The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 304: 304: Leave My Boy Alone!

Chapter 304: 304: Leave My Boy Alone!

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Chapter 304: Leave My Boy Alone!


This world that was parallel with the anime, Naruto, had countless Gods; none of which were ever talked about in the show. Even in Boruto, to the point where Neji stopped watching the show, nothing about Gods was disclosed—excluding the one sentence about the existence of an Ōtsutsuki God.

Ōtsutsukis in general should be Tier 15 on average, so if they had a God whom they worshiped, it was only natural that such a being would be overpowered. Therefore, for other Gods to exist in the same verse as the Ōtsutsuki God, they should be logically super strong too.

That was why Neji was worried that these Gods who came to meet him would pose a threat to him; so he first had to go down there prepared to fight with his life on the line. That's why Neji gave himself five minutes to prepare, he also shared a useful 'something' with Rumi too.

When ready, Neji opened a rift in space through which he, Rumi, and Jashin slowly walked to face beings of transcendent powers.

* * *

In the mortal world, Kurama the Nine-Tailed-Fox was feeling a bit uncomfortable being in the presence of these unknown beings. The three Gods—two males and one female—stood at Hagoromo's side, who had by then stood up as well, standing on his feet while holding a black staff on his head.

"It's been a while, Kurama. How've you been?"

Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki—Kurama's father figure and creator—asked with a smile. Kurama stared at him for a moment before chuckling.

"Heh. I have been, well, not that good."

Hearing her say that, Hagoromo's smile turned sad.

"Ah, yes, I recall you had to go through a lot of things." Hagoromo fell silent, and a moment later said, "Sorry, I want to talk some more, but sadly the current situation isn't suitable for that. I am here with three of my fellow Divine Beings, the strongest Gods of this universe so to speak, to see into a recent problem that has arisen in this world."

Rather than hurt, Kurama nodded simply.

Kurama was somewhat thankful that Hagoromo wasn't in the mood to talk. After all, she herself wasn't in such a mood while such nauseating pressure was being radiated from the side, by the three 'Gods'. To her defense, the four Kages and their escorts on the side were on the floor already, barely maintaining their consciousness.

Kurama slowly turned her gaze to look at the three beings who her father said were literal 'Gods'—and by now, she had come to believe that to be the case as well.

Of the three Gods, the female one was standing between the two male ones, and she looked to be the most amicable out of the three.

This beautiful Goddess wore a red dress that hid most of her slightly yellow, fair-skinned body, and her body was littered with jewelry.

To her left side, was the God who was primarily naked, only wearing a tiger-leather around his waist. This person had darker blue skin, with a third eye on his forehead.

To the Goddess' right side was a man with the head of a Lion, and his buff muscular body had four arms where two were crossed in front of him.

"They're Shakti, Mahakal, and Narasimha respectively." Said Hagoromo when he noticed Kurama looking. "The Creator, the Devastator, and the Preserver God of this universe. Not that I need to tell you, but make sure to be respectful to them. They're all my superiors."

Kurama would have grumbled at such words at other times, but this time around she couldn't help but nod like a good puppy.


Silence fell after that, and for a minute nobody spoke. At one point, Hagoromo excused himself from the other Gods and went to the Kages. He helped teleport them from here, unwilling to see them actually die in the situation that was about to unfold soon.

By the time Hagoromo returned, Mahakal was speaking in a deep voice. "Shakti, are you sure Jashin and that boy sensed our presence? It's taking too long. Should I just break into that dimension of his?"

"Let's not do that. Please, stay calm. We are not here to–"

Narasimha started speaking, however, he was cut off when a rift opened in the space in front of him; from within which, Neji walked out.

Neji Hyuga had an entirely different look than before, his long hair and robes were gone, and he wore more modernized clothes.

However, he wasn't alone.

On his one side was their fellow God, Jashin, who looked the same appearance-wise, but… there was something different about her than the last time these three gods saw her. Perhaps that she looked more meek? Less arrogant? Something like that.

On Neji's other side was someone strong, they noted. It was an Ōtsutsuki, with signatures of powers that were stronger than most others. Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, that should have been her, but these Gods knew that just like 'Neji Hyuga', this 'Kaguya' was also not who she was originally supposed to be.

Both of them were beings unbelonging to this verse.

"There you come, imposter." Mahakal's voice went rough. "We've been waiting to meet you."

"Mahakal," Shakti raised a hand gently. "Let me handle this."

Mahakal grumbled a little but nodded nonetheless.

Then, as the Gods looked at the new group of three, Goddess Shakti started to speak.

* * *

[Shakti – Divinity – Peak Tier 23]

[Narasimha – Divinity – Mid Tier 24]

[Mahakal – Divinity – Low Tier 25]

'Strong. But… manageable.'

Neji looked at the three Gods and internally sighed a bit.

He wasn't that confident of a clear win, but Neji recalled he had the Hammer of Thor in his inventory from his fight with the Gods two months ago. Also, now that he had assigned all his allocatable stat points and «Mined» out Isshiki's powers just before coming here, he was at the very least confident in giving these three a hard match with the help of Rumi.

Of the three Gods, the gorgeous woman named Shakti, stared at Neji as she opened her lips which were red from lipstick.

"Child Neji Hyuga," Shakti called. "I am not sure if that's your name, so feel free to correct me, but may I ask why you are here in this world? We don't exactly see it well that a being such as you came to our world."

