The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 152: 152: Opportunity? (1)

Chapter 152: 152: Opportunity? (1)

Chapter 152: Opportunity? (1)

In Tartarus, Japan, there was a jailbreak.

Alarms raged aloud and red lights illuminated the whole building from corner to corner.

The criminals, the heinous villains who used to terrorise Japan, broke out of their opened cells, killing the guards as they ran to find their gateway to the sunlight they missed for ages.

Someone seemed to have invaded this place and opened up all the cells, which gave the villains a chance to escape.

Everyone took this chance like hungry dogs presented with meat.

Sooner or later, one by one people reached the front gate and from there they were offered two options by the man that most of the villains present here were afraid of.

The boogeyman of all quirk users, All for One.

Kaina Tsutsumi, former Hero name– Lady Nagant, was amidst this bunch of villains as she listened to All for One's speech.

"My friends and comrades who walk the same path as me. You guys have two options," said the man wearing a black suit and a mask of similar colour which had silver pipes surrounding it, which she guessed is either to preserve his identity or image. "Just hours ago, I launched an attack on the entirety of Japan. I am conquering this country, after killing All Might."

He was standing beside a man with purple mist for a body, however… Nagant's sharp eyes noticed the metal plate on his neck, and she would bet her money that neck was his weakness.

Beside him, a portal of similar purple colour was spinning in the middle of the air.

As she was done observing, All for One spoke again.

"You guys can either join me in this grandeur of mine, forming an alliance of villains. Or, you guys can take this portal which will send you to any of the cities of Japan of your choice." said the masked man, All for One. "As you can see, no options are harmful to you, just that choosing the second option would mean the next time you come face to face with me or any member of my League of Villains… you'll be considered an enemy."

Lady Nagant watched with serene eyes as the group of frightened villains chattered amongst themselves for a long minute before more than half chose the portal, and the remaining ones joined… the league of villains.

Lady Nagant, after a long second, walked towards the portal too.

"Send me to Musutafu City." She said to the mist, who simply gestured for her to step in.

"Hey, Kaina."

Before Lady Nagant could enter the portal though, All for One walked over to her.

"Why is the best sniper in Japan leaving? Come, join me. I have a job for you." All for One said, reaching out his hand. "This corrupt government is going down, don't you want to take part in taking it down?"

Nagant stared at the man's hand for a moment, before without speaking a word, opting to take a step inside the portal.

Because, although Kiana wanted to accept his hand, Lady Nagant needed to save people from all these villains who decided to choose to enter the portal and therefore became an immediate threat to the citizens of Japan.


When Neji and his girls came out of the dungeon, they came face to face with the state UA was in.

It was utterly destroyed, dust and smoke rose like fog and firefighters were still trying to water down the fire that was still blazing on many of the destroyed buildings.

Momo was the most shocked amongst the four people (and a cat). It's not as if she doubted any of their words about the villain's strength… but hearing about something and seeing it with her own two eyes were two different things.

"Follow me." Neji said, walking over and climbing on top of a destroyed building. From there, he activated his ⟨Eyes of the Lord⟩ and looked for anything intact.

Unsurprisingly, he found multiple unharmed buildings.

UA High owned a grand area of land, enough for there to be multiple destroyed city models present for their students to train in, so except for where the fight took place, things weren't so utterly devastated.

On one such building which is far east from the main school facility, Neji noted multiple ambulances parked outside with many medics taking injured people in them and driving off.

He couldn't zoom in with EL, but he could see the silhouette of some of the teachers and students amidst the crowd that surrounded the building, they seemed to be unharmed enough for the ambulances to ignore them for now.

"...My god." it was Momo who whispered in a shaky voice, a pair of binoculars on her hands.

The other girls also had binoculars, made by Momo's quirk. She was also the only one wearing her hero costume, as she could make her costume in any situation by herself, using her quirk.

The remaining girls watched the scene, but they weren't too shocked. Both of them were familiar destruction and death, but it was still a repulsive scene to see.

"Do you understand, Momo?" Neji turned off his EL, looking at Momo's red eyes. "This is why I didn't want to come out immediately."

Momo nodded slowly, looking low on the ground. "I am s-"

"I didn't say that to hear an apology." Neji interrupted her, turning ahead again. "We made up already, no need to start from zero again."

Momo sighed while she nodded and Nejire and Kimi simply patted her head trying to soothe her. Nejire's hand went a bit further to touch her bang that was in a different colour than her black hair, it carried a bright red colour, as she was curious if it was actually fiery hot or not.

Momo looked different now, after taking the evolution stone. The bang that commonly hung from her hair was red in colour now, and the same went for her eyes. She looked more gorgeous than ever.

[Image Here]

"Anyways, let's check that place out." Neji said before jumping down from the pile of debris and starting to walk towards the building.

His girls followed him and soon enough they reached the commotion.

"Back away, quickly! This patient is in serious condition!"

Neji and the group came face to face with two nurses dragging a stretcher where a severely bleeding woman was barely able to hold her breath.

