The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 303: 303: I am done here (3)

Chapter 303: 303: I am done here (3)

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Chapter 303: I am done here (3)


After the Infinite Tsukuyomi ended, the four Kages were also released from their dreams, and so was Kurama the Nine-Tailed-Fox. Their immediate thought was to find Neji, but by the time they returned to the place where the war had taken place, they realized Neji was long gone.

Rather, they came across each other.

The Four super-weakened Kages against the Yin-Chakra Kurama.

"Not good…"

"It's the Nine-Tailed Fox."

"But- didn't all the tailed beasts get sucked into that statue?"

"Perhaps they were released?"

As the Kages were knocked out before reanimated Minato released Kurama from within him, they didn't know the origin of this Kurama. Therefore, they were fearful that all the other tailed beasts may have returned. Fearful—because now that they were so weakened, if all the beasts returned and decided to rampage around, then nobody would be able to stop them.

Excluding Neji, but that guy didn't count.


Kurama, however, simply scoffed at the Kages who were looking at her cautiously.

"I am not here to fight y'all puny humans, as long as you don't attack me first. I am here waiting for that Neji bastard to return. I will-"

Kurama's voice paused, a strange feeling suddenly ripping through her body, as she blinked and looked to the side; to the side, where space bloomed in and out of itself.

A moment later, the ethereal figure of a man sitting in a lotus position, floating a few inches above the ground, formed out of thin air.

"...Old Man?"

Kurama muttered as her eyes went wide when she looked at the smirking man to the side—his Rinnegan as familiar as Kurama could recall.

Hagoromo, the Sage of the Six Paths.

He was finally here, but he wasn't alone, as three more figures of ethereal aura formed at his side.

Each of them had an invisible weight around them that seemed to pressure reality itself.

Each of them, Kurama realized, were Gods with powers unimaginable.

* * *

The atmosphere inside Neji's heaven was cold and unpredictable. Rumi exchanged glares with the other girls and Neji stood in a corner with a silent, confused Little Kaguya by his side.

Even after a long minute of silence, the 'second generation of girls', as Rumi dubbed them, couldn't find a word to refute her taunt.

At the end of it all, they realized Rumi was right. She had a point in her claim.

As Neji feared, they did feel somewhat inferior here. From the start, Neji has been looking for this Rumi person, after all, how could they be better than her? She was a person from his old world, with whom he spent a long time with; how could they ever compare with her?

Some of the girls felt down, some felt complicated, and one girl in particular had her heart tremble violently.


Hanabi Hyuga started to speak, her eyes immediately growing wet.

"We are just side dishes?"

Immediately afterward, though Rumi hid it, her expression turned complicated as she looked at the little girl about to cry.

"No, we are 'mistakes'."

Shizune chimed in, and rather than on the verge of tears like Hanabi, she looked pissed.

"Notice how she was surprised when she realized how this Neji bastard got so many of us in just two months; which suggests it just happened by mistake."

"Alright, guys calm down a little."

Tsunade stepped forward before the situation could divulge any further.

As she had talked to Neji about his past before, she knew and had come to accept the situation as it was. So, she was the calmest in this situation and was trying to spread her tranquility to others.

However, this gesture wasn't seen kindly by Rumi who already had a bad impression of her.

"Why is she acting like the boss here, Neji?"

Rumi turned to look at Neji whose face was entirely unreadable.

"Shouldn't there be a hierarchy or something? Since it's all this big now. Then, shouldn't I be the one to make the calls here? Why is she talking like the leader?"

Tsunade backed off a little, looking uncomfortable, as she knew how much Neji loved this person who for some reason hated her. She didn't want to say anything to her, in case it made Neji mad since he just found her after searching for so long, so she went silent.

On her behalf, however, someone else spoke.

"Because she is the oldest person here, and also because she was the Hokage, we respect and listen to her."

It was Karin Uzumaki who said that.

"I mean, I was never a part of the Leaf village, yet I–"


Rumi cut her off, frowning sharply as she turned to glare at her.

"I am millennia-old, the Mother of Chakra, with powers beyond your grasp. What the fuck is a 60-year-old Hokage in front of me? I can take back your chakra with a thought, you should be respecting me instead."


Karin who had so bravely begun speaking at first backed away while Tsunade sighed a little.

"A millennium old?" Tsunade hesitated for a bit, but then said. "To me, it looks like your maturity never surpassed that of a child, though."

