The Primal Hunter

Chapter 399 - A New Era

Another trip through the void, and Jake found himself back in the tower. At the same time, nine other people appeared. Two of them fell like puppets with their strings cut, another fell over and began throwing up, and three people fell to the floor as they screamed and held their heads.

Reika looked pale as a ghost as she breathed heavily and looked around in fright. Jake and one other guy were the only ones who seemed completely okay. Tossing the other guy a look, Jake recognized him as one of the space mages, so it kinda made sense.

“Why was it so…?”

“Rough? It just is, but it gets better with every teleport, no worries,” Jake explained as he kept looking off to the side. As the only one, it seemed.

“Villy, what are you doing?”

“Showing you where the teleporter to the Order is,” the Viper said as he stood right beside Jake.

“And why am I the only one who knows you are here?”

“Because that is nicer than knocking out everyone else by unleashing a bit of my aura to talk to you while not hidden? Besides, you got that whole telepathy thing down already, so it doesn’t really matter, now does it? Anyway, gather up the cannon fodder, and let’s move on,” Villy answered.

Jake frowned a bit but relayed the information, acting like he knew where to go while just following the Viper. At least he tried to, but they went through the same hallway Jake had and faced the windows displaying the city.


“Is this?”


Reika didn’t say anything but looked questioningly at Jake.

“Big city, probably in the trillions,” Jake just said.

“So this is the Order of the Malefic Viper?” an alchemist asked, gawking out the window.

“No, the Order is located beneath the ground. We will get there through teleportation,” Jake answered.

“How large is this… place? Is it even a planet?” another alchemist came in.

“It is a planet, and as for how large? No clue, but super big. Not sure about the details. It isn’t like I have a god standing beside me who could answer all these questions,” Jake said with a smirk.

“Heh,” the Viper snickered. “Would be boring to just tell you, but let me share this… the mantle layers contain galaxies.”

“How the hell does that make any sense?” Jake asked skeptically.

“By it being a celestial object larger than something capable of comprehension by the mortal mind? It may seem overwhelming now, but to a god, it is manageable,” Villy shrugged.

The other alchemists kept discussing a while, still gawking out through the windows as they approached the teleportation gates. When they got close to the room with the teleporters in them, Jake felt a presence within. At the same time, Villy also turned to him.

“I will leave you here. The guide should take you to where you need to go and handle things from here. Good luck with everything, and have fun!”

With that, the Viper disappeared, as Jake relayed: “See you… even if I know you are still watching.”

“But I am always watching, so this doesn’t count,” Villy sent back.

“Heads up, people,” Jake said as they approached the gate.

Instantly they all quieted down and became alert. All signs of casualness were gone as Jake took the lead, acting as the leader based on their plans. It also only made sense he was the leader as he currently made himself appear to be a level 181 human, 31 levels above what he actually was. According to Villy, this made Jake still considered very powerful for his level, just not ridiculously so.

The group made it up to a gate, and they entered with a final look exchanged between him and Reika.

When he opened it, he finally laid eyes on the individual that had been waiting. Before Jake stood a creature with deep red skin, yellow pupils, two horns growing from his head, but with a humanoid shape. He was even wearing a well-made dapper suit and a hat while carrying a small crystal tablet.

Is that a god damn demon?

[Demon – lvl 199]

It was a god damn demon.

Jake had never seen one of those before, and the cogs in his head instantly started turning. Were demons considered monsters or enlightened? Did the dude in front of him have a class and a profession or only either? Maybe neither?

Unluckily, it wasn’t a good time to ask as the demon spoke.

“Ah, welcome. Place of origin?” the demon asked in a deep voice, making it sound slightly inhuman, like using a voice changer to make the voice deeper.

“Ninety-third Universe, Earth,” Jake answered promptly.

The demon manipulated the tablet a little. “Ah, here we are. Let me see… a token, huh? Can you please present it?”

Jake did as asked and took out the high-tier token to show. The demon looked at it for a while, actually showing a bit of emotion for the first time. “Impressive job acquiring it. However, we cannot accept it as the promise associated with it has expired, and you not being of the Nalkar line. I would instead suggest presenting it to the Nalkar house within the Order for compensation.”

“I was told the token was required for entry?” Jake asked. He knew it wasn’t but just wanted to act the part of someone ignorant. Well, more ignorant than he actually was. Also… there was a Nalkar house?

