The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 153: 153: Opportunity? (2)

Chapter 153: 153: Opportunity? (2)

Chapter 153: Opportunity? (2)

Neji and the group walked beside Midnight through the passed out crowd and headed towards the room where Recovery Girl was resting.

"Speaking of which, Neji." Midnight spoke, still walking. "How did you survive? I was told that the Red Dragon was after you specifically and he fired a beam of plasma which vaporised you and Nejire without even leaving any remains. Oh, and what's up with your eyes and hair, honey?" Midnight leaned over and touched Momo's hair, which seemed slightly warmer than normal. "Hmmm~ feels nice, but strange nonetheless. Nice cat, by the way."

Momo cleared her throat while Kurai looked proud on top of Neji's head.

"It's all a long story. We mostly survived by luck, that's all."

Neji said while Midnight looked at his face for a moment before sighing internally and shaking her head. 'He is avoiding the question… whatever, this is not the time or place for this.'

"Thank lady luck, then." Midnight said jokingly and continued walking.

After a while, they reached the room where Recovery Girl was supposed to be, but the room was empty. But Midnight didn't look worried.

"I think I know where she is," she said and led Neji and the group to the second floor, in a room in the corner.

Knocking on the door, she called. "Recovery Girl? Are you in there?"

There were multiple coughs from inside, belonging to two different voices, as Recovery Girl replied soon. "Who? Who is it?"

"Uh, it's Midnight."

"Ohh… Oh, Nemuri-chan?!" The door immediately opened and an old woman jumped out from within. "Why are you back?! You were being taken to the hospital! I can't heal you, you know!"

The old woman, Recovery Girl, was about to yell some more before she recognised the people around Midnight.

"Huh…" she blinked. "It's that Neji brat, and Nejire too… Oh, and that Momo girl isn't dead either!?"

Recovery Girl only heard the rumours, so she didn't question how they survived.

Midnight stepped in, crouching down and putting a hand on Chiyo's shoulders. "Yes, they're fine. But that's not important, Recovery Girl. Neji's quirk seemed to have awakened… again, and this time he somehow can heal others. We need to look into that later, but we already have proof of its functionality. Look at my wounds, they're all gone."

The UA Teachers knew about Neji's awakening in the USJ incident, so Recovery Girl was also aware of it.

Recovery Girl looked at Neji with surprised eyes as he gave her a simple nod. She then turned back to Midnight to confirm that indeed, there were no wounds present on her.

Recovery Girl's eyes sparkled. "This is perfect! Come inside! We need to save Toshinori and Mirio!"

Recovery Girl practically pulled Neji inside while the girls followed suit; Kurai seemed to dislike being pulled.


Just as Neji stepped inside the room, he realised why this was an 'Emergency'.

Inside was All Might, in his skinny form, bandaged like a mummy. Though it didn't look funny, he was in a serious condition.

But that didn't interest Neji much.

He looked at All Might with his Observe.

<Tier 3 - High Human - Toshinori Yagi>

'Tier 3… He dropped three tiers, huh. Guess this had the same consequences on him that his fight with All for One had in canon timeline.' Neji thought and shook his head softly.

He actually kinda liked All Might and would have healed him with his potions if not for his plans. All Might would have been a massive obstacle if he was healed before, and therefore would have lost his 'Fire' much slower, even after giving away his quirk. But maybe he could heal him now since he was already too weakened as a Tier-3 even after transformation.

All Might was awake and he looked surprised at Neji's arrival but gave a simple nod as their eyes met.

Neji then looked at Mirio who was sleeping, quite peacefully for someone with such an injury.

He was also bandaged, but shockingly he only had one wound. He didn't even have scratches, except for that wound. It seems he was forced to stop his Permeation momentarily for whatever reason, most likely to take a hit in place of someone else, which is why he took the injury.

The injury was on the right of his chest, a deep wound dug by seemingly the claw of a gigantic beast, covered by bandages.

Then, since Neji couldn't use it before in the heat of battle, he used Observe on Mirio now.

<Tier 7 - Main Character - Mirio Togata>

'Tier 7 and also "Main Character"... as expected.' Neji hummed softly.

He then noticed Midnight explaining to Recovery Girl of his precious offer, that he will heal her and she will heal the others. But the old woman sighed and shook her head, walking over to Neji.

"Unfortunately, I don't have blood type-A.'' she said, seeing Neji nod after a moment. "In that case, I believe Toshinori should receive the healing first. Toshinori is All Might, in case you missed it."

Neji looked at All Might, feigning surprise.

"He does share some characteristics. But still… This is surprising." Neji said, shaking his head. "But nevermind that, I want to know something. I know there is a kid named Monoma in Class 1-B, he has a copy quirk. Why didn't you guys ask him to copy your Healing quirk and heal them while you recover? Or better, he could heal you and then you two could take turns."

