The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 178: 178: Uncertain Futures (1)

Chapter 178: 178: Uncertain Futures (1)

Chapter 178: Uncertain Futures (1)

AFO seemed to have aged 10 years these last few days.

First, it was convincing Hisashi that Neji's the culprit behind everything.

Second was finding out that Neji now had One-for-All along with a version of All-for-One.

Lastly, just a few minutes ago, he received the news from one of the spies in another country's PSC on the topic that– Japan was getting nuked in a day.

Three nuclear bombs would be launched at three calculated spots in Japan which should be enough to destroy the whole country.

AFO hadn't felt his blood boil this much in his entire two centuries of living.

Why were all his plans falling apart?!


He slammed the table, watching the computer screen shake, as he grunted.

"It's been two centuries… that's how long it has been since I wished for Japan to be under my control. I succeeded at last, after defeating that Nana, and became Japan's ruler behind the shadows– but that only lasted a short few years because of that bastard All Might. And now, again, I am about to lose my two-century worth of harvest because of that red-skinned bitch!"

'The red-skinned bitch'

Nawab, it was all going downhill because of her.

The infuriating part was that Nawab herself wasn't even taking part in this. It was just her right-hand, who AFO recalled to be weaker than his Prime self- unless she got stronger in the meantime.

That made things more frustrating, more infuriating. Nawab was the reason behind his sad life, in one way or another.

There's a reason why AFO never fled to another country after All Might appeared. Because he couldn't escape. He was threatened not to.


AFO didn't actually know why.

That Nawab just suddenly one day came to Japan around a century ago, then proceeded to beat the shit out of him and made him realise how strong she was compared to him. He was threatened to never leave Japan, adding that the day he did, he would die.

AFO had gained strength beyond anyone in the upcoming century, but even so, he always remembered that woman's strength- her inhumane destructive power and her godly speed that no human being should be able to match. So, even to this day, he never broke that "order".

He was planning to do so soon though.

He wanted to reach out and reach out for the greater world after taking over Shigaraki's body.

But then.

This happened.

All his plans just got ruined by a bucket of water.

Japan was supposed to be the "Core" of his upcoming Empire, but now that core was going to be destroyed. All his years of harvest were going to end.

"No… no, no, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't."

…Maybe it didn't matter.

He had Kurogiri, along with a few more teleportation quirks of his own. He could escape the nukes, of course. This meant he just had to go out and hide in another country ruled by one of his many super-villain friends. There, he will wait until Shigaraki is completed, then he will kill his so-called "super-villain friend" and reign supreme in that country.

That country will be his new base of operations.

…This can work.

No, this had to work.

He can survive, just by having the open mind to change his base of operations.

Then, he will take his revenge against that bitch, for both humiliating him a century ago and also for ruining all his plans now.

"That woman will go down."

She will, and he will make sure of it.


Sir Nighteye was shaking in his boots as he conversed with Nezu the Demon Mouse.

"We should be able to evade 'Ujir' if we just leave the UA right?"

"Logically, that's true. But, as you know of my quirk…."

Nighteye sighed as Nezu nodded.

"I know, all actions will somehow lead back to the future you saw. Somehow, in some way, Mirio will come back to UA even if we leave. That's what you're trying to say, right?"

"...Yes." Nighteye nodded.

"You are not wrong. But do remember, I am here this time. Not to brag, but as you know… I am the smartest mouse in the world." He said, laughing at the end.

Nighteye did feel relieved at that. Because although Nezu jokingly specified "mouse", he was most certainly one of the top-5 smartest living beings in the entire world.

That's why a person like Nighteye was fine letting Nezu do the planning this time.

"Anyway, for starters, let's gather the things we need and leave this place. We don't want to leave anything useful behind, in case that'd be the thing which will draw Mirio back to this place tomorrow." Nezu jumped down from his couch. "Let's get moving."

Nighteye nodded, and so did All Might and Mirio from the side. All Might didn't look so good, even though he was in his buff form and his physical condition healthier than ever. It was understandable though. He did lose the thing he was supposed to protect from his enemy. Not only that, he failed to protect dozens of students right under his nose, even allowing one of the brightest rising stars to die.

But most importantly, the boy he chose as his successor… That boy was broken, even though he didn't show it on his face.

Nighteye knew All Might like the back of his hand, so he could guess that All Might didn't hold any grudge against the boy. He did lose One-for-All, but he did so in a heroic–albeit dumb–way.

Nighteye also knew Mirio, too. The boy didn't regret his decision, not at all. He would do the same thing again if he could save so many people. But he did feel ashamed to have lost the thing he promised to protect.

Nighteye released a breath, seeing Mirio do the same as he simply put a hand on the boy's shoulder, patting it and nodding at him.

"Let us get going."

They soon gathered their necessary commodities. It was all stored within a small bag which was easy to carry due to All Might.

Normally, usually, All Might wouldn't leave UA like this in such a dangerous time. But this wasn't a 'usual' situation. He had to protect his student, now that his student was weak but he still had a bit of power left within him. He had fought Ujir before, and knew defeating that woman would be impossible in his current state- but he would at the very least make sure Mirio stayed safe from the other villains.

