The Over-Break System

Chapter 482 Round One (5)

[[Gasp, how dare you call me uncultured? I'll have you know, when it comes to culture; I am of the highest class of weeb.]] Placing his hand on his chest and appearing overly offended, Cynrik even went so far as to gather up some fake tears.

[[Stupid ass, you know damn well there is a difference of habitat and physiology between Yetis and Gigantopithecus. What you just said is no different than claiming the Sky isn't blue or blood dark red!]] Brance argued back. Unfortunately, Cynrik had the perfect comeback.

[[Tsk tsk, little brother, do you realize how foolish you sound right now? The Sky is Clear, and only once oxygenated does blood change from a bright red to dark red.]]

[[Pppfftt, hehe hahahahahha!]] Cynrik's comments broke Selene as she watched Brance blushing in embarrassment due to how quick Cynrik was with his rebuttal.

[[Why do I feel you are getting easier to tease as time goes on, Brancie? Sigh, you used to put up a good battle, but now, you only seem to spit nonsense.]] Shaking his head and kicking his brother while he was down, Cynrik relented and went back to watching the Tier-1 team putting on a miserable showing.

Left at a loss for words, Brance decided it was best to keep his mouth shut, Cynrik was in rare form, and he knew the only outcome of taunting him would be a loss.

Although trying their best, the Tier-1 team began losing members to the terrain. Eventually, the last member fell due to the blizzard before ever reaching the target location, causing Cynrik to frown.

Without hesitation, he quickly switched the stream over to Romeoville's perspective, and his frown soon turned into a dark expression.

[[Great~, it looks like this event is going to be annoying as shit.]] Cynrik stated while watching the group of seven navigate through the heavy snowstorm in a northeast direction without much difficulty.

[[What am I missing?]] Brance asked while following Cynrik's example and swapping to the Romeoville stream.

[[Snow storms are one thing, but trekking through them for kilometers on end will be rough. I have an idea, but we must see how far the map gets scaled up before I can evaluate its efficiency. If we end up needing to venture out over 100 km, it will suck.]] Analyzing the situation, Cynrik watched as the Tier-1 team periodically teleported 100 meters at a time.

Selene and Brance nodded while the other members of MyrkLys caught on to what the three Legacy Charges were doing and followed suit by watching the event.

There was a varying degree of reaction from everyone in the locker room, as one by one, the Tier-2 team also began watching the footage one by one. Upon realizing that the VSFA team had already been eliminated within the first 10 minutes, a somber feeling descended on the room as the Tier-2 team's anxiety and nervousness reached a new limit.

Seeing the mental state of the Tier-2 team falling apart, the instructors and chaperones moved into action, trying to increase morale. It wasn't until the Vice Headmaster spoke up that it finally affected the students.

Well, everyone except MyrkLys, who had collectively sided with Cynrik in completely ignoring the man's existence.

However, when a sudden earth-shattering roar shook the mountain range Romeoville was climbing, Cynrik stiffened and robotically turned to Brance.

Slowly the camera POV zoomed in and shifted, standing at the mouth of a chain of caves was a 10-meter tall, white-furred gorilla-looking beast.

[[Huh? What the fuck? I was only kidding about Yetis…]] Cynrik said with wide eyes.

[[Amazing, look at it, that guy has to be at least 10 meters tall, and both its arms and legs are as thick as redwood trees.]] Completely geeking out with sparkling eyes, Brance brought his Watcet close to his face and took in the majestic sight, which could only be considered a myth on Earth.

But just as he did so, the camera suddenly zoomed back, revealing a horde or troop of hulking white-furred creatures.

[[Fuck, if there are 10 in the Tier-1 event, that means we very well may end up facing over 50, not to mention they will all be Low to Mid Tier-3.]] Cynrik stated, causing Selene to scoot closer to him for comfort.

[[ In addition to racing to the checkpoint faster than those assholes can teleport, coming face-to-face with so many creatures and still having to retrieve an object might prove challenging, especially if we are going to make a run at the record.]] While Cynrik spoke, the leader of the Tier-1 team vanished, teleporting passed the troop of Yetis while the other six members of his team entered combat.

On-screen, one of the cameras broke away from combat and followed the team leader as he navigated through the dark winding cave system, revealing a sizeable underground reservoir filled with gems.

[[Cyn are those…]] Recognizing the glowing gems ranging from light blue to deep sapphire, Brance turned and looked to his brother for answers.

[[Yeah, Mana Gems, Ice, Water, and everything in between, the question is, what is the target?]] No sooner did the question leave Cynrik's mind than the Romeoville leader dived straight into the deep pool of water in search of the target.

Soon enough, the young man popped back to the surface carrying an enormous sparkling boulder in his arms.

[[Fuck…man, if that thing was real, the sheer amount of money it would be worth is enough to turn anyone into a zillionaire.]] Letting out a soft whistle in admiration, Cynrik estimated that the massive Mana Gem the young man was carrying had to weigh hundreds of kilos.

From there, it didn't take long for him to return to the group, wipe out the Yetis and complete the event. In the end, Ther Tier-1 Team achieved total points and had a time of 38 minutes 42 seconds.

With Romeoville up 15 to 0, there was no way for VSFA to come back, and the Tier-1 team's loss was declared 15 minutes later when Romeoville swept through the Accuracy Event.

A couple of minutes later, the downcast VSFA Tier-1 team returned to the locker room, with each member showing depressed expressions. Despite being humiliated by their competitor and thrown out of the competition, they were consoled by the Tier-2 team.

When the Tier-2 team passed by the Tier-1 students, they patted each of them on the shoulder and swore to win their matches and exact revenge for the Tier-1 team's loss.

[[Hm, you're pretty quiet, Cyn; I figured you'd start harassing them.]] Shaking his head and peaking at Cynrik from the corner of his eye, Brance asked more out of curiosity than concern.

[[Why would I, their purpose in my mind was never to win, only to reveal the map's information. They were always going to lose regardless, so there was no point in shit-talking them. I got what I needed, and now it's time for the Tier-2 team to increase my scale so I can finish formulating my plan.]] Paying no attention to the Tier-1 team, Cynrik immediately swapped over the feedback to VSFA and watched the Tier-2 team make their entrance.


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