“Partly, but it is primarily the act of obtaining it the Order places importance on, and the Blessing of the Malefic One is the true proof anyway. Now, if you will, please proceed to the second teleportation circle where you will be taken to the others,” the demon continued.

Others? Jake asked himself as he followed the instructions.

Vilastromoz saw Jake go with his little mortal followers as he teleported away. He smiled as he now had his own matters to deal with, even if these matters were partly Jake-related.

The entire situation with him attending was a tricky one for sure. Vilastromoz had wanted Jake to come to the Order from the beginning and made plans to make it possible. For how long had he made plans? Well, since the day he gave Jake the Blessing for the first time.

Earth was not the only planet in the ninety-third Universe, and from that day on, the Viper had begun spreading his influence. He had already blessed hundreds of other individuals on other planets and began establishing himself. Earth was, in the end, just a small blip in the broader world, even if it stood out.

All sorts of enlightened races like humans and elves had been blessed, but why would the Viper limit himself? One had to remember, Vilastromoz was a beast, not a human or any other enlightened species. This meant the majority of his Blessings had gone out to other monsters.

On all planets, beasts and monsters had many advantages in the initial stages. Natural treasures of extreme power allowing them to jump grades in only a couple of months. This did come with restrictions, but these restrictions only counted for their own planet and universe.

What did this mean? This meant they could freely leave. Additionally, C-grade was when all monsters got access to the Polymorph racial skill, allowing them to make changes to their bodies. This change was often just small edits to claws, morphing to remove some natural weaknesses and such things, but the unique rarity skill could do so much more.

When Vilastromoz had been C-grade, he had begun experimenting with the skill and learned to turn himself into a humanoid form. The same knowledge he had now passed down to those beasts, meaning that more than a hundred C-grade beasts and monsters with his Blessing had already entered the academy. Not all of them had anything to do with alchemy, but that didn’t mean the place wouldn’t have value for them.

Now, what did this have to do with Jake going? Well, this was a damn powerful shield. Vilastromoz already knew the basic assumption would be that his Chosen would be a beast considering he had been one himself. This is what most gods did, after all. No one would expect it to be a human, that was for sure.

Coupled with all the other things planned, it should at least slow down his discovery, even if some of those obfuscation methods did have issues.

Faking age was a bit more complicated than other things, but the Viper had ways, and reasonable doubt was all one needed. Time dilation was plentiful, and sometimes it was better to not speak any truth or lies but simply leave things up to ambiguity. Everyone knew certain natural realms existed where time moved differently. Everyone knew system events would distort time, and while some events were for everyone, it was possible to enter more personal challenges, like system-made Trial Dungeons with changed time.

People would also ask if Jake had gone to Nevermore or not? Had he spent all five or so years there in D-grade already? Most would assume yes just based on his level.

So many things he had done could be explained away with handwaving or simply that he was a genius picked by the Viper. Perhaps the best genius of the bunch, but was he a Chosen-level genius? What even was a Chosen-level genius?

Jake would still be a primary suspect. But the thing is, while it would make people treat him better, it would not make anyone treat him as a Chosen. No one would simply dare assume he was the Chosen as that would be disrespectful in itself.

But as said, all Vilastromoz needed was enough reasonable doubt. A seed to be planted with more than one candidate. That is, assuming the Chosen was even at the academy. No one could know if he was or wasn’t, and rumors had even been spread that he wouldn’t go but was trained by the Viper himself. A partial truth spread with the Viper’s ushering.

Besides, the majority of the focus would be on the C-grades, not a bunch of humans who had arrived later than others.

Finally, perhaps the biggest point: no one would expect the Chosen to hide his identity at all. Why would he? Everyone in the multiverse tended to be overly invested in status, and what was bigger than the Chosen of a Primordial? Also, why would the Viper not want his Chosen discovered? The entire logic of hiding would be lost on most.

But… Vilastromoz truly believed this was best for Jake. Also, he knew his pal would leave if he got too overwhelmed with attention, and as much as the Viper didn’t expect anything from Jake besides growing powerful, then he still would prefer him to study and get involved in the Order. Both for the Order and Jake’s sake.

