The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 328 - 328

Chapter 328: Chapter 328


"Set up Zieghart's flag!"

"Show me Robert's sword!"

"Frostfire Sword of Valor!"

"Sword of Shattering Wave! Sword of Shattering Wave!"

The entire arena was filled with the spectators' cheers. Most of them just wanted to witness a great duel and a cool fight, but it was a matter of life and death for some of them.

"I'm so nervous..."

"D-don't tell me Raon's going to win, is he?"

"Cadis has to win no matter what. I even bet the money to buy soup for my baby..."

"Their reputations are on a whole different level. We should believe in the Sword of Shattering Wave."

"Correct. Cadis is an advanced Master. He definitely won't lose."

"Raon's dividend is way higher than his too! Cadis is clearly going to win!"

There is a saying that you should watch the dividend of gamblers if you want to guess the outcome of a match.

It was true that Raon's popularity had surpassed Cadis, but most people were still betting on Cadis. There actually weren't that many people who went as far as betting money on Raon's victory.

"He's so powerful despite being nineteen years old. Raon Zieghart is definitely an unprecedented monster. However, even monsters have limits. He's no match for Cadis yet."

"He piled up lots of injuries from his fights against Borini Kitten yesterday and Garona today. Since it must've drained lots of stamina, he won't even be able to fight until the end."

"I agree. On the other hand, Cadis is in his best condition because he had it relatively easy!"

"He's the fifth rank of the Twelve Stars of the Continent. He's the most trustworthy one out there."

"The majority's bet always prevails!"

The gamblers shouted Cadis's name while clenching their gambling tickets tightly.

"Cadis! Cadis! Cadis!"

"Blade of Shattering Wave! Blade of Shattering Wave! Blade of Shattering Wave!"

"You are a bunch of fools. Raon is definitely going to win."

A different opinion barged into the gamblers' desperate shouts.


"Who said that...?"

"It's me."

The gamblers turned their heads around to look at the person who called Raon's name. An elf was grinning there with his long hair tied back roughly.

"Z-Zieghart's Sword of Light!"

"He won every single bet yesterday! He even guessed that Burren and Runaan would have a draw correctly! He's the gambling god! The real god!"

"I-I heard he was a shitter in the gambling house though..."

"No way, did you actually bet on Raon?"

"Of course I did."

Rimmer nodded and waved his gambling ticket. They couldn't perfectly see the number, but it looked like he had bet at least 500 gold coins.


"D-did you really bet that much money?"

"You are insane..."

"But you should know better than anyone that Raon's realm is lower than Cadis'!"

The gamblers' chins were trembling in disbelief.

"Of course I do. I'm also fully aware that he's exhausted and injured."

"Then why..."

"Because he's Raon."

Rimmer smiled cheerfully while watching Raon focus on Cadis.

"As long as he's in the arena, he's never lost a single time before. And..."

He's never made me lose money.

He gathered his hands and started to pray.

'I've always believed in you and still believe in you, my god of fortune!'

* * *

The master of ceremonies swallowed nervously after looking at Raon and Cadis one after the other. Even though the match hadn't even started yet, their pressure felt like blades tearing his skin apart.

"A-are you both ready?"


"I'm ready."

Raon and Cadis nodded while staring at each other.


The master of ceremonies left the arena while grasping his pounding chest.

"We are now starting the final match of the Six Kings tournaments! The Master division's final!"


"Raon! Raon! Raon!"

"Cadis! Cadis! Cadis!"

People started shouting like raging thunder as soon as he pointed at the arena, but the arena itself was completely quiet.

Raon and Cadis weren't moving an inch—they were simply glaring at each other, just like before he signaled the start of the match.

Just like horses that warmed their legs up to reach the highest speed, they were probing for their opponent's opening while slowly gathering their aura.

As their focus started to reach its peak, the spectators also fell silent one after the other. Eventually, the entire arena fell as silent as a library.


Right before Raon and Cadis's pressures reached their peaks, a young magician's wooden staff fell on the ground.


