The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 235

235 Benefits (1)

“That insolent woman,” Greta smacked the chair as she was now left helpless before Alessandra and her husband. If she had not sent Clark back home, she would have preferred to bring him along instead of Katrina. “If you want me out of your house so badly, give me back my cane.”

“Alfred,” Alessandra called to the butler since she was not going to do it. It might be fun for her grandmother to see her pick up the cane and hand it to her after she had thrown it to the side. “I want to go back to our room,” she whispered to Edgar.

The couple then left while Alfred helped the woman he wished to teach manners because of her grumpy personality.

“You scared the hell out of her. Are you planning to cut her again?” Alessandra asked as they walked up the stairs.

“Yes. I gave her a pretty clear warning to stay away from you but she did not listen,” Edgar replied.

“I don’t think she came of her own free will. From what I remember, my grandmother hated Katrina. Clark is looking to own the home so Katrina must be playing nice to Greta to either get rid of Clark or she is being nice to get some money out of this. Katrina is smart enough to not come here willingly,” Alessandra said.

Alessandra knew Katrina’s personality well to know the woman would never walk into Edgar’s home after he cut her face. The woman would try other dirty tricks that would make it hard to point back to her as the culprit. This visit today was all her grandmother’s doing.

“If the inheritance isn’t here by night, I would like to send a notice about it. Can you help me retrieve the letter from the court about my inheritance? I want to see the list of what is supposed to be mine and make sure I get everything belonging to me tonight.”

With Edgar’s connection, he could get it for her in the next hour. “No problem. Alessandra, did you ever hear the Baroness talk about her life before your father?”


“No. Never once even when Kate asked about her relatives from her mother’s side. I don’t know if my father even had an idea of where Katrina came from or maybe he believed whatever story she told him. She is certainly not from Lockwood. No friends or relatives from her life before have ever visited our home which is odd,” Alessandra realized now that Edgar brought it up.

“Sounds like she has successfully left whatever life she had before out of Lockwood. Someone outside of Lockwood would have to recognize her when they hear the name and see the face. It is likely, Katrina might not be her real name. Still, anyone should recognize the face so how is she able to hide her past?”

Edgar came across many people running from their past so they changed their names and many times their appearance. Nine times out of ten they would have someone helping with the transition.

He had many questions that needed to be answered now. What was the last name Katrina used before her marriage? How was she able to meet the Baron? The Baron cared a lot about his reputation to not marry a woman who came to him with nothing even if she was young and beautiful. Katrina would have just been his mistress. Katrina must have appeared before him a certain way but how?

“Do you think she had someone helping her?” Alessandra asked.

“Yes and if I find that person I will know what exactly she was trying to hide. I will take care of it,” Edgar ruffled Alessandra’s hair only to receive a glare for messing up Sally’s hard work.

Alessandra tried her best to fix what Edgar messed up and said, “I was not always outside of my bedroom to see if she had anyone showing up looking for her but if anyone would know, it is the butler before James. He was a nice man. Katrina had fired him for some reason. I do not know where he lives now but his name is Eugene Palmer.”

“That should be enough. Caleb and I have something to do in town but it shouldn’t be long. Do not leave home since you are without a guard-”

“I know,” Alessandra interrupted Edgar before he could give her another lecture. “I find it suspicious that you and Caleb now have to leave home. Had those two not arrived, Caleb would have been outside with me and you told me you were staying home today because of the snow. Where do you have to go?”

“In town,” Edgar replied.

“I know that but where in town are you going?” Alessandra asked.

“To the red light district but I promise it is not what you think. I have no intentions of-”

“I know. You plan to go there to get information right?” Alessandra already knew he wasn’t going there to sleep with anyone since he brought this up a few times. “Still, it would be best if you send Caleb inside instead of you. I cannot deal with rumors that you have already grown bored of me. Do not give the town something to gossip about and be back before dinner.”

“Yes yes yes,” Edgar quickly replied. As Alessandra headed back to their bedroom, he left to search for Caleb.

If there was one place he could find out about this Eugene man and dig around for more information about Katrina, it was the red light district. A place where men went to get drunk and enjoy themselves but they often got too drunk and blabbered many secrets. The women there had many stories to tell for the right price.

“Caleb!” Edgar called to the tall brute who seemed to be annoying Sally. “Come with me. Sally, inform Alfred that I will be out for a couple of hours and then stay by my wife’s.”

“Yes Duke,” Sally replied.

Caleb went to Edgar’s side and asked, “Where are we going?”

“To the red light district-”

“But you are married,” said Caleb. The Duchess was a wonderful woman so Caleb would not stand for the Duke stepping out on her.

Edgar stopped walking and looked at the man who should know more than anyone why he was going there. “I have no memory loss, Caleb. I am aware that I am married. I will not be seen going inside. You will and then we are going somewhere else. Sometimes I wonder why your brother works at the gates and you are by my side. Sometimes I just want to...” Edgar positioned his hands like he would strangle Caleb.

“I’m sorry. I’m still the better fighter which is why I am in here,” Caleb muttered.

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