Touch of Flame

Chapter 173 To be a lady?

Chapter 173 To be a lady?

Nazneen noticed how Ares’ men froze after she spoke. Did she say anything wrong? It took her a moment to put the pieces together after seeing his men blush. Right. Humans were more discreet about such matters. She remembered that they found them often shameless and vulgar.

She paused. Is that what he thought about her? Maybe why her seduction didn’t work on him. He was human so she would have to adapt to the human way. She swallowed the banana without chewing and began to cough.

He chuckled. “Choking already?”

She threw the banana skin on him and he laughed. “You have such a temper.” He picked the skin from his jacket and put it on the table. “We will have to work on that if you are to become queen.”

She just glared at him. So not only vulgar. He found her crazy.

“And where did you bathe?”

“The sea.”

He frowned. “You shouldn’t. The sea water isn’t good for your skin.”

“Does my skin look bad to you?” She said touching her arm.

“No. But the taste will be. I was just thinking about how YOU would taste. Like… oranges. Now it will be salt.” He shook his head with pretentious distaste.

She frowned at him.

He went ahead to pick a fruit from the basket. “Or maybe sweeter, like tangerine,” he began to peel the tangerine and then split it in half.

Nazneen watched as he put it in his mouth. He nodded satisfied with the taste as he chewed. She watched his jaw working and frustration gnawed at her again. “Well, you might not find out,” she said now wanting to deny him.

He just smiled and put the other half in his mouth. “This tasted too good. Maybe you don’t taste like this after all. I don’t think so.”

This man really wanted to be choked. She imagined herself doing so.

He met her eyes with a steady gaze. “I think that look is enough. I am dead.”

“If I were to kill, I would make it very slow.” She threatened.

The look in his eyes changed to something that tugged at her heart before he looked away. Why did he look at her like that? Did he really think she would kill him? She did almost kill him but…

She looked down at the plate in front of her and watched the men serve her again. They filled her plate more than their own. “Because you are a dragon.” They smiled sheepishly. “You must need more food.”

Only she was hungry for something else right now. She had been starving for a hundred years and she never denied herself nor did she ever fail to seduce any man she wanted. Why did this one deny her despite the fact that she could smell his arousal? Was it because she was a dragon? But he showed no hatred toward her.

Once they finished breakfast, she offered to help clean up and she was left with the dishes.

Dishes? She panicked a little, now knowing what to do. She saw them passing by, occupied with something she couldn’t bring herself to stop them and ask. They would think she was spoiled, which she was. She picked a plate, still unsure where to start. She needed water, right?

“Don’t know how to wash dishes?”

She turned to find Ares leaning against the door frame. “I can just call someone else,” he said.

“No!” She panicked.

He looked at her for a moment and then walked in, taking off his jacket and tossing it aside. He pulled up his sleeves as he walked over and came to crouch beside her.

Was he going to help her wash? He picked a plate and she watched his steps. “It is not so difficult.”

“No,” she blushed, embarrassed.

“Who did the dishes at your home?”

“Humans,” she blurted before she could stop herself.

Startled she turned to him and met his gaze. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking and he said nothing. He just proceeded to help her in silence. When they were done, he stood up to leave. She hurried to block his way.

“Is that why?” She asked.

“Why what?”

“Why you won’t accept me? Because I am a dragon?”


“You know what I mean?”

“No, I don’t.” He was serious and she found herself not finding the right way to explain.

“Accept that you are my breedmate.”

“I am not denying that.”

She tried not to be irrational and took a deep breath. She couldn’t be angry at him for something he didn’t have control over and she knew she wasn’t ideal for him either considering the war between them.

“Why did you release me first?” She asked. “You could have negotiated with my freedom?”

“I could have but my problem is that I don’t trust people easily. Besides, after so many years in a cave, you wouldn’t be able to promise anything without getting help and becoming queen first.”

“What if I don’t want to be queen?”

“Will you hide in the mountains forever? Because without peace you can’t stay with us for long. It is not safe.”

Right. She was trying to escape but she would have to go back.

“We have arrived.” He said and then went to pick up his jacket.

Nazneen followed him up on deck and saw that they had arrived at what looked like an island.

There was a large white mansion, with black gates and a green garden ahead. A few heavily weaponized guards came to help beach the ship and she could hear some of the crew explaining that she was with them.

The crew began to leave the ship while she kept staring.

“Have you changed your mind?” Ares came to stand beside her. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want.”

“I don’t know if I will be welcomed.”

“It is my home. You are welcome.” He said.

He had taken off his jacket and held it for her to wear. She understood she couldn’t be dressed like this and slid her arms into his jacket. It smelled of him.

He then offered his hand and helped her down, then walked her up to his home. Two guards opened the large gates and then she entered a grand garden, with tall hedges, statues, bushes, and flower fields. There were benches to sit on here and there and in the middle a large fountain, spewing water.

At the entrance, a few stairs up servants were already lined up. Their eyes widened when they took notice of her, a look of fright settling in them.

“This is Nazneen. She will be staying here for a while,” he introduced her.