"All Might, I think you should head out first. Wait outside the gate, away from the people's faces. Because if they see you leave with us, the people will break out in worry. Oh, carry me with you- because the same conditions apply to me as well."

All Might exchanged glances and nodded, as he put Nezu over his shoulder and jumped out of the window, leaving Nighteye and Mirio behind.

"Alright, let's not waste time and move too."

Nighteye said to Mirio, getting a nod, as they slowly and swiftly made their way. They soon came across a crowd, and took cover behind a pillar. It wasn't good for them either to show their faces, if possible. Especially Mirio. People were thankful to him, and so if they saw him leaving they'd gather around him- which would only delay their escape.

So Nighteye used his quirk again. It hasn't been 24 hours since he first used his quirk on himself, so he could keep using it to see his own future still. So, he used it to find an easier way to leave. These types of "futures" were easy to change since it was minuscule. However-

The moment Nighteye used his «Future Sight».

He saw something unexpected.

Something, he didn't have the time to react to as the sound barrier broke in the sky in the present time.


Nighteye could only yell as a purple meteorite erupted down from the sky, crashing on the ground as purple light burst outwards, blinding everything as dust rose to cover the area.

Nighteye was thrown a few steps back from the shockwave, coughing as he fell on his back and got up, his eyes in his [Future Sight] mode as he started to look for a way to escape from this early disaster.

Why in the hell was Ujir here?!

She was supposed to come here in two more days. Not today. This was too early.

The dust cleared as Nighteye failed to find an escape, growing nervous each second as he could only see gore upon gore happen in the future, causing him to stop viewing it.

Back at present, the dust disappeared as the woman wearing a black-n-purple armour made of black bones stood tall, her reddish dark hair wavering in the air as she had Mirio grabbed the collar on her hand.

Her skin was orange, wore purple lipstick, and had two black stripes on each of her green eyes.

[Image Here]

"Finding you was easy, so it seems." Said the woman, her voice calm but heavy as she looked down on the struggling boy. "You poor thing, losing all your powers to fall into this state. I feel sad. You must feel so weak and pathetic right now."

The woman had an apathetic expression as she said those words, even as Mirio struggled.

"Let go…! Who are you and why are you here?!"

"Oh, no, no. Don't ask so many questions. A dead man doesn't need to know so many answers, after all." The woman said in a cold voice, as she raised her free hand in the air, a purple aura rising from the palm slowly. "A dead man's knowledge isn't useful for this world, you poor thing."

She moved her hand, her palm straight, as she drove it towards Mirio's forehead.

"No!" Nighteye yelled from the side, running to help. "Don't do this! Let us talk this through-"

He couldn't finish it.

His mind wasn't working.

Fate wasn't moving as he saw it move.

Just how did the future change so drastically in a single night's span?

Can the threads of fate really stir so easily? It was as if Lady Luck had moved her gaze away from them. This didn't make sense….!

Nighteye stumbled on his feet, falling in slow motion as Ujir's hand reached Mirio's chest, about to dig deep-

Then it happened.


Green light met purple, a beam hitting Ujir's hand and slapping it away as the woman narrowed her eyes, looking up at the sky.

"Get your hands off him, you bloody villain!"

"Oh, look who it is."

Ujir, who was looking like she would massacre a country, had a sudden change of expression.

She smiled.

Looking at the girl flying in the sky in a light-purple hero costume, she smiled.

"Look at you, you're like a carbon copy of my younger self. Who are you, perhaps my grandchild? Or great grandchild?"

"I am Hero Starfire, but my real identity doesn't matter. What matters is- I am going to eradicate you! I am going to clean the dirt from my bloodline!"

Ujir's smile widened. She was right. This was amusing.

She karate chopped Mirio into unconsciousness and rose in the air in a similar fashion.

"Sure, come, amuse me my descendant."

This was amusing, if anything.


"What the fuck!?! I told you to take it slow! What part of the word 'slow' do you not understand?!"

Nejire pulled Neji by the collar, staring at him with her jaw opened expression.

"Hey~ calm down. Look, she enjoyed it." Neji pointed at Ryukyu's pleased expression as she slept, a blanket covering her well fucked naked body. "There's nothing wrong with this then, right-"

"Of course she enjoyed it, it wouldn't make sense otherwise! But that's not my point! You took advantage of her weakened state! What the hell! What the fuck! Villain! Personification of evil! Scum! Trash!"

"Whoa, whoa, why so rude-"

"No, fuck you! You are not cute anymore, Neji! You- y-you are taking advantage of girls!"

"Not the first time I did-"

"Holy shit, shut up! Don't say that! What the fuck!?"

"Sheesh, so loud-"

"No, I have decided! Come with me to another room!"


"Keep your mouth shut! I am going to have to discipline you, now that our parents are not here."

Neji couldn't resist as his sister pulled him by the arm, yanking him away from the other girls who looked at him deadpanly, taking him to another room to…

Disciple him…?

Yeah, right, it wasn't him who got 'disciplined'.

At least she was too tired to keep yelling afterwards.

That was a good thing.






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