Rumi froze.

A second later, her eyelids twitched as she turned to Neji instead.

"Neji, she just called me childish."

"You are being childish though, unless this is just a troll."

Neji stared at her blankly, and Rumi paused in her spot.

Sighing, Neji took a step forward and looked at everyone.

"In any case, I am quite a bit disappointed that her taunts managed to get into y'all at all. I thought we were doing this thing out of love and all that, not based on who joined first and whom later."

Neji looked more than just a bit dissatisfied.

"Let me reintroduce her, her name is Rumi Usagiyama, the 4th person who joined my harem."

Neji tried her own attack against her by calling her numbers, but Rumi just shrugged. At this point, she didn't mind such things.

Seeing her shrug, Neji spoke again.

"And it seems in her thousand-year isolation, she grew a bit of a humor. She was most certainly trolling you all. Or was it a test?"

Neji turned to look at Rumi who refused to look back at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I-"


Neji cut her off and turned to Tsunade.

"Did you all notice how Tsunade doesn't seem to care or mind being called numbers? Like 'the second generation'? Because she knows that the whole point of polygamy, or harem—whatever term you fancy—is that someone must have been there—done that before you did. You all should have known that's a thing the moment you decided to accept your feelings for me, knowing my stupid character. So do the numbers really matter?"


"I don't at all see the point of being mad or sad just because of finding me later on. Because in the end, I am bound by my own power to love you all."

Neji swiped his finger upwards, as Sisty received his mental command, and revealed the page of his [Harem King] title that materialized in blue texts in the air; only showing the (1) point of his title.

[A Harem may not be equal, and you may not love every girl the same— as that'd go against the nature of an intelligent being.

However, you as their lover will at least love each of them with all your heart. If a girl in your Harem loves you, you will love her back all the same, enough to not make her feel neglectance.

*Allows your emotions to develop in a way that can make you love all your girls, maybe not equally but surely fully.]

"This is a self-assigned power. I am technically brainwashing my own mind to love you all." Neji stared at them somewhat disappointingly. "Yet, you fucking idiots are fighting over who came first and who came last? This is making me pretty mad."

All the girls, including Rumi, flinched back a step as Neji's passive skill [Killing Intent] acted up on its own.

"Alright, Neji, this wasn't my intention. Stop."

Rumi quickly raised her hands in surrender, standing in front of Neji with the crowd of girls behind her. She pushed a veil of chakra behind her to protect the crowd from the killing intent.

Her chakra shook, trembling to break in front of his loose rage. Chakra wasn't the best thing to block a will power type attack. Rumi could also channel her will like this, but if her will were to clash with his then nothing good would come out of it.

"Neji, I was just joking around, stop. They will lose consciousness at this rate!"

"…Sometimes, people need to be taught lessons, moreover girls who got everything laid in front of them with a golden spoon but cannot appreciate it."

"Okay, stop making this weirder than it already is. My bad, I was just messing with them. But this is getting serious," Rumi said, looking at Neji cautiously. "Let's take a deep breath and stop, you already look different with that haircut and outfit, and if you act differently than usual they might think you are someone else entirely."

Neji opened his mouth and closed it, then he sighed. The killing intent vanished and he shook his head a little.

"Sorry. I am a bit worried about someone, so I got worked up a little." Neji quickly looked at everyone. "Though much of it was an act, to prove that this old person here indeed was just joking, and she means no harm. Don't hate her, she was ready to clash with my will just for you all."

As the girls blinked, realizing what he meant, Rumi grumbled with a small blush on her face.

"Ugh, a thousand years later, and I still can't beat you on this game," Rumi complained. "This isn't fair, you know?"

Rumi sighed and shook her head, annoyed by Neji's smile.

"In any case that's a description of the weird power you showed. What's that anyway? Some sort of godly, divine stuff I never heard of?"

"Ah, that?" Neji hummed. "You forgot? It's my main power, the one for which the Gods are after me."

Neji reminded Rumi who went 'ooh! right!' a moment later.


Hanabi asked from the side, looking more relieved than a moment ago, though her eyes were still somewhat wet.

"The ones I talked about before; for whom I had to destroy my previous world."

"Wait, so you told them about that too?"

Rumi asked with a tone of surprise in her voice.

"So they know you are a world-ender? Yet they're here. I guess your dick game is as great as ever, huh?"

"Better, actually. Mana and stuff."