His servants were all well dressed. They bowed and curtsied. “My Lord.”

“Come,” he said and continued to lead her inside.

Inside the house was just as extravagant. Everything was neat, cleaned to shine, and organized. It had a different feel from the rich homes of dragons. They often liked the rich colors of brown, cold, and green but here it was mostly white, beige, and soft greys. It made the space look larger.

“My Lord,” one of the servants came and gave him a certain look.

He turned to her. “You can look around. I will be back.”

He left her side and followed the old female servant. Nazneen strained her ears while looking around.

“My Lord. A dragon?” She sounded afraid. “Everyone is worried and scared.”

“Don’t be. I would not bring harm to you.” He spoke to her gently and with respect. “I need you to calm down and everyone else. I don’t want you to act afraid around her. She is a special guest and I want you to give her the best treatment. I entrust her to you.”

Nazneen frowned as she listened. He was being this way again. Why?

“Special guest?” Now she sounded more worried. “I thought you would bring the princess here.”

Princess? He would bring a princess here? Why?

It suddenly struck her. If his denial wasn’t that she was a dragon then… he liked another woman? Of course. How stupid could she be? He was human. They had a shorter lifespan so, at this age, he should have already been married, and if not he must have already found someone. A princess at that.

“She will no longer come here, so I want you to focus on Nazneen.” He said firmly but she heard something else in his voice. Slight anger or frustration. Why? And why would she no longer come?

He came back with the servants trailing behind him. “Come, I will show you to your room.” He said, gently placing a hand on her back.

The servants continued to follow them. “Why are they following us?” she leaned in to whisper.

He smiled. “To help you.”

“I may not be able to do dishes but I can take care of myself.” She said offended.

“I know. They will help you as much as you allow them. After the journey, maybe you want a hot bath.”

“They are still afraid,” she said hearing their heartbeat.

“Maybe you can show them that there is nothing to fear.”

They arrived in front of a white wooden door, with beautiful patterns carved into it and silver handles.

He opened it and they stepped into a room covered with whites and silver and shining glass and crystals. The bed had a frame with white seethrough curtains. The carpet was thick and luxurious matching the creamy sofa. She felt like she was in the clouds.

“Do you like it?” He asked when she kept looking around.

“Yes.” She breathed.

It was very different from the room she used to own in gold and brown.

The servants stepped inside and lined up. “This is Natalie, Betsy, Paige, and Eve.” He introduced them.

He knew all their names.

“They will take well care of you. You can let them know of anything you might need.”

“And you?” She asked.

“I will be staying in my room.”

“Is it far away?”

The servants looked down.

“No. I will show you the way later,” he smiled subtly. “I will leave you now. You are in safe hands.” He assured her.

Once he left, the older maid took initiative after a moment of eerie silence.

“My Lady, would you like to have a bath?”

My Lady?


They went ahead to prepare everything. Nazneen noticed how things changed over the past hundred years. Fancy bathtubs, bowls, and sinks. When she took off her clothes, they stared as if they never saw a female body. A blush crept to their cheeks.

Nazneen wasn’t sure what it was all about and got into the hot water. It was soothing and the servants used strange tools on her skin, washing all the way between her fingers and under her nails. The soap and oils they used smelled so good.

“You have such good skin,” one of them said.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

They wrapped her in nice, comfortable towels and then sat her in front of a dresser to choose a dress. They held up the dresses for her. She frowned not understanding a thing.

“How… am I supposed to wear it?” Too many layers.

“We will help you.”

They were as difficult to wear as they looked. Well, maybe not difficult but it took more time than just sliding into her blouse and skirt.

“How do I seduce a human male?” She asked Eve who combed her hair.

Eve paused, her eyes widening a bit.

“I am sure you won’t have a problem courting a man. You are beautiful.”


“I seem to have a problem. I don’t do it the human way. How do you do that?”

They looked at each other and then at her. “You just have to dress well and look presentable with nice hair, elegant clothes, jewelry, and makeup but not too much. You also should not be too eager in your approach no matter how much you admire a man but not too reserved so as to not discourage him. You should do most things with moderation. Be a lady of elegance and high value.”

She became thoughtful. A Lady of elegance and high value. Like a princess? She still wondered who that woman was.

Going to the window as the servants cleaned up, she looked outside. Ares was seated in the garden talking to one of his crew members as they had tea. He had changed into different clothes and she never thought she would find a man so attractive with no skin showing. In their kingdom, showing off body and strength was one of the primary ways to attract a female. Things were different here so her ways of showing her body wouldn’t work either. Not in a favorable way.

The servants took her to the garden and now Ares was sitting alone. He watched her in her new dress, his expression revealing nothing as she went to sit down. She was surprised when the male servant pulled the chair out for her and then in as she sat. Tea was immediately served.

“You wear so many layers of clothes,” she complained, already feeling hot.

His lips curved up in amusement.

She unfolded her fan and began to fan herself and also his scent away. He was about to say something one a guard came forward to inform him. “You have a guest My Lord.” Ares turned to look at the guard. “Are you expecting a Lord Dragenski?”

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