The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 228: 228: Promise?

Chapter 228: 228: Promise?

Chapter 228: Promise?

Neji spent the morning and noon with Hinata, spending some quality time with her to break the ice between them. He succeeded in doing so, at least as much as possible in a day just after crippling her father.

First they ate breakfast, then they took a stroll around the village, helping people with small problems, while discussing life with each other. They went to Konoha park after eating Ramen for breakfast.

Around the end of their unofficial date, they encountered Kurenai, Hinata's jounin sensei.

"So the rumours were true." Kurenai said, standing face to face with Neji and Hinata in the middle of the Konoha part. "I don't think it's a Genjutsu either. I heard you were running around with blue eyes, Neji, but to think it's really true."

"It's a variation of the Byakugan," Neji said, smiling at her. "It has a few abilities different than the usual Byakugan, which is why I was told to always wear blindfolds. But as you can probably tell from the other rumour, I don't need to listen to the Hyuga clan's orders anymore."

Kurenai eyed Hinata when she heard these words from him, smiling. "From how you can speak about it freely in front of her, and from how you two are together in the park, walking beside each other like a couple, I suppose Hinata accepted the loss of her father?"

Hinata, ignoring all her other remarks, blushed softly. "Hey, Sensei! He's my cousin, what do you mean by couple?!"

Kurenai giggled while covering her mouth with her sleeves. "Hinata dear, why hide from me? I do know the deal amongst Hyuga cousins, you know? But sorry, that was insensitive of me. I just thought you finally got over that Naruto boy and found someone better."

"B-better? Him?" Hinata asked, snapping her head in Neji's direction. She soon realised her 'disbelief' tone and paled. "That… ah! S-sorry, Neji-nii! I didn't mean it that way-"

"It's fine," Kurenai answered in Neji's stead. "I wouldn't call myself an expert on reading boys, but I can tell he's not someone who would mind that, unlike 'your' Naruto. Why do you like him that much anyway? He's been oblivious to your approaches for years now. "

"That…" Hinata trailed off into silence.

"Oh well," Kurenai waved it off. "My bad, I got too personal. Forgive me Hinata. It's just that things are going really well for me and… Asuma, so I thought I could help another fellow girl with her love life. Anyway, enjoy your quality time and goodbye."

Kurenai waved at them and walked off, leaving a zoned-out Hinata and relaxed Neji behind.

Neji put a hand in Hinata's head, ruffling her hair. "Don't mind her words. I don't have such feelings towards my little cousin-sister. Heck, I don't even see you as a woman."

"Ah…" Hinata blinked, looking up at him. "You don't? Did… didn't you describe my body that day in the Onsen though?"

Neji tilted his head in innocence. "I did. I don't mean you lack feminine charm. Just that they don't charm me. Ah, I don't mean you don't look beautiful! If that's what you're thinking."

"...Well sure." Hinata rubbed the back of her neck meekly, looking down at the ground, her mood suddenly down. "You know, I appreciate that you're trying to stop making me feel uncomfortable from Kurenai-sensei's words. But… saying that to a lady… it's quite insulting, you know."

She had a small blush on her face, out of casual embarrassment, as she slowly looked up at his eyes. "I will let it slide this time around… but don't do it again." she then cleared her throat. "In any case! I should get going now. Our team's meeting time is almost due, so let's meet after I return from the mission! Bye, Neji-nii!"

Hinata ran, stopped to wave at him, and ran again.

Oh-ho. The seed was planted. He should thank Kurenai someday.


After that, Neji made his way toward his compound, and found the Hyuga servants moving his stuff from his current house to take them to the Main house.

The main house, aka his new house.

Hiashi was in the infirmary, and so was his wife to serve him. They probably didn't even know that their stuff were being moved to the branch family, but not as if they could do anything even if they knew. He only kept Hinata and Hanabi's rooms untouched in the main house since he had no grudge against them.

However, he did have a grudge against the other Main Branch Hyugas. The Neji Hyuga from before wasn't someone else, it was just an empty character made for Neji to take over, like in a roleplaying game where you're given a backstory before you start playing. So it's only natural this Neji will take some action according to Hyuga Neji's backstory. That's why, all the Main Branch Hyugas were also moving to the branch family buildings, while the branch Hyugas were moving to the main buildings.

"Hey, boss! Welcome back! I heard the meeting went well!"

"Haha! I was worried because you were late, but here you are!"

"Great fight last night, boss!"

He heard cheers from his fellow branch Hyuga members, as they moved their own stuff around with the help of their own shadow clones. He waved back at them while ignoring how the main family members refused to look in his direction, in case he saw their enraged faces with his omnidirectional eyes.

Neji walked a few hundred metres and found himself in front of his new home, where Temari was guiding the workers to arrange everything.

"Wow, you're doing a nice job." Neji whistled, walking beside her and putting an arm around her.

"Obviously. I am not the type to just sit around and get fucked. I will do my part." Temari said, leaning over him. "Though… I think you should talk to Hanabi. She was pretty zoned out when I met her in the morning. You defying her pleading request hit her quite hard."

Neji nodded. "I noticed, thanks for telling me though. I actually came here just to talk with her about it. Is she in her room?"

"Can't you see?" She looked at his eyes, they weren't glowing. "Nevermind. Yes she is. Also… I know I probably don't need to tell you this, but please be considerate of what you say. She isn't a bad girl."

Neji smiled at her. It's good that they got along. "Thanks, and I will."

He gave her a soft peck on the lips and went to Hanabi's room.