The small noise that echoed throughout the arena was so small that no one would've even cared about it any other time. However, it was precisely when a flame that seemed as hot as the sun itself burst from Raon's sword and the astral energy incorporating the ocean's will surged from Cadis's sword.


Raon kicked the ground and examined Cadis while he advanced. He must've also noticed that the sound was the signal, as he was also approaching with swimming footwork.

'It must be the Shattering Wave's Stride.'

The Shattering Wave's Stride represented the ride on a wave, and it was an advanced footwork that allowed him to move freely even in mid-air.


Cadis's sword reached him in no time, engulfed in sharpness and softness at the same time. The swordsmanship was dominating the space with a continued flow, and It was House Robert's famous swordsmanship, the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars.

'How nostalgic. So damn nostalgic.'

The swordsmanship that Raon couldn't learn even though he wanted to was exclusive to Robert's bloodline, and he felt nauseated at the sight.


Raon exhaled roughly.

'My body definitely isn't in good condition.'

His internal injuries from severing the Fallen's energy the day before and from the fight against Garona a moment ago both still remained, and a large amount of his aura and stamina were already drained.


Facing Robert's bloodline was making strength surge through his body and made his head cool down. He felt like he could achieve anything.

'That sword of yours... I'll destroy it.'

Raon smiled coldly and swung Heavenly Drive down. The principles of the Fangs of Insanity dwelling in the silver blade bared their sharp teeth.


The entire arena trembled from the clash between the astral energies, but Cadis didn't waver in the slightest. He connected the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars as naturally as flowing water to thrust his sword once again.

'I'll try this now...'

Raon lowered his chin slightly and extended his left foot. He connected the rotation of joints and muscles from the ankle to the waist and all the way to the waist to unleash the Blood Fang Strike of the Fangs of Insanity.


The sharp slash targeting Cadis's chest looked like a savage beast's claws, clad in fire.


Cadis swirled his sword to place it in the middle of the Blood Fang Strike. His movement was as fluid as drawing a circle with a brush.


Despite the Fangs of Insanity's huge momentum, it failed to unset Cadis's sword and posture.

He connected the flow of the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars with a face that looked like he was enjoying teatime instead of having a match.

"This is how it should be."

Raon smiled and nodded his head.

'This is the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars that I know.'

The Azure Clouds Flow of Stars was similar to the river's flow. It flowed and connected endlessly and eventually reached the ocean to create a huge wave.

It also meant that the wave was bound to drown him to death if he failed to cut off the solid flow. It was truly a perpetual swordsmanship.

'It's difficult to achieve through the Fangs of Insanity, just as I thought.'

Cadis was already highly versed in the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars. The Fangs of Insanity could hardly cut off his flow when a huge aura, like the vast ocean, awaited him at the end.

'However, I have a technique that can make it happen.'

The Blizzard Sword Art he'd learned from Loctar had the principles of the severing sword, which had the ability to cut off a martial art's flow. It wasn't impossible to cut off the huge flow that Cadis was making.


Raon exhaled faintly and switched his posture and aura.

He cleansed the ferocity on his blade with the frozen wind and used the Supreme Harmony Steps. He leaped through the space and reached Cadis's left side.

"It's an obvious trick."

Cadis snorted and continued the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars. It was already the fifth technique. The overflowing astral energy was all over the place.

"You will be engulfed by the waves and collapse."

"In that case, I should leave the ocean before the waves arrive."

Raon clenched his grip and slashed with the Blizzard Sword Art's first technique, Silver Cyclone.


The rotation starting from his oblique muscles passed through the joint to create a powerful Spiral Power. The silver wind's advance looked like an extension of the blade, and it bent diagonally to slam down on Cadis's astral energy.


The resonance sounded completely different from the previous clashes. It almost sounded like it was cutting through a thick piece of paper as it severed the flow Cadis was making.

"H-how is this happening?!"

Raon could see Cadis's violently trembling eyes through the gap of the severed astral energy.