She was wearing a skin-tight white hero costume, which was mostly torn apart with the biggest tear being around her kidney. A hole replaced where her kidney should be, but it was hidden by the hands of one of the nurses.

It was Midnight.

Kimi was the first to run to the bed, yelling out. "Midnight?! What happened?! And where is Recovery Girl?!"

"Miss, please move out of the way! She's in a serious condition!" One of the nurses yelled, looking angry. "Recovery girl is too tired to heal her, we need to move asap!"

Neji frowned at that. There were other options if Recovery girl was indeed too tired. Couldn't the teachers use Monoma to copy her quirk and then use it to heal her and vice-versa? Unless…

"Haaaahh… stop." Midnight said to the nurse. She was panting as she looked at Kimi and slowly a light of recognition flashed through her eyes. "...Senpai."

Her eyes then turned moist and her lips quivered. "I am sorry… I couldn't protect them… I -"

"Them? You mean me?" Neji's voice interrupted Midnight's trembling sobs. He stepped up, pushing Kimi to the side and leaning over. "Don't tell me you went to fight the guy because of me? That'd be touching, but I would feel bad."

Midnight's eyes widened, her breath stopped as she stared at Neji in disbelief. Her eyes soon drooped again. "Ah, I see, I am dead. I am seeing ghosts now."

"No, you're not. What's your blood type, Midnight?"


"Sir, please move out of the way!" The nurse screamed as she watched the blood gush out from between her fingers, but a silent glare from Kimi's blue eyes which turned sharp silver caused the nurses to shut up.

"Your blood type." Neji didn't mind them and asked again.

"Uh… It's type-A, why do you ask-"

Midnight couldn't finish her words before Neji leaned over and kissed her.

Kimi covered Kurai's eyes with her hands, while the other two girls sighed. The nurses looked angry and shocked, but as Kimi narrowed her slit eyes at them, they didn't dare say anything.

Meanwhile, green light started to shine around Midnight's body, just as her lacerations started to heal before the wound on her stomach started to close itself.

Although the wounds were closing very quickly, visible by naked eyes, the speed wasn't fast enough to heal her immediately. So, the kiss lasted long, and second by second, as Midnight started to gain her consciousness back bit by bit, she started to feel pleasure.

Nejire, Momo and Kimi watched the scene with wide eyes at first, but two of them soon deadpanned. They guessed he must have put a Health Potion in his mouth and was inserting it in her mouth. There were certainly other ways he could give it to her, but they didn't want to start a commotion in this place right now.

Meanwhile, people started to gather on it, but they weren't marvelling at the scene. They simply looked relieved that another healer had appeared, but that relief slowly turned into nervousness as their number kept increasing.

This new influx of people meant that the new healer will also get tired like Recovery Girl, and therefore not manage to heal all of them.

An entire three minutes later, the front of the temporary hospital was filled with injured people as they watched the teacher and student kiss passionately. Neji was on the stretcher and Midnight was on top of him.

Finally, she cancelled the kiss, raising her head and huffing.

"I think this is enough… huff…" she said, looking down at Neji as she sat on his abdomen. "I don't want to suck you dry. Thanks… Neji."

This time, she didn't say 'Boy'.

She jumped down from the stretcher as Neji followed her, wiping his lips.

"But was kissing necessary?" asked Midnight, looking at the other patients. "If so, it looks like it's finally the day when you have to kiss dudes."

"No, it's not necessary," Neji said, tidying his shirt as his girls walked up behind him. "My quirk recently got this power-up. I don't know how it works, but I guess by shaking the cells of a person's body with my vibrations causes the cells to divide and fill the wounds, therefore healing the body. Don't take it for granted though, I am not a science expert. And I just kissed you since I wasn't sure how this would work on people other than me, so I did what recovery girl does."

"Recovery Girl doesn't kiss on the lips." It was Nejire who said dryly from his side, but she sighed after that. "Whatever."

Midnight simply nodded seriously. "Anyway, please heal them as best as you can."

"I can't, unfortunately," said Neji. "I don't think I would be able to heal much of them, so the ones who will be left unhealed will get angry. I think it's much better for me to heal Recovery Girl, instead. I heard her blood type is A, too?"

"Yeah, that's correct. That's a good idea too." Midnight agreed. "But why is blood-type a factor?"

"I don't know." Neji shrugged. "It just works on myself and others with blood type-A, I am not a quirk expert so don't ask me why."

"...Didn't you say you didn't try it on anyone else before?" Midnight asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Oops~ looks like my tongue slipped."

Nejire sighed from behind, rubbing her head while Midnight finally revealed a small smile.

"Well, I guess accidents happen." She said and her hands moved towards her costume with the intention to rip it, but she felt nothing. "Uh… oh yeah. Can you guys please shut your noses? I am going to knock out everyone blocking the gate."

The nurses and Neji's group nodded, just as Midnight released pink gas from her body, causing every patient to slowly fall asleep.

Then, she turned to Neji again. "Follow me. Recovery Girl should be urgently healed, or we might lose Mirio."

Neji's eyes shone softly. So Mirio was inside… and he was in a very weakened state, too.

'This is… Good, very good.'




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