The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 329 - 329

Chapter 329: Chapter 329

Raon pulled his lower jaw back while carefully watching the majestic blue light emerging from Cadis's sword.

'Who knew I would get to witness that technique like this?'

Derus was the creator of the Starlight Sword Art. Even though he didn't show it to many people, it still became known as one of his signature moves, the Saint's Famous Special Techniques, because well-known villains lost their lives whenever he used it.

He had likely created other swordsmanship or learned them since it had been twenty years since then, but it was still true that the Starlight Sword Art was one of Derus's most used techniques.

Understanding the principles behind it would allow him to take another step towards his revenge.

'Moreover... If I manage to destroy Cadis while he uses the Starlight Sword Art, Derus's pride will be destroyed at the same time.'

Raon's heart was pounding in anticipation of Derus's false smile while he hid his extreme irritation.

"I didn't expect to use this swordsmanship against a weakling like you."

Cadis bit his lip tightly while holding his sword around waist-level.

"However, the outcome of this match is obvious now that I decided to use the Starlight Sword Art. You should've put an end to it before it happened."

"You just said that the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars was only getting started. Are you really switching to another technique?"

Raon snickered at Cadis.

"Don't you think you are being unsightly?"

"I don't mind being unsightly."

Despite what he said, his eyes were brimming with wrath.

"Because it's better than losing."

"I guess that's true. Winning is all that matters in the end."

"You bastard..."

Raon nodded in agreement, and Cadis's pressure intensified. He almost looked like he could kill people with his eyes.

'He is so easy to provoke.'

Even though Cadis sneered at him from the first encounter, he was unable to hide his emotions. It was probably because he was raised in a sheltered environment.

'No, I guess it should be expected.'

Cadis was one of the biggest geniuses who was born with an excellent talent from an excellent house. He must've been the protagonist wherever he went, and it wasn't exactly strange that simple mockery was enough to provoke him.

Simple mockery? That was nasty mockery right there!

Wrath sighed deeply.

Your tongues are way too excessive. Even the King of Essence is angry even though he's just watching.

He ground his teeth, saying that even he got angry.


The light bursting from Cadis's sword intensified. He made his move once the astral energy turned into an ocean blue.


He closed the distance in an instant and slashed down the blue astral energy diagonally. The flow was majestic and swift. It was similar to the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars, but superior in every way.


Raon controlled Glacier to the best of his ability and unleashed the Blizzard Sword Art's Silver Cyclone. The rotating wind blade pierced into the Starlight Sword Art's blue light.


The powerful rebound caused a wrist-splitting pain. Raon forcefully clenched his trembling hand and raised his head.


Cadis's flow of the Starlight Sword Art was still connected despite the severing sword's attempt to cut it off.

'So it's different from the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars.'

Unlike the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars, which was defeated by the Silver Cyclone, the Starlight Sword's light remained. It was proof of its incomparable superiority.

'He almost looks like a different person now. This is so fun.'

Raon was finally starting to feel the tension. The real match was getting started.


Cadis raised his sword with a cold smile on his face. He seemed to believe he had the upper hand.

"You will never manage to sever this technique!"

"We won't know until I try."

"You arrogant bastard."

Cadis frowned and charged at him. He wasn't hesitating anymore because he managed to determine that the Blizzard Sword Art was incapable of cutting off the Starlight Sword Art's flow.


He closed the distance in an instant through the Shattering Wave Stride and slashed down with the Starlight Sword Art's technique.


Raon resonated the Ring of Fire to the maximum. He advanced along with the throbbing sound of his heart.

'I'll be pushed into a corner if I withdraw now.'

The Starlight Sword Art specialized in dominating the space—just like the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars. He definitely couldn't withdraw since doing that would only make it stronger.


Raon lowered his center of gravity and unleashed the Blizzard Sword Art's Silent Breeze. The weak yet rapid wind was dwelling in his blade as it smacked the center of the Starlight Sword Art.


Even though it was a preemptive strike, it felt like the muscles in his shoulder were getting torn apart.


It was painful, but he gritted his teeth to endure the pain and consecutively slashed down with the Blizzard Sword Art. Bone-numbing pain filled his brain each time the swords clashed.


