The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 179: 179: Uncertain Futures (2)

Chapter 179: 179: Uncertain Futures (2)

Chapter 179: Uncertain Futures (2)


Ujir rose in the air, floating opposite Starfire and smiling.

"Heh, 'My Bloodline' you said? Did you know, I fucked your great grandfather and gave birth to your grandpa? I am the originator of this so-called bloodline you speak of, little girl."

"Watch your language!"

The little hero leapt forward, her fists surrounded by two green glowing orbs.

"You don't deserve to call this your bloodline! All you did was steal my great grandpa's power by sleeping with him! Using your dirty quirk, you absorbed his powerful quirk! This bloodline isn't yours!"

"Oh, come on." The older, mature woman giggled, shoving Starfire's punches to the side with her palm. "I did give birth to your gramps, yes? I could have done an abortion, but I didn't. Be grateful, girl. You wouldn't even have been born, otherwise."


Starfire launched a punch towards Ujir's cheek, hoping to throw her off this mountain where UA was located–she had the strength to do so–but Ujir simply grabbed her arm in midair.

"Hah. Cute attempts, but very weak. Guess your blood isn't 'pure' enough to have amassed my true powers." Ujir smirked. "Let me show you the true prowess of this blood."

Then, Ujir drew her first backwards and then hit her on Starfire's face, watching as she was flung outwards but couldn't fly out because of her hand being held, causing her wrist to snap.

"Hm, I expected you to dodge. But you couldn't. Disappointing." Ujir shook her head, punching at the little girl's stomach again. "Your muscles aren't compressed enough, they're quite new too. I heard you killed all your classmates and came out top? If so, then Korea's future doesn't seem so bright."

Starfire, rubbing her broken nose, frowned.

"What do you mean-"

"I ask my empress to lend me the power of 'Queen' for a moment." Interrupting Starfire, Ujir spoke to the air. "I am not certain, but since she is my offspring, there's a chance she will be considered a 'Bee' by the quirk. If that's the case then…"

There was a short silence before, as if answering her prayer, Ujir's body gleamed red softly before calming down.

"I thank you." Ujir bowed to the air while Starfire started to look anxious.

"What are you doing?! Fight me head-on! Stop using cheap tricks!"

The girl struggled on the woman's arm like a fish out of the water, while the woman smirked.

"You expect me to not fight dirty? I thought you knew me well." The woman then yanked Starfire closer to her, grabbing her forehead with her other hand. "Look, this is what happens when you come running to an unknown enemy. Not that the knowledge of it would matter."

Then, as if the little girl wasn't her great granddaughter, Ujir smiled as a glittering aura of red and purple leapt out of her hand, spreading onto Starfire's body and starting to eat her out.

"W-what is- AAAGGGHHH!"

The hero yelled, feeling her cells break apart along with her quirk factor too–her whole essence was shaking, crumbling down, and breaking into bits of energy that went and travelled into Ujir's body.

Her orange skin eroded, revealing the inner layer of her flesh as even that started to burn up, turning into energy and entering Ujir's body–empowering her.

Soon, as the crowd gathered below watched with their expressions horrified, Starfire's flesh was gone and then even her skeleton started to break down into 'food' that empowered Ujir.

In a matter of 57 seconds.

Starfire, melting and decomposing, was no more.

Not even her bones, not even her ashes remained.

Korean rising star, Starfire, died a meaningless death right then.

The sole purpose of her life was to empower this sinister woman.

"Aaah, it feels so good. Mhmm~" The exact woman giggled, laughing to herself before she looked at the air again, suddenly looking respectful. "It took longer than usual because she wasn't exactly a 'Bee' but it worked. I thank my empress for lending me with her holy power. I feel much stronger now, thanks to you. Feel free to take «Queen Bee» away now."

As if nodding to her, the red aura that had previously settled within her broke out of her and dispersed in the empty air.

When it disappeared, Ujir looked down on Mirio's unconscious body.

Nighteye was there, picking Mirio up as he tried to make a run for it.

Usually, Ujir would have killed Nighteye for intervening in her job, but her master strictly asked her not to hurt anyone other than Mirio. Starfire was an exception.

But Nighteye can only be so annoying, he didn't have any actual attack power after all.

So, when Ujir drove down at a speed faster than her usual one, Nighteye was rendered useless as Ujir stopped in front of him, grabbing Mirio's head and channelling her energy within it, causing the blonde head to burst like a watermelon.

