The Cursed Gamer

Chapter 149: 149: Fusion (3)

Chapter 149: 149: Fusion (3)

Chapter 149: Fusion (3)

"Mommy? What's wrong?" Kurai tilted her head, looking at Kimi and the others just as Nejire jumped and hugged her tightly.

"Is that you, Neji?!" Nejire asked aloud, rubbing her cheeks with Kurai. "Tell me it's you!"

"No, it's not papa. I am Kurai." The white-haired girl responded, frowning at Nejire's cheeks. "Get away from me! You keep using me like a toy all the time, aunty!"

Nejire's smile vanished and she frowned. Her hand rose in the air and her fist fell on the cat-girl's head.

"Didn't I tell you to not call me aunty!?!"

"Grrr…" Kurai flashed her teeth, covering her head and rubbing the impact spot.

"Also, can you stop doing that?" Nejire put her hands on her waist. "You never looked intimidating, and now that you look like a cute catgirl, you only look cute."


Kurai went silent and Momo leaned over from the side to observe her too.

Momo was really interested in this Fusion thing, as it was beyond anything the current science managed to explain. She was well aware of the 'Magic' that was around Neji and Kurai, but she believed something like magic could also be explained with science if science gets advanced enough. Maybe she was wrong, but she decided to believe that until she was proven otherwise.

Kimi at last wiped her bloody nose and stepped in while clearing her throat. She leaned over to Kurai's face and stared at her cosmic blue eyes.

"Are you in there, young master?"

Kurai stared at Kimi too as she answered her question instead of Neji.

"Yes, he's in there. Though he's in the back of the mind since this is supposed to be an 'unsuccessful' fusion. In a successful one, there'll either be a mixture of our minds or he will be in charge." Kurai spoke in a childish tone, even though her voice sounded like a teenager's.

Kimi's face gained a smug smile at that. "Unsuccessful? I don't see any problem with this though." Her eyes fell to Kurai's chest as she licked her lips.

"Don't even think about it." Kurai suddenly said, "That's what Papa told me to tell you."

Kimi deadpanned but stopped doing whatever she was trying to do.

Suddenly, Kurai's cat ears twitched as she seemed to start talking with someone invisible.

"H-huh? You want to cancel?" She asked the air. "Okay, I don't like this heavy feeling in my chest anyway. What do I do to cancel this?"

"Hey, stay like this for a while~"

Nejire chimed in. "Let us take a photo of Kurai or something! Who knows when we will see her again in a human form!"

Momo shook her head at that. "I don't think that's how Kurai would look like if she was a human. From the eyes and ears… and the proportions of her body, this is mostly just Neji's female version with a bit of tweaking such as the cat ears and tail."

"Ohhhhh~" Nejire's eyes widened. "Female Neji sure would have looked hot."

"Yeah… true." Momo agreed.

But before they could speak any longer, Kurai brought her two fingers from her either hands together in front of her, touching them.

"Like this?" She said before a short silence, she nodded. "Okay. Unfuse!"

Immediately, gold and red light shone and dust of the same colour rose again, but this time it was very small. It soon cleared and Neji and cat Kurai were sitting on the floor again.

Neji's face was expressionless and he didn't look at the girls at all. Instead, he turned to Kurai and reached out his finger again.

"Let's try again."


Kurai nodded and reached out a finger of her own. Then at the same time, they said, "Fusion!"


This time both gold and red light shone and dust rose. It cleared up soon to reveal…

A cat.

A white-furred cat, with weirdly gravity-defying hair, wearing a black shirt and blindfold of the same colour, stood on its paws.

[Image Here]

"Awww, it's a cat Neji!"

The girls reacted as if they were seeing a circus, while the cat stayed still.

"It's you, right Neji?!" Nejire asked again. "I can tell from the colour of the fur!"

The cat stayed silent for a while more before it raised one of its paws and pulled his blindfold upwards to barely reveal one of his shining blue eyes with a red octagram over it.

"This is bullshit." The cat spoke in Neji's voice, but it wasn't directed towards his girls. "Where are these clothes even coming from?"

