The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 245 - 245 Gentle touch (3)

245 Gentle touch (3)

“Is this what gets you going? You seem to be enjoying this a lot,” Edgar said due to her expression.

“Of course I am. The great Edgar Collins has taken it upon himself to care for me like this. Your fan clubs would be jealous. Besides, it feels good against my skin. I should be able to sleep like a baby tonight. Thank you,” Alessandra said after he removed his hand. The itchy feeling was already starting to go away.

Alessandra tied up her hair to stop strands from rubbing against where Edgar placed the cream. “Do you think it will clear up my face and make the marks hard to notice?” She asked.

“I am not a doctor to give you an accurate answer. All we can do is keep treating your face and hope for the best. They are already not noticeable enough for me to see if I was standing a good distance away from you. Too many years were wasted as your face could have been healed in your youth,” said Edgar.

“I suppose there is a bright side to my father not caring. I wouldn’t have ended up your wife if my life was different. You might have viewed me the same as Kate.”

“Doesn’t mean you deserved to suffer for this happy ending. Is your attire tonight meant to tempt me? I find winter to be surprisingly interesting since you are wearing thinner clothes to bed. One night I might just come to our room and find you naked,” Edgar said without any shame.

“I urge you not to hold your breath waiting for that to happen. Must I always have a lack of clothing in your mind?” Alessandra asked.

“Yes, but I will settle for the night dresses you recently bought,” Edgar replied.

Alessandra shook her head and chose to just go up on the bed to lie down. After a day of two visits and party planning, she wanted nothing more than to rest her head against her pillow and enjoy the peace in their bedroom. “Edgar, I know that your grandmother takes charge of your birthday but what do you think of having a party here and inviting all of your friends?”


“This house might start to feel sick because of all these parties but do as you wish. Hopefully, you find me that day,” Edgar muttered.

“Don’t be so grumpy. What else am I supposed to give a man who has everything?” Alessandra asked as she was stumped on what to give Edgar. Anything she would buy for him would come from his own money.

Edgar tossed wood into the fire Alfred had started then pulled his shirt over his head to get in bed. “We can go back to finding you naked in our bed. It would beat any gift I have ever received.”

Alessandra sighed, not knowing what to do with Edgar. “Is there nothing else on your mind?”

“Not when it is just the two of us alone,” Edgar replied. He was never that interested in what he would receive for his birthday.

Being born into a wealthy family he was spoiled every day so nothing made his birthday special. It was just a gathering of a few people he liked and many others he would rather not see. It was only because of his grandmother that he traveled out of town each year. She mentioned something along the lines of her heart giving out if she could not see her only grandchild for his birthday.

“You can make it more exciting and wrap a bow around you or something. Why are you looking at me like that?” Edgar asked after noticing the weird look she was giving him. He laid down on the bed and pulled Alessandra close to him just as he did every night.

“Your mind just amazes me, Edgar. Are you like this because it is overbearing to wait for me to be ready you know,” Alessandra looked away from him to hide her face she knew would be red from blushing.

“Overbearing is the wrong word to use. I say those things half to tease you and the other half because it would be a good surprise. I can’t honestly say it hasn’t been torture to hold out but I will not rush you into it. I can hold out a bit longer. Perhaps until my birthday when you should really consider what I suggested earlier.”

Alessandra covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed. “I am ready to move on to the next step when you are. I would like to continue where we previously left off but then again, you said there were things we could do before we become more intimate. I’d like for us to continue with that.”

“Tonight?” Edgar asked with excitement clear in his voice.

“No. I am tired and I am sure I will fall asleep before anything can start. I just want you to know that you do not have to hold back anymore. I am awaiting it just like you,” Alessandra blushed. She desired to be closer to Edgar and if he made the move for it to happen soon she would not mind.

Knowing how much he was holding back and taking things slow because this was all new to her made Alessandra want to take the next step even more. She wanted to feel the warmth of their two bodies against each other and the pleasure she would experience.

“Good to know. You cannot take this back in the morning,” he kissed her forehead but quickly regretted it. It might be some miracle cream but it had a horrible taste that would not be easy to forget.

“Judging from your expression I would say you just tasted the cream. Hopefully, there is nothing in it to get you sick from tasting it. You cannot die any time soon when I am looking forward to the days ahead of us. Goodnight Edgar,” Alessandra moved her head from the pillow to lay on his arm.

Alessandra worried by the time morning came Edgar’s hand would be sore but he swore to her it was fine. She was glad that it was as she enjoyed sleeping close to Edgar. If she were able to go back in time to her second night here and tell herself not to be so shy, her past self would not believe her. Nothing made her feel safer than laying with Edgar like this.

Edgar played with Alessandra’s hair to help her fall asleep but before she could let sleep take over he had one thing he wanted to fill her mind while she was dreaming. “It shouldn’t be too much for you to still think about surprising me naked in bed for my birthday.”

“Please go to sleep,” Alessandra muttered.

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