-Knock Knock

"May I come in?"

There was silence for a long minute before a hushed voice came from inside the room.

"Why does Lord Neji need permission before entering this lowly servant's room?"

'Lord Neji?' Neji almost broke out laughing, even though he knew this was serious to her, she really sounded so cute acting like that.

"I suppose. Then I will be entering." Neji pushed the Japanese slide door open, finding Hanabi gracefully sitting on the ground with her back facing him.

Neji just found her cuter every passing second.

"Is it finally my room's turn, Lord Neji?" Hanabi asked, not moving from her spot. "I was wondering why the people outside didn't plunder my and Onee-chan's room. I should have expected that Lord Neji will like to ravage my room with his own godly hands-"

"Stop." Neji shut her up. "I talked with Hinata this morning, after the meeting ended. Even she stopped referring to me with that distant 'Cousin Neji' tone. What's up with you?"


"Didn't we talk about this before coming back to Konoha?" Neji asked, leaning his back against the wall. "Back then I thought you understood."

"I… did." Hanabi said after a while. "But I asked you… I prayed to you… to not kill my father, to not cripple him… but… I am less important than your revenge, you didn't listen to me. You… didn't even look at me. You know how much that hurts right, Onii-sama? I am sure you do."

It was Neji's turn to be silent. He activated his eyes to take a peek at her face, as she was biting her lips hard to contain her voice while tears ran down her cheeks like a fountain.

Neji walked over to her.

"No, don't come!"

She yelled, but Neji didn't listen.

"L-look! You aren't listening to me again!"

Yes, Neji didn't listen. He went behind her, sat down, and hugged her from the back after putting her on his lap.

"Hanabi." He said, while she had frozen in place. "I am not going to apologise for hurting your father. But I do wish to apologise for acting apathetic to your cries."

Neji had heard her 'Prays' in his mind. He supposed that was one perk of being a God, that he could hear his believers' prayers.

"Your father, Hiashi Hyuga, is a strong man. He isn't the type of guy who would stay quiet if I didn't hurt him like that." He said, finally hearing her silence break as she sniffled. "I am sorry, I had no choice."

"...B-but… still… his arms-"

"Hanabi," Neji sighed, grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around in his lap. Now she faced him, her face covered in snot and tears that she quickly covered with her hands. "Do you not remember what happened in the Sand? That person, Temari, who's standing outside. She died, remember? You think I won't be able to heal your father's arm even though I can revive people?"

Hanabi stilled for a moment but didn't say anything. However, her sobbing did start to lessen. After five minutes, she looked up at him, her face wet and sticky.

"So… you will give him his hands back?"

"Not yet," Neji said. "Do you not remember just how he treated me all these 22 years? …Nevermind, you're 15." He sighed, watching her pout playfully.

Glad she was feeling at ease now.

"Well… I… yes, I saw. He did many things to you that I wished didn't happen." Hanabi said, avoiding his eyes.

"Yet you still wish I forgive your father by healing him right away? Even I can feel rage and humiliation, you know." Neji shrugged, watching her slowly look up at him. "I will heal him someday, I assure you that. I don't wish my father-in-law to be crippled all his life. But that day won't be coming anytime soon. He should live like a cripple for a while, let me repay at least a bit of what I had to endure in the 22 years. Or does my wife not care about her husband's feelings?"

Hanabi flinched, managing a blush even in this situation. The blush soon died, however, and she lowered her face. Soon, she raised her head to look him in the eye as she raised her pinky. "Promise?"

He smiled, locking pinkies with her. "Promise."

She smiled. "Thank you."

No, he should thank her instead. Even after he refused to look at her last night, didn't heed to her prayers, and injured her father, she still had 'Faith' in him. This girl… she was too precious.

Neji slid a hand under her hair, beside her ear, and leaned over to kiss her soft lips. This time it wasn't a light peck, it was a deep kiss that lasted long. Around the end of the kiss, Hanabi's tongue managed to wrap around his, she really was a fast learner, before the kiss finally ended.

Hanabi breathing heavily, her face red, as she anticipated his next actions. "Haah… l-let me set the futon firs-"

"Nope." Neji smiled at her, ruffling her hair and standing up. "Grow up a bit more, dear. We will continue this then."

"H-hey!" Hanabi jumped up. "I- I am a grown-up woman, okay?! I recently hit my growth spurt, I grew three inches in the last four days! M-my three sizes have also increased!"

What the hell?

Neji laughed out loud, patting her head and kissing her blushing face in the cheeks. She clearly didn't like it, being treated like a little girl still, but that just made it more fun to tease her.

"In that case, what do you think of accompanying me to train outside? With Might Guy and Rock Lee. You know them right?" He asked, watching her nod. "I have some growth-boosting 'medicines' that will help training more efficiently, and who knows, your body might grow faster too."


Neji nodded. "Yes."

Although he was not sure if Guy sensei would want to teach her the Eight Gates, he would at least provide good training in any case.

"Now, I was just about to go pick up Tenten. I plan to take her in too. She needs some heavy physical workouts." Neji said, watching her become a bit dim. "What? You're jealous you wouldn't be the only female around me? Cute."

"I-I am not cute!" Hanabi tried, but she was too young to resist his teasing.

But truly, Tenten needed physical training. Might Guy's training mostly focuses on legs, and as it turned out, Neji had a thing for chinese qipao-wearing women with strong heavenly thighs.

Soon, he and Hanabi departed to find Tenten.




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