The day he met Jake, the Viper had resolved himself to return to the multiverse at large. He had begun expanding the organization once more, bringing in hidden gods who had once been aligned with him, and made one thing clear: he was fully back and would reclaim his status.

Before his return, the Order of the Malefic Viper had only one official god as part of it. The Lord Protector, Snappy, was just a caretaker who ensured no one would dare try to eliminate the Order, but he was just there to keep it running, if barely.

Duskleaf had hidden as well, not caring about the Order as an organization. It was a hollow shell, and even if that hollow shell had managed to retain some semblance of power, it was feeble. However, this decline had not come instantly. So one question was very obvious:

How many gods had ascended during the many years the Viper had been in isolation?

The number of gods who had stayed was zero, but that didn’t tell the entire story. Nothing had been done to keep any of them after becoming gods, and while he was disappointed none had stayed to strengthen the Order, he couldn't truly blame them. They had spread out across the multiverse and done their own things as the Order no longer offered them much. In many ways, it was to be expected.

But… now he was back.

He had called upon the Hidden Ones. Friends, allies, and comrades of the past. Loyals who had stayed such for eras. Individuals who had been part of the Order and still held loyalty towards it or Snappy.

With a single step, Vilastromoz pierced the void as he appeared before the realm of Snappy. With another, he entered, and a third, he appeared on the highest platform that also held the monument he had made Snappy so long ago – the one that had made his friend aware of his return.

Vilastromoz smiled as figures began appearing around him. The void repeatedly splintered as auras descended one after another. The first ones were triplet witches with the auras of Godqueens, and naturally, Snappy himself giving off an aura surpassing even that.

Dozens more appeared, taking on a myriad of forms. Some were mere shadowy specters, some were anonymous avatars, and some had chosen to come with their true bodies, showing their loyalty by willingly entering the realm of a god more powerful than themselves.

After a few seconds, the last arrival was there, as more than five hundred gods waited with bated breath.

“It has been a while,” the Malefic Viper spoke. “Many familiar faces in the crowd and a few newcomers.”

He spoke as he infused his voice with power as the entire realm vibrated.

“Firstly, you have chosen wisely to show up today. I do notice a few glaring absences, but no worries, I am sure it was genuine mistakes on their parts to not even make their unavailability clear.”

The words were said jokingly, but the threat was clear. Vilastromoz knew that he needed to show power after being gone so far. Confidence. He needed to prove he was still the Malefic Viper of old. Killing the Brimstone Hegemon had been a start, but far from enough.

“Secondly, I welcome all of you back. Too long have I been gone. Too long has what once was withered and decayed. Too long has my name been forgotten, and my influence disappeared. So if my actions have not made it obvious already, then let my words make it clear: the Malefic Viper is back, and the Order shall rise once more.”

For the first time since his return, the Malefic Viper released it all. Every shred of his power and presence flared out as the realm shook, and more than half of the gods present buckled and fell to their knees. Their projections flickered, and the shadows began losing form.

Only a few could stand putting up a front to appear unaffected, but all of them had the same expression.

“Thirdly, rumors have been spread far and wide. The Malefic Viper is no threat anymore… his power has waned. He has stagnated. The moment he is out of his realm, he is nothing than a target for those who wish to claim the title of slaying a Primordial.

“I find this all so interesting. Who the fuck do they think they are talking about? Stagnation? Waned power? Do they think I have done nothing for eras on end? Do they think I have merely wallowed in despair? I pity such fools. So let me set the record straight: there is still no god in existence I fear. There is still no god in the multiverse that dare claim they can defeat me … and if there is, I would gladly prove them wrong.”

He felt the auras of many of the gods flare up around him as the Viper grinned. A projection of a snake appeared above him as he opened his arms and declared.

“It is time to come home to the Order. Time to rebuild and reclaim what was ours. For the Order of the Malefic Viper to not only become what it once was but something far greater. I am not returning to be satisfied with what I once had, but to take whatever I desire, no different from the past.

“Let the ninety-third Era of the multiverse be the Era of the Order of the Malefic Viper!” Vilastromoz declared as he felt the auras of the gods flare up around him. Shadows were replaced with true bodies, and avatars swapped for the genuine product.

The auras synchronized, and no words were spoken, but the intent was clear. The Malefic Viper grinned as he felt the gazes of worship upon him once more.

The Era of the Malefic Viper… and his Chosen, Jake Thayne.

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