"It's a mere coincidence!"

However, he recovered from his shock extremely quickly, as expected of one of the Twelve Stars of the Continent. Cadis regained his composure in no time and tried to continue the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars once again.

'I won't let you.'

Raon used the Supreme Harmony's Second Step. He charged like lightning and unleashed the Blizzard Sword Art's second technique, White Saint's Whirling Stab.


The White Saint's Whirling Stab was a dot marked by a saint from heaven. The falling astral energy looked like a straight brush was marking a dot as it pierced through the center of the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars.


Cadis stepped back and created another wave of astral energy. He was trying to reconnect the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars' flow somehow.

'It's pointless.'

Raon exploded Glacier's frost at once and twisted his sword.


The Black Beast Tribe's secret technique that he learned from Garona created a second impact and completely stopped the flow of the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars that had just managed to resume.

"This is so easy."

Raon turned his wrist softly. He was literally overwhelming his opponent.


Cadis' jaw dropped in disbelief.

"You just need to get good."

While the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars could be compared to the flowing river, the Blizzard Sword Art was a dam of wind blocking it. Swordsmanship that relied on flow to connect was bound to be countered by the severing sword.

'And I got even better than before.'

The Blizzard Sword Art managed to achieve multiple levels of progress through the matches against Matisse, Borini Kitten, and Garona.

On top of the principles to sever the flow, even its power and speed had improved. That was why he managed to cut off the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars despite the fact that Cadis was at a higher realm than himself.

"I heard you saying something about a wave or whatever. Don't tell me you are already giving up?"

Raon tilted his hand and bobbed his finger.

"You should at least show that you aren't all talk."

"Shut up!"

"His severing sword got even better!"

Ogram grinned as his back parted from the chair.

"He is so proficient with the severing sword, even though the people nowadays don't even bother looking at it! I expected no less from Garona's brother! I like him even more the more I watch him!"

Even though the fight was still ongoing, he applauded for Raon.

"Did kids nowadays stop learning the severing sword?"

Since Chamber was a magician, she tilted her head in bewilderment.

"Yes. It's pretty rare for knights or swordsmen to acquire the severing sword."

King Lecross stroked his chin and nodded.


"Because it's difficult to learn. Cutting off the opponent's flow obviously requires a high realm in martial arts, and they also need to have good eyes and hands. You have to invest more time, effort, and talent than other techniques. It takes far too long to get results. That's why most warriors don't try learning the severing sword."

He licked his lips, saying that there weren't even that many severing sword techniques around.

"Even though our knights are supposed to have the best eyes among the Six Kings, there are only a few of them who have learned the severing sword. But a youngster like him is actually using it. It's truly a frightening amount of talent and dedication. I'm jealous of the head of house at this point."

"Ahem, it's nothing special."

Glenn nodded casually with his arms crossed.

"Anyone can do that much."

He was pretending it wasn't a big deal as he shook his hand, but his fingers were trembling slightly.

"I don't even understand how he has such high standards. Shouldn't he be proud of that boy no matter what?"

"There was that guy."

Chamber smiled while drawing a circle with her finger.

"Ah, I see."

Ogram slowly nodded in acknowledgement.

"He wasn't as good as that boy, but he was nothing short of a genius. I didn't exactly like him though."

He briefly clicked his tongue and turned his head.

"The match is going to be over so easily at this rate."

Chamber wagged her finger like a pendulum. Judging from her eyes, she wasn't being serious, but was trying to stir up others' reactions.

"That's not certain yet."

King Lecross shook his head with his arms crossed.

"The Azure Clouds Flow of Stars gets stronger over time. Even though the flow was cut off, it can still reach the ocean eventually if he keeps connecting it little by little. We should watch and see how it goes."

The reason the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars became House Robert's signature swordsmanship despite being well known by the public was because it was capable of connecting the flow even if it was countered.

"And that's not the only reason."

Ogram frowned while looking at Derus.

