The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 335: (Behind the Scenes) The Tired Prime Minister

Chapter 335: (Behind the Scenes) The Tired Prime Minister

  1. (Behind the Scenes) The Tired Prime Minister

* * *

The royal castle, towering in the center of the Ashgo Kingdom’s capital.

This castle, long vacant of its lord…… Nevertheless, it’s still used as the center of the council and the executive branch, and continues to function as the heart of politics… anyway, in a corner of this royal castle.

Even though it’s already completely dark and dinner time, there was a man diligently working his way through a mountain of documents.

The man’s name is Bokji.

His title is Marquis.

More specifically, he’s the current Prime Minister of this country. Simply put, he’s a very important person.

But, however, his gaunt cheeks.

The dark circles under his eyes.

His hair streaked with gray.

His tired appearance doesn’t give off the slightest hint of authority.

If he dressed more formally, he could probably look more imposing…… but right now, this old man is too busy to care about his appearance.

The biggest reason for that is, of course, the betrayal case of former Viscount Maqueterra Lotten.

Because of that, some of the nobles who held important positions in the country were stripped of their status.

It’s a good thing that the pus was drained, but…… all the extra work has landed squarely on the shoulders of Prime Minister Bokji.

He’ll probably have to pull another all-nighter today.

The consecutive days of overwork are taking a toll on his middle-aged body.

(I want to quit being Prime Minister……)

“I want to quit being Prime Minister……”

Prime Minister Bokji, so exhausted, unintentionally voiced his thoughts out loud.

“That would be problematic.”


Suddenly, a voice called out to him from behind, and the Prime Minister jumped up in surprise.

There should have been only him in the Prime Minister’s office right now!?

He hurriedly turned around, and there stood a man dressed as a waiter, with a suspicious grin plastered on his face.

This man’s name is Gainlumi.

He’s the head of this country’s intelligence agency.

“Hey, Gainlumi, you know…… I’ve always told you, right? Knock on the door properly and come in from the door, okay?”

“Yes, yes. Since we were children.”

“If you remember, then fix your bad habits. Seriously, get the hell out of here, you bastard.”

As you can tell from his casual tone, they’ve known each other for a very long time.

They’re childhood friends.

“……So, what brings you here? Did you come for tea or something?”

The Prime Minister sat back in his office chair, stretching his body with both arms raised, and asked Gainlumi.

This Gainlumi is a rather elusive person, and sometimes comes to the Prime Minister’s office for no particular reason.

Visits from his childhood friend in between his busy work are actually a relaxing time for the Prime Minister, but that aside.

“No, no, this time I actually came for work. I have a report.”

“Hmm……? A report……?”

The Prime Minister pushed up his glasses, which had slipped down his nose, and stared intently at Gainlumi’s face.

“Yes. Duke Daychib is…”

“What did he do? Was he playing hero again and got knocked down by a boar?”

Duke Daychib.

The name of a troublesome old man who only causes problems.

He must have done something stupid again.

The Prime Minister yawned and waited for Gainlumi’s next words.

“No, it seems he’s going to start a coup d’état.”


Upon hearing that report, the Prime Minister screamed in surprise and fell backwards along with his chair!

* * *

“I see…… Duke Daychib is the figurehead, and General Orbos and the Duke Faction nobles will rise up tonight.”

The Prime Minister, rubbing his aching head, stared intently at the report Gainlumi had handed him.

His eyesight had been deteriorating lately, making it hard to read the small letters.

“This isn’t his usual pretend play, right?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

They both let out a heavy sigh.

“…… Anyway, good thing you noticed. This is a great job by the intelligence agency. Did you notice some suspicious movement and were tailing them?”

“No, apparently there were several reports from citizens about strange roars coming from the Duke family’s townhouse. A subordinate infiltrated and investigated it half out of curiosity, and it turned out to be a surprisingly serious situation.”

“Don’t investigate half out of curiosity! What’s wrong with this country’s intelligence agency!?”

“Well, I am the head, after all.”

“That’s not something to be proud of!?”

The Prime Minister scratched his head in frustration, opened the drawer of his desk, took out a baked confectionery inside, stuffed it into his mouth, and crunched on it.

He’s going to be incredibly busy tonight.

It seems he won’t have time for dinner.

“Haa…… But, General Orbos, a coup d’état? He’s certainly a man who can’t hide his ambition, but was he really such a foolish man?”

The Prime Minister swallowed the confectionery forcibly and muttered, tilting his head.

The duke starting a coup d’état.

Well, that’s fine.

No, it’s not fine, but he could imagine that the Duke might do something like that without thinking.

But Orbos is different.

He should be a more cautious and calculating man.

Even if he were to start a coup d’état, he wouldn’t be the one leading it, but would be manipulating things from behind the scenes.

Something is off.

“Indeed, I also feel a sense of dissonance. However, it’s pointless to think about it now.”

“……You’re right. Anyway, we need to take immediate action.”

Nodding at Gainlumi’s suggestion, the Prime Minister whipped his tired body and stood up, giving instructions while walking towards the door.

“This is an emergency, so Gainlumi, contact all relevant parties. We’ll have a meeting in 30 minutes. Gather everyone quickly. Have the soldiers on standby. We need to minimize chaos as much as possible.”

“Where are you going, Prime Minister?”

The Prime Minister stopped in his tracks.

He slowly turned to face Gainlumi.

His eyes were filled with determination.

The person standing there was no longer just a tired old man.

It was a noble who had shouldered the heavy responsibility of being Prime Minister for many years.

Gainlumi unintentionally held his breath at the sight of his childhood friend’s spirit, which he hadn’t felt in a long time.

“……This time, the duke is being used as a figurehead. The weight of his bloodline is troublesome. No matter how wrong he is, it’s difficult to point a blade at someone chosen by God. That’s why the previous king was able to rule so poorly.”


“I’m going to see…… ‘him’. I have to let him know that the introduction will be a little earlier than planned.”

Now, in terms of the story, they are behind-the-scenes characters.

Therefore, I’ll tell you in advance that there won’t be any more direct depiction of their actions.


The dawn of the ‘Dawn Day’.

Until that moment arrives, their long, long night.

Was just beginning.

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