The Over-Break System

Chapter 483 R-1 Swarm (1)

As per what Cynrik expected, the Tier-2's two-man squad was quickly overwhelmed in the Swarm event; however, they put on a better showing, allowing him to collect valuable data on the creatures and beasts used in the event.

Although half paying attention during the 10-minute live stream, Cynrik was able to gauge the opposing creatures accurately and soon realized the scaling for the Swarm event had increased by a factor of three.

Not only did the strength of the creatures and beasts increase to match that of the Tier-2's competing, but the amount spawned had tripled, making him assume he and Brance would be facing six times as many of what could only be described as Chimeras.

The creatures and beasts all had multiple characteristics from different beings, but primarily they seemed to be a wolf/bird hybrid. Between the werewolf-style bodies, and the large wings and beaks, Cynrik wasn't too impressed.

The event ended with Romeoville scoring another 10 points by surviving longer than VSFA, meaning it was time for the SRD event. Like the previous version, the two teams spawned in a mountainous tundra with a sizeable frozen ocean to the east.

When the camera POV zoomed out, revealing the map, Cynrik clicked his tongue loudly, drawing the attention of everyone, student and adult, in the locker room. Still, he ignored their confused gazes and continued examining everything the cameras showed.

[[How bad is it?]] Brance asked while examining the footage on his Watcet. The scale had increased in his eyes, but he could not tell how different the map was, aside from the mountains now looking bigger. Thus Brance defaulted to waiting for answers from his over-analytical older brother.

When he looked over at Cynrik, Brance noticed that his brother was using his knuckles and finger to measure something.

[[On a scale of one to ten, we may be fucked in the ass this time. I can guarantee we will win, but how we do so is the problem. If I measured correctly, the map has grown nearly five times the size, not just the distance from spawn to the checkpoint. I'm talking about everything, the ocean, the mountains, even that storm is bigger now.]]

[[Breaking the record is out of the question and based on last year's tape, the distance Romeoville's Tier-3 leader can teleport is 500 meters per jump. The first map had a coverage distance of approximately 20 kilometers through snow and storm. This time it's 100 kilometers, meaning we will be facing a 500-kilometer hike.]]

[[That's providing one of us can even locate the checkpoint from so far away. If the cavern where the target object is located is similar in map two as it was in map one, then in theory, we should be able to spot a massive Mana Signature due to the volume of Mana gems stored inside.]] Cynrik suddenly got serious, and his eyes narrowed while watching the Romeoville team slow down significantly upon reaching the storm zone.

[[If not, then we go in blind, heading north. That is the only course of action this time. We know the cave system will burrow through one of the many mountains, so that much is helpful. Basically, we make a mad dash toward the mountain range, like those guys are doing.]] Nodding in the direction of his Watcet, Cynrik noticed that Romeoville had its first two casualties within the storm.

By the time Romeoville arrived at the first of hundreds of mountains, they only had three people remaining of the original seven. Still, they didn't slow down, and after taking a break and searching, they eventually located the correct cave system, and someone went to retrieve the object while the fighting began, only instead of 10 Yetis, there were now 30.

[[The scale is confirmed, the map grows five times in size while the mobs increase by three times.]] Cynrik finally said before closing the stream without bothering to finish watching. He had long since realized the Tier-2 team had no chance of beating the event with only three bodies and no longer cared.

[[Brance, prepare yourself mentally, I'd say we need to output around thirty percent of our full power if we want to outlast Romeoville and 50 to 75 if we wish to break the record.]]

[[Of all the three events, only Swarm has a record that hasn't been broken in nearly 30 years. Accuracy and SRD change every couple of years, but in the case of Swarm, a being can only last so long in a high-paced battle.]]

[[The two of us are different, injuries won't keep us down, and even my Stamina should be higher than those guys from Romeoville, let alone yours.]] Tilting his neck to the side and releasing a loud pop, Cynrik tugged at the sleeves of his uniform to keep his wrists covered.

[[I want you going in with both shields until wave four begins, then you have permission to swap to sword mode. Do not under any circumstances reveal you're [Nephilim Mode]. I will only remove that rule if we need a final push to break the record. However, I don't expect that to happen if we use our standard team tactic.]] Standing in one place with his arms crossed, Cynrik's eyes never left the exit to the locker room.

[[Right, I assume using my WDs is also off the table?]] Brance asked as he stepped up beside Cynrik and focused on the door as well.

[[Hm, I'll leave that one up to you, I trust your judgment in combat, so as long as you don't go overboard and nuke me in the process, do what you want with them, but your Tower is off limits.]]

The two brothers fell silent as they waited another 20 minutes for the Tier-2 team to return with tears in their eyes. Without waiting for any type of signal from Geralt, Cynrik sniffled loudly, and MyrkLys fell into formation as he moved toward the door.

However, just before Cynrik reached it, the Vice Headmaster stepped in front of him wearing the fakest smile he had ever witnessed.

"Good luck, Student Cynrik…." Cromwell started to say, but Cynrik was having none of it and sneered.

"Shove your words and intentions up your ass and get the fuck out of my team's way." Cynrik snarled while shoving past the stunned man and leaving the locker room.

The words and actions of Cynrik drew a collective gasp from everyone and a sigh from Garrison and Rimsfel as they followed behind MyrkLys and walked down the tunnel.

[[Was that necessary Cyn?]] Brance chided with dead eyes.

[[One hundred and ten percent yes. Fuck that guy, he only wanted to put on a good show for the others.]] Cynrik replied as he walked out of the tunnel up into the Arena, where he was greeted by the sight of over 30 large black buildings which housed the VR capsule rooms.

Glancing around with [Mana Sight], Cynrik then located Geralt and walked over unhurriedly. Upon arriving, Cynrik nodded at Geralt before tapping his Watcet against the door. With a loud depressurization sound, the black door slid open, and he walked in, followed closely by MyrkLys.

Only Garrison and Rimsfel stayed behind to inform the Headmaster about what Cynrik had just said and done to Cromwell; however, at the moment, it didn't matter since Geralt was highly nervous.

Since the other two teams were eliminated in the first round, Geralt was under much pressure regarding MyrkLys's performance.


When the last two members of MyrkLys, Benny and Brance, entered, the door sealed shut, and they watched as Cynrik swiftly chose his capsule before standing beside it. Mimicking their leader, everyone lined up, with Brance falling in beside his brother, followed by Selene, Benny, and Kurza, leaving Melody and Gabby as the last in line since they were competing in the final event.


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