"Because the Blade of Shattering Wave must know more than a single technique. Am I right?"

"I wonder."

Derus slowly turned his head to look at Ogram. His mouth was curved into the usual smile.

"I don't really care who wins as long as they fight to the best of their abilities."

He smiled gently, saying that he was fine with either outcome.

"You are no fun."

Chamber briskly turned her head away and looked at Glenn.

"Mister, who is going to win in your opinion?"

"Raon is going to win."

Glenn immediately voiced Raon's name without even thinking about it.

"Ohh, are you sure?"


He responded with his confident gaze.

"Wow, mister. How have you become so much cooler since the last time I saw you?"

Chamber smiled cheerfully and stuck right next to Glenn.


Derus watched Glenn for a while before turning his head. A cold smile appeared on his face.

* * *


After the flow of the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars was completely destroyed, Cadis was pushed back to the edge of the arena.


Cadis's hand was shivering as he lowered his sword. He looked even more surprised than the first time. He must've realized that Raon didn't cut off his flow by sheer luck.

"What have you done? What did you do just now?"

He screamed for the first time. He looked like he couldn't understand how it was happening at all.

"You've finally revealed your true nature."


"You were pretending to respect me while sneering at me with your eyes. That was really disgusting."

"You arrogant..."

Cadis violently ground his teeth and raised his sword. His sword was pointing at Raon's heart.

'He's so easy.'

Unlike Derus, who maintained his composure in all situations, it was extremely easy to shatter Cadis's mask.

'However, I can't let it end like this. I'm planning to learn even more from you.'

There was no way the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars was the only technique Derus taught Cadis. Raon wanted to experience an even better swordsmanship in preparation for the future.

"Do you truly believe you've defeated the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars just because you managed to stop it a few times?!"

Ferocious pressure emerged from Cadis's serious eyes.

"But I did."

Raon shrugged his shoulders.

"The Azure Clouds Flow of Stars is a late bloomer. The match is only getting started!"

"It was a piece of advice on my part though. It's so sad that you aren't even listening."

"I told you to shut your mouth!"

"No, you told me to shut up."

"You bastard!"

Cadis glared violently and swung his sword. His swordsmanship created an even more detailed flow despite his anger, engulfing the space.

His personality was regrettable, but Raon had to acknowledge his skills at least.


The river reached the ocean in no time and created a huge flow. The wave of astral energy was covering the entire land. It was the Azure Clouds Flow of Stars' special technique, Azure Clouds White Wave.

'It's so powerful.'

The wave of astral energy devouring the space as it approached was so powerful that it was difficult to evade or block it.

'It's not going to work though.'

Because he just needed to shatter it if he couldn't block or evade.


Raon stomped the ground and unleashed the Blizzard Sword Art's special technique, Silent Wind of the Silvery Ocean. The silver storm that even managed to annihilate the Fallen's light and darkness clashed against the wave of astral energy soaring to the sky.


The Azure Clouds White Wave's aura was superior in terms of density and quantity, but the Silent Wind of the Silvery Ocean was the one that gradually prevailed.

The principles of the severing sword dwelling in the storm devoured the wave of astral energy to expand in size.

"Oh, no..."

"This is as far as you go."


When Raon's Silent Wind of the Silvery Ocean was about to engulf Cadis after swallowing the Azure Clouds White Wave, a powerful light radiated from his sword.


A powerful shockwave devastated the arena, and the Silent Wind of the Silvery Ocean melted down completely.


The majestic blue light surging from Cadis's sword was completely different from before.

'The Starlight Sword Art!'

The Starlight Sword Art was an extremely high-level martial art that only the best from House Robert could learn. The will of light and stars dwelled in the swordsmanship, and it was one of Derus's weapons.

'Thank you.'

Raon licked his lips as if he were hungry and fixed his grip on Heavenly Drive.

'Thank you for the meal.'

Can't you eat real meals so happily?

Wrath suddenly interfered despite being silent so far.

'Please stop!'

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