The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 244 - 244 Gentle touch (2)

244 Gentle touch (2)

“Get some rest, Alfred. From the moment I came home, you were up and down trying to put together ideas for Alessandra’s party. I aspire to be as energetic as you are at that age,” said Edgar.

Dinner was now over and after Alessandra left to change into her clothes for bed, only Edgar and Alfred remained in the dining room.

“I am not that old and once you take care of your body in your youth, you should be fine in the future. You and the Duchess seem awfully quiet since you’ve returned. I hope it is nothing serious. I left the cream from the palace in your bedroom for the Duchess to use. It is to be used twice a day for wounds to heal quickly. You should give it to her and make amends tonight. Goodnight,” Alfred excused himself.

The day came to an end for Alessandra and Edgar but Alfred still needed to keep an eye on the servants washing up and then inspect the house as usual before going to his room.

“Goodnight, Alfred. Let’s see if she is truly not upset,” Edgar muttered.

He had given Alessandra enough time for her to get changed for bed. It would be annoying if they were still stuck on what happened with the cook earlier so he hoped she would keep her word and let the moment be forgotten.

Edgar spent their time apart to catch up on his work and think of a gift for Alessandra. Winter was a festive season when many gifts would be given to friends and family for no reason. Alessandra’s interests were so random that he could not think of what to give her. She had not used most of the canvas and paint he got her or taken interest in the jewelry or clothes unless the dressmaker was present.

Edgar entered their bedroom, finding Alessandra seated at the edge of the bed with her mask off and a brush going through her hair. “What would you have done if it was Sally? She would have seen your face,” he closed the door behind him.

“I wouldn’t mind. I am building up the courage to show Sally and Alfred my face. Even Caleb since he is such a good friend. Showing you has washed away my fears. I would love to stop having to wear my mask when we are at home. It is my goal to accomplish this by the end of winter. What took you so long to return to our bedroom?” Alessandra asked as she had been waiting for him.


She had long gotten over what happened with Mario. There was no need to be upset when Mario had left their home hours ago and she might not see him ever again unless Katrina suddenly died.

“I have been giving you space as you requested. I take it we are now back to normal?” Edgar cautiously approached her. He spotted the jar of cream on the table in their room so he went to get it. If it managed to do wonders for Alessandra’s face, he would consider it to be a true miracle cream.

“Yes. I want the matter to be forgotten. What is that? I saw Alfred bring it inside but he did not say what it was. Is it meant for my face?” Alessandra asked.

“Yes. It is a special cream a doctor in the palace created. You cannot find it elsewhere as it is only available to royals at the moment. Tobias gave me this after I had been injured but I had no use for it as it was a small bruise. Alfred kept it safe for me. I can put it on for you,” Edgar said, seeking her permission to touch her face first.

“Thank you. I hope it can stop the itchy feeling I get because of the mask. How I survived without scratching my face to end the itch is a mystery. Edgar, after the visit we had from my grandmother and the Baroness, I have been thinking about putting an end to them interfering with our lives. I’ve thought of William too,” Alessandra said. She gulped as Edgar stared at her for a moment after the mention of William.

“You do not need to worry about a man like that,” Edgar replied and then continued to take out a bit of the cream with a finger and place it on the palm of his hand.

“I must. What if he has not given up wanting to have me in his home and he starts to work with Katrina? My grandmother will never want to let go of the fact you killed her son and Clark will always be around to try to get something out of my marriage to you. Then there’s your mother who will never leave me alone. I just want to be cautious since it is likely one of them will make a move.”

“It is great that you are on guard when it comes to them. Do as you wish with your grandmother and uncle but do not think about the others. I will deal with them myself. I have been watching William. Not only because he wants you but also because he is a suspect in the girls who have gone missing. He is hard to get rid of because he rarely leaves home. I was informed he visited the Baroness once,” said Edgar.

He continued to say, “I am not going to leave these people but it is tricky to deal with some of them. William has gained power over the years and is friends with people who dislike Tobias. If I poke at William without being able to take him down one time, his friends will target me and Tobias. Tobias is already dealing with a lot within the palace walls so I cannot rattle his enemies yet.”

Edgar and Tobias had their own plans to get rid of the men who banded together to go against the throne. Once they succeeded, some of William’s power in the Kingdom would fade away and he would be much easier to get rid of.

“I have been trying to get him arrested for his weird relationships with the women entering his home. You are not the first daughter a father has sold to William to pay off debts. Those girls are never seen once they go in. Unfortunately, their fathers play stupid about what was done. When it comes to my mother, you can fight against her in the social world but she is dangerous enough to try killing you,” Edgar said, not to scare Alessandra but to just how crazy these people were.

As Duke and Duchess, they had enemies who did not lack power.

“And the Baroness? Why can’t I do what I want with her?” Alessandra asked.

Edgar placed the jar back on the table and moved to sit beside Alessandra. “I fear the past she is hiding may show how much more dangerous she is than we think. I will take care of her myself. Trust that I am not just sitting around while they plot.”

“I know. I just fear how silent William is and then there is your mother. I will leave them to you and focus on the Barretts.”

“Everything will be fine. I will keep you updated with my plans to ease your mind. Now, stay still,” he gently touched her face to apply the cream.

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