The Primal Hunter

Chapter 398 - School Preparations

Jake felt himself once more pulled through space. This time he focused on not trying to look anywhere or spread out his senses as he passed through that weird void. It went a bit faster than the first time, and Jake promptly found himself back in the middle of the grand monument.

In front of him stood Chris, who had clearly been doing some maintenance work. “Lord Thayne, you’re back!”

Waving to the guy Jake suddenly got an idea. “Can you Identify me?”

“Sure!” the young man agreed without question. “It says human, but I can’t see the level.”

Jake nodded as he confirmed it worked as he intended. It would be a bit suspicious if people too low level to detect his façade would suddenly be shown a number they otherwise shouldn’t be able to. “Thanks, man, I got some stuff to handle back in Haven. See you around, and good job on the teleporter. Worked as intended.”

“All according to the will of the Malefic One,” Chris said in a tone giving Jake the creeps.

He headed out as he began flying towards the teleporter and back to Haven.

He had been told to wait a week before heading back again and going to the academy. He would use this time to make sure nothing bad had happened in his absence as Jake discovered he had been gone for months. He already kind of knew seeing how many levels Chris had gained, and he even felt the general level of power from the Fort had increased.

Flying over, he did notice something weird, though. He was faster than before. Jake frowned as he wondered what had happened, but he hadn’t had any stat changes. One could say Jake had not progressed at all, for what he discovered was nearly fourteen years total – about ten times longer than he could even imagine it had taken.

But he quickly discovered this wasn’t true. As he moved his wings, the energy moved through them more efficiently and controlled than before. This was without him even thinking about it, but just purely passive improvements. He couldn’t hold back his curiosity as he tried to make an arcane bolt, but not much had changed there. He then tried to move some internal energy or even internal mana and found the process easier.

It appeared that spending that long comprehending his own Soulshape and the Shroud had led to unexpected benefits. Surely something to explore later.

Quite a bit had changed back at the Fort during his absence, primarily in that Arnold was done with his sphere, and from the looks of it, he had even expanded it a little. Jake would bet on the dude expanding downwards soon too.

Going to the teleportation place, Jake noticed two more had opened up. One led to a city run by an independent faction at the direction of the Noboru Clan, and the other was one that surprised Jake – it was linked directly with Sanctdomo.

He did discover that one was not active yet, though. Not that Jake had anything against them coming. In fact, he could recognize the gain in the trade connection. Ultimately, he would have Miranda decide how to handle it.

Teleporting back to Haven, Jake went straight back to his old lodge. He had already mentally informed Sylphie he was back and knew she was heading back with her parents. Jake didn’t even have to stop by Miranda’s office as she seemed to already know and had headed for his lodge.

Probably those tattling witches.

Jake flew into the valley and landed right in front of the porch. Miranda was already sitting there with Reika and Lillian, clearly waiting for him.

“Hey there,” Jake said in greeting to the three women.

“Welcome back,” Miranda said. “I hope it was a pleasant trip?”

“Yeah, it was,” Jake said with a smile.

“How… how is this possible?” Reika said, confused. “How can you only be level 100? What did you do? Wait, why can I-“

“And now you just learned what I have been doing,” Jake said as his level instantly changed to 180, getting a funny reaction from Reika, who looked even more confused.

“So, a method to hide your true identity when you go the Order of the Malefic Viper?” Miranda asked rhetorically as she nodded in understanding. “A wise decision that should avoid a lot of issues.”

“That is the plan at least, and the Viper proposed another thing to make it look less weird,” Jake said as he turned to Reika. “What would you say to come along to the academy run by the Order of the Malefic Viper?”

“Pardon?” Reika said, her level of confusion growing by the moment. “I doubt that would be a good idea. I am not a member of the Order and no believer of the Malefic One. I don’t see how it would make sense and if I would even want to go.”

“You complained about not having equal minds to spar with. The Order will have those in spades,” Miranda inserted herself.

“Yeah, and I would even advise you to pick a few of the best D-grade alchemists you brought with you from your clan. As for not being a believer and all that? It should be fine. At least the Viper said it would be as long as you don’t try to start some heretical movement. Also, finally, think about the benefits! I plan on using this, and I am sure we will get some good stuff,” Jake explained as he took out a certain token.

