The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 334: (Duke) The Figurehead Duke Who Wants to be King

Chapter 334: (Duke) The Figurehead Duke Who Wants to be King

  1. (Duke) The Figurehead Duke Who Wants to be King

* * *

Ashgo Royal Capital.

Despite the current absence of a king, this capital, which is still called the “Royal Capital”, has a large street running through its center.

If you head east, east along this main street that extends from the castle gate, you will first reach the First Plaza.

Passing that, there’s the Second Plaza, and further ahead is the Third Plaza.

Beyond these three plazas with their uninspired names, there is Mihabyushira Hill.

The road curves around this hill to the south and connects to the Saikanan Highway, which continues to the easternmost country of Rayvlake.

This main street is the starting point, or endpoint, of the Saikanan Highway, which was once called the artery of the Golden Continent.

And in the country of Ashgo, which has built its wealth through trade with other countries since ancient times, this main street had become a symbol of authority.

Therefore, there was indeed a time when having a residence along this main street was a status symbol.

At that time, nobles competed with each other to build lavish mansions along the main street, showcasing their power.

Why am I speaking in the past tense? Because the previous king, who did not acknowledge any authority other than his own, destroyed most of them.

The cultural and artistic loss was truly immense, and his actions are still spoken of with sighs.



Not all noble mansions were destroyed by the previous king.

For example, there is the townhouse owned by Duke Daychib, located near the Third Plaza.

The Daychib family is a dukedom founded by the uncle of the previous king, and the current duke is a cousin of the previous king.

In other words, he is of royal blood, and therefore, this mansion was spared from the previous king’s thoughtless destruction.

* * *

Now, this townhouse of Duke Daychib is a five-story building.

Its height is overwhelming compared to the surrounding buildings, and from the balcony of the master’s office on the fifth floor, you can see the entire townscape of the royal capital, including the royal castle.

Standing on that balcony now was a man.

The jewels sewn onto his attire sparkle in the western sun.

And fluttering in the wind are a cloak with lavish embroidery and long, lustrous golden hair.

“Fu…… The castle dyed by the crimson sun is so beautiful. I really, really love this view!”

The man muttered those words while gazing dreamily at the royal castle shining in the sunset.

Despite his slightly childish tone, his voice was quite hoarse.

“But from tomorrow, we’ll be able to see an even better view…… right, everyone?”

And the man’s face, which slowly turned around from the balcony to look inside the office, had deep wrinkles etched on it.

Although makeup was used to make him look younger and conceal them to some extent, naturally, the years he had accumulated could not be completely hidden.

After all, this person was none other than Duke Daychib himself, who was turning 80 years old this year.

“Yes, yes! That’s absolutely riiiight!”

The one who stepped forward and let out a silly voice in response to the duke’s words was a young man.

If we were to describe the impression of this man dressed in baggy and overly decorated clothes in one word, it would be “jester.”

His face was completely white from the excessive amount of powder applied, and lipstick was smeared around his mouth like a child’s scribble.

Purple eyeliner was drawn on his surprisingly sharp eyes, and his hair was tied up in two giant buns on both sides of his head.

“Because because, from tomorrow, this shabby little mansion, a much, much bigger castle will be Duke-sama’s!”

And the jester made such an outrageous statement!

The castle will become the duke’s.

That means……

What does that mean?

Is the royal castle being put up for sale due to financial difficulties, and the duke bought it or something?

“From tomorrow, Duke-sama will be the King! It’s the Restoration of the Monarchy!”

He was wrong!

There’s no way that’s the case!

“Those who oppose will be killed!”

Moreover, the jester added even more unsettling words!

However, even when they heard those words, the people in the room did not reprimand him.

They were not moved.

They all had their eyes sparkling, grinning evilly.

In other words, this group.

Commonly known as the “Duke Faction,” they were members of the noble faction that had mysteriously expanded rapidly in the council in recent years.

They were seriously aiming for it.

A forceful regime change with Duke Daychib at the helm.

Namely…… a coup d’état!

What in the world……!

“Finally, the time for patience is over, Duke-sama.”

Here, a large nobleman stepped forward, bowed once, and addressed Duke Daychib.

His short-cropped hair, a scar on his cheek, thick eyebrows, and sharp gaze.

Even the formal attire he wore couldn’t hide his well-trained physique, making it clear at a glance that he was a military officer.

“Despite Duke-sama being of legitimate royal blood, this country has continued to maintain a council system…… Surely, you have been harboring bitter feelings, Duke-sama, unable to rectify this strange situation. Of course, we, the nobles of the Duke Faction, feel the same way.”


This military officer-like old man was intimidating, so the duke was a bit scared of him.

Also, what does “harboring bitter feelings” even mean?

Not understanding, the duke just agreed with “Uh-huh!” for now.

“The council faction nobles have repeatedly proclaimed their righteousness at every opportunity, but the result of that is the intervention of demons into the heart of the nation. What righteousness!? They are nothing but usurpers! Traitors!”

