The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 234

234 Duchess Alessandra Collins (3)

“Look at the house you are living in. The clothes that decorate your body. I am well aware that none of it is cheap so why on earth would you need your inheritance?” Katrina said through gritted teeth.

The inheritance owed to Alessandra was supposed to be long forgotten. Desmond spent it long ago so there was nothing left for Alessandra to have. Not unless Katrina got it out of her secret stash of money.

“It does not matter what my life is like now since it is rightfully mine. Both my father and mother put something together for when I came of age. I know you plan to give Kate what is owed to her so do the same to me. Tell you what. I will be nice and just ask for the share my mother left for me since I know your household is in a financial crisis,” Alessandra said with a devious smile growing on her lips.

This conversation showed her more of why Edgar enjoyed messing with others.

‘It’s fun,’ Alessandra thought. She enjoyed seeing Katrina sweat, gripping her dress, and biting her lip almost to the point it should start bleeding. Alessandra never once forgot that her inheritance was long gone and Katrina was desperate to hold onto whatever money she had left to keep the house together.

Katrina didn’t see that as a deal as she was aware Alessandra’s mother had left a lot more money than Desmond did. It seemed the woman wanted the money to serve as an apology for running away and leaving her young daughter behind. Alessandra was supposed to remain in their care so she would never be able to touch the inheritance.

“I can expect it by the end of the day since the law says parents are not allowed to spend the money they wrote up as inheritance. If the two of you aren’t familiar with the laws Edgar can assist you since his father is the one who pushed for it,” said Alessandra.

It was a wonderful blessing that the person who pushed for this law was her father-in-law.

“Your inheritance is still there so there is no need to get the law involved. I am only trying to warn you that the people will judge you for acting so desperate over your inheritance when you are now a Duchess,” Katrina said, trying to stir Alessandra away from wanting the money.


“Do you honestly think you can try giving me some advice to save my reputation when you and your daughter worked hard to ruin it in the past? I don’t care how others will perceive me as they will always have something to say. I want my money by midnight or I will send a letter to the king and others stating that you have spent it. What is the crime for spending an inheritance not belonging to you?” Alessandra asked, looking at the man beside her who was happy to answer.

“Either you come up with the money plus interest added by the court or you spend up to five years imprisoned,” Edgar stated. He would aid the investigation with his own funds just to see the Baroness behind bars.

Alessandra turned to face the Baroness and said, “I am sure you wouldn’t want to face such ridicule and will have-”

“You will receive it by this evening,” Greta interjected. “Why do you look so surprised? It is my sons who are careless with their money, not me. I will give you what belongs to you but you must stick to your word that you are no longer a Barrett. Contrary to what you think, I have always viewed you as my granddaughter. It was just that I could not allow those rumors surrounding you to tarnish our good name.”

“Lockwood is a town that only cares about reputations, appearances, and wealth. It is so terrible that families here are like enemies and will throw away a family member to protect their reputation. This entire time my father was in debt you had the opportunity to pull him out of it but did not. I would not have been almost given away if you helped him. Maybe I am giving him too much credit since my father was a vile person,” Alessandra stated as it was highly unlikely her father wouldn’t have given her away for more money.

“I hope for your sake, these claims are true because I won’t allow you to slander my son’s name with your lies. Once I have visited this man William, I will come again. Why are you laughing?” Greta asked after Alessandra out of the blue started to laugh.

“You honestly think I want to meet with you again? After you came here to smack me with a cane and refuse to believe that your son was disgusting enough to try exchanging his daughter to pay off his debt. I have no desire to meet with you again. Oh, if my uncle tries to speak with me again you will have to prepare another funeral,” said Alessandra.

“You’ll kill all of your family?” Greta asked, disliking Alessandra the more she spoke. There was a tad bit of regret for not being more involved in Desmond’s family matters. Alessandra would have turned out like Kate who was more obedient and grateful. She had to commend Katrina for the way she raised her daughter. It was one of the two things the Baroness had ever done right.

“Why do you keep saying family after I have cut ties with all of you and you want to do the same with me? I don’t view any of you as my family so I will have no problem harming someone I view as a stranger if they keep trying to intervene in my life. The money and the heirlooms my mother left for me can be delivered by one of your servants. The guards will kill on sight if either of you shows up again. I hope you did not enjoy your time here,” Alessandra stood up from her seat since she was over this meeting. “Leave.”

“Abusing your power, aren’t you? You can only kill those who trespass onto your land or you will find yourself in trouble.”

Edgar stood up beside his wife. “That is why a man like myself did not build my gates on the edge of my land. All of the land outside of our gates belong to me so if my guards tell you to leave but you do not, I am well within my right to attack and protect my wife. If either of you shows up at my gates again, I will take off your heads just like I did with Desmond. Piss me off even more and I won’t do it in one cut and let you feel the pain.”

Greta gasped, both surprised and angry by how easy it was for him to mention how he killed her son. “You monster-”

“Yes yes,” Edgar shrugged since the nickname wasn’t new. “Keep fucking around with my wife or showing up for pointless conversation and I will truly start acting like that what you called me. Baroness, I will be seeing you soon,” he tapped his cheek to make her paranoid since she knew what was to come for disobeying him.

‘No,’ Katrina thought. She did as he asked with the rumors so why would she still be cut? Greta was the one who tried to harm Alessandra, not her. Greta was the one who forced her to come here.

Katrina stood up from her chair, leaving Greta who needed the cane Alessandra tossed away all alone.

“Katrina!” Greta called to her daughter-in-law but the said woman did not look back as she desperately wanted to get away from Edgar to protect her face.

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