[High-tier Alchemy Token of the Malefic Order (Legendary)] – A token created by the Order of the Malefic Viper. This token represents a deal made with the Nalkar vampire line to grant a set number of the Nalkar Clan vampires membership to the Order and includes a set number of benefits. This token has never been turned in, and doing so may lead to certain rewards. Gives off an aura that encourages growth in toxic alchemical products.

Everyone looked at it for a moment before Reika brought up a poignant point. “It says it is only for Nalkar vampires.”

“Will be fine. We got it from the system event to explore Yalsten,” Jake said.

“… Won't that be extremely suspicious?”

Jake shook his head. “We will be either way. We would stand out for a plethora of reasons, but the biggest one will be that we all have Endless Tongues of the Myriad Races, making it obvious we are newly integrated into the multiverse. While apparently my existence as a Chosen has been kept a bit under wraps, the fact that a newly integrated individual was the cause of the Viper becoming more active again has been spread. So me suddenly showing up will be suspicious as hell. But what if a bunch of humans comes from an integrated universe with a token from an ancient realm? We will stand out, yes, but for a different reason.”

“That does make sense. However, you will still be the only one blessed by the Viper,” Miranda cut in. “Unless you are bringing Chris?”

“Nah, that would be a dick move considering he isn’t even an alchemist,” Jake said, shaking his head. “I will just be the leader who got the token and brought some of my fellow humans. It makes sense I would be the only one who got blessed for getting the token and to act as an ambassador. This is also the narrative we will spin.”

“I am not certain me and others going will be a wise choice. Just some preliminary research makes it clear it may be dangerous. I even heard about some poison-sharing ritual or something,” Reika voiced her concerns.

“Yeah… that…” Jake recognized. “I think it is obvious you won’t have the professions related to the Viper, so just avoid drinking stuff, and honestly? If someone of a similar grade and level of power can make a poison able to outright kill you, then you honestly just suck a bit, you know? So just tell people not to be idiots.”

Reika looked a bit offended but also seemed to get his point.

“So how many should go?” she asked. “And will Miranda come along also?”

“No, I think I am more well-known and recognizable than Jake in the Order. I have interacted with several members in the realm of the Verdant Witches, and I have a divine Blessing I am unable to hide. My presence would be a dead giveaway,” Miranda explained.

“Wait, doesn’t that mean you know more members of the Order than me?” Jake asked in realization.

“Naturally. But it also means they don’t know you, and not much information has been shared. Not even your grade, race, or anything directly related to you. None of the other factions have shared much either. It seems like there is a huge need-to-know-basis view of information in the multiverse,” Miranda answered.

Jake chose to not consider the bizarreness of the situation but just referred to Reika again. “So, thoughts? Also, you can bring ten people tops.”

“I will need to go and consult the others,” Reika answered, clearly unsure. “Will it be possible if we go to return again if it isn’t deemed suitable?”

“I don’t know,” Jake answered. “But while it may be possible, I would choose based it on it not being easy. Choices without easy takebacks are more fun anyway.”

Jake naturally knew it would be possible, but if he was being honest, he didn’t want to drag people along who didn’t want to commit.

Reika nodded in understanding as she left to consult with the ones from her clan. Miranda had stayed together with Lillian, as they still had some business to handle. But first:

“Do you think she will go?” she asked.

“Of course,” Jake answered with a smirk. “Even if she is doubtful and isn’t sure it’s a wise choice, she is starved for knowledge. This isn’t an opportunity she will pass up. The only thing holding her back is that old dilemma of personal benefits over what is best for the clan.”

In reality, Jake offered it as much for the benefit of their clan as for her. The Noboru clan did not have any real heritages besides the newly obtained vampire one, meaning they had far less to work with than others. Jake wanted to at least give the old man a helping hand by training a few alchemists for him. He was fully aware they probably wouldn’t hold any loyalty towards Jake and the Order, but he really didn’t care.

Neither did Villy, who had proposed this entire scenario.

“Alright,” Miranda said. “Now for a breakdown of what happened in your absence and future plans while you’re gone…”

The next hour consisted of Miranda bringing Jake up-to-speed about the state of Haven and its inhabitants. Many more D-grades had appeared, and the forest had become a common hunting ground. Entrances to the underground had also been found spread out throughout the forest. Maps were being drawn, and everything was just expanding.

On the topic of the teleportation circle to Sanctdomo, Miranda had not activated it due to Jake not being there to approve it. Which he promptly did, not seeing a huge reason not to. He doubted they would create any unnecessary trouble, and if they did, there were still people back in Haven, and Jake was never more than a teleportation away.

