The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 227: 227: Rectified Relationship

Chapter 227: 227: Rectified Relationship

Chapter 227: Rectified Relationship

The meeting the next day started with Tsunade, Danzo, Shikaku, the two Konoha elders, Neji and lastly (surprisingly too) Hinata sitting around the table.

"With everyone present, we should start the meeting. In this meeting, we simply decide on the degree of crime Neji Hyuga has committed and decide his punishment or compensation after studying his crime with the context at hand." Danzo said, taking the lead casually as if he was the leader here. "We would first like to hear the details and its context from Hinata Hyuga, the daughter of the victim."

Hinata had her head down as she sighed. "I… I want to say cousin Neji is in the wrong. But. It's… really just my father who was trying to sacrifice him for the supposed 'greater good of the clan'."

Neji was somewhat surprised as he listened to her. He looked at her, as she was sitting opposite him, but she avoided his eyes.

"I am sure you all were aware of this already. His eyes are special, and father wanted them to be transplanted on me, before he changed his decision to Hanabi." Hinata said, looking at everyone. "However, in both cases, cousin Neji was to die once the operation finished. I am sure at least Lady Hokage here knew about it." Tsunade's lips thinned at that, and Hinata continued. "What he did, even though I hate to admit it, was purely self-defence. He just like any other man wanting to live, and just so happened to cause an accident in the battle."

Great. So he hadn't misjudged her personality. Different from her canon she might be, she was still a good girl at heart.

Hinata didn't say anything else, as every one of the Council Members glanced at each other's faces.

"...I suppose you are right." It was surprisingly Shikaku who said that, sighing. "I guess it needed me to hear it from Hiashi's own daughter of all people to realise this. Konoha never meddled with Hyuga Clan matters before, but we never really liked what they did with their branch members. Yet, now that someone of that suppressed faction has finally stood up, we are trying to push him down. It's my fault for getting agitated last night, Neji Hyuga. I apologise."

The man gave a short bow to Neji, and he replied with a bow of his own.

The others seemed to have similar thoughts too, with Tsunade already being as guilty as she was. However, Danzo was an exception.

[Danzo Shimura - Wood-Human - Peak Tier 9]

His Tier was a mess, honestly. He could surely defeat Tsunade, who was higher Tier than him, so this didn't really make sense. Neji supposed this was a situation similar to Shinso's from MHA-world.

Danzo opened his mouth.

"None of that excuses the fact he had attacked a Clan Head of Konoha. Just because someone has a sob story, doesn't mean they get to hurt the hand that fed them." The bandaged old man said, watching Neji's blindfold-covered eyes. "Also, is it not common courtesy to reveal your true self while talking to your elders? Why do you cover your eyes, while knowing well we already know your secret?"

Neji slowly took his blindfold off. He just didn't like the awed gaze people gave him every time he passed around them in the streets, it got tiring real soon, that's why he was still wearing these. But if Danzo wanted to play, he didn't mind.

"I guess. My bad." Neji said, his eyes glowing, which made Danzo scowl.

"So you admit. Then why do you still have your eyes active?" He asked, passively angry.

The other people in the room, including Hinata, all looked at the exchange in silence, deciding not to interfere.

Neji smiled at Danzo. "Why, sir Danzo, are you scared that my eyes might see something that I shouldn't see?

Danzo seemed to flinch for a second, safely hiding it, and then scowled. "What do you mean?"

Neji's smirked, then flexed his right arm.

There was a reason why the Hyugas never reported the Sharingans implanted on Danzo's arms, and Neji just so happened to know about it since he had accidentally peeked at Danzo and Hiashi's conversation that one time.

A few years ago, Danzo asked Hiashi to make him a seal that'd block the Byakugan from seeing through anything that the seal is placed upon. Hiashi agreed after many threats, however, Neji had to admit that man Hiashi was smart. He obviously didn't give an absolute counter to his clan's one and only Dojutsu. The deal was rather changed to Hiashi making special bandages made by invisible fuinjutsu that blocked the Byakugans' penetrating vision from working on it. Hiashi made the bandages in a manner that the Fuinjutsu used on it was un-discoverable, and if discovered in some way, it was also uncopy-able.

Another trick Hiashi played with Danzo was that those bandages would always decompose every few months, and since only Hiashi could make them, Danzo couldn't just 'accidentally' kill Hiashi off, and was rather forced to keep the Hyuga Clan in a high favour if he wished to keep receiving the bandages.