Midnight, Recovery Girl and All Might, each of them looked at each other and then sighed in succession.

"That's not possible, unfortunately." It was Midnight who spoke. "Monoma was about to escape with the other students… But at the last moment, hearing the cry of one of his admittedly close friends, Tetsutetsu, he ran to the battlefield and touched the Catastrophic Dragon's tail, when nobody was noticing. As you know, he had the quirk <Copy> that he can activate by touching someone."

Neji's eyelids twitched in surprise. Monoma did that? Did he really have such a good relationship with Tetsutetsu to do that? He didn't seem like the guy, as far as Neji knew. Or maybe, he was just looking for glory, taking a risk that didn't seem as dangerous in the presence of All Might, who was like an undefeated battle god to the kids of this generation.

'I somehow believe the latter, even though it's just pure speculation as of now. But does this mean he's dead? Or just injured?'

Neji didn't even know who died in Class 1-A, he only knew Bakugo did because the sounds of his explosions wouldn't stop otherwise. But before Neji could know more, he already decided to fly off. But Bakugo's death alone meant if there was still a 'plot armour' in this world, it wasn't in the favour of the first year's. Which made him assume the worst for Monoma.

Midnight continued.

"He then transformed into a replica of the red dragon, starting to clash with him… But of course, he wasn't used to moving on four legs nor was he used to move such a huge body. So as the fight escalated he was… killed even before his Quirk's Time could run out." Midnight said, making Neji sigh.

'What did I except… fuck.'

Neji wanted- no, he needed the Copy Quirk. That's something that can make his ⟨Mine⟩ be dozen times better than right now. For example, he could make ten copies of one quirk and Combine them all, which should have been added on the Levels of that certain quirk, and repeat.

Meaning, he would have jumped power levels while sitting on his ass.

Though that was still possible if Monoma's body was intact, or at least was in a single shape. He could then heal the dead body with a Health Potion and steal the Copy quirk after that.

'Speaking of which, I should do that on Izuku's body when I get the chance.'

Coming out of his mind, Neji sighed.

"That's… sad, but it was brave of him. I have a question though." Neji said as Midnight inclined her head. "I recently heard about a villain who can steal Quirk, named All for One. He is out in Japan right now. I hate to say it like this, but Monoma's quirk is useful for a guy who steals and gives Quirks. If he can get hands on that, he would be able to copy a single quirk multiple times and give it to his minions, therefore making a huge army. So as much as I have to say this, I believe it's better for us to take… care of Monoma's body."

All Might sighed from the side hearing him, already expecting that All for One was the one involved behind all this. But at his assumption, he shook his head. "Don't worry. All for One can't steal a quirk from a damaged dead body, or a body that's been dead for more than a whole day."

Neji's eyelids twitched again, but he wasn't worried.

'Sucks for AFO then, not me though. I can turn the body back to a state where it would seem like it just died a second ago, so that's not a problem.'

"Besides," it was Midnight who sighed this time. "His body isn't… here anymore. His quirk turned off by itself when he died, causing his dragon body to turn into that of a human again. Amidst the ongoing battle, we had no way to retrieve his body, and at one point of the battle, one of the Red Dragon's plasma beams devoured Monoma's body entirely, not even leaving his ashes behind."


'Where is my luck when I need it? Fuck.' Neji cursed aloud in his mind.

This ruined pretty much everything… Or maybe not.

He still had Eri's quirk to consider. He wasn't sure, but what'd happen if he reversed time on the place where Monoma died? Wouldn't his body reform?

There's a high chance for that to happen.

'No need to get worked up. Slow and steady wins the race. Overhaul's place is the first thing I go after leaving this building.'

Although he was scheming in his mind, he made a somewhat sad expression on his face. "That's very unfortunate… I would have at least liked to send his body back to his family, and I am sure you guys have the same thoughts. But… At least that means we have one less potential disaster to not worry about."

All Might agreed from the side.

After a long awkward silence, Recovery Girl butted in again. "As I said, you can't heal me since I have Type-B blood. So I want you to try your quirk on them first. Do it on Toshinori, since he is the one with Type-A blood here. Mirio is Type-O."

{Fun Note: Btw, MHA-Wiki has the blood type of most of the characters. I am using those, so all this can kinda be considered canon(?)}

Neji didn't retaliate and simply nodded and walked to All Might's bed. His girls stayed back, watching silently, but Kurai stayed on top of his head. Ready for the plan he told her via telekinesis.

Neji would have liked to heal All Might with a potion right now but…

He had a plan for Mirio in a minute, so it's better for All Might to not become too healthy, as he didn't want any type of interruption.

"All Might, this will be quick." Neji said, placing a hand on All Might's forehead, who groaned.

Then Neji's palm shone green, which spread to All Might's body making it also glow green.




Author's Note: What is Neji playing? 😳

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