Though he had to say, from a mirror resting in the corner of the room, this form indeed looked… drip.

His eyes softly turned to Kimi. "I will fuck you up, just you wait."

Kimi flinched, but Neji didn't do anything else and brought his hands in front of him, pointing two of his fingers at each other.

"Kurai, at the same time, say it…" he muttered softly. "Unfuse."

Immediately, light shone and dust rose from the point of two fingers touching.

By the time the dust cleared, Neji and Kurai were back to their spots and were touching their fingers again.

"They say 3rd time's the charm." Neji said once before along with Kurai, he chanted, "Fusion."

This time, white and purple light burst out from their fingers, covering the area in an instant. When it cleared, another girl was standing, grumbling and stomping on the floor.

""Fuck this shit! Why won't it just work!!""

The voice of the girl was different this time, it was echoing as if two people were talking at the same time.

The other three girls watched with their mouths agape as the new female walked over to a mirror and raised her shirt to reveal her boobs.

""But holy shit, I am hot as fuck.""

Silver hair braided in twin tails, coupled with purple cat-like eyes, the girl wore another new cloth. A dark blue jacket with an off-shoulder crop top below it, coupled with pants of dark blue colour and a pink belt.

[Image Here]


She grabbed a chocolate from her inventory and munched on it, looking at the mirror seductively.

""Holy wow, I wanna eat myself.""

"Uh, excuse me." Kimi walked towards her with the other two girls beside her. "Who… are you?"

""Oh?"" The silver-haired girl turned to them, ""Me? Let's see… I am called Kur-Ji? No, Ne-Rai? No, doesn't sound right… Uh, I know," The girl grinned, "You may call me God.""

"Huh…" the three girls looked awkward at that.

Kimi was familiar with this troupe and so she was the first to guess what happened.

"I guess this is a mixture of both Kurai and Neji's body and consciousness. Look, she has a God complex and calls herself hot and touches her breasts… Remember how the first Kurai reacted when I tried to touch her breast? This new one is a slut."

""Hey, watch your mouth!"" 'God' said, grumbling.

Kimi shrugged while Nejire stepped in. "Hey, hey! Is this a failed fusion too, then?"

The grumbling 'God' shook her head. ""Nope, nah. It's not. This is in fact called the 'Perfect Fusion'. But there's a catch. There are usually three types of fusion, with this being the final and perfect one. However, due to the ones who are fusing are a Master and Familiar, there exists the 4th rank of fusion, a rank where it is still in perfect state, but the one in charge of the body is the 'Master' of the bond. Meaning, there's a rank where Neji, a part of mine, is the one in charge while Kurai sits in the back."

"Wait, isn't that the white cat one? The one we saw before." Momo asked, curious.

""No, because that body was of the Familiar, not of the Master. In the 4th state of Fusion, the Master would not only keep his mind, but he would also retain his own body structure, meaning he would be male."" God said, her arms crossed.

""Anyway, I don't know if I should cancel this form and try to go for the fourth one. We might just hit the right spot and achieve it right away, or we would need to keep trying until we get there."" God tilted her head, mostly talking to herself. ""But every second is precious, should we really waste time trying?""

This was the perfect state, meaning this was a state where their powers were mixed in a perfect sanctuary. Meaning… unlike the previous two forms, this one should be able to use Mana.

"Wait a minute," Momo raised her hand. "Why do you want to cancel this state? I am asking for a different reason than Kimi." Momo asked. "You're a being entirely different from Neji and Kurai, and so cancelling this form is basically the same as killing yourself, no? Why would you be willing to do that? I would assume someone in your state would want to find a way to be like this forever. Nobody wants to die after all."

""Interesting question. But no, you're wrong on one part."" God raised a finger. ""I am not someone different from Neji and Kurai. On the contrary, I am both Neji and Kurai, at the same time. However, in my current form, I am highly attracted to our actual state, our original forms. I want to return there as soon as possible, in fact. Just, that, I won't do it because I think that's a waste of time to just keep trying and trying until we achieve the 4th form.""

"Ohhhh, I see, I see." Momo nodded, making a mental note.

Nejire then slipped to Kimi to ask her some questions about this, in case she knew, while God fell into contemplation.