However, the pain wasn't the problem. Even though he was unleashing the Blizzard Sword Art to the best of his ability, he couldn't interrupt the Starlight Sword Art's flow. Instead, its influence kept expanding and started to dominate the entire arena.

'I still have to continue.'

Raon breathed roughly and extended his left foot. With Glacier's maximum output, he used the Blizzard Sword Art's special technique, the Deadly Wind of Extinguishment.


The astral energy of extreme coldness rained down like a meteor shower, but the Starlight Sword Art's radiance didn't fade away.

Even though it was distorted, it still kept flowing endlessly and increased in intensity.


Raon was unable to block the upright strike coming from the Starlight Sword Art, getting pushed back to the edge of the arena.


The nausea became even worse. The internal injury he had received from Garona had clearly opened up.


Raon wiped away the blood flowing from his mouth and straightened his spine.

'What's the difference?'

The Azure Clouds Flow of Stars and the Starlight Sword Art shared the same core. They both revolved around the idea of connecting the flow to get stronger over time. The Azure Clouds Flow of Stars took after water and the Starlight Sword Art took after stars and light, but that wasn't enough to explain the difference between them.

'I need to figure out the difference.'

He shook his head to dispel the pain and used the Supreme Harmony Steps. He moved behind his opponent and unleashed the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation. The blade was clad in a powerful heat as it fell down upon Cadis's head.

"It's pointless."

Cadis turned his ankle and nimbly slashed upwards. The dazzling light soared alongside the blade's trajectory.


The flame beast that used to dominate the land melted down inside the blue light.

"It's pointless even if you switch your swordsmanship."

Cadis rolled his lips into a smile while pointing his sword at Raon's throat.

"Because the match has already been decided."

He provoked him in return with an arrogant gaze in his eyes.

"Did you know that?"

"Know what?"

"Everyone who said that to me in the past had been slammed into the ground—without exception."

Raon jumped into the Starlight Sword Art's blue radiance with his eyes sparking crimson.

"Th-the Starlight Sword Art!"

"Is he really using the Starlight Sword Art of the Sky Sword Saint?!"

"He's been hiding that secret weapon all along!"

"As expected of the Blade of Shattering Wave! He's on a whole different level!"

The gamblers let out triumphant cries as Cadis overwhelmed Raon.

"This is why the favorite always prevails!"

"Blade of Shattering Wind! Blade of Shattering Wind! Blade of Shattering Wind!"

"I'm finally winning!"

"Rena! Dad will bring some delicious food home!"

They were grasping their gambling tickets and rejoicing as if the match was already over.

"Sir Rimmer, you must be so anxious right now."

"It wasn't even a small amount. You are gonna be so sad if you lose all that money!"

"Stop making fun of him. He won't be able to sleep tonight even if you don't."

"It's already over. Let's get our money!"


Rimmer's expression didn't change even though the gamblers were laughing and making fun of him. His eyes were even more composed when he turned his head.

"Which part about this says that it's over to you?"

He shrugged his shoulders, brushing it off as nonsense.

"The Frostfire Sword of Valor's fire and ice are both ineffective. It's pretty much over, isn't it?"

"That's right. He managed to defeat Matisse, Borini Kitten, and even Garona with those techniques, yet they are proving completely ineffective."

The gamblers shook their heads, saying that the match was already over.

"You guys are so ignorant."

Rimmer snickered and raised his finger.

"Does his face really look like he's driven into a corner right now?"

His long finger was pointing at Raon's face. Even though Raon was knocked back by the Starlight Sword Art, his eyes were sparkling as if he were entranced. He looked exactly like a kid who had found a treasure.


"Why is he smiling right now?"

"I-is he a pervert?"

"What the hell is wrong with that boy...?"

The gamblers swallowed nervously upon noticing that Raon was smiling even though blood was gushing from his mouth.

"My student is a mad lad who smiles in a crisis."

Rimmer swept his hair up. His eyes were brimming with confidence as he watched Raon with a smile.

"He definitely won't lose if he's wearing that expression."

* * *

The gamblers weren't the only ones discussing the outcome of the match.

"He's even using the Starlight Sword Art. The Blade of Shattering Wave must be determined to win."

King Lecross smiled while watching the majestic light radiating from Cadis's sword.

