen jumped in first. “So you are half-dragon. You are buying weapons because you were chased away.”

“Not solely for that reason,” he replied.

“So you have good intentions,” she smirked. “You just want to protect the weaker side of your people.”

“And kill those who chased me away and killed my entire family. Are my intentions less good now?”

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Ephraim. Son of Fearghal.”

Her expression changed. She knew him.

“And you must be princess Nazneen. I thought you were dead.”

“I thought you were dead too.” She frowned.

The man did his homework well before coming here. The servants came and served them tea and sweets. Ares learned that Fearghal was the king of silver dragons long ago and he and his wife with Ephraim’s older brothers were killed.

Ephraim managed to escape and remained hidden. What a tragic story. And he thought Nazneens was the worst. This man didn’t live in a cave but had to as a boy who just lost his parents live in a world where he was still a target and had to remain hidden. Another kind of prison. One without safety.

His story reminded him of Ravina and his thought went in that direction as Nazneen spoke to Ephraim. Was the dream true or did he make a big mistake and let her go when she needed so much care? If only… if only he could live. Richard was right. When he didn’t mind death, he survived, and now when he wanted to live he would die.

If he was to live, he would have been here now with Ravina. Having a cup of warm coffee or tea, taking a walk in the garden or near the sea, going to sail, or going horseriding. He would have a family of his own and share his life with the finest woman he had ever met.

“Do you plan to get the throne back?” Ephraim asked Nazneen.

She turned him as if expecting him to reply, then looked back at Ephraim. “That is the plan.”

“We don’t have a clear plan yet,” Ares added.

“Since it is your rightful place, the normal thing to do would be to meet the king of dragons. He will probably do it the traditional way. You fight the current king to claim the throne.”

“King Malachi?”


“Malachi is king now?” She was confused. “What happened to Khaos?”

“Killed by his sons,” Ephraim replied.

She nodded. “I don’t know Malachi well and how he does things.”

“He doesn’t seem so different from his father,” Ephraim said. “I heard he has a human breedmate now.”

Yes. Ravina.

“I wonder how that will change things or if she will just adapt and live on.”

Ares wasn’t sure either.

“What about you?” He asked. “Won’t you get your throne back?”

“It won’t be the same for me. I am half-dragon and that changes everything.”

Too bad to hear. If there were more humans involved in the dragon kingdom it would help.

“Then what is your plan exactly with the weapons?” He asked.

“I want to expand our forces. One way to negotiate peace is to give the dragons reasons to do so. As long as they are the powerful ones, they win nothing from having peace but if there is enough threat they will consider it.”

Ares nodded.

“And who are those on your side?” He wondered.

“I have my groups of humans, trained to fight dragons. Successful in doing so too. I am sure you have seen them. I also work with many half-dragons who fight for the same cause. I have scientists, inventors, and physicians who help me with the needed tools for success.”

Ares nodded. This man had prepared the resources he needs.

Nazneen frowned at how detailed he was. “The dragons could steal your weapons and ruin them.” She said, having a hard time believing it would be easy.

“They could but unless they kill every inventor and find every group and every hidden place it wouldn’t work. This is something we have put much time and effort into.”

She nodded slowly, her frown deepening. “You think that will be enough to negotiate peace?”

“We can hope,” he replied.

Ares then took to show Ephraim some of his weapons. He got to try them out.

“This one is very light and easy,” he said weighing it on his arm before aiming at the target. He hit the heart. “Easy to aim too.” He was impressed.

“That is not what makes it special. This bullet can get through thick material and settle deep. It works on dragons in their beast form.” He explained. “It doesn’t do enough damage, but I am working on developing it.”

Ephraim nodded and then looked at him with eyes gleaming gold in the silver. “Shall we get away to speak freely,” he said. “There are those with very good hearing here.”

Nazneen was inside the mansion. She could hear all the way here?

Ares agreed and left with him outside the gates. They walked to the beach. “My men told me something about you,” he began. “I figured you are a dragon tamer.”

He could know that? Ares thought only priests knew.

“My mother was a tamer.” he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a folded paper. He handed it to him. Ares took it confused. “I thought this might help with the ancient language.”

“Thank you.”

“But… you are not entirely human?”

Again the same thing.

“I have heard that?”

“Dragon tamers are all humans. You are a tamer to fight for your people after all. You don’t know what else you are?” He explained.


“Well, some things stay hidden until later. I only discovered my magical abilities when I was much older.”

“You have such abilities?”


Ares nodded. Clearly, there was more than dragons and humans in this world and he could truly be a sea demon. He looked ahead at the sea. He would have to try it out.

“Maybe your magic can tell me what I am.” He said with humor.

Ephraim chuckled. “I am not that skilled yet but whatever you are, you feel it deep inside. You will know if you pay attention and follow the signs.”

He nodded. “Do you know anything about vivid dreams as a tamer?”

“Your dreams are some kind of guidance. You will receive certain messages, see glimpses of the future, and be warned about some things. They will play a role in your life as a tamer.”

So his dream could have been true?

As they spoke about their plans and being a tamer, they arrived back home. Ares invited him to have lunch with them and Ephraim agreed. He always listened to his gut feeling and he didn’t feel bad about this man, but he knew not to take a rash decision. Having lived for so long, he could have simply mastered the skill to hide his true self. And he was a magician.

As they ate, Ephraim invited them to come to visit him at his home as well some time. They were still in the phase of getting to know each other. Although he seemed friendly, Ares knew he was also cautious.

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