“Ooh, ooh! Uh-huh! T-That’s right!”




He didn’t understand many of the words, and the duke felt like crying!

But the old man in front of him was getting heated up and wouldn’t stop!

He could only agree with him!

“But such a dark history ends today! From tomorrow, you will lead this country! This country will see its true dawn on tomorrow’s ‘Dawn Day’! It will be reborn in its rightful form!”

“U-Uh-huh! Uoooooh!”

The words just now were relatively easy to understand, so even the duke could get it!

So he let out a roar for now!


Then all the nobles in the room also roared along with the duke!

The duke was startled!

“I, Orbos, along with all the nobles who share the same righteous ideals, will become your hands and feet, Duke-sama! We will crush the ambitions of those wicked and ignorant council faction nobles! With all our might, we will support you! Please, command us!”

And Orbos shouted those words, then knelt down, closing his eyes, with his left knee and both hands on the floor.

“””Command us!!”””

As if cued by that, all the Duke Faction nobles standing behind Orbos took the same posture in unison.

This was the etiquette of a vassal towards the king in this country of Ashgo!

“Everyone…… everyone! I’m so happy!”

The duke said those words of gratitude with teary eyes.

By the way, the teary eyes weren’t from being moved; it’s because he got a bit scared when everyone suddenly shouted.

“Yay, yay! Congratulations, Duke-sama! With the loyalty and military power of General Orbos and the others, the coup d’état is sure to succeed!”

The jester said that while hopping and doing a strange dance around the duke.

“The necessary personnel have already infiltrated the royal capital. They are all scheduled to gather at the Third Plaza when we launch the coup tonight. Kukuku, those council faction nobles will be in a panic! An army suddenly appearing in the middle of town!”

Orbos said that with his left knee still on the ground, grinning with one eye open.

“Uh-huh, uh-huh, that’s right…… Ah, the coup is tonight, right?”


“That’s riiiight!”

The duke confirmed that and made a slightly anxious face.

“It’s midnight, right…… I wonder if ghosts will come out……?”


Orbos and the Duke Faction nobles fell silent for a moment upon hearing the duke’s words.

They knew.

They knew what kind of person this old man Duke Daychib was.

Knowing that, they were carrying him as their figurehead.

After the coup succeeded, they would manipulate this old man who was unsuited for politics and reap the benefits themselves.

After all, that was their true intention.

Well, even so.

Suddenly being hit with such childish words.

They couldn’t help but feel bewildered.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry! It’s absolutely no probleeeeem!”

And this is when the jester comes in handy.

He was not fazed by the duke’s words at all and continued to do his strange dance while talking to the duke.

“Because because, remember? I gave it to you before! The trump card, the secret treasure!”


Being pointed at by the jester and told that, the duke remembered something and fumbled in his pocket.

What came out were several Myogomyogoshugo shells.

And on top of that…… a mysterious jewel that was emitting a strange green light on its own!

“Even if ghosts come out, just hold that secret treasure against your forehead and shout ‘I want to be strong’! Then, wonder of wonders! Duke-sama, you’ll become the strongest warrior!”

“Ooh, that’s right, that’s right!”

The duke held up the secret treasure and showed a beaming smile!

With the secret treasure, it’s okay!

If this jester says so, it must be true!


On the other hand, some bewilderment remained for Orbos and the others.

What was that green, suspicious secret treasure?

Orbos and the others didn’t know.



If that jester says so, it must be true!

Their bewilderment quickly disappeared.

No one present noticed the unnaturalness of that thought.

“Alright, let’s do it…… Let’s do it! I will become the king!”

Free from his worries about ghosts, Duke Daychib’s tension rose again.

Clenching his fist tightly, trembling…… the duke shouted!

“Magician Chubos!”

“Yes, sir!”

Finally being called by name with such spirit, the jester knelt down on his left knee.

“General Orbos!”


Orbos bowed his head once again.

“And I…… La Sbos Daychib will!!”

Here, the duke took a deep breath, then thrust his right hand holding the secret treasure towards the ceiling and said!

“Change…… this country!!!”


The nobles in the room became excited at the duke’s declaration and roared in unison!

The duke was startled again!

Now, as a belated note.

This Duke Daychib, long, long ago…… during the previous king’s era.

He had already renounced his right to the throne.

But the duke doesn’t remember that, and Orbos and the others are pretending they don’t know either.

So such a trivial matter doesn’t matter at all.

【Duke Daychib】

A noble who owns territory in southern Ashgo.

He is a figurehead duke, and his ability as a ruler is low.

Recently, he had been imposing unreasonable tax increases, causing hardship for his people, but it seems the purpose of that was to raise funds for this coup d’état.

Apparently, his real name is “La Sbos Daychib”.

In other words, this person is!

The final boss of Part 1!?

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