Not that he thought his presence was necessary. After all, Arnold and Sylphie would be there, along with people like Sultan and even Miranda, who he could feel was no slouch either. Witches were notorious for being difficult to fight in their own territories and coupled with her abilities as a City Lord, she was a defensive powerhouse.

They kept talking a while longer, and Sylphie also soon came. She wouldn’t come along to the Order even if she could, mainly because Jake knew she would be bored. Better she stayed on Earth and hunted, even if it looked like she would soon surpass Jake’s own level.

Not to worry, he would catch up.

Considering he hadn’t seen the big guy in a while, he also went down to check on the Cave Troll, where he found a sprawling garden. That is also where Jake came to learn what the troll had been named. Miranda had come along and said that to the surprise of everyone, the troll seemed to have named itself Rick. A few builders had been around the cave to help with the garden and mainly spoke to the troll for fun. The troll had become able to speak a few simple words due to that and kept pointing at himself while saying Rick.

Jake came to learn he was actually trying to say rock because he wanted certain rocks for the garden and his cave, but by the time anyone found out, the name Rick had stuck. Miranda said it wasn’t that bad, though, as when they did a vote among construction workers, the winner was Trolly McTrollface, which even Jake thought was a bad name. It should at least have been Trollie and not Trolly.

As for the garden, the troll was doing a banger job. Jake had mainly planted herbs not requiring much assistance to grow to begin with, and he was amazed at the troll’s care when handling them. He considered getting Rick some gardening tools or something, but it turned out the troll really didn’t need any help with magic being a thing.

After everything in Haven was handled, there was still a week before Villy had told him to return with potential followers, and Jake decided to spend that time just relaxing and touching base with some people.

He took a trip to Skyggen through the teleporter to spend a few days with his parents as he would probably be gone for a while. Not that he hadn’t just been gone for a while already, so it was a good time to visit. Like everywhere else, Skyggen had grown even more, and Jake faintly felt that the Umbral Lotus deep beneath the ground was closing in on being a high-tier legendary item.

Caleb was not around but was out hunting and leveling up with other elites, so it was just Jake, his parents, and Maja for the three days he stayed there. Jake did still do a bit of alchemy while there, but only just to make some potions and stuff to leave for Skyggen and Haven while he was gone.

On the third day at Skyggen, Miranda used her skill to contact Jake and said that Reika had chosen to follow him with eight other D-grade alchemists, meaning they would go as ten. Villy had said the maximum would be twelve, so ten was a good number.

When he got back to Haven, he had a brief talk with Sylphie before she dove into the dungeon beneath the city to have some fun down there. She was going alone for the rewards, while her parents would do it the two of them at a later point. He then returned to his alchemy lab and began popping out potions until the day to leave arrived.

Reika had gathered with the other alchemists in front of the monument that served as a teleportation circle. She was together with eight other highly-talented alchemists from the clan, all of them in the D-grade, even if some had only evolved recently.

They had debated long and hard if going was a good idea and ultimately decided to go. Reika knew that even if she was talented herself, she was only one alchemist and couldn’t support the entire clan. She was also specialized, making her not able to make many of the commonplace products.

So even if it was dangerous, they had to go.

A few minutes after they arrived, so did Jake and Miranda.

“Hey, you’re all here,” Jake said. He had shown up in his usual equipment and was wearing his mask, making it obvious he planned on keeping up his relative anonymity. On that subject, they had discussed if they would have to sign a contract or something to ensure they would keep it a secret, but Jake had called it unnecessary. Who would believe them anyway if they claimed he was the Chosen or anything like that? A being of a higher grade would trust their own senses far more than the babbling of some weakling.

“We are all ready,” Reika answered with a nod.

“Great,” Jake said. “Just a heads-up, the teleportation can get a bit wobbly, but there shouldn’t be any real danger; it just feels weird.”

Reika and the others nodded as they all got in position, with Miranda having the final word.

“I will contact you if something comes up, and of course, when it is time to return. There is still a bit of time till the second World Congress, and I naturally expect you to attend that,” she said.

“Naturally, we will,” Reika echoed. She wasn’t sure if they could return, but Miranda clearly believed it possible, which was reassuring. But for her question… who would ever forget something as important as the World Congress and not make it a priority?

Jake had totally forgotten the World Congress was a thing.

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