Rumi paused. Her eyes shone briefly as she opened her mouth, but Neji cut her off and explained further.

"However, I didn't lie when I said I am worried about someone. As I said, there are five girls I was missing. Here is my bunny girl, but four of my other girls are still out there somewhere. I am currently worried the most about Kimi, my maid who's the person whom I first had a relationship with."

"What? Why Kimi?" Rumi asked, stunned. "She is strong. The strongest amongst us first generation. Even if she was in my situation, she would have done a lot better. She could have just teleported from the center of the moon, which I couldn't."

"True, but the danger she might be facing as we speak is stronger too…"

Neji quickly gave everyone a brief of his worries, and midway through Rumi's eyes went too wide for her forehead.

Neji continued.

"Yeah, so I am kind of worried."

"...Okay, justified. This makes me worried as well. Super-Gods, huh?"

Rumi shook her head with a dazed look in her face, and a bit later she asked something else.

"What about the others, though? If Kimi is in such a tight spot, and knowing my own situation, I can't help but worry about the others too."

"Others? Well, kinda same but…"

Neji thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"No. I can't bring myself to worry about Nejire."

Neji explained, "Remember, I shared some of my quirks with her. Being my sis, she could handle those powers. Mhm… Upgrade, Thunder God, Mine, Copy, what else? I don't want to jinx it, but she would be fine anywhere."

Due to the high level of the quirks back then, Neji couldn't share them with his girls, their bodies couldn't handle it. However, due to Nejire in particular having similar genes to Neji, and also having a variation of Neji's exact dragon form, her physique was the toughest among the girls, it could handle anything. Such as the quirks Neji spoke of, that he shared with her.

Neji was about to speak again, but someone interrupted him.

"Wait, no wait a moment," it was Sakura who spoke on everyone's behalf. "Nejire? You just said your sis? What the fuck, you fucked your sister?"

Neji tilted his head in confusion, as his eyes slowly looked at Hanabi.

"Why are y'all so shocked? I mean, Hanabi here is probably my half-sister too-"

"Neji you weren't supposed to reveal that!"

Arima Hyuga interrupted Neji, while Hanabi herself snapped her head to look at Arima.

"Mother? What does he mean?! What the—mother! What did he just say?"

While Hanabi grabbed Arima's arm and pulled her away from this room, taking her somewhere secret, everyone watched them vanish and an awkward silence fell on the spot.

A while later, holding back a chuckle, Neji explained further to Rumi.

"As for Momo and Ryuko. I am not too sure, but I am indeed worried for them too. However, they are in the least danger compared to Kimi. We can at the very least imagine the worst scenario they can face, while Kimi might have to go against Super Gods—beings ranking beyond omnipotence itself—something incomprehensible and therefore undefeatable for people of our stature."

Rumi's expression turned dark as she came to terms with what he meant exactly. Sure, she experienced a lot of torture in her long isolation, but at the very least she was alive and therefore could meet Neji again. But would that have been the case if she were to go against these Super Gods whom Neji spoke of?

Rumi knew that despite the self-restrained power description Neji showed just a while ago, he had somewhat of a special place for Kimi in his heart. But even if she ignored that, as his lover, Rumi knew that Neji would want none of his girls to die; in this situation Kimi seemed where she could die, permanently. So he had every right to be worried for Kimi the most.

The other girls in the room, Rumi noted, looked somewhat worried as well. Naturally, since they had never met Kimi in person, the worry wasn't personal, so they were just worried because Neji was worried, but it was the thought that mattered.

Rumi hid a smile; thinking, that perhaps this second batch, quick to be picked by Neji as they were, may not be that bad in the end.

Rumi opened her mouth to speak, to tell Neji something she thought would be the right thing to do here, but before she could mutter a word, the gothic figure of a woman walked inside the castle through the open main door.

"Apologies, looks like I am interrupting something important."

Goddess of Death–Jashin–spoke as she immediately looked at Neji, her eyes looking quite worried.

"I hope you still remember what I talked about before; the Gods have been waiting for the 4th Great Ninja War to come to an end before they decide on what to do with you."

Neji's expression went serious as flashbacks from his previous world, where the true end was bought by the Prime Gods, ran across his eyes.

"Does that mean…"

"Yes, the Gods are here, waiting in the outside world."

"…I see."

Neji took in a small breath, promising himself to use his skill, [Mana Super-Nova] if things looked bad. Because no way in hell was he prepared to lose all the progress he made in this world.




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