"It's getting even more interesting."

Ogram also nodded in satisfaction.

"My hands are itching."

His fingers were fidgeting because he also wanted to fight.

"Please sit still, you muscle idiot."

Chamber shook her hand at Ogram and floated in the air.

"Cadis has the upper hand now. I really can't tell who's going to win."

She blushed while murmuring, 'How interesting'.


Derus Robert nodded with a serious look in his eyes.

"The Frostfire Sword of Valor's eyes haven't yielded yet. It's too early to tell the outcome."

Even though he saw that Cadis had the upper hand, he didn't jump to conclusions.

"Mister, what do you think now?"

Chamber asked the same question to Glenn.

"The same as before."

Glenn responded without even looking at Chamber.

"Raon is going to win."

"It must be love."

Chamber chuckled and withdrew.

Derus watched Glenn for a while before turning his head to look at Cadis.


He used his will instead of an aura message to prevent others from hearing him as he transmitted his intentions.

Cadis lowered his eyes. He seemed to be apologizing for using the Starlight Sword Art.

[It's fine. Destroying him takes priority.]

Derus continued gently.

[Agitate him and cut off his right arm.]

He gave the order, and Cadis gave him a small nod.

Derus smiled while looking down at Raon with cold eyes.

'I won't miss this opportunity to see Glenn's reaction.'

* * *


Raon spat out the black blood welling up in his mouth. His internal injury intensified, and the dead blood came up because he continuously clashed against the Starlight Sword Art that was filled with astral energy more powerful than his own.

'I still don't understand.'

He tried using both the Fangs of Insanity and the Blizzard Sword Art, but he didn't manage to determine the Starlight Sword Art's weakness or cut off its flow. The technique looked pretty much perfect from what he was looking at.

'But a perfect technique doesn't exist in the world.'

It might have been a different story if his opponent was Derus Robert, but there was no way that Cadis's swordsmanship was perfect. There was definitely an opening somewhere that he could take advantage of.

"You ran your mouth so hard, yet look at how you ended up."

Cadis raised his chin and looked down on him arrogantly.

"We are in a different league. You won't be able to break through the Starlight Sword Art."

He rolled his mouth into a smile to provoke Raon as he pointed his sword at him.

Raon narrowed his eyes while watching the magnificent light radiating from Cadis's sword.

'It can't be helped. I have to destroy it with sheer power.'

He relaxed his shoulders and slowly caught his breath. He fixed his grip on his sword, while controlling Glacier to the maximum output.


Cadis kicked the ground. He pierced into his space like an orca riding the wave and slashed. The blade brimming with the Starlight Sword Art's principles engulfed the space.

'Murderous intent?'

Raon noticed the murderous intent his sword was hiding. It was so inconspicuous that he was the only one who would have noticed since he used to be an assassin and was facing him at the moment.

'Is he targeting my arm?'

It looked like he was planning to cut off his arm at the shoulder after taunting him.

'Derus must've ordered it.'

Cadis's sudden change was enough for him to understand the situation.

'I won't let you get me.'

Raon snorted and slashed Heavenly Drive in a straight line through the arena. The blue blade, clad in extreme speed, clashed against the Starlight Sword Art.


The strike was unable to cut through the Starlight Sword Art's radiance, but it wasn't over yet.


The ice thorn dashed through the blade's trajectory and pierced into the light.


The Starlight Sword Art's flow wavered significantly from the powerful coldness, but he still didn't manage to cut it off.

'Even Frost Pond didn't work.'

Even the two slashes of Frost Pond were unable to sever it. The Starlight Sword Art's flow was so huge that it almost looked like the real ocean.

"Is that all you have?"

Cadis was already confident in his victory. He was making preparations to cut Raon's arm off with his brimming confidence.

'This is an opportunity for me.'

Since he was so focused on the result, it was the perfect time to figure out the Starlight Sword Art's secret.


Raon stomped the ground and pulled Heavenly Drive behind his shoulder. The extreme heat burst out in an instant. He was using the Flame Dragon Art, which was the strongest in terms of power alone.


The flame dragon descended upon the deadly blade and roared, aiming towards the Starlight Sword Art's light.

"It won't be enough to break through."