But now that Hiashi wasn't the Clan Head anymore, and his hands were gone, Danzo was standing on thin ice, and couldn't help but blame Neji for everything.

Neji could end this man right here. He just had to use his telekinesis to tear open all his bandages and let everyone see the things under them. However… After a bit of deep thinking, he decided against it.

If he were to defeat Danzo, he would be able to «Mine» out Shisui's eyes and so get his hands on his Mangekyou ability, the «Kotoamatsukami». In that case, he would be able to make anyone his devotee believer with just a glance. That'd complete his quest. Then, he would have no reason to stay in the Naruto world any further. He would simply bring about the 4th Ninja war and then leave soon after.

That's an easy way out. But that'd just be speed-running things, as Lady Luck said. He already saw how destroying a world influenced his personality. He didn't think like a human anymore, he didn't feel like a human anymore. So, he must have some self control before he loses the last bit of humanity and starts seeing girls as walking fucktoys again. Or worse, lose his sexual appeal as a whole to a species that is only there to die by his hands.

'Ugh, internal philosophy isn't my thing.' he sighed. Fine, he will let the senile old man off today.

Neji's smirk became a soft smile. "It's a joke, of course. I thought Sir Danzo was uncomfortable with me seeing his old body. But as it turned out, you're just trying to hide your damaged arm and eyes, correct? It must be in a very bad state if you went as far as covering it with Fuinjutsu that blocks Byakugans."

Neji watched Danzo look at him suspiciously before sighing. "Indeed. It was an assassination attempt. Anyway, boy, never try these jokes with me again. I am too old for it." Danzo stayed silent for a minute before nodding. "Alright, since the victim's own daughter is in your favour, and Hokage-sama and others also seem fine with it, I don't have a say here anyway. Let's not drag this anymore and end this right here."

Looks like the old man hadn't gone senile yet. He was smart enough to not take any chances and end the meeting right away.

While walking out, he heard Tsunade's call from behind, but he pretended not to hear. She didn't call again.

Soon, Neji and Hinata found themselves walking beside each other in uncomfortable silence.


"Cousin Neji," Hinata called, walking while looking at the ground. "I-... I am sorry for asking to see you yesterday evening. It's just that Sakura-san asked me to notify you about her request, so I told Ko to wait for you at the gate. I am sorry… While you managed to hold yourself back for 21 years, you finally snapped because of one mistake made by me."

Neji blinked at her.

'Aha. She is blaming herself for everything.' Neji realised. So this Hinata still had that trait of hers. That's sad.

"Princess," he stopped, standing in front of her. "It's fine. Don't blame yourself for everything. It was your father's fault and mine too to some degree that the fight ended the way it did." Neji said before falling silent. Then, he smiled at her. "Also, princess, you don't have to bear the weight of my death anymore. So can you stop with that 'cousin' bullshit and just call me Neji-nii like you did that day?"

Hinata blinked once and stared at his eyes that weren't covered anymore. "You… knew?"

"Of course I did." Neji leaned over, putting a hand on the much smaller girl's head. "What, you think just because you acted cold I couldn't see through? Princess, these eyes of mine, they can see through more than physical things. I can sense emotions, somewhat. And ever since I unlocked this ability after my fight with Naruto in the chunin exam, I don't recall you ever having any negative emotion towards me."

Hinata gasped. "A-ah… is that why… No matter how many times I acted cold, you never hated me after that time?"

Hinata was shocked, 'Now it all makes sense…'

"I suppose, yes." Neji smiled at her. "So you better stop with that pretentious bullshit, okay? Or big brother will get mad."

After a while of staring at his face, Hinata slowly nodded, looking into his eyes before she smiled softly. "Of course, Neji…nii."

Neji brought her in a hug, her face hitting his chest, as he heard her gasp.

"A-ah?? Neji-nii, w-we can't! We are family!"

"Huh? It's just a hug."


"Have you eaten yet?"


"Then wanna grab breakfast with big brother? We can eat- uh, I don't even know what your favourite food is. I suddenly feel ashamed."

"I… o-okay. My team will go out for a mission in the evening. So we better hurry."

The hug soon parted, and Neji brought a softly smiling Hinata around the village.

Really, fuck speedrunning.




Master4thWall Note: 😫 Two chapters and Hinata date. Vote and make us reach Top 3!

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