'Hm… let's not waste time and train in this for a while… I look hot too, so that's a good thing.'

Then she chanted, 'Status.'

[ —Status Page— ]

Name: `God`

Age: None

Class: The Gamer

Title: Harem Lord

Level: 260

Race: [Feline God]

HP: 5640

SP 4660

MP: 2,665,000

STR: 525

END: 563

DEX: 466

INT: 533

WIS: 448

CHA: 540

LUC: 306

HP REG: 2252

SP REG: 1864

MP REG: 21,320

[ —End Page— ]


2 Million Mana points.

Immediately as she noted it, a system message popped up.

[Ding! You have gained the temporary title, 'Mana God'!!]

[Mana God: You have such a huge quantity of mana that even certain gods would be scared of you. All Mana-expending techniques, skills, or spells require 50% less mana!]

""...Hoho, this is getting good.""

The system had said before when Neji questioned it about "Fusion" back in the day– [Since the curse of the primordial is already being suppressed and negated by the Will of the Omniverse's blessing, for the most part, if your fusion can achieve a strong enough divinity, it can negate the bit of part that remains, at least temporarily as long as you're in the state of Fusion.]

Neji's High-Human race was said to be comparable to Demi-Gods by the System, and Kurai's Nergal is the direct descendant race of a God too, though currently, she was at the level of a divine beast. Meaning, neither Neji nor Kurai were a 'full God'. However, this mixture… this fusion of their powers and personalities, it created a 'God', a real Divine Being.

A being strong enough to negate the bit of curse of the Primordial God.

…Even if temporarily.

With a widened smile, God equipped the title and turned to Kimi and said, ""Oi Kimi, come spar with me.""

"Huh?" Kimi turned, tilting her head. "Oh, okay, if Neko says so."


Kimi shrugged at God's confused face. "Well, calling you God sounds pretty cringe, don't you think? You are in the end, just my daughter you know, Neko."

Neko closed her mouth and smiled… coldly. "Disrespect."


Neko disappeared from her spot and appeared behind Kimi, her hand pulled for a punch.

Kimi turned, her eyes turning silver as she blocked the punch that created a strong shockwave upon impact.

Kimi was thrown back, along with Momo and Nejire who flew to either side of the room.

Neko didn't stop and kicked the air to appear in front of Kimi, who had transformed into her hybrid white tiger form.

Kimi ran from the incoming attack, but Neko was faster.

Even as Kimi escaped the house, Neko appeared in front of her again, seemingly teleporting with her fist folded into a punch as she drove it on Kimi's stomach.

Because of the mana pushed within the punch, the moment it came into contact with Kimi, a huge blast happened which threw Kimi coughing blood flying into the forest.

"Cough- ugh!"

""Pretty weak.""

Before Kimi could even get up, Neko reached her, but she didn't attack.

"Or maybe~, you're just too strong. Food for thought- cough!" Kimi said, scoffing and wiping blood from her lips while the new girl just shrugged.

Neko's 'Level 260' wasn't exactly an accurate number because of the absurdly high Mana. She can apply mana to anything, and her power will be multiplied by a lot.

'Oh, I also got a new Skill. Mana Punch.' Neko thought in her mind.

""Oh well, anyway I am going.""

She walked past Kimi as the maid slowly stood up. "Where?"

Neko turned her head back, smiling. "To get the Phoenix's evolution stone."

The boss of floor-2, the mythical beast, Phoenix.


Kimi couldn't ask her to wait before the girl vanished.

"Ugh, I don't like her. It would have been better if she was horny at least…" Kimi said, sighing.

She felt a strange feeling from that girl… a sense of danger and awe, coming from a stronger predator. Maybe that's because she really was a God, a Feline God, and Kimi being just half of a mythical beast…

By the time Kimi returned to the village, where the orcs and ogres were running to see what happened…

""How can you be so slow?""

Neko walked past her, a red round glowing stone in her hand as she played with it, smiling and walking away.

Kimi simply stared at her back. '...Did she defeat the Phoenix… already?'

But it's not even been a minute since she was gone!




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