Mirio died, just like that.

With blood splattering on Ujir's apathetic face and Nighteye's stunned expression, Mirio's headless body fell down to the ground as All Might reached the spot.


All Might's enraged yell came from outwards.

He was late.

He was wondering what was taking them so long, but he assumed it was just them taking a longer route.

However, when he met Ochako Uraraka in their waiting spot, hearing her part of the story about a Korean hero flying into UA, he ran here immediately.

But he was late.

He only saw Mirio's head burst out and his body fall to the ground, as a woman in armour stood in front of Nighteye.


He launched himself at the woman, trying to exert as much strength he could from the shadow of One-for-All within him.


The woman blocked his punch.

"Oh, it's my scary Toshinori." The woman smiled at him, stepping to the side. "We meet again, my scary hun. But hey, what's this, looking at you again, you're not so scary anymore~"

They knew each other from before.

One of her quirks was 'taking' quirks by sleeping with people.

But one of One-for-All's perks was, that it couldn't be taken without the user's permission- although that changed recently when the doppelganger attacked.

Because of this, whatever she tried with him when he was an inexperienced adult ultimately failed, leading to a fight that Ujir lost, so the history they had wasn't exactly nice.

All Might hadn't killed her back then.



That was costing him.

"Don't ask me that, hun. You already know I only follow orders." Dodging his next attack, Ujir shrugged. "Anyway, since the job here is done. It's time for me to go and look for some idiotic cat slut so that my Empress can give her the same treatment as the Starfire girl. Goodbye."

"Come down!"

As Ujir flew, and All Might jumped to catch up to her, failing miserably, he could only yell and cry out at the sky, as Ujir's calm form traversed the sky.

Her job here was done.

All Might was devastated.


Nawab was sitting on the edge of her bed, smiling casually as she finished watching the drama unfold on Ujir's side.

That was fun.

All Might was one of the umpteenth men she saw breaking down by one of her bees. Living for two centuries, she might have built up some weird 'hobbies' such as playing with men's hearts.

It was never Nawab herself who took part in any of these, of course. She just watched everything via her Bees' eyes like a spectator, those were the fun days.

But those days came to an end a long time ago.


Nawab finally found herself in love with someone.

Someone she wished will be with "her", not with one of her "bees".

To begin with, she already was in love with the boy even before sending the Bee to him. That bee was simply supposed to watch over him, take some sneak peeks and all. But that boy managed to somehow break those limiters and make that bee submit to him. Nawab, in her very long life, experienced something she never had. Her love simply grew deeper.

That's why she killed Mirio.

It was needed.

Her hubby was too strong now.

She won't be able to force him to stay with her. That would be hard.

That's why she killed Mirio.

To make the spot of [World's Chosen] vacant again, to make sure that the Will of the World chose her as its Champion again.

She could feel its gaze on her right now.

"Why are you hesitating?"

Asked in the empty air.

"Do you really believe there is someone else who can 'stop' him?"

She wouldn't stop him, no, she was lying right now. But the WoW (will of the world) wouldn't be able to tell, it can't read her mind.

"Are you thinking of picking Star-and-Stripes perhaps? Are you sure she would be able to defeat this unbeatable child? Pick me, give me power again, boost my luck and fate so that I can do what nobody else can."

The gaze was silent.

"Don't be like that, we are old friends right? You helped me rise to power in the past, I am indebted to you. I still don't like how you abandoned me to find new Champions, but I am indeed indebted to you."

Nawab was still stronger than Neji at this moment, she was certain as she was a 'spectator' on the Dragon's fight that happened a few hours ago.


She was also certain, at this rate, it won't even take that boy 3 weeks before he catches up to her.

She needed a backup to keep her hubby to herself.

That backup was the WoW.

"I am waiting~"

Then, as if a phantom existence had just sighed, the world shook- before Nawab felt an invisible force come down and add on her "fate".

"Haaaah~ it's been so long since I felt like this."

Slowly, Nawab stood up from the bed.

"Thank you, my friend."

The WoW wouldn't be able to choose a new 'Champion' anytime soon, not in a few decades at least.

Meaning Nawab had the opportunity to keep Neji to herself for a few decades, and in the meantime, she will make him fall for her too, so that even after that time passes- he wouldn't leave her.

"I am coming, my love~"

She giggled, lightning similar to the colour of her purple hair danced around her as she blitzed away.

Her love…

She will meet him after soooooooooo many damn centuries.




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