Cadis brought the Starlight Sword Art's flow that was already covering the entire arena to create a wall of astral energy in the Flame Dragon Art's path.


The Starlight Sword Art's flow still continued despite the explosive clash against the astral energy of fire.

The radiance intensified instead and unleashed a majestic ocean of stars. It looked like the entire arena was surrounded by the Starlight Sword Art's radiance.

Raon clenched his fist as he observed that dazzling light.


He managed to figure out the secret behind the Starlight Sword Art thanks to Frost Pond and the Flame Dragon Art's powerful attacks.

'It was the layout of the line.'

He didn't manage to cut off the Starlight Sword Art's flow because it used a peculiar method. It consisted of laying out the astral energy in advance in the location of the opponent's attack.

Since it took over the space in advance, it was obviously pretty much impossible to break through the flow.

'It was such a simple method.'

It was difficult to figure it out precisely because it was simple, and it also made it difficult to break through. It was a perfect method to go along with a swordsmanship that dominated the space.


Raon exhaled deeply.

'It almost feels like I'm in icy water.'

Even though his nausea intensified, and his hands and feet were trembling because of his internal injuries, a cold exhilaration washed through his mind.

The harmony between the Fangs of Insanity and the Blizzard Sword Art. He felt like he finally found the last piece of the puzzle to achieve that.


The Ring of Fire accelerated to the point that it set itself on fire and carved countless lines of swordsmanship in his mind. His vision was brimming with endless trajectories.

"The ocean of stars is finally complete thanks to you."

Cadis smiled while pointing at the Starlight Sword Art's radiance that was engulfing the entire arena. The whole space belonged to him. It was impossible for anyone to escape.

"This is your last chance to forfeit."

He licked his lips with his tongue. The deadliness of his murderous intent could only be felt by Raon. Even though he was telling him to forfeit, he was actually provoking him.

"Forfeit? Was there such a word in the dictionary?"

Raon smiled coldly and raised his head.

"I knew you would say that."

Cadis nodded in satisfaction.

"Come at me! Show me everything you got!"

He bobbed his hand, telling him to bring it on with all he got as if he had suddenly become broadminded. However, it was a trap. He was ready to counterattack and cut his arm off the moment Raon attacked.

'I know that fact, yet... I still have to do it.'

It was necessary to take a step forward in order to complete the swordsmanship that was making a mess in his head.

Just like Martha, who jumped into the shattered blades without hesitation, it was his turn to advance.


Raon unleashed all of the remaining power of the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation and thrust his sword.

He gathered the rotation of his muscles and joints from his ankles to connect them all the way to his wrist, adding it to the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation's fire.


A violently rotating shiny sphere appeared at the Heavenly Drive's tip. It was the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation's Revolving Sky, which had turned into a special technique.

The Revolving Sky condensed itself through the violent rotation and a tremendous amount of heat emerged once it exploded.

"It's a nice strike."

Cadis smiled coldly and rotated the Starlight Sword Art. The ocean of stars covering the entire area removed the Revolving Sky's energy in an instant and approached Raon instead.

It was a counterattack. The special technique of the Starlight Sword Art had the principles of counterattack, just like the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars. His entire vision was filled with the majestic blue light coming from the Starlight Sword Art.

Even though the starlight he was facing should've been something to despair over, his brain didn't stop functioning.

The Fangs of Insanity that managed to defeat Matisse, the Blizzard Sword Art that managed to cut off Borini Kitten's flow, the true rotation and the second strike he learned through the fight against Garona, and Cadis's Starlight Sword Art that consists of laying out astral energy in advance.

All of those experiences erased all the trajectories filling his head and started to draw a single line.


Cadis's strike had reached his right shoulder. His skin was getting cut apart, and when the blood was about to gush out, the line that was extending as slowly as a baby's hand reached its destination.


Luminance filled his brain alongside that line.

Raon weakened his grip and slashed Heavenly Drive alongside the line glimmering in his mind.

Raon Zieghart Style Swordplay Fifth Form

White Shadow Slash.

A white shadow appeared on his deadly blade.

The blade flowed alongside the white shadow and erased the ocean of starlight. The flows, astral energy, and even the breaths were nullified without leaving anything behind.

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