Neji stayed silent for a bit as the Goddess spoke to him in a voice gentler than he had expected.

'Mhm… let's be respectful too, then.'

"For reasons I cannot explain, this rabbit person beside me ended up in this universe of yours. I had to find her and save her, so I came to this world." Neji told them the truth. "There is no other reason for why I am here."

"...I see," Shakti replied softly, proceeding to exchange glances with the other two Gods.

"Then perhaps," she started a while later, looking back at Neji. "You wouldn't mind leaving right away?"

"...I actually would, sadly." Neji shook his head. "I was thinking of capitalizing this planet, making it my own and–"

"I told you trying to talk sense into outsiders won't do," Mahakal grumbled as he interrupted what Neji was saying. "Shakti, let me just destroy him here and now."

"Mahakal, please." Shakti sighed, frowning a little as she turned to look at Neji again. "Sorry but you do realize why he got mad right? To just come to our verse, and say you want a piece of it is… not really seen as friendly by our standards."

"That's true, I suppose." Neji chewed on his lips. "But seriously, I need this planet. My girls have memories there, and I made some promises to some other people. I promised a date to the Mizukage…" Neji kept muttering under his breath.

Abruptly, Rumi chimed in the conversation.

"Alright, do you guys take deals? Like would you perhaps exchange this world for something else?" Rumi asked. "For example, we take out all the Ōtsutsukis and in exchange, we get this–"

"That's not possible," Mahakal said. "The leader of the Ōtsutsukis… their God, is a counterpart of myself, he is very strong. If someone were to try and annihilate the race or Ōtsutsukis, then he would meddle and things would become dirty."

"Aha… I see."

"But does that mean you'd agree to hand this world to me, to let me act as its God, in exchange for something else?" Neji caught on.

"Well," Shakti began. "You are connected to a higher realm, I can see the energy signature of an existence much more powerful compared to us. So I suppose you might have something we might want."

Neji assumed she must be talking about him being Lady Luck's "Agent" when she talked about the energy signature.

'Something they might want from me…'

Neji looked at them, and they actually seemed somewhat anticipated.

'Hah. Could it be that they were actually looking forward to me making this offer? Perhaps giving up one of the countless worlds for a potentially game-changing item or something doesn't sound too bad to them.'

But, where could he ever find such an item?

Neji sighed.

'Uh, my benevolent Lady Luck, perhaps you would be kind enough to help me out one more time?'

Neji called out to the only possible person he knew who could help him in this situation. After all, he barely had any divine items, and those he had; he wasn't willing to gift them to others.

So, he prayed to his sugar mommy to lend him something.

["What a lousy brat,"]

Lady Luck sounded smug in his head.

["Call me Mommy, and I will help."]


["I can't hear you."]

'Can I do it later…? In bed. We are going to meet soon anyway.'

["...Hmm. Promise?"]

'Yeah… promise. Sure.'


'Can you laugh later? Help me out quick!'

["Tch. Rude. Alright, I am going to descend on your body for a bit, you just do what I say."]

Neji nodded.

Lady Luck instructed him to move, and he did so by raising his hand slowly.

The three Gods frowned and went on high alert when Neji walked forward with his hand rising upwards. They all looked at him warningly, but none attacked. When he was too close to Shakti though, Mahakal moved to attack–however, his body didn't move.

Slowly, Neji raised a finger and touched the forehead of Shakti.

Just as divinity exploded in and out of herself, painting the world white as the Goddess fell to her knees with a scream.

["Who do you think you are dealing with, puny Gods?"]

An authoritative voice came out of Neji, it shook reality as an ethereal aura of silver materialized around him. Neji's eyes were bright white, and anybody could tell he wasn't he at the moment.

Divinity surged outwards of Shakti, matching the speed of her scream, as she grabbed Neji's hand to try and push it away from her forehead, though it accomplished nothing.

The other two Gods as well had fallen to their knees, along with Hagoromo to the side while Kurama had lost consciousness.

["Mere Gods of a puny universe, who gave you the authority to mess with a being of his capability? Could you not sense who was behind this boy? Had you not seen the sign of luck that was marked on his soul? How dare you demand a price from him? You should be grateful he set foot in your world, you insignificant ants."]

"I– We- we are sorry! Pl-plea—"

["As you should be. With but a thought, could I not erase you all? Sorry is the least you should be to me and this boy."] The voice continued. ["From this moment onwards, this universe is mine. What I say in the ultimate word, and with that authority I declare Neji as the owner of Earth. Perhaps you'd think twice before you disrespect the authority of an Abstract Entity."]

Slowly, the silver aura dissipated from around Neji, and his hand naturally lowered from Shakti's forehead. Slowly, blue irises returned in Neji's eyes as he blinked, soon frowning in confusion when he found the three Gods kneeling in with terrified expressions in front of him.

"Hm? Huh?" Neji blinked. "What the- Lady, what did you do?"

["Mhm?"] The gentle but teasing voice once again rang in his head. ["Just told them to treat my boy better~?"]


Neji soon understood the situation.

["But… sorry, I will be gone for a while. Those guys from above are already calling me to warn me about the misuse of my powers while under house arrest. Talk to you later."]

Lady Luck's voice vanished not long after, as Neji was left standing beside two baffled girls while he wore a strange smile on his face.

"...Thank you. I love you too."

It didn't feel so bad to get looked after like this, from time to time.




Note- It's the start of a new week, don't forget to vote to keep